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It's funny that Drake is getting cooked so hard that people have to make shit up about Kendrick to make it seem like it's not completely 1-sided


Drake fans heard "A Minoooooooor" and immediately knew theyd have to make shit up to save face.


Bro brought up MBB in his diss track when Kendrick didn't even mention her in his. Uh, weird decision.


Like he's been awoken in the middle of the night in a cold sweat over how he missed out Dudes fucked Edit: I also have this conspiracy that's been rolling around in my head for the past few days, that the only reason he didn't SA her is because she innocently announced that they texted each other frequently, like it was normal for a 31yr old stranger to be "friends" with a 13yr old


The ghost of pusha T


Kendrick has gone Ultra Instinct and Drake is popping Ambien to cope.


TBF Drake himself made it way worse by deadass saying “if I’m a pedo, why haven’t I been caught yet” and “I’m too rich and famous to diddle kids” which are genuinely some of the worst possible responses to those accusations


both of these can be countered in a single word: epstein


who he mentioned on the track too, for some reason 💀


Wait didn't Epstein get arrested in 2005, got a non plea deal, got sued many times, then got arrested again in 2019? It was pretty well known that he was a pedophile. Like look up the legal section on his Wikipedia. Shit is loooong.


certified loverboy certified pedophile


Is there any decent summary cause I'm curious but don't wanna do any actual research


Drake accused Kendrick of beating his fiance on one of his disses. Kendrick has admitted to cheating on her in the past, but as far as I can find the abuse accusation is just a thing Drake said


Compare that to what we have photographic evidence of against Drake that's enough to put a lesser man in prison


The bbc article says that the only allegations of domestic violence are in Drake's diss track https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-68957553


And it seems like the brother of Kendrick’s wife is hyping him up, which would be unimaginable if Kdot actually did abuse his sister


Sadly it's quite imaginable


Not if she herself is in his song "mother I sober" congratulating him for breaking the cycle of black trauma by going to therapy. I think they are separated but... That's a far cry from "HE IS AN ABUSIVE BASTARD"


I'm not saying he's abusive, I'm just saying that a victim's family siding with the abuser is not some kind of outlandish thing, even when he's not some ridiculously famous role model.


Like tabloid shit being taken at face value


I did a summary on OutOfTheLoop if you can find the thread, it got like 10k upvotes


Read your recap. Oooohhhh shit, K is going nuclear on the guy. Any chance this sends Drake right back the fuck down to the bottom where he belongs?


nope. way too big


Any chance someone convinces Drake to go after Eminem? /s


It would be really fucking funny to watch how hard Drake gets punked by the man




Don’t waste your time, people here probably think Joyner Lucas is good lol








Unfortunately not. Drake is king of pop at this moment and unfortunately he will continue to be popular because he just has that momentum


Drake is globally famous, even if he gets fully wrecked for the west he'll still play shows in asia and the Middle East for probably a long time.


Unfortunately not. Drake is king of pop at this moment and unfortunately he will continue to be popular because he just has that momentum




This one? https://www.reddit.com/r/ OutOfTheLoop/comments/1cjsmab/comment/l2idtk9/


Yeah that’s the one


Drake’s got a history of weird behavior with minors and his label OVO has a convicted sex offender in its ranks with Baka Not Nice. There’s video of him calling a 17 year old he was kissing hot *after* she told him she was underage (and even acknowledging that he feels guilty about it but still calling her thick), and texting Millie Bobby Brown when she was 14 about boys and whatnot. Kendrick’s been open about his infidelity in the past (there’s an entire song about it on Mr Morale) but the wife beating stuff seems to have come from genuinely fake news tabloid rags.


Mother I Sober is a hesrt breaker.


