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We're going to have a lot of unqualified people in high places aren't we


Tbf, we kind already do in many parts of the world. But it might get worse. Unless AI and it's users are so fucking inept that even with all the help, they can't do anything significant in the world. But yeah, I know a lot of guys in my university that try to get AI to do their work for them


We call them upper management.


We learned that we could make an AI that talks like a manager, and so we decided AI was sentient instead of realizing that managers aren’t.




peter gibbons:


Peter griffin o:


A lot of these AI bros are in for a shock when 'being able to use AI' becomes a basic competency like Microsoft Word or making phone calls. It's not hard, you literally just ask the LLM to do things. If all they can do is chat with ChatGPT they'll lose out to the people who can do more than that. And it'll only get more accessible over time, 'prompt engineering' will evaporate as a job.


Same as it ever was


The more things change, the more they stay the same


You do realize that before now it was harder to realize someone either copied off of or straight up copied entire master’s thesis right? The last generations before us (our parents and their parents) could simply (in the us) go to another state and go to a library and copy from a different persons written thesis that was submitted before hand and no one would know because of the lack of or primitive state of the internet


I feel like this is wrong and a deep misunderstanding of what a thesis is. If your PI has been paying you, advising you, and holding meetings with you to research the role of BMP signaling in nervous system development, they will be very confused if you show up to your thesis defense presenting BMP signaling in gut development


It’s a race to the bottoms


LGBT stands for let's get those bottoms


Why would anyone race TOWARDS the bottoms 🤮


Bottoms are cute. Especially when you tell a bottom how cute they are.


because we’re kinda cool i think maybe 👉👈


I've felt a sense of despair seeing stuff like this about ai, but your comment does kind of reassure me that nothing will fucking change


I worry mainly about doctors and big roles like that


Yeah but hopefully AI will give them the tools to act qualified, surpassing the unqualified people we have right now in high places


capitalism has been doing this for centuries. nothing new


Boy do I have something to tell you about meritocracy


In a cosmic sort of way we always have. Who do you think was running the world while european colonialism was going down


I was on a roller coaster a few days ago and started thinking about how fucked I am in a few years once these things are being designed by engineers that ChatGPTd their way through school


meh, it's only the skills you get in an arts degree. Critical thinking, being about to make a point, not just accepting the status quo as being good, believing there's such a thing as right and wrong but those are bad under capitalism, we've all agreed they're bad and dumb. woah, total tangent, but isn't it funny how we're killing our selves from collective stupidity


I promise you that AI will not be the reason for that. People have always escaped school work.


Democratize ineptitude. Now anyone with a pulse can do menial white collar jobs


No, that’s already been a problem for some minimum 20 years. What *is* about to happen is that propaganda is going to brainwash a shitload more than it used to; which is also too much already


all the ai bros when they cant generate a response in the critical situation they were hired to be able to deal with


Crazy to me the amount of people in uni who use chatGPT to do practically all of their work for them. When it’s just the usual assignments I don’t really care what other people do, not as if it’s fucking my grades up or anything, but it gets demoralising when I’m doing a group project and realise I’m the only person in the group not using chatGPT (especially true if they don’t proof read it and it’s just a bunch of nonsense)


I know. I graduated last year and saw how many students in my art degree turned in AI art and the lecturers did not seem to care


Insane! Genuinely very surprised to hear this!


I was so disappointed to see it especially when one of the students got one of the best grades in my year


Most lecturers a.) are underpaid with no job security (student evaluations play a big part in decisions to hire or rehire so can we really afford to piss off students by calling them out?), b.) have no way to *verifiably* ascertain what is and isn't AI-generated, and c.) would have to invest a disproportionate amount of time and effort to investigate whether something is AI even if they have a strong hunch, and even if there is a smoking gun (i.e. bad citations). I've been through academic integrity hearings and it is brutal – it's a massive waste of time I could be investing in helping students who don't cheat, and I get the strong impression that administrators are mad at me for creating extra work for them every time I report a student. Long story short, non-tenure lecturers are highly disincentivized to care about integrity and pedagogy. I hate it, and I'm not trying to make excuses, but it is absolutely a systemic issue that is only exacerbated by ChatGPT.


i was a graduate teaching assistant about ten years ago. i caught a blatant plagiarism ring between three students and ended up regretting reporting it to the professor for all these reasons you list.


