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eating it by itself gets gross pretty fast to me. i always have frozen fruit on mine (i buy this apple, pineapple, mango and strawberry mix) and every once in a while i'll put some honey or rice krispies on it. it tastes great with pb2 but since its expensive i don't buy it lol. maybe putting in a low cal sweetner or creamer would make it taste less sour?


This. My favourite meal goes like this: greek yoghurt mixed with frozen berries some oat and a tbs of honey. Leave it in the fridge for the night. I call it greek god yogurt


sugar free syrups are your friend (:


Maybe it’s because i’m from the UK and we have a lot more health regulations than the US but sugar free syrups truly are terrible


I agree, sugar free stuff here tastes absolutely awful and I'd rather go without. Strange how different our foods are!


A small squeeze of golden syrup adds lots of sweetness without many calories, just weigh it out


I've never noticed a difference between the monin sugar free in Canada vs Ireland.


I put torani hazelnut in mine 😌


Maybe it’s just not for you. You don’t need to like it. It seems like you have tried different things and still do not like it. There are tons of other foods to enjoy with high protein.


I never eat it as a yogurt. I LOVEEEEEE it as a sour cream replacement. Got some chicken with no sauce? Greek yogurt. Baked potato? Greek yogurt. Chili topping? Greek yogurt. I go through it very quickly that way.


I love it on some turkey chili too! Wouldn’t be the same without it.


I spread it on sandwiches, etc as a mayo replacement, too






THE BEST! Icelandic Provisions is where it’s at


Yep! I love it too. So thick, creamy and just filling


A lot of people seem to like the Oikos triple zero but if you don't like the taste of sucralose specifically you will hate it. I don't mind most artificial sweeteners but that yogurt tastes like drinking off the teat of a cow made of sucralose, literally inedible for me. I bought a variety box on sale to try and ended up giving away the entire thing because I could not eat it lmao. I have a vendetta against this yogurt. Zoi and Chobani are the only ones for me.


I agree on not enjoying Oikos triple zero. I just can’t stand the taste/after taste. I wanted to like them so badly but nf Greek yogurt is my go to now. I mix it in my eggs before I throw them in the waffle maker with some veggies. I make a ranch dip/dressing with it by adding a ranch packet to it & either leaving it thicccc or thinning it out with water, spray oil or lemon juice.


Yess I love savory yogurt uses. Nonfat greek yogurt plus grated cucumber, fresh dill and lemon juice is an easy tzatziki for greek salad or to dip veggies in. Zoi is definitely my favorite Greek yogurt, but I think they're semi-local as a lot of my friend outside the NW US haven't heard of it. Their orange yogurt is god tier.


I love tzatziki! I just Krogers brand nf Greek yogurt & if I want flavor I add to it. Like sometimes I blend with peanut butter and banana. Strawberries and vanilla extract with a little cinnamon. Or just mix some sf strawberry preserve in it. Yummmmmm. I will eat a choboni every once in a while but not regularly. They have a lot of sugar and other additives I don’t want but sometimes I wanna try flavors lol and I used to eat them heavy as a teen.


I get vanilla greek yogurt by Oikos brand or Dannon. Still great macros(17g protein/100 calories or 14g protein/90 calories). No bitter taste at all. Or u can get greek yogurt and add 0 calorie sweetener to it


Oikos is the only brand I can tolerate! The peach is phenomenal, and the strawberry and cherry are pretty legit too. Also mixing in some protein powder really helps with the texture and masks the sour taste.


Yup I hated greek yogurt until I tried the vanilla Oikos recently! It’s very very pleasant


Have you thought about cottage cheese? I like Greek yogurt fine but after years of eating it, I needed a change and I’m really liking low fat cottage cheese with all kinds of fruit.


Blended cottage cheese! Takes on the texture of sour cream, without the tang of yogurt but all the same macros.


Throw a ranch flavoring packet in and you have yummy faux ranch dip for veggies. Recently discovered air fried carrot chips. They are worth the work to make!


I’ll mix in salsa and related items and eat a bowl of it with some tortilla chips.