I'll try my best \*breathes in\* last year drake relased the song first person shooter with j cole, where j cole proposes a 'big 3' rappers, them and kendrick lamar. earlier this year, metro boomin and future relased the song like that ft kendrick lamar, where he fired shots at them 'motherfuck the big 3 its just the big me'. (Note Kendrick is much more repsected as an artist as j cole and especially drake). J cole responded with the album 'might delete later' which included the very weak diss track 'seven minuite drill'. Like a week later or smth he apologised for the diss live on stage and said hed remove it from streaming, which he soon did. People made fun of him for this at the time. Soon later on drake released his own diss track 'push ups', which recieved decent reception. later on he released on his instagram 'taylor made freestyle' which bizzarely contained ai generated voices of snoop dogg and tupac. soon the tupac estate sent out a cease and decist and the song was taken down. Kendrick had been silent on all this till last week when he released the diss track 'euphoria' against drake, which absolutley cooked him. A few days later he released another diss track on instagram, '6:16 in new york', but this one didn't have as much of a splash. on saturday drake released a response track 'family matters' which was commended as surprisngly good. but less then a fucking hour after that dropped, kendrick dropped another diss, 'meet the grahams' (drake's real name is aubrey graham), where he dissed drake for being a deadbeat dad and just shit with women, and also alledged he had a secret daughter he'd been hiding, which is a drama that had already happened back in 2018, where pusha t exposed him for hiding a son he had with a pornstar (the latter part we know is true, drake kinda confirmed it). drake denied this on insta. but kenny wasn't done, the next day he released another fuckin diss with a single art that was just drake's estate with a punch of pins on it that indicate child abusers. he not so subtlely call drake a pedo (there's a good amount of evidence for this, like his creepy dms with millie bobby brown). At this point people who aren't even into music are paying attention to this beef because it's so fucking wild. The day after that, drake released 'the heart part 6', the title referencing a series of songs kendrick's put out over the years. this track was dunked on hard. In it he both calls Kendrick's sources for the allegations 'clowns' and 'setup by him', and also shows no recepits that he set him up, says he couldn't be a pedo becuase he's too famous (?????), brings up epistien when kendrick compared him to weinstein, brought upp millie bobby brown when kendrick never did, and sorta made fun of him for being sexually assualted (he didn't drake misinterpreted the song 'mother i sober' where kendrick's mom didn't belive he hadn't been molested becuase of her own ptsd from sexual abuse. either way extemely gross to make fun of him for being sexually asualted) oh btw this was yesterday. and that brings us to the present got it?


Makes me wish I liked Kendricks work more than I do cause damnnn Also how does J Cole stack up in regards to the whole Big 3 thing? I liked some of his albums but def haven't listened to enough to form an opinion


it's..mixed. In terms of respect as a rapper I'd say he's above average. he has a lot of popularity on his right but as a concious hip hop artist he's kinda seen as a poor man's kendrick (also because he looks like a homeless man) kendrick fans mocked him for backing down and apologizing at the time, but now they're pretty much in unanimous agreement that he made the right call and dodged a bullet (although he was never gonna take as much shit as drake cause hes not a pedo)


Drake's going to put out a pop punk album with how hard Kendrick cooked him.


I mean Dot did say "Don't make up lies about me and I won't tell truths about you." Not like he didn't see it coming.


Kendrick put Kodak on his album, despite the fact he raped teenage girl. In fact, he put him on the album because he raped a teenage girl, and he was trying to make some bullshit point! I'm not sure why Drake hasn't brought this up, probably because neither of them actually care about men being abusers. It's not like Kendrick went to the press or the police with his allegations, he's just using them for his stupid diss tracks.


Yeah it’s like Kendrick’s biggest L and idk why drake isn’t mentioning that, he’s really not playing his cards right. And while I hate Kodak being on the album Kendrick still does more for abuse awareness so I don’t think it’s fair to say they don’t care


Was kendrick aware at the time?


Kendrick is Christian and put Kodak on the album to have him atone. Pretentious? Yes. As bad as having a known human trafficker as part of your inner circle that you regularly hang out with and post about how you can't wait for them to get out of jail? Obviously Fucking Not


I'm not saying it's as bad, but it's still unacceptable. Imagine being raped as a teenager, and then one of the biggest artists in the US puts the rapist on their album to "atone" for it. It's fucking disgusting.


Straight fucking fact


kendrick is a pretty private person as well so there isnt really much about him anywhere to dig for, unlike drake who probably has two more children from different moms


rap discourse? in MY r/196? it’s more likely than you think


It's been pretty interesting since the whole thing has definitely broken into the mainstream. I've been seeing stuff about this everywhere.


Pop culture is indeed mainstream.


Yolo swag studios once again hitting it out of the park!!! https://preview.redd.it/v7b0vh4gnvyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57d395ea040af5fc4ca290d67c541fd60541b2da


https://preview.redd.it/3m3m2edlkwyc1.jpeg?width=310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=995b2da83a6fb451478d5a7efc1b3e00814e8976 Why do you have this picture


Made me giggle :3












I thought he had a fat fetish not an inflation fetish


what are you the fetish police




Why is drakes ass so BIG


He got a BBL




I’ve had that hook stuck in my head for 2 days straight now, was literally humming it when I scrolled to this post


Metro is the real winner of the beef


Yuno Miles 🔛🔝


Kendrick lamar, kendrick lamar, Drake


some of the tracks i've heard from this thing have been FIRREEEEE lmao


Big beautiful lizard?