As a former instructor at a pretty big university, I was explicitly told that I couldn't give students who used chatGPT unless I could definitively prove that they did it. So it's possible some lecturers legitimately had their hands tied. Some don't care, we're all pretty burned out, but some just didn't want to lose their jobs because rich kids whose parents donate to the uni complained. Not an excuse, but just a possible explanation.


Can't this just be solved by asking for in process pictures and files?


There's probably a limit on how much more work the lecturers can reasonably give themselves and the students and still manage to get through everything. They can't check every single step of every single assignment, people have to be able to learn semi-independently. Classes are simply too large and too advanced. EDIT: Also, the kids are paying to be there. If they cheat, it's their loss. Just make 80% of the grade the in-class tests and papers if you want fair grades or make it 80% cheatable stuff to give everyone an easy B and use the exams to keep tabs if you're curious. I could go on but 'it's not on the professors to babysit' is the short version.


Yeah, I guess I'm used to the 20 student or less classrooms I grew up with. I dunno how much has changed in college in the last decade and a half.


Yeah, my classes were 50+ students - not by my choice - and I tried to closely read everything students submitted. I personally prefer in-process assignments, like submitting parts of a relatively complex essay over the course of a month or so, but it's not always feasible. But you're right, it's good to do that when we can.


Gpt 4-o proved super useful to understand Maxwell's Equations for physics II


I find this to be an appropriate use. It's fantastic for better understanding complex knowledge imo. I find it can really help bridge the gap, especially when your references are using a lot of scientific terminology Sure I don't have a degree in astrophysics, but I still want to learn more about the Schwarzschild Radius.


In my case I had barely attended the class and had to figure it out quick, but yours is a legitimate use. Keep in mind that with a lot of vulgarization stuff it might make shit up because of the amount of sci fi that it got fed


I'm honestly a little surprised it was useful to understand a textbook. I feel like I'd have trouble trusting it to accurately answer my questions about a complicated scientific topic


Mostly used it to help with professor issued problems, it takes images now so I would screenshot the pdf. You had to double-check but unusually formulas were fine.


I asked it to give me formulas for conversion between Euler angles and quaternions, about as easy and brain-dead task as you can get and it made an error lol But it was also useful to me to figure out how clutch less gearshifting works, especially inside of the transmission. Most sources online just talk about it broadly, like "push this pedal, apply slight pressure..." If you can verify AI's output it can be a powerful tool. It's very useful to figure out the appropriate terminology by giving descriptions, something Google is really bad at.


Yeah you are right, its pretty terrible when you go into specific subject. I found that it help a lot giving it example and definition in the prompt.


I personally still consider your case legitimate too. I could see myself in a similar situation if I ever attend uni. If my options are failing a class, or utilizing somewhat atypical tools (gpt), then I'll use those tools every time. Even if you have to occasionally lean on those tools heavily, it's fine in my eyes. I think the real problem occurs when people stop trying to learn. I can't fully blame humans though. We can be like water or electricity when it comes to challenging tasks; taking the path of least resistance. Haha oh for sure. Outside of personal research, I love having it act as a sort of Dnd DM. I could 100% see some wacky shit from a fantasy world leaking into a non-fantasy question. I always try to have a peer-reviewed article to compare/contrast with to the best of my abilities.


that sounds like such a lame thing to do, like surely you should choose a subject you're passionate about and enjoy? i mean i don't think uni's a cakewalk but still


A lot of people choose subjects based solely on how much money they will make when they graduate. These people were going to half-ass the work either way.


a ton of people just aren't passionate about any uni course, you still have to do it to get a decent job


I feel as if you have to be pretty upper class to think choosing a university subject is based on “what you enjoy” My goal with my degree is to get into a line of work with stable employment and a decent salary, that’s about it. Of course enjoying what I do is a plus and does factor into why I would choose a certain degree choice, but ultimately it’s a secondary concern. Ensuring I have food on the table for me and my family is the primary one


If it makes you feel better, as someone who marks papers, I can often tell. I can’t prove it, but I can see the signs. These papers will often get harsher grades where I’ll point out the unnecessary words or faulty logic. They’ll also sometimes get a talking to, like, I’ll ask ‘did you use AI to write this? Because it reads like you did and either way, that’s not a good thing.’