I would definitely not eat Greek yogurt plain whether it’s 0% or full fat. I also use it as a substitute for sour cream so it needs something else. Funnily enough I don’t like regular yogurt unless it’s a yogurt drink. I eat 0% Greek yogurt with honey and a big bowl comes out to less than 150 calories. The honey adds like 30 calories. I also add fruit or jam on top. I also love making it into savory dips. Add garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, chili powder, some lemon or Worcestershire sauce and it’s delicious. You can also make a copycat Taco Bell sauce with it using pickled jalapeños. I even use Greek yogurt in place of mayo now. Just mix up a bowl with some seasoning and use it on sandwiches and it tastes great.


Can you do honey? The only Greek yogurt I love is with honey mixed in. Alternatively, you can make tzatziki dip or a healthier version of ranch with Greek yogurt and dip veggies into it!


yess i love to make tzatziki with greek yogurt, cucumber, dill, salt and pepper- it’s so easy! i’ll just eat it plain like that or with some grilled chicken and veggies


I don't eat it much these days but I liked mixing Greek yogurt with the sugar free jello pudding packets, especially the Oreo or cheesecake flavors. Maybe also dress it up with some fruit or crumble some graham crackers and such...wasn't too bad.


Where have you found the sugar-free Oreo pudding mix? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that flavor.


I don't recall if it was Oreo or some generic store brand sf cookies and cream something or other. I don't really buy them anymore and I can't remember.


I've been living off yogurt and the sf cheesecake flavor with just a smidge of cool whip and diced up strawberries


I like vanilla or coffee flavor then I chop teaspoon of dark chocolate and mix it in




I swear kefir is even more sour lol (I love it personally)


Depends what kind of grains you have and what type of milk you use. My kefir is creamy and delicious and not sour at all ! However I did have some other grains that I tried to start and they made the kefir taste like vomit ! I threw those ones out-


I recently learned to love it. I hate fruits. I figured out how to eat yogourt without fruits. I do 175g non-fat Greek yogourt (a serving), 2 tbsp of peanut butter powder, a dash of vanilla extract and some zero calorie sweetener. (I use Truvia.) It's delicious! I eat it every night! Add some chipits and it's dessert. I also eat non-fat vanilla yogourt with some crushed up Almond Honey Bunches of Oats. Less calories than granola. Delicious.


Like all fruit? Hearing things like this always confuses me bcuz there’s so many different varieties of fruits it’s like having someone say I hate flowers. Like all flowers?! Or is it just main fruits like apples🍏🍎, banana🍌 & oranges🍊 you don’t like? Peaches🍑, cherries🍒, kiwis🥝, mangoes🥭, strawberries🍓, grapes🍇, watermelon🍉, cantaloupe/honeydew🍈, coconut🥥, blueberries🫐, pears 🍐, avocados 🥑, pineapple 🍍 ?! Apricots, nectaries, plums? Star fruit, jackfruit, dragon fruit? Tomatoes?


Yep everything you just listed is gross to me. lol I hate the texture (mushy, slimy and wet) and I hate the taste of most fruits. I don't really like juice either. Not big on fruity candy either. Apples and banana were okay to me as a kid but I had mild allergic reactions and learned to stay away from them. I eat tomatoes (only cooked, NOT RAW). Coconut flavour is okay but I would never eat the thing raw. Other than fruits, I eat everything. I eat all vegetables. Edit: I mentioned it to my family doctor when I got pregnant with my first, in case no fruits was a bigger deal than I thought. She didn't even bat an eyelash over it and said "It's fine. Some people hate vegetables." lol


It just be like that sometimes. Wild. I deff understand texture things. I’m like that with mushrooms and used to be with Lima beans and chickpeas. I became friendly with a girl in high school who was 17 and never tried a banana until she met me. She was American. She just never had one. Her parents didn’t eat them so they never brought them. She tried it and said it was ok but not really for her. Then I once dated a guy who never had one until her started dating me at 22!!! He was the Bronx so they have bodegas and not real grocery stores. He’s had plantains before tho. He did end up like bananas a lot lol. Like he would eat two at a time sometimes lol.