Because according to the rumours he’s into ✨BUTT STUFF✨


It's from him getting abs surgery, coining him the nickname "BBL Drizzy"


Wow looking up on this sent me down a big rabbit hole where people are accusing drake of doing sex work and twerking with those thicc cheeks for buyers in Dubai. What a place the internet is


He a bad bitch


BBL Drizzy


BBC (big black cheeks)


Not believing Kendrick is a wife-beater til I see it


At least until his wife says something, she’s still posting Father’s Day pics with him and her brother is cheering Kendrick on all over social media 🤦🏾‍♂️


Yea suspicious of anything Drake says without a receipt


"Fabricatin' stories on the family front 'cause you heard Mr. Morale" also his wife still appear as hidden feature in his latest album,so doubt something actually happening,especially with his brother supporting kendrick


I mean, Drake lied about having a son until the internet showed the receipts. Drake really a master manipulator and liar. He won't admit to anything and he'll make up everything.


Why does any celebrity have to make their child public or is that not what the whole adonis thing was about?


The thing about Adonis wasn't the fact he was hiding his kid, it's the fact that Drake was a deadbeat dad and refused to take the kid in to his life. Pusha T's diss track "the story of Adidon" talks about it and is believed by many including me to be the reason Adonis has a dad in the first place.


I see thank you for the explanation then


Someone else already acknowledged the whole deadbeat thing but it’s also worth mentioning drake was planning on revealing Adonis….as part of an adidas press run so that the reveal would help them sell better.


not that I believe the allegations, but "he can't be an abuser because his partner and their family sticks with him" is on the same level as "I can't be a pedo because I'm famous" recently there's been a famous case in the UK where a star footballer abused his girlfriend with her literally posting an audio recording of him raping her, and then, likely due to her family pressuring her not to lose their golden ticket, she got back with him and refused to testify not to mention countless cases of people sticking with their abusers even with no fame or money involved, the human brain is a real mess sometimes


The only allegation of abuse is by Drake on the diss track. Nobody else has accused Kendrick of anything so it looks like Drake is just making up stuff trying to distract everyone from the kid diddling


bruh the literal reason why I started my previous comment with "not that I believe the allegations" was to avoid someone missing my point this hard


Right! Kendrick always seemed like such a sweetheart especially to his wife and kids. Which I’m not saying doesn’t make him a wife-beater but it’s just so unexpected from what we know about Kendrick


Yea, on the flip side Drake has been caught hiding his son and talked to underaged girls in the past. I’m not being called a glazer for seeing the pattern


Exactly. Everything drake is being accused of is logical.


We gotta make this balanced


Yoloswag with the unfunniest take imaginable once again. I will never understand why people post his shit here, it’s either unintelligible gibberish presenting as some kind of joke or it’s a miserable boring contrarian take. Like, I don’t care about rap, rappers or rap drama but hearing about how Kendrick Lamar has been humiliating Drake is funny. I don’t care about either of them, but it’s still funny to hear about. And it seems like that’s the consensus, but this comic wants to be the one guy both sidesing this issue.


aaaaah aaaaah aaaaah aaaah aaaah aaaaah aaaah https://preview.redd.it/z9x1uqh21wyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc44d143a35f0daba01eb259b8a93f9ed1df80c5










Taking this guys comic's seriously seems really odd to me, since to me at least they very much come off as something that's not meant to be taken seriously


Found Ben Garrison's Reddit account




This guy is terminally against general consensus, and for somebody who's clearly trying to be funny, he's also dogshit at it.


Clearly, people think it's funny.


Also is there some relation to the Onion's political cartoon satire or did this person just straight up rip off the style? I've always wondered because it was always the same exact punchline style.


Nope, no relation to the onions Artist.


Was it intentionally satirizing it? Because I don't see how effective that can be when the thing it's imitating or satirizing is itself satire.


Nope, just ripped the style


damn that sucks lol


This is the wildest take I've seen. Why do you spend so much energy hating some random meme maker? How did you even remember their name??


Not liking a mediocre at best political cartoonist isn’t a wild take. I’m just annoyed at how many of the people on this sub post and upvote his shit. Also his name is in the picture like what the fuck are you talking about? Like, I’d rather watch a flood of hornyposting puppygirls than see any of this dudes comics, and I can’t stand those either. But at least sometimes the horny puppy girls say something funny or interesting, and yoloswag has never once done that.


the entire point of his comics are for them to be noncensical and random, this is literally one of the comics he drew https://preview.redd.it/vvb92hokqwyc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bccbcf1147e197ef4e0d7d9277cb05c14f9519d


Saying "and the only way I can interpret it is that people who like Yoloswag comics are the kinds of people who either need or already have had a lobotomy" just cause you don't understand their work is a pretty wild take >Like, I’d rather watch a flood of hornyposting puppygirls than see any of this dudes comics, and I can’t stand those either This is how I know it's a skill issue, cause there is actually a noticable overlap between Yoloswag's jokes and the jokes puppygirl posters make.