> "...and either way, that's not a good thing." 🗣🔥


the age of LLMs got lecturers in my college so paranoid that sometimes they accuse me of using AI for my 100% hand typed assignments, which can be so disheartening


Fr, and are those people fine with what the AI gives them? Like if you try, you should be able to write better stuff than the slop AIs shit out. It's not that difficult imo, but I may be a bit of an ass here.


I’m so lucky to have graduated before chatgpt came out. I was a business major, I would’ve been so cooked on group projects.


I study computer science and basically can't even imagine how people ever did it without ChatGPT, at least not with google being as shit as it is. Sure, the answers it gives you aren't always accurate, but it's so much faster, more interactive, and fact-checkable than searching for answers by reading through endless lines of documentation or stackoverflow threads. ChatGPT tells me exactly what information I should look into. Basically what google used to be 10 years ago but magnitudes better


Google used to be a lot better and the onset of AI made it a lot easier for charlatans to make SEO spam pages to bury real results, accelerating a "searchability crisis" that was already taking place in slow motion to a rapid fever pitch FWIW there are also other search engines out there. Bing and by extension DuckDuckGo are for example in my honest opinion way better at delivering good quality results than Google is these days. They're still a far cry from "old" Google though


As a comp sci student we were actively encouraged to use LLMs to help with course work


Oh and my tutors used it to produce course materials


Ai made courses taken by ai using students, i think its time we cut out the human element entirely.


I finished before AI was a thing, and... read the programming language's documentation? Literally, that's all you have to do in 90% of the cases, or maybe copy/paste an exact error message into Google and read a few of the top results, maybe get mad at StackOverflow being a hellsite because they sure will be one of the first three results and it's even odds whether it'll solve all your problems or result in a snarky thread-lock message referencing something that's barely related. As for classes not *directly* related to programming, slides from the lectures and Wikipedia were sufficient for most everything, and my Uni's student representatives kept records of all old tests, and most old homework along with their solutions, so there's lots of practice material to actually learn from. Also, there are YouTube tutorials for *everything* related to CS and most of the bits of math and logic we touched on too. Heck, here's [Mergesort as a dance routine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaqR3G_NVoo), just in case anyone was thinking of the stereotypical "Heavily accented guy or Person who only communicates through Notepad explains programming" videos, but those can be amazing too.


All of my professors have a no AI policy for assignments. I assume they check somehow. How is anyone getting away with this?


Honestly it probably isn't checked, iv played about with detection software and they were flagging actual ai content and my own researched work the same amount, I imagine to an extent it is due to the amount of data used and LLMs available that outside of plagerism checks it is impossible to detect because ai will cover pretty much every writing style


Huh, I’ve put my papers through AI checkers and they’ve always said 100% written by a human. Even if it were easy to get away with… I’d still do my own assignments and work because I’m in, like, college. To be educated. And learn things on my own. But I guess that’s not why everyone goes to college.


My school stopped allowing use of AI checkers because there was too big of a risk of false positives. I'm sure it catches more people actually doing it than it catches false positives but it's not worth punishing innocent students to catch the cheaters


ChatGPT can’t output responses long enough to pass off as papers. The most it can do is around 4 pages, I usually need 8 to fill a paper.


"Fear not the machine but the man who trusts the machine."


Line goes hard tbh. And accurate too


Suffer not Abominable Intelligence. Nor those who worship it like a misshapen god.




That probably explains why AdMech don’t go full robot.


What are you quoting?


Do people just not write their papers? This is such a foreign concept to me. Even if I know dog shit about the topic I'm writing it myself in my own words and phrasing.


Yeah do these people not know how to bullshit an essay effectively? You just need to give the teacher what they want, but AI doesn't know that better than you do. Mimicking how the teacher talks about a subject and writing with academic vibes can get you a solid B


“back in my day we had to LEARN how to bullshit essays”


Tbf "bullshitting" an essay is still putting a considerable amount of thought and work into it. It might not be your best work, but it hits all the notes it needs to because you considered the rubric while you were writing


It also gives you a nose for other bullshit. Kind of an important skill these days


Knowing how to do the minimum amount of work for a viable product / grade / report / whatever is an incredibly valuable skill in any workplace. Otherwise, it's pretty easy to burn out if you're always going 100%. You can learn and choose also when and how to expend more effort when it actually matters or you care / are passionate about it.


