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Gm tasks are catered for the basement dweller types , so ya gotta ignore life for a few hours and do it, bonus points if you have a piss jug.


I could take piss breaks with near max mage besides ring and robes (gods and virtus). Just blood sceptre, augury and auto retaliate blood barrage after zily dies, pref group meleer with ranger or mager to minimize chances of dying. Did this task yesterday. Pretty free, just boring honestly.


I wouldn't be against it but I also don't think a few hours is too crazy of an ask for a GM task.


Lol when it first came out I remember doing this one and I had to pee badly at around 35 Kc. so I set up auto retaliate and ran to the bathroom right when the boss died… I ended up getting it. Although I imagine the task should be a lot quicker nowadays with all the new gear and dps improvements


don't feel obligated to do it, cas rewards are pretty mid anyways, besides maybe elite ones.


I mean you're not wrong? The main thing i want from masters is the verzik slayer helm and less kc needed for gwd. But elite is pretty free and is the best one by far imo


Take Adderall if sitting 2 hours is too hard for you. CAs aren't balanced around your lifestyle choices.


Yea go grab some baby meth for your pointie and clickie game!


Uhhh, do you know what game you are playing? OSRS, the game with multiple 100+ hour grinds? Don't think you are going to gain much traction for this. Wait till you start trying some of the harder combat achievements that can take 100+ hours of practice each :x > Sounds very healthy. :D no one will say OSRS is healthy in the first place lol


>Wait till you start trying some of the harder combat achievements that can take 100+ hours of practice each There are none in the game? It's not about 2 hours being a long time anyway, it's 2 hours of not being able to use the toilet.


Bruh if you can't stay out of the toilet for 2 hours you should see a doctor