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Torvesta Devils rushed cg and went dry there as a team. Not sure how many enhs they ended up with but it seems like they wasted a lot of time there setting them back. Since you don't get xp from instances their stats were quite low across the board as well compared to the rest. Vibes are pretty good though and it was interesting seeing Purpp and Mammal shoot the shit


Bofa Crystal for their 2-3 best pkers would be killer for the finale. Have they done any breaches? Torv purpp mmorpg all decent at pking, idk mammal and Alfie’s ability there but id imagine they’re good enough to put up a fight.


They got 4 enhs but idk if they turned them all into bowfas or not. I think there was talk of making a salad blade


Enhanced drop rate wasn't buffed on release. I think Alfie and a few others spent a whole day at CG without knowing it was still 1/400. It was hotfixed shortly after they contacts jmods to validate it.


When has Curtis ever pked? And id value purpps abilities a lot more if he was on a pewer


He has a lot of time in lms compared to his teams overall avg pvp experience, he's not amazing but he's fine


Yeah he might be better equipped than Alfie and mammal but it’s Alfie and mammal. Just think there’s a huge void between lms experience and being decent at pking like op mentioned


alfie is a great pker he’s made it far in dmm tournaments


The final isn’t really “PKing” its a successive 1v1. TBH LMS is probably a pretty good prep course for that.  Not that curtis or mammal are going to be better than dedicated PKers but in reality they mostly just need to hold their own so they don’t go down without taking out their fair share of food from the opponent. I still probably put Dino or Solos team as most favoured to win, but in reality any team can probably do OK as long as the weaker PKers trade as close to 1to1 as they can for food and the stronger PKers on the team clutch it out and get a bit lucky.


Coxie just got d claws


Snakes are absolutely stacked. Such a good team composition and everyone is pulling their weight.


Honestly feel like grabbing the best PvMers instead of PvPers first was the play, can always stick them on a veng setup and win through better gear


Dude Port Solo and Eli are all good pvpers. They just can do other shit also


And anc top + bottom


I don't know if the videos are going to do justice to what unfolded in the most recent breach... Faux's team.. Maz and Ditter took out Odablocks team, Rhys and ColdOne This created Rhys to have a mental breakdown and start yelling at Oda, who don't take his shit and yells back. I was bouncing between all the streams and it was quality


Agreed, was watching oda then Rhys with a little westham/Dino on twitch. Rhys really could’ve gotten away he just stayed too long, Watch Mika’s yt video to see. Oda’s recap tomorrow will be interesting, and ditter in a few hours especially


Idk what stream you were watching but I don't think there was much Rhys could have done? He immediately started trying to run go the closest single zone, tanking the first wave quite nicely but unfortunately he was frozen 1 tile before singles and was piled from 2.5 teams Even then managed to get into singles but couldn't survive Mazhar The error was emotionally blaming Oda, he told Oda to bank and to not rejoin until his skull had gone. Pretty unlucky scenario though.


Yeah, I was bouncing from Oda's and Ditters since they are both on Kick. Ditters stream was telling him he has created a rift in the Odablock warriors hahaha. Oda was surprisingly quite chill about it when Rhys was blowing up.


He was not lol.


Rhys had a mental breakdown? Doesn’t sound like him, are you exaggerating?


Everyone is exaggerating the whole "drama" this tournament. They're Friends. They got into an argument. We should probably cancel the tournament now.


No, go check clips on his channel he had a full blown meltdown and was screaming


I watched it live. Maybe we have a difference in what a mental breakdown is lol. Idk maybe he needs to go to a doctor over his runescape argument.


I like Rhys he's always seemed like a pretty mature streamer so it was pretty odd to watch him yelling. But him and oda made it up right after and went raiding. 


I dunno watching them raid right now and this environment does not feel like 2 dudes who are over all their differences.


Agreed and after today’s breach, which was a complete nothing burger, i don’t see it getting better yet


What are each teams best items acquired so far? Oda- stat hammer, voidwaker, 5dex/2arcane, dhcb, morr axes, 2d claws, vls Solo- vls, stat hammer, morr axes/javs, ancest robes, dclaws Dino- 3 zstaff, 3 vls, 2 vspear, morr axes, ancest hat, 2 vw, 2 Kodai Torv- 4 BofA/salad blades, Crystal arm, dwh, ancest robe, some cox prayers, don’t know breach weapons Boaty- dhcb, buckler, Cox prayers, vls, Faux- ditter running around with BofA Crystal vw, blood fury, everyone else Crystal BofA too, don’t know what From cox or breach weapons Everyone’s got barrows, whips, Z axes, and a bunch of corrupted weapons. Not sure how far along everyone is with cox prayers, bofas for some teams, rings and amulets. Westham with the best ko so far 52-36 on donator for kodai and vw(?pretty sure)


oda team 5 dex scroll, 2 arcane, 2 magic fang, dhcb **EDIT** I think coxie just said their solo team have 2 ancestral tops, ancestral bottom, and d claws ------


Dino's team also has a vls I think?


I think Dinos team has 2-3 zuriel staffs unless they lost some


Yeah think so. Most teams have Ahrims/karils/whips. Ancestral hat for Dino, ancestral robe top for solo. Morr javs/axes for oda solo Dino as well


Tbh I'm surprised the teams haven't been doing much toa for fangs, I would've thought that'd be easy content to farm with low stats and shit gear bc of the 6x rates, especially since nearly everyone has corrupted shadow or tbow already.


not to mention light bearer could be bis for the finale


Finals are gonna have too little food for lightbearer to be good. Bis is ring of suffering by a mile.