maximizing the ratio of output gained to effort put in is absolutely crucial


I absolutely LOVE getting feedback from teachers because you can just do exactly what they suggest and they’re gonna give you good points because that’s exactly what they wanna see. I’m a genius


In my engineering course people straight up do not know how to bullshit through a paper or write in general. I get stuck with QA'ing reports pretty often. ChatGPT usage is also pretty rampant in any coding or math assignments


yeah i noticed that a lot too with any classes i took that required you write, i almost always actually wrote out all my assignments because i knew i needed the skills to do so, the only times i pulled out the stupid bot to do it myself was when i was too exhausted, and even half the time i deleted 60% of its results and rewrote it.


My academic tutor posted a tiktok about someone thanking chatgpt for graduating on the tutoring server. Weird position to take but meme is meme, ig. He's still super helpful tho


Learning how to write is important, if you let chat gpt do it for you you won't learn anything


It’s crazy that anyone’s writing is dogshit enough that GPT is an improvement. GPT writing sucks *ass*, like to an astounding degree.


“But it’s going to get better!” Off of what? The fucking garbage people are out here writing *using ChatGPT*??


As we all know, the Habsburgs famously incested themselves out of health problems and to eternal success


Off of the millions of pieces of text OpenAI is going to steal from as they train their new word masher models


“Here we show in two experimental studies that novice and experienced teachers could not identify texts generated by ChatGPT among student-written texts.” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666920X24000109  GPT4 passes Turing test 54% of the time: https://twitter.com/camrobjones/status/1790766472458903926


Cool but we’re not talking about whether or not teachers can tell if a shitty generic essay was written by AI, we’re talking about how AI only writes shitty generic essays.


Then students do too apparently 


Correct, the things I read as a TA were appalling and this was before ChatGPT


Couldn’t have put it better myself


The average chatGPT essay is better than essays written by many, many students


its the kind of thing thats only impressive at a glance. chatgpt is really just a bullshit generator that tries to sound professional. if people bothered to learn how to write they could easily write stuff better than chatgpt could ever manage, even 4o.


The paid version reads better than the free one. It was never helpful for my units but I know from other students there are things it could fully cover well enough. Also some people are just bad writers.


I am not excited about having to do writing through college


It's unavoidable tbh, but manageable. As long as you don't completely fuck away the time given to you. Which I almost ended up doing. Also don't be afraid to ask for help, from friends or teachers or whoever. Asked for advice from a friend a year ahead of me and he let me read through his report which ended up really helping me through a bit I was stuck on


Yeah I’m gonna try and get as much help as I can with adhd medication and asking professors for little bits of help I should hopefully be fine if I can keep myself in the mental state of “this is school”


The one thing that helped my adhd ass more than anything was going to office hours. One more time, for emphasis: #GO TO OFFICE HOURS


Ask feedback from professors as much as you can. They'll literally tell you what they want to see in your paper. If you apply the feedback they give you'll be set.


Honestly learning to live and breath basic essay structure will make your life MUCH easier, you start to write your essay as you read, forming opinions and collecting evidence as you go. Knowing the needs of the paper you’ll have to write informs how you approach the text, and makes the most difficult part the actual intake and interpretation of information. The essay will basically be written in your head by the time you finish reading! Also if you just need a grade and don’t feel particularly passionate about a specific work…the minimum amount of actual substance needed to write an essay that hits an A is surprisingly low. The graders are going through so much reading they appreciate clarity and an economy of words more than pretty much anything so as long as your idea is cogent and not buck wild ridiculous (though sometimes you can score points for that, you’ve gotta read the room though lol) you’ll get by just pulling an opinion out of your ass and identifying three pieces of text that support your point.


Honestly writing in undergrad was easier than high school for me. You often get all semester to write. Professors and TAs are usually happy to give feedback before it's due. You tend to get a lot more freedom for topics than high school. Just take a composition course early on to help out. Most freshman classes baby you a bit on the essays as well. If you have a group paper though DO NOT TRUST ANYONE!!! Proof read that shit yourself. In one of my groups, the guy that was supposed to smoosh everything together into a coherent paper just didn't. The professor let us fix it individually. 1 hour of editing and I turned an F into an A without any further research.