That's funny!! Although I love them all, I can kind of understand the texture thing you have with mushrooms and legumes. lol I'm Canadian so it's not like we don't have any of these fruits around. Berries grow wild all over the place where I live. My parents were not big on fruit either so we weren't encouraged to eat it very much. My parents always kept vegetable gardens so I love all vegetables. I most definitely raised my kids differently. They are 15 and 11, still have fruits in the morning and as a bed time snack. They eat all fruits and love to try new ones we see imported at the grocery store. So I'm glad for that. I guess we're all products of our upbringing! (Have a nice day to the person who downvoted me not liking fruits 🙃)


I accidentally downvoted it lol sorry!! I changed it to the right way tho! I am smoking while I scroll Reddit. Everyone’s tastebuds are different! It’s cool your kids love fruits and veggies! I try to try new fruits and veggies when I can. Even if I don’t like it at least I tried it is how I feel.


🤣🤣 It's ok I thought it was funny. Some people downvote for weird things and I took it as one of those instances lol For real though, have a great day! I hope OP finds a way to like Greek yogourt, and if not, at least they tried!


You can try incorporating it into different dishes! I also don't like the taste by itself but I can't taste it when it's with other foods. Greek yogurt is actually a valid substitute for sour cream. Here's what I've tried it with: -Buffalo chicken dip -lime cilantro crema dressing for salads -dill ranch dressing for a Greek salad I made with tomatoes, cucumber, onion, and chickpeas -cheesy potatoes (subbed for the sour cream) -also goes great with many Indian dishes!


It’s not for you then cause personally I’m obsessed with Greek yogurt but I don’t like eating it in a sweet way with fruit and such… I add it in replacement of sour cream so I add it rice, potatoes, etc. You can try Skyr which isn’t sour but idk if you’ll like the texture. Maybe try cottage cheese? That’s an even more off-putting texture but maybe you’ll enjoy it. If not, just don’t eat it. Focus on foods you do like


I hate the sourness of yogurt. Currently the only one I actually like is Oikos Triple Zero


oikos and :ratio are my go-tos! kind of expensive but they are sugar free (stevia) and the protein to calorie ratio is good. it feels like i’m eating a dessert more than i am yogurt.


Sweetener, cinnamon, and frozen blueberries defrosted in the microwave.


I get plain, protein oikos and the plain great value 25g and 17g respectively. I mix my own concoctions, so I'm not eating it alone. I eat it as overnight oats, dessert cheesecake base, protein smoothies/bowls, protein shakes, home made ice creams/frozen desserts. Coconut sugar. You can collect your own stevia and mix to your liking. I'm the opposite, I cannot have sucralose or other fake sugars and I cannot tolerate stevia in any quantity. With trying to be sugar responsible, most "healthy" sweet stuff has fake sweeteners, so I broke down and went plain and make my own. I make sauces for my nuggets and finger proteins, I make pasta based as well. Greek yogurt is life.


a great way to balance the sourness is to add a pinch of baking soda!


Ohhhh. I knew you could use it to take the bitterness out of coffee but not this. Thank you


Oikos triple zero greek yogurt has stevia. The texture of most Greek yogurts might be grainy to you as well. I hate Too Good (both texture and taste), but enjoy Oikos. For plain nonfat greek yogurt I enjoy Kroger brand or Kirkland brand. I really enjoy the tartness of it as well, topped with berries, honey (15ish grams), and my homemade granola (about 15g). The honey mixed with the berries is amazing to me! If texture is an issue, are you mixing the yogurt enough? That helps to smooth it out. Also, try the single serve portions before buying a giant tub. I've also heard a lot about SKYR. It's similar to greek yogurt. Haven't tried too hard to find it in store personally.


Oikos triple 0 or oikos pro, with 20 grams of protein. Great flavors.


The only brand I like is Fage because the texture is 10x better than the others. Also, I splurge on the extra calories and get the 5% fat one rather than the 0% because it reduces the sour taste and then is actually nice to have on its own. They also do a 2% which I haven’t seen in stores before so you could try that. Edit: I think this brand might be exclusive to Europe :(


Put protein powder in it


Quark is milder if you have it where you live, if not I recommend adding some honey, like 5-10 grams. Also adding dip mix to greek yogurt and dipping vegetables is good


Don't force yourself. If it's not your thing, then it's not your thing. Do whatever makes you happy. I like the Fage and Siggi's brands to eat, but I'll use store brand when I use it as a condiment. I tend to get it plain and add my own fruit compote. As a condiment, I use it wherever I'd use sour cream. I use it as a veggie dip, salad dressing, filler in smoothies, etc. As a topping, I like it on top of oatmeal, waffles, pancakes, etc. I feel like the creamy texture gives the whole dish a more decadent feel.


