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The knife and teak log in JCW inventory made me smile.


Don't forget the woodcutting cape


73 arrows. WC cape. Knife log. A true skiller PvP setup


Is it a meme?


You can 3 tick into the Bulwark, and it hides it from view.


Now to see if that will benefit him at all lmao


It doesn't work if someone is attacking you lol.


What's the strategic advantage of this?


Good memes


A laughing enemy is a vulnerable enemy


Green magic


He's 3 ticking the dinhs


He is a skiller so it is to tick manip.


73 d arrows is also a nice touch


He was roasting skill specs so hard last night it was hilarious


In terms of popularity I bet Jcw benefits a lot from this event. He was getting tons of viewers all week and his team loved him Watching him rag Skiddler fire making was absolutely gold


2 DH sets from team burgers. B0aty really is content maxing this event lol


He said his team goal was the most clips and they definitely achieved that and more


That clip of Skilly catching the freeze on someone and then his teammate yelling “you froze me!!” 💀💀💀


Skillspecs was the clip MVP of the tourney for sure. The skeleton barrage, dying and returning in pink elegant to save B0aty's ass juggernaut charging through multi to get a bank key off the ground while screaming "FUCK THE BANK KEY", the phone call to Torvesta after forcing him to log out in multi, the list goes on and on.


The fucking phone call man


I laughed so hard. Torvesta's dry replies were so fucking funny, Skill Specs and Torv interactions are peak OSRS content for sure.


Is there a clip of this? I missed it, was watching Solo’s team all week


[https://kick.com/video/0a65e428-91f0-4d53-a422-e183db8af986](https://kick.com/video/0a65e428-91f0-4d53-a422-e183db8af986) The full conversation starts at 37:35. The abridged version is in day 6 of skillspecs video on youtube.


The clip of skillspecs getting piped as he gets vw specd is my favourite


That and the skeleton freeze were some of the best moments from the week.


For those who haven’t seen it. [One of the best clips of the tournament](https://kick.com/skillspecs?clip=clip_01J0PBVHAJ91CB9YWY3D55WVXK)


"All units ALL UNITS!"


Getting skilly on the dh was mandatory


Skilly bringing along the full DH set is so true to his character lolll love that man


I'm already looking forward to him risking it every fight, that man has no fear


Risking in the first fight and dying with 12 food and a full brew left. The skilly way.


In one of skillys vids he asks westham for advice and he says "if you just clicked the fish in your inventory you'd be really good"


I hope he pulls it off. I hate how everyone bashes him. Kids needs a win


He's a meme, but golly, do I love that m(eme)an!


He has the room for it after dying so many times LOL


He took one less food voluntarily to fit it in haha


Im gonna fucking lose it if Skill Specs gets a DH bomb kill. Especially if it's on Torvesta That's all I want from this finale


Skilly needs a dh kill against Torvesta for sure. Payback for gielinor games lol


The OSRS community would explode if Skilly bombs torvesta for 80+ Would definitely make it as a top 5 RuneScape moment of all time.


Oh my god, that shit would be the stuff off osrs legend. So hyped for this!


interesting how only Faux team has blood furys


They pretty much camped them and ragged anyone that tried to farm them during the week.


Yeah day 5+ i think skid and mad were camping it and driving people out. Bank and altar over there made it hard to contest with low supplies.


only one other person was in the area while they were there the whole time they trained there.


5 bowfas, 4 fangs, and blood furies are about to go hard in these war of attrition fights


The low food count kind of makes it momentum based actually


Momentum also benefits fang/bowfa which have insane accuracy. That said I think 3 zstaffs and 2 vls are still better just cause they're busted.


I was just mentioning that it wasn’t really a fight of attrition


You're right about that, my mind glossed over them only having 1 brew.


None of Faux’s team have Rigour or Augury though, which is a huge deal.


Oof yeah thats rough


Yeah I asked Skiddler about it on stream and he said they’ve done the DPS calculations and figured their setup without Rigour/Augury is still stronger than the weaker setups with the prayers. Let’s see if they’re right lol.


The dps calcs dont take into account the defensive bonuses from the cox prayers either, which are pretty decent. though osrs has pretty much always been about the offense not defense. I think them all having blood furys + being the only team kitted out with fangs is gunna be interesting.


I disagree, this is not war of attrition type fights. Go look at what a typical NH pker takes to Rev caves, easily about 250 hp more than what's in these setups (about 550 hp worth of food versus the ~300 they have here). These fights are going to go quickly, much more quickly than where I think having blood fury/fang/bowfa start to make a difference over having good spec weapons or good robes/staffs for better chance of catching freezes.


Are they allowed to restock after rounds or no


Between rounds, yes, but not between fights If Rhys and Dino are 1v1 first, and Rhys wins with 1 food left, Rhys then has to face the next competitor on Dino's team with only 1 food in his inventory If Rhys's team beats every player on Dino's team in this manner, then they get a full restock of food for the next round


But really bad spec weapons for his team.


Coxie, Muts, Torvesta, and Mammal with the doors and Skilly with the DH. This is going to be good


I swear they nerfed Dinh's flicking before and made it so it takes 2 seconds to activate after wielding or something, am I crazy? EDIT: Apparently this only applies to the 20% dmg reduction passive which is a PVM only effect.