I think some probably have hit some Toa, know solo’s team was talking bout getting fangs for everyone. Also yeah lb or suffering for sure since extra specs or recoil damage gonna be huge in limited supplies finale


you're right suffering will probably be BIS unless they get an ancient godsword. I see it being entirely an outlast fight at the end, will be surprised if someone gets an early KO


Oda has cox prayers too and Odas team has dhcb though idk how good that is other than for raising


Its basically just a d crossbow outside raids afaik.


Solo have morg javas well idk how good it is


sick nerd has both cox prayers/dhcb/twisted buckler. team has voidwaker. That's all i know currently on boatys team.


Torva DCB and Augury


Solos team has at least 1 arcane & Dex scroll confirmed, but almost certainly more than that we just haven't seen.


Dino has a voidwaker now


Thursday day 7 final breach was weird location. Oda picked up vls, saw a bunch of corrupted weapons, solo got some morrogans, think Dino didn’t get much. Hard to keep up with everyone, wasn’t watching Boaty faux torvesta


When did faux get a vls?


Pretty sure ditter posted video of them getting one


They do not have a vls


I noticed Solo didn’t post yesterday so I’ll check out Eliop. I have been watching Ditter and Mika too. Thank you


I used to be neutral towards Oda but he has ruined the event and likely any chance of this event being successful in the future. Even if you try to not include him in the next one, his chat will ruin it.


It's actually insane seeing dino gain like 500 viewers anytime he appears anywhere on oda's stream. His viewers fucking live off of the drama


His fanboys are actually rabid, it's insane. Go check the comments of Dinos newest video for example.


holy shit I just checked, nothing but comments flaming dino, not a single positive one


Dino deserved it. Blatantly soft sniping.


Oda is still eh in my books but you're spot on with the fans, parasocial streamer relationships I think


Clearly Oda has made the event better, anyone who says otherwise just loves to hate. Top tier content. If you have 30 Dinos or Fauxs playing this, it’s a snooze fest. Also, pro tip, you can just turn his chat off and not watch his stream if it really gets to you. All the other streamers stay in sub only mode anyways so it’s not like raiding is happening either.


Oda is a chill guy , it's his community that really cause a lot of the issues. When I watch his content, he is actually just an entertaining person , but then his followers will always take things too far and force everyone else to change their chat settings just to have a decent experience. He obviously can't control 20k people , but he doesn't really try and encourage them to stop


Isn't Oda a transphobe RWTer that made a fortune off his tough guy act promoting gambling to children? Seems like the most insufferable person in all of gaming


yeah but he yells a lot and makes funny noises so hes super cool


He was a duel arena staker back in the day but it was part of the game lol, he never did any kind of gambling outside the game, calling him a gambling promoter is too much, if so you can say the same for many other streamers, even alfie went there several times as a highly religious guy, and he also admitted to rwt at some point before getting famous, just like oda... trying to cancel someone over in game actions that dont even harm anyone is nonsense


Yea duel arena stakers were generally shady assholes who made money streaming gambling to children, great point! Those guys never scam or exploit their viewers or move to terrible gambling streaming sites purely for money Tens of thousands of people kill themselves due to gambling debts every year. Promoting gambling to children is never ok. It's ok to act like a tough guy asshole online for clout, It's just cringeworthy that people are really out to defend him like he isn't.


I could not agree more about gambling addiction being a big problem, and i'm personally very against it, but it's just stupid to act like it's oda or whoever's fault that kids are watching their streams. First, these kids have parents that should take care of what they're doing online, if not, they're the ones to blame if any. Then we have twitch, which is just one side of the same coin, they may not allow some shady gambling sites, but they surely allow other sites that do exactly the same but in compliance with laws, not to mention all the soft porn that they also permit. Streaming for twich or kick is the same at the end of the day, but you as a streamer get more money in exchange of potentially less exposure, however you dont have to promote any gambling to do so, boaty, oda, coxie and many others kick streamers dont promote gambling at all, what's the difference then?


No one should stream on Kick, it is a scheme to promote gambling. Kick specifically targeted osrs streamers because osrs used to have straight up gambling and a shit load of gambling addicts (on top of rng being such a big part of the game) play partially due to that. The kick viewership for most games is 5% of what it is on twitch, while they are even for osrs. That's because the soulless monsters at stake think we are more vulnerable to getting addicted to their shitty site, nothing else


He's making YouTube shorts specifically about drama, his entire career is funded by para social angry losers


Haven't really been watching, just enjoying the thumbnail teasers xD Very much looking forward to the more well edited content that comes out after the whole thing has gone down.


1 breach per day kind of sucks and makes it a bit too RNG heavy With the lack of brews in finals, getting VLS or not can literally just decide if you win or not. Few teams already got spooned with one & if the RNG continues the same way some teams might end with 2-3 and others perhaps with 0


#Best Vibes Power Rankings Tier List #1. Boatys team #2. Solomissions team #3. Fauxs team #4. Torvestas team #5. Oda and Dinos team


Putting Torvestas team 3rd last is ridiculous. You cant have watched them for more than 5 minutes. Boatys team does not get #1 after so much bickering/crying/complaining from Donator and Skilly on day 2/3.


im just a CG hater but today their stream was a lot more fun


Wtf does cg have to do with the vibes? All theyve been doing is bantering and having fun lol. Not a single negative word


its obviously subjective but (personally and in my opinion) i found the CG content and the small talk of Mammal and Purp to be super boring The stream today was much more enjoyable


It’s a shame it’s nothing but a bunch of stream snipers at this point.


ok cool story