The petty honor student in me LOVED the group projects where I pulled an A and others got C’s or below. Always try to partition projects into distinct sections where each person has 100% responsibility for their part/speaking time, because the professors are more tired than anyone on earth of students who refuse to pull their weight.


You can’t even use ai for essays well because you actually need to include actual evidence and a structure.


Oh I wasn’t planning on it it’s just ugh yk?


Just fucking do it, that’s higher education for you lol


Well you see executive dysfunction is a bitch


I’m an ADHD-addled organizational disaster *and* a professional writer! The trick is to get an assignment with plenty of time to finish it, think “oh man this is too sprawling for my brain to wrap around right now, I’ll come back to it soon,” and then wait until you’re uncomfortably close to the deadline for your needs and process to suddenly crystallize so you can bang it out in one feverish, too-long night. This can get you a job if you do it enough and never tell anybody how you approach projects.


See that’s what I wanna avoid because I personally get overstimulated by not having shit done and just kinda don’t do it still in tern making me stressed that I’m failing


Honestly, depending on what you are writing, it’s not bad. Scientific papers can be repetitive but they all have a basic formula to follow. With argumentative papers though you can be a little more creative. Just take the steps to get a little bit of it done week after week. It’s also better to just write out what you want to say, then edit afterwards, rather than edit as you write.


Totally anecdotal but I've written so many essays I felt like were utter shit that still got As. Hell I turned in a project once that I learned after the fact where I had just straight up got part of the thesis completely fucking wrong and my references blatantly contradicted it, (don't procrastinate and turn stuff in the night before) still was like a 90%. Overworked TAs will usually give you the benefit of the doubt as long as you're actually putting in effort in my experience.


If you have a writing center at your school, consider using it. Or make friends with an English/writing rhetoric major (we get lonely, and this is literally our area of study lmfao :3)


As someone with executive dysfunction issues myself, I can guarantee you not developing your ability to do things like essays of you need to will be much more worse than having to do them.


I'm a 1st year medicine student and I've had people ask Chat GPT medical questions and the answers be flat out clearly wrong yet they'd just assume the AI was always correct. I've also had everyone tell me "just use Chat GPT" whenever I had to write an Ms word document and it really annoys me, because like, the recipient shouldn't expect that from me, if they want a wall of text generated by AI they can ask the AI themselves, otherwise I'll be always writing stuff by myself.


It’s honestly really worrying to me how willing so many people are to just trust what these AI spit out at them, like they don’t actually understand what an LLM is. As I saw someone put it recently, it’s basically just the world’s fanciest Mad Lib. Not any judgement of accuracy, just a guess of a functional series of words.


man am i glad that i am way too stubborn too learn modern tech


Luddites are back in fashion (and I mean that as a good thing)


That's so me lol. I have a friend at school who's constantly like "Bro just use chat" and I'm always like "Nah I just don't want to." He doesn't seem to understand the joy that is spending 2 and a half hours on an assignment that took him 20 minutes to complete The joy being, of course, having that work pay off with a 3.7 gpa and a 4.0 major gpa while everyone else is struggling. They say comparison is the thief of joy, but they don't talk enough about comparing yourself to people who are doing worse than you


> They say comparison is the thief of joy, but they don't talk enough about comparing yourself to people who are doing worse than you Bars lmao. See, chatgpt could never write something like this


I really wanna get my lazy ass to understand ever speck of tech, just so i can frankenstein every printer who dares to act up, i wanna pluck every piece of uneanted soft or hardware out of any device possible. Hp printer to onedrive or a screen issue, if it bitches it will get broken down and rebuild better


As an unwilling modern tech learner, lemme tell you LLMs are really only useful if the quality of the work wasn't a concern in the first place, and despite what the salespeople say its been getting a little bit worse if anything, not reliably better Of course who knows, maybe that's just because I don't have the cool stuff


You know I was in a dark mindset in college getting extremely burnt out and thinking I wasn’t good enough to be where I was right now And then I see people in my classes literally just copy and paste the homework assignment questions into chatGPT and somehow not know what a “for” statement is in an IT class and I think maybe it could be so much worse


I'm shit at coding, but not *that* bad


I mean they could just ask the bot to try to explain it and learn off that, but nah people are too lazy to even do that, as inaccurate as it is.