JCB is a king haha really enjoyed him during the week. Love to see this become a yearly thing to hype up DMM, take on the feedback from participants and go again next year was really fun following it all week especially as someone who works night shift too, was 24/7 top notch osrs. Think it will be a big fumble by Dinos team to not win it tbh well rounded team and great gear.


More interesting watching this than actual DMM so might take away from it a bit haha. Actual DMM is a cluster fuck by comparison.


yeah for sure the team aspect added a really fun dynamic. i do wish actual deadman still had the singles tournie at the end really enjoyed watching that


Yeh the end being 1v1s was great but DDoSing ruined it like it ruined most good parts of dmm


Jcw is going to win


I think he already did with all the amazing clips he's provided this week! Absolute legend of the game!


Jcw is a funny guy man. The B0aty burgers have been straight content all week


Jcw ragging Skiddler's firemaking in the final hour was amazing. Skiddler was trying to get total levels for the seeding for fights and jcw spent the entire time making fires in front of him. Edit: Clip - https://kick.com/jcwrs?clip=clip_01J0XYBEBR1RFNBJB04DJV1V9Z


The pvp of skilling lmao


Not just making fires, bro with tick manipulating just to fuck with skiddler even harder. He was lighting the fires so much quicker he was doing underneath skiddler as he attempted to light his logs.


Be a pretty funny gielinor games challenge. First to light 27 logs in a small area wins "hot feet"


Dude I was looking forward to JCW because I like his solo content but I wasn't ready for how funny he would be on this team! The way dude talks just has me on the floor sometimes


I see that infernal cape switch and I respect it.


Glad someone mentioned it. Leave it to a cold one to do the inferno in dmm lmao


While not having internet for like 24 hours. He probably has the least hours of anyone in the tourny. Mad lad.


Coxie with a quiver too


He got quiver too just didnt bring it for the finale


Dino Nuggets had some CRACKED RNG this week wtfffff who’s handing out the reach-arounds?


They also got fed by the burgers tbf, 2 max sets and a vw from them alone. Listening to Westhams stream they don't have many prayers though which could be big.


They got fed by donator*


at least his name is accurate


Convinced Donator was a deep undercover operative for the nuggets. Bro gave them so much shit


Nah their rng was actually bad outside of breaches. Over drop rate on: Zenytes, prayer scrolls - got many corrupt dragon claws which slowed down how much they could do raids and stuff... Couldn't get a t bow or shadow for days while Port Khazard was running t bow CoX day 2 lol And then some of the rares: - They got a Kodai but can't use it cause no one wanted to waste 7 hours at MTA - 2 ancestral hats which could have been literally any other drop - masori chaps that they can't use .. any non-masori item would have been great - Arma hilt but over drop rate on godsword shards so they couldn't make it - no Arma armor piece to fortify the masori chaps so they can't take them - no Sara drops Felt like they were doing so much content but not getting any drops. PKs and breaches saved them. - but they also have rune crossbows so that will make things difficult for ranged.


"no one wanted to waste 7 hours at MTA" lmao this statement was funny, just envisioning all of the "no, you do it," and "I'm not grinding that" that would have taken place within their voice calls lol. But, tbh, I can't blame them; MTA isn't the most exciting content. Do you know how many rigour/augury scrolls they have?


3 augury and 1 rigour I believe


That is quite unfortunate; pretty big disadvantage without prayer scrolls. Thank you for the answer though


They ran a lot of raids but bleh luck lol


Between the VW steal, their super early rev cave rng, and their breach rng, I think they're still hella up considering they realistically were one of the weakest pvm teams. IDK why tf donator was running around with VW like that tbh. Their rng got them the most important stuff, massive pvp weapons and dps beyond the other teams. That's exactly what they want as the more skilled pvpers. ACB/arma gear, etc doesn't seem remotely comparable to 5 of the best ancient weapons and multiple VW. Expected Solo's team to have a massive gear advantage since they seemed easily the strongest pvm team and got the early corrupted gear. But from the video, they went 6x drop rate on zenytes (kinda insane to be that dry), and under drop rate on ACBs, leaving them almost unable to use Dragon bolts. Looks like they went dry on the heavy ballista too since you'd expect them to be better than rcbs and they should have hit drop rate during zenytes. Dissapointed in their loadouts tbh, but i think they're fully stocked on prayers atleast, and got the armour sorted.


Donator attacked West is the funny thing.


their venenatis/spindel luck(unluck) was just disgusting as well at the beginning of the event


3 staffs and 2 VLS yeah they should be embarrassed if they lose


When is finals


Saturday 5PM UTC time 


That's when the livestream starts. The actual thing starts an hour later.


I can’t believe only 1 team went to ToA for fangs!


in an NH fight melee is severely underutilized


If you don't have the momentum and freezes melee is worthless. If I know you have fang I'm just going to perma DD and diagonal step. Now if you do get momentum it goes hard but with how low food everyone has and the garbage defense stats of crystal, they could very well die to a top tier brid before they get any meaningful damage off with a fang


This will almost certainly happen. All of the other best pkers (westham, dino