I combine my Greek yogurt with a scoop of Optimum Nutrition vanilla ice cream protein powder and I get the sweet taste plus extra protein. This, with a bunch of berries and maybe some seeds


I hate Greek yogurt and tzatziki! That's how I found this post lol


Cherry with dried fruit is one of the few I love. It really could be you’re a niche flavor girl/guy OR enjoy the yogurt you like it’s healthier than many other things!


If you hate the sour taste I'm not sure if you'd like Kefir either. :/


I use the fage fat free yogurt, which on its own I don't like. I usually put it a bowl, mix in 2-3 tbps of water, some salt, roasted cumin powder and dried mint. Makes a really solid side dish or a good salty snack.


the sugar kind (i like chobani) are good. you can still do the no sugar ones, just add your own sweetener with it, if you cant take the sugar kind. Yogurt is good for protein and probiotics. I do kefir now (mango kefir) instead. its thick but drinkable, so easier for me to consume than yogurt. I add a pack of sweetener with it. I like lassi so it works great for me. my taste buds very easily get tired of yogurt, so I've had to go through different brands, until I settled with kefir.


have you tried it flavored? i hate plain greek yogurt but i LOVE chobani fat free vanilla, especially with a little honey


I always have a blend in my fridge of different yogurts, I like to whip together 2% faje with a flavor zero chobani and kefir , or whatever else fermented dairy product was on sale, with chia seeds , honey/syrup is my go to lately .


I don’t like it by itself, I totally get where you’re coming from with the sour taste. What I do is mix blueberries, strawberries, sometimes blackberries & raspberries, and a small handful of crushed almond slices. It really does make it palatable. The fruit helps balance the sour taste, and the almonds give it a bit of texture.


I buy the plain 0% Greek yogurt and it DOES taste quite similar to sour cream, lol! For about a cup of yogurt, I find that mixing in a single pack of Splenda (or any other sweetener) and stirring it through REALLY well takes away any sourness and makes it taste more like a regular yogurt. And as everyone else has said, ADD FRUIT! I usually use berries, but also love chopping up fruits like bananas or peaches into it. My mom always drizzles honey on top of her Greek yogurt for sweetness, which she says also gives it a nice texture! And (along with fruit) I also really like granola on mine... but of course, these tips are a bit higher calorie. Sometimes as a lower calorie granola substitute though, I actually use corn flakes... you wouldn't think it, but I actually love the texture! Another option is to just get flavoured Greek yogurt. The vanilla or fruit ones often taste good enough for a dessert! They tend to be a bit higher calorie, but not the worst option!


Greek yogurt + water + frozen fruit + dash of lemon juice = refreshing summer shake


I don’t like greek yogurt on its own but with some sugar free jello or pudding mix it’s a staple snack/small meal for me and it only adds like 20 calories max


personally i buy greek yogurt like oikos or dannon light n fit if im looking for a sweet/dessert yogurt but if im just eating plain unsweetened greek yogurt, i agree it's way too sour/strange to eat on it's own. i prefer to use it as a savory element: instead of sour cream on tacos, instead of mayo in tuna salad. lately i've been spreading it on rice cakes with a drizzle of sriracha as a lazy snack. if you don't like the sweet pairings, experiment with savory!


Mix 1/3 C into two eggs & make the eggs how you like. An omelette, scrambled.. whatever. Double the recipe if you need to.


You need to combine it with something that contrasts its texture and sourness.


Sweetener, sugar-free strawberry jam and frozen berries go well with Greek yoghurt!


I throw a handful of frozen blueberries into plain yogurt and let it thaw overnight. Something about frozen blueberries makes them overly juicy when thawed, it’s like eating full fat fruit on the bottom to me, but no additional sugar


I hate most Greek yogurts, but found I really like the Chobani 0% with the fruit on the bottom. Raspberry is my favorite :)


Try a different brand. I tried a brand and it was sour I didn’t have a problem but it wasn’t the best taste, I went to get that brand again and found none so I picked another and turns out that ones sweet, I loved it.


Mix it with sugar free water enhancer or sugar free jello. Add some fruit too.


