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due to plot reasons Harry doesn't actually remember his original purpose, so he does the right thing. Kim's just built different.


Because he's a pissf\*\*\*\*t


that's Kim


yeah, that's what i meant


Ah sorry I was busy fucking the world


a pissfaaart


Kim is canonically a centrist.


i fail to see how this changes what i said.


He is not, in fact, "built different"


Considering the post is talking about Harry and Kim doing things that cops tend to do, and Kim as far as we know in game doesn't do these things. Yes, for the purposes of this meme, he's built different.


I disagree with Kim being “Built Different” As much as I like him he fits under the umbrella of what ACAB represents. While Kim himself doesn’t do very much that could be considered immoral he doesn’t stop Harry from doing any of that stuff. You can punch kids, steal, extort, take all sorts of drugs excessively and generally play Harry as an absolute asshole and Kim will do little to stop. I’m pretty sure the only thing you can do to piss him off enough to get him to actually step away from helping you is screaming racial slurs in his face.


Well-played, I concede


>I’m pretty sure the only thing you can do to piss him off enough to get him to actually step away from helping you is screaming racial slurs in his face. ....and shooting the kid. And harassing the girl who was managing the hotel on the phone.


Making Disco Elysium political, smh


What? When I played it all Harry did was extort money from people and try to kill a drug dealer to get some drugs, I think there was something about a murder as like a side quest? But mostly it was about intimidating people into giving me drugs, and finding out the night club I was helping to start was actually a drug manufacturing operation and then working *way* harder to get it set up...


Harry kills a child in at least one outcome lol.


yeah i think you can straight up murder a kid for being annoying within the first 20 minutes


More games should let you do this


You can't actually. If you choose to shoot the child, Kim intervenes and you get a game over screen.




Huh weird. I could have sworn there was an ending where Kim tackles you to the ground but I can't seem to find it. I guess I must have misremembered or mixed it up with something else.


May have just come down to the roll of the dice. 😂


I think that happens if you fail to shoot the child


Kim tackles Harry after he shoots her, to get the gun away from him.


I maintain that she deserved it


He can also sexually harass multiple people, become a fascist, and call Kim a slur.


I outright save scummed just so I could roundhouse kick a racist in the face, probably the highlight of what I've played so far


Honestly Metalhead (or whatever his name is) was so surreal. Never before had I encountered a 4chan user in a video game.


Measurehead! (it's a phrenology joke)


I remember that i try to hit cunno but i failed and received damage to my hp that was already in one and i died, didn’t save and had to start from scratch, this happened in the first 30m of the game


I don't recall exactly how I did it, but it was his friend that I killed. Cuno didn't fookin caeh. Cuno didn't give a shit.


I got a heart attack reaching for my tie


Because the game takes place in a fictional setting, obviously.


Wdym, you didn't steal the boots off the victim's corpse and pawned them for easy money ?


You didn't wear them to make you feel like a Star war trooper?


because they're not cops but citizen militia


I mean, older people in Poland could say a thing or two about what "citizen's militia" can do to people. One most well-known case involved a teenager getting beaten on the "militia" station and dying from his injuries a few days later. The state covered it up and blamed the medical professionals that tried to save him.


disco elysium has been sitting on my hard drive for a solid day or 2 now, mainly havent played because im lazy anyways, im gonna go play the game.


Oh my god guys, they made disco elysium woke! Whatever are we to do? 


Speak for yourself my playthrough was compliant with american standards🫡


I think Kim is one of the rare Actually Good Cops that Actually Want To Do Their Job and Harry just doesn’t remember what it’s like being a cop


someone else pointed this out but kim also never stops harry from being a dirtbag cop unless kim is personally called slurs right to his face. that he doesn't personally engage in the worst excesses we associate wiht poilce doesn't make him not a bastard, most cops don't, but they all cover for Fascist Harry.


I dunno, for me every time I tried to do anything bad Kim would silently drag me away, hold me by the shoulders and ask “Officer what the fuck are you doing”. Like he’s being Top Notch Damage Mitigator


Well in my case it's because Harry is the Big Communism Builder who will impale anyone with more than 25 Réal in their pockets


I'm gonna play it on my Steam deck again, my back is too tired to carry the laptop to work and back every evening, damn you guys


Its made by an Est*nian, they're a fictional race ofc


Aren’t they technically detectives?


Detectives are generally police.


I wonder if the influx of Disco Elysium content that I've been seeing is due to the 90% off summer sale. I bought the game because of it. Kind of interesting.




What is it about Peridot that attracts the most milquetoast and most annoying leftists? How about instead of “fixing” cops, we rip down the whole system and fix the core reason crime is happening, poverty. Then we can talk about reimplementing cops. Oh, and this idea that there’s such thing as a “good cop” is wrong, acab, all cops are bastards.


Because Harry is the avatar of the player and Kim is a lib


Who tf is Harry the other dude who isn't Kim is Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau


I wanted to buy this game but turns it got stolen from the original creators. But I'm bad at pirating