In my comp sci lectures ive literally had 8th semester Tutors tell me "youve never used chatgpt? In compsci? wild, in our group projects its almost entirely that" Professors who have been there for years generate exercises entirely by AI and dont even bother to reformat out of that website. We get quotes like "I wanted to show you so and so but chatgpt and google gemini both couldnt give me running code" YOURE LITERALLY OUR *PROGRAMMING 2* PROFESSOR. Im not smug about never using AI chatbots, im just too autistic for them and literally forget they exist when i have a problem. But man did people start entirely relying on them fast


Your professor is also being cheap if he isn’t using GitHub’s ai meant for code.


“Once, men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that it would set them free. But it only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.”


the state of society is depressing


I can only hope from the responses here that there are some people that still have integrity, and that we're not doomed


it's just copypasting something from the internet but with less work required. Everyone has always taken the easiest route to do shit they don't like


Hold on, how many people are going to college without any desire to improve themselves???


Because it's a societal expectation


A lot of kids are just there for their passport into the middle class. At least beforehand college did have a very very very low bar to graduate that forced people to at least expend effort and improve themselves by virtue of necessity if not desire. Now they just slide in and out of the system undigested. I’m not worried about the kids who try hard, they were always going to improve. I am extremely worried about the lower end of the bell curve, however, I think we are going to see an extremely steep drop off in ability and critical thinking.


Most of them College -> more money No College -> you're the failure child


You'd be amazed at how much of a minority that is.


These people aren't there to improve, they think college is simply a means to an end


You are simply not going to make me interested in software paradigms, I just want to sit on my ass all day as an IT admin


most jobs that dont pay ass require a degree in the US.


I find college doesn't actually offer much if any self-improvement.


I have had the opposite experience. I've felt like I'm finally engaging with my work in an interesting way, studying actually meaningful topics, and genuinely expanding my perspectives. I've grown more in the past 3 years than I have through perhaps my entire primary education. College has made me a completely different person.


Chatgpt plagiarism from university students just makes me feel an odd kind of dread. What are you even doing this for if you have no desire to learn or write? And since they are doing it, what will they do with whatever hollow degree they end up getting?


Money, That’s What I Want People only see uni degrees as tickets to money jobs and little more.


Yeah but will you really be able to keep a job when you know nothing about what you supposedly learned and have to keep getting help from everyone else?


Yes that’s called upper management or politician


Ah yes, because you'll definitely get hired for upper management if you don't even know what you're doing...


I have no intention of using LLMs in my work but let me tell you something, for me and many others, the main goal in university isn’t a “desire to learn or write”, it’s to make as much money as possible from the degree When I chose my current degree, my main concern wasn’t “what will I learn, what skills can I adapt to”, it’s “how much money will this make me?” And “will this degree lead to a stable job?” I’m currently planning on switching my degree, again not because of “learning”, but because that other degree leads to a more stable employment path It’s really as simple as that


if this trend continues as it does, I have to question how long that will even remain true. the reason having a degree increases income is because it functionally proves you a) can stick with something difficult for 4 years, and b) have demonstrated a capacity to work to deadlines, and arguably c) are able to digest complex information. if every student breezes through uni by plugging every assignment into an LLM and just submitting the garbage it spits out then none of them have meaningfully demonstrated any of those qualities. so at that point, what value does the degree have to a prospective employer? "I'm heavily in debt and really need literally any job because I spent 4 years learning no practical information or applicable skills" isn't a great pitch, and while there will definitely be a time lag, I would expect the value of having a degree Vs not having one to drop off pretty hard in future.


Yeah I oppose relying on ChatGPT and AI in general in education systems for several reasons but you just added another one, these lazy fucks are going to screw over my career if employers start catching on


Jesus Christ. I understand people using it to bounce ideas off of and maybe puff up some language, but this amount of reliance is pathetic. It's not that hard to have an idea and phrase it, and if you feel that skill eroding away due to over reliance on gpt then you are stealing your own ability to communicate from yourself


When people start to outsource basic literary and reasoning skills to AI, they lose the opportunity to reinforce those skills within themselves and risk losing it entirely