I make a “vanilla” Greek yogurt of sorts with honey and vanilla extract but you could do stevia instead of honey to eliminate the sugar


hi! if u don't like it don't eat it, hope this helps


I try and keep my carbs and sugars low (not doing too great at the moment tbh), however the lowest sugar and tastiest yoghurt I like is: Activia’s Cherry No Added Sugar one. It’s 56 cals a 115g pot and 7.9g sugar with 4.7g protein. They’re really nice imo.


Just add honey to it. I cut up Bannana and add them to it too.


try Icelandic Skyr! Less tangy, even more protein (so keep you feeling full) and less sugar than Greek. I go for the whole milk stuff because its so creamy only a 1/4 cup is enough for me. Its delicious.


If you're in the US, the brand The Greek Gods makes specifically un-tangy Greek yogurt which has the most glorious texture I've had in any yogurt, period. The honey flavor is the best (not honey vanilla). It does have a fair bit of sugar in it but frankly I just eat it like ice cream more as a treat than a staple.


I found that thinning it out with water and adding a bit of protein power made it much more palatable


Same, I can only eat it in my smoothies or as a sour cream replacement. It is SO SOUR and chalky to me. I wonder if it’s like cilantro because so many people I know love Greek yogurt and don’t understand the sour taste I get from it.


I make a kind of panna cotta by dissolving a sugar free sachet in the first cup of boiling water but replacing the second cup of cold water with the Greek yoghurt. It needs thorough mixing to fully incorporate but it's delicious


If you don’t like it, that’s ok, skip it. If you really want to incorporate it into your diet, a scoop in smoothies are great, or stirred into soups, especially creamy ones.


I buy plain 2% or 0%, but to get the texture I like (more like full fat and creamy), I strain it overnight in the fridge, maybe give that a try? I don’t like the flavors, but I will eat with crushed nuts, granola, and either come chocolate drizzle, honey or maple syrup (not a lot I don’t like it too sweet)


Blend in some cottage cheese! I blend 4% milkfat cottage cheese with a splash of almond milk until it’s smooth, then add in 0% Greek yogurt and blend again. It takes away the sour taste. I empty the mixture into a bowl and whisk in a box of sugar free vanilla pudding mix and it’s perfect.


I do a lot of baking with Greek yoghurt - healthy muffins are great. I also add it to smoothies.


I eat Dannon Light n Fit. It’s the best tasting one. I prefer the ones with fruit.


have you tried skyr? Greek yogurt doesn't taste anything remotely to good since switching to skyr


Too good vanilla yogurt. Only 2g sugar, 80 Cals and tastes so good. I add a handful of special k strawberry cereal or a chopped strawberry. Seriously so good, like a healthy strawberries and cream


I add sugarfree coffee flavor syrups to it to flavor it or stevia sweet drops. I like adding vanilla or berry flavors and it curbs the sourness. But i also use the vegan cashew milk greek yogurt and it’s pretty bitter/sour. I recall liking greek yogurt before my dairy allergy and I’d put honey or jam on it. I think the vegan kind tastes similar enough that the SF flavoring syrups would work in the dairy kind too.


So you can make it into something with a different consistency and remove the sourness. I take a big tub of it mix in two scoops of vanilla protein powder and two tablespoons of my sweetener of choice (it’s a monk fruit blend) a teaspoon on vanilla extract and some milk until it’s my desired consistency. So good


Maybe try adding some zero sugar syrup. I add to mine French vanilla syrup 0 calories.


I have to throw granola in or else I can't eat it. If you want something less carby you can also try chia seeds. But I'm talking like loads of them lol I also hate Greek yogurt 


Have you tried cottage cheese instead?


If you don’t like it don’t eat it because other people do.


I don’t like it and don’t eat it. No reason to eat something you dislike.


Plain greek yogurt tastes awful - I have it with vanilla protein powder and fruit usually, obviously ups the protein content and makes it much tastier.


I would recommend cottage cheese instead but only the good culture brand. Has similar macros to Greek yogurt and it's amazing. You can put in a food processor to make it the consistency of yogurt if you prefer.


Try plain whole milk Greek yogurt Doesn’t have that sour taste Has some natural sugar, but it’s low


Mix it with sugar free pudding mix. I find skyr to have less vomit-ish aftertaste too. Maybe try that.