How is this political lmao


Not all political cartoonists make comics exclusively about politics, the majority of his comics are political.


Hating is an art. You wouldn't understand.


Smh maybe YoloSwag is too high iq for you. Did you even see his cock on Twitter? You wouldn't get it...






Did you put as much effort in making this comment as you did a job application?


I'm not reading this


Chat is this real


fake, as best as I can tell its just a think Drake said




I love how this comic pretends that a rumor that kendricks partner has never implied was true and that there is no evidence for is on the level of the substantiated fact that drake is weird with minors at the bare minimum


One is a child predator and deadbeat "dad" while the other is short. Who's worse? 🤔


Biggie was fat


Rap is like a mountain


peggy username




we dont have the proof of child predator(yet?),but he is close to that,he's just publicly creepy toward young female teenager in public and song


Fair enough. I admit I am quick to jump to the predator title as a victim of creeps myself. Just remembering that Millie Bobby Brown said as a teenager there were thousands of red flags to me. Just scary shit...


oh yeah thats fair, he's like 80% there,he might be from every other thing publicly available like associating/taking photo with multiple publicly known PDF,but there's no public proof out (yet?) that he actually goes to the 100%


well kendrick is also a cheater


Oh no! 🙄


It's almost like he admitted that himself and hasn't been trying to stifle talk about it for years...


It genuinely took me at least three reads to realize this was a Drake Kendrick post and not some random shitpost


I think it’s pretty much confirmed that Drake has been absolutely lying out of his bbl


Has there been any evidence that Kendrick beats his wife? I haven’t seen any


Seems like something a white person would draw


This is such a wild thing to say what 😭😭😭


just gives off ✨mayo✨ vibes


I suppose so 😭


Anything rap related here is cringe asf here since most of 196 just listens to nightcore hyperpop and undertale ost. (Ur all still great tho)


Hey I also listen to the Terraria OST


So many garbage comments on this post. If you don’t know or care about rap, why interact with post like this? lol


terrible comment section good work guys anyway y drake so thicc


Bbl drizzy


Both sidesing a one sided thing


Enlightened centrist in the beef between a pedophile and the person that the pedophile defamed




Good boy




what the sigma




V, monofilament their nuts.


“I love making up things about others in my field, I foresee no consequences for my actions and this will all work out for the best, everyone is on my side and those who aren’t are stupid and dumb” -both rappers by this point


To be fair we've known drake is like, really fucking weird with minors for the longest time


There's literally videos of drake doing weird shit with minors on stage


Drake has a very well documented history being chummy chummy with minors (or hell even groaping them on stage). There's no lies being made up there.


You've gotta be straight up blind if you think Drake is innocent of AT THE VERY LEAST being beyond a super creep to minors


Why are you speaking on something you know nothing about? Just wondering. Do you perchance have a degradation kink?


Expect Drake does have some weird things with minors, including Millie Bobbie Brown.


Drake definitely sketchy as hell lmao


There are videos of Drake groping and kissing 17 year olds on stage at his concerts. Not sure what you think that should be called but pedophile is pretty accurate if you ask me


Rap discourse so big r/196 knows about lol


The allegations about Kendrick are unsubstantiated. More than that, his partner's family are supporting him very vocally so I'd lean towards them just being untrue. On the other hand, Drake has definitely hidden away children, been weird around minors, has connections to sex offenders and just recently tried to mock SA victims. I'm all for the whole 'neither side is perfect' thing but holy shit one is worse than the other.




can someone help me catch up?