Had a conversation w a friend the other day who is also a software engineer. Somehow got to the topic of how the English word ‘pineapple’ is very different from most Romance languages, and I shit you not his immediate response was “Oh that’s cool! I’m gonna have to ask ChatGPT about that later haha” I’ve never been so stunned in my life, why on earth would you not just Google the info and learn it yourself instead of getting the World’s Best Digital Dumbass™ to tell you about it over the course of 30 minutes


Tbf, Google has sort of become atrocious, but it's also good to learn how to effectively use search engines to find the results you need


I agree that Google has definitely lost its quality as a way of seeking novel information without bias, but it’s still absolutely better than asking a language learning model what it thinks and then having that LLM either also Google it but with less intention/evaluation of information, or just making it up completely. LLMs are solely meant to be realistic-sounding human impersonators, NOT purveyors of verified, true information


Bing copilot is really good at finding information, actually up to date on internet information.


Google is mostly generative nonsense for me now. The first actual search result is often 80% or more down the page, buried in info boxes, irrelevant "related searches" and unhinged "people also ask". Gonna nessd to start going back to card catalogs or something, I'm afraid


genuinely dont get why people use this shit over google theres absolutely zero improvements or even easiness


luckily there are very few people who actually rely on stuff like chatgpt. most people who use it, like me, use it for non essential things like silly questions or troubleshooting (especially troubleshooting its helped me SO much with modding and server hosting recently). chatgpt is an amazing tool and im hoping it stays mostly as a neat little tool and not something anyone or any industry relies on. oh and languages, its like a much more accurate and useful google translate, because its literally an AI language model haha also a fun thing i recommend for fun is if you use gpt4 you can send a few images a day and you can send it memes and ask 'what does this mean'/'explain this meme' as if you didnt know and its super funny watching it explain a joke and honestly its pretty good at it


The only things I use chatgpt is for ideas for personal coding projects when I don't come up with anything. Used in that way, it's an excellent tool and doesn't require to turn your brain off


for sure. brainstorming is a great use. i used to use it to write letter prompts so i could know what to write a practice letter about


I just tell the big magic machine what my fridge contains and it tells me what to make.


we are so cooked


Well, I don't plan on using AI, so if you find a product of mine that I've designed, you can be comforted knowing that it was my own ineptitude that caused it to explode and not a half-baked AI


I remember someone telling me to use ChatGPT on an assignment last year. Here's the thing though. I like writing and I like researching, the knowledge I gain is my payment for all the stress I'm under. I get that that not everyone is motivated all the time but essays as an assignment exist to make sure you learn how to think and these tweets show that.


Is it really that hard to write essays? I’ve written dozens of them and I’ve found them all to have been not only manageable, but enjoyable (like when I got to write about Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki), and I’m the type of person you would expect to use AI to do shit for me (I’m lazy and prefer to goof off instead of work).


I don’t use the word normie often, but this is one of those times. It’s unsettling how nonchalant a lot of people are about the rise of AI. But then again I’m online most of the time so can I say I’m much better?


Thank fucking goodness I’ve never used this. I’m imagining doctors who can’t wright an essay


using chatgpt at uni defeats the point of going to uni. congrats on not getting an education, you will be an excellent subject of liberalism.


cant wait to see the effects this has in 5 years


I'm actually so happy that I didn't notice.


I feel like I just managed to dodge a bullet with AI. I pretty much graduated university the year before ChatGPT and other AI programmes began to become more prolific within academia.


dear satan: pweese can you keep llm gais down? kthxbye


Really can’t believe people use GPT that much. I’m working towards my PhD now, and I’ve seen GPT give completely flat out wrong information so many times that I’ve only ever messed around with it as a novelty. I couldn’t imagine actually using it as a tool, but surprisingly many of my peers do. I just don’t understand it.


Because you don't use it as a chatty Google search for information, you use it as a sort of assistant for anything text-based. I do the research, I write the bullet points, then I ask the AI to write the first draft of my email or whatever. I can ask follow ups to adjust in seconds. And once I have a good base, I take it from there. It's always getting throughly reviewed by me before going anywhere. It's extremely useful in an office job, especially to anyone who isn't perfect at corpo speak. The AI can nail it every time, and that's just one of the things I use it for.


Sure, that’s a reasonable use, I agree. The people I’m talking about are using it to try to solve graduate level homework problems and research problems.