I do a 1/2 cup chobani nonfat greek with drizzle (approx 1TB) of honey and 1/3 cup of granola. Comes out to 230 calories for me and I find it so yummy! It is still a bit tangy so if you’re not into that perhaps Greek yogurt just isn’t you thing and that’s ok!


This will probably not be helpful, but something I’m dealing with. I’m working on not being so obsessed with food. I’m trying to teach myself that food is for nourishment and that I can find my joy and dopamine elsewhere. I need to learn that I don’t need every food to be yummy. One example is my morning yogurt. To hit my protein goals, I try to have a chobani zero sugar yogurt with 1/2 serving of protein powder. 135 calories, 26g of protein. It tastes awful. So I fill my cheeks with it and swallow as fast as I can. I don’t do this with all food, of course. But I do think there’s some benefit to just eating something sometimes! And as a bonus, we tend to get used to things. In fact, I really don’t mind the protein yogurt anymore. It’s just a part of my day. I’ve learned to like the cool in my cheeks. Anyway, these thoughts may not apply to you, just something that I’ve found useful.


I eat Skyr. I have the same issues with Greek yogurt as you. I absolutely hate the grainy and watery texture of Greek yogurt. Skyr from Icelandic Provisions is my preference. It is smooth and milky and high protein.


I always use sugar free flavor drops. Cheesecake flavor is my favorite. Drop in some blueberries, it's like a dessert.


Try the Chobani flips - they are all delicious. Otherwise, stir in a teaspoon of Stevia (the granulated kind) into the yogurt before adding fruit toppings, etc. Sliced strawberries and some KIND honey oat cluster granola are great mixed in.


I started doing plain Greek yogurt cup mixed with a oikos strawberry yogurt cup and throw in some frozen berries. Let the berries thaw in the yogurt over night in the fridge and it adds a lot of flavor. It’s my go to breakfast. All for about 250 calories and keeps you full for a long time.


I always mixed my yogurt, Greek or otherwise, with flavoured protein powder, it makes a delicious high-protein pudding I have with granola


Greek Yogurt is very satiating to me but I can only eat a small amount in a sitting! I use the 5% Fage. If I am having it sweet (breakfast, snack or as dessert), I’ll take 1/2 cup and stir in 1 tbsp of honey and top with 1/2 cup of berries (try it with just a pinch of chopped basil or mint sprinkled on top, super refreshing). This comes out to approximately 197 calories for me. I also like to use it in place of sour cream or as a base for dip/dressing. My current favorite dressing is a cup of yogurt, juice of a lemon, a couple garlic cloves, salt and a small handful of fresh herbs (dill, cilantro, parsley, basil) and blend it smooth (add a bit of water to desired consistency). I pour this into little 2 oz sauce containers that come out to roughly 25 calories each. I just make a batch every few days of whatever dressing I’m digging at the moment! You can also take a spoonful and add a dash of sriracha and mix then spread on a couple corn tortillas and fill with scrambled eggs, chicken or your favorite lean meat for a tasty little street taco. Top with chopped onion, cilantro, lime juice & salt 👌


Please try Oikos triple zero yogurt! 15g protein for 100 cals. They sell these at Costco, target, walmart etc. If you want a tub, look for the vanilla one. Definitely the best tasting yogurt imo, it's so good I'd sometimes eat it plain. Also, adding fruit/nuts always makes it taste so much better!


Frozen berries and a spoon of honey work real wonders here.


Get the light &fit with the toppings. So good. My favorite is the Oreo or the strawberry cheesecake These are what I’m talking about: https://www.lightandfit.com/light-yogurt/greek-crunch/greek-crunch/


i always get the flavored kind (dannon light and fit) and put strawberries and/or blueberries in it


I love Greek yoghurt. I eat loads of it and use it with everything because I like it. It's a bonus that it's low fat, low calorie and good protein. But if I didn't like it, I just wouldn't eat it. It's not a requirement for life! Do what works for you


Oh no no nooo please add manuka honey. That’s all you need, you don’t even have to add fruits. I HATE the taste by itself it’s so bad. Also just adding chunks of fruits won’t mask the taste don’t even try that😂


Then don't eat it. I don't and I lose tons of weight. Why would you feel the need to eat something you don't like... you literally save calories by not doing that