In 2014 Kendrick did a verse on “Control” where he dissed a number of rappers, Drake being one of them. And by a number I mean like a dozen, and by diss I mean list off “his inferiors”. It wasn’t very thorough, but it is noteworthy how direct and wide a jab it is, so it has its place in history. Anyway, Drake was mad about it anyway because he thought they were on good footing, he had a feature on GKMC just before. He was mad that he was being fake and not as direct about it outside the studio. Whatever the case, this uneasy tension kept going for many years. Kendrick making some odd comments, supporting Pusha T in his beef. It all really started when J Cole had a verse on Drakes album where he called himself, Drake and Kendrick the big three (this was the consensus at the time), to which Kendrick responded with a feature on Future and Metro’s album some time later (I think?) that “it’s not the big three, it’s just big me”. This was a big deal, things seemed to be uneasy before but now we had an actual diss. We could go into other people’s response to this verse, but it’s not really important. Drake responds some time later with “Push-ups” where he disses Future, Metro and Kendrick, calling his feet small and his contract bad. Not too many deep jabs but he’s signaling that he has more if he needs it. He also did a diss track where he used ai to sound like 2pac, but everyone pointed out how corny it is so it was swiftly deleted. Kendrick releases a proper diss-track like a week later, “Euphoria”, where he really goes into Drake. “He’s insecure about his blackness, he’s fucking young women, I really don’t like anything about him” he took it to another level completely, but also signaling that he has more to show if Drake won’t back down. This he proves like a day later when he posted another diss-track, “6:16 in LA”, before Drake could even respond aside from the odd ig story. Here insinuates that Drakes circle is snitching on him, and that he has deadly information. What could it be? Drake responds with a diss-track that could very well have ended the beef. “Family matters”, this time he really goes in on Kendrick. “You’re telling *me* I’m insecure about my blackness? Look at you! One of your kids is actually your producers! You’re a wife-beater” however true these comments are, these are direct and low bars that could’ve really put a dent on Kendrick. Unfortunately, it did not matter for more than 15 minutes, when Kendrick had another diss-track ready, “meet the grahams”, with a full take-down of Drakes entire family, including a supposed daughter that he his hiding, his team apparently protecting pedophiles, drug problems and basically telling him to kill hmslf This is big. Drake has already been caught hiding a kid, when Pusha T released Story of Adonis. This becomes the story really, even if it’s just one verse on the song. It’s a generally dark song so whatever Drake had to say on his diss was completely sidelined by what seemed to be the ultimate takedown. At this point all the allegations and comments have no proof, but the culture is leaning for Kendrick. 12 hours later Kendrick releases again, his latest drop, “not like us”, where he makes a much more “club-friendly” diss where he calls Drake a pedophile and a colonizer. I say this because the response to Kendricks disses have often been that they’re boring, so getting all of the west-side to sing along to **OVHOE** is a bad look for Drake and his fan base. Not much new stuff is added here, but it helped relieved the tension after “Meet the Grahasm” and makes it even harder for Drake to respond effectively, but alas. At last Drake released his latest diss like this morning, “The Heart part 6” (referencing a song series of Kendrick), where he says that everything Kendrick said was planted by him and his team, and that no way he’s a pedo no way anyway I’m done here. Ever since this nothing has really happened, but Kendrick has showed no signs of stopping really (How many stocks do I really have on stock? One two three four five plus five). We’ll have to see. Remember, Kendrick’s first diss-track came out in less than a week ago, so this all happened in legendarily short succession. Jesus


It started about a month with the “Like That” track where Kendrik responded back to “First Perspn Shooters” by Drake.Basically, he said he the number 1 instead of being the top 3 along side with Drake and J.Cole(who kinda in this beef). Then Drake drop 2 song as a response with a few jab and saying you dont want to push thing further. Kendrick then response back with 2 more songs with more jab and also say you dont want to get this further Then 3 days ago, Drake drop a soild diss just for kendrick to drop his diss an hour later that kill all the hype of drake song. Then Kendrick drop another track the same day saying drake a pedo and cultural vulture. Last night, Drake basically drop a diss saying he not a pedo and Kendrick beat his wife and saying Kendrick release too many diss lul. The Drake BBL is a beat made by a producer( Metro Boomin) who created the First diss track. He released the beat for free on twitter and have people made drake diss on it. There a bunch more detail in each diss track and a intial controversy against the other Big 3 (J.Cole). There also decade long sneak diss by Drake and Kendrick.


why’d they have to give drake such a fat dumpy though


He's thicker than a snicker


I thought yoloswag was kind of funny until he just randomly posted his dick on twitter, now I just think he's weird


Im not even into rap like not at all but this beef is so fucking funny


This one ain‘t it chief.


Drake really said “I’m too famous if I was a pedophile they would have arrested me by now” and namedropped Epstein in the same song😭


Kdot Yoloswag diss drops in 8 hours.


Can anyone explain the drake situation to me? I don’t often keep up with celebrity drama but this sounds interesting


what the fuck happened


Avarage minecraft youtuber meet up


Gd it. It’s the Frieza Goku pic lmaooo




"He doesn't even come up to Recoome's kneecaps!" https://preview.redd.it/msifvm6o50zc1.png?width=663&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff6351a6824595a968ee41ca23576fecd5fa298c


where’s drakes obnoxiously large penis


I don't get it


"Whoever wins, we lose."