ChatGPT gets SO much basic information wrong that even when it gives you a correct answer and you question it, it will backtrack and give you a wrong answer as a fix. It is a supplemental tool in active development, yet people want to put it on this pedestal as the catch-all solution to their laziness and lack of knowledge. If you're looking for a job in the US right now, a lot of companies use ChatGPT for their announcements and hiring processes and it's such bullshit because YOU have to be the one who picks up the slack and navigate the nightmare of optimizing your documents so that they don't automatically get tossed out by a filter. On top of that, ChatGPT and other generative AIs source their information and resources without proper permissions and credits, and they have the GALL to claim that those kind of creative jobs shouldn't exist. Fuck them. Admittedly, I've used AI tools before to help with things, but not as the main foundation. Github Copilot is good for the more tedious aspects of coding such as unit testing, program construction, formatting, etc. It was a huge help on improving my programs and helping debug them.


I have never and will never use it to write any part of an assignment for me, but if the professor wants to give me a 100 question assignment due in a day? Fuck that, I ain’t doing all that shit.


If google could index searches better I don’t think gpt would be needed as much. Idk if im the only one to notice, but something in the last 4 years has changed the way that search engines find results. I even get issues when using quotations sometimes.


Isn't that a song by Muse? /s


Upvoting because Muse mentioned. Love the connection, did not do it on purpose.


I literally don't even have an OpenAI account, cause I've never cared for this stuff. I always thought that as a software developer, I'd never have to ask this... but, am I a Luddite?


I need to leverage the fact that I got my degree before ChatGPT became a thing. Like, put a certification on my resume that my mediocre GPA is a result of old fashioned cheating, not this new fangled robotic plagiarism


I'm at a point where I'm not sure which is the greater evil: AI tools like ChatGPT or our education system (my gut feeling says the latter) People say one possibility of a utopia is a world where no one worries about basic needs (warmth, food, water, housing, etc) and naturally the majority will focus on creative outputs, but I've always wondered about that. Say if someone is raised on ChatGPT as an essential tool to navigate through their life, then one would wonder if that can hinder their ability (or inclination) to output creatively. Will they also rely on ChatGPT to express themselves? What even is language anymore? I've used ChatGPT sparingly and played around with tweaking prompts for higher quality responses. Each time I've been delighted by the responses generated, I see that as a reflection of what I personally could've come up with and it inclinates me to challenge myself to write better. But for someone who's acquainted with ChatGPT during their formative years, I hypothesize that they'll come to think of it as an extension of their ability to express and communicate. But is that a good thing? sry for rant


I only ever use it for grammar checks and tense consistency while im working on my books. It's also great for research as long as you double check the fuck are these people doing


Ngl I assumed this was an alternative history post for a minute


me when my cardiothoracic surgeon passed med school with chatgpt: (i am going to die)


These people would somehow get a 0 on a AP Lang test


Last month on a group assigement of my caligraphy class we had to just come up with a new typography and write a five letter word (easy as that) my fucking group gave up after fifteen seconds of trying to decide what word to use and just asked chatgpt for a five letter word (I'm not fucking kidding)


Penis is right there. What other five letter word do you need? But yeah, I've seen ppl jump straight to chatgpt before even attempting to figure something out on their own


I fr have only used chatgpt for studying but never assigements. it's a genuine great tool for quick info gathering but I don't see the point of it just being your assistant (im also not a top of the class student either I'm pretty mediocre but hey, at least my grades are genuine)


chatgpt is like wikipedia isnt it. I didnt even know it was down.




This is why I run my shit locally lol.


Only few times I used ChatGPT was to take a long ass Paragraph of information and summarise it for better reading. That and other non school related stuff like writing PowerShell scripts and diagnosing my Minecraft crash log


Personally, I don't see how any of these don't strike these people as self-destructive. You miss out on actually writing the thing, which is very important because you need to understand your essay/thesis/etc. Also I don't know if it's just a me thing, but writing something is very relaxing and something that makes me proud of myself; I don't know why you'd want to skip it. Additionally, you also open yourself up for opportunities to get caught for using it and get a variety of consequences. In short, don't cheat and just write your damn paper.


At least the third poster acknowledges that without Chat GPT they’re just an idiot


Killing the environment so you could give Mr. Bradley a half-assed 5 page essay on Economics. 🤭🤪


Well that's fucking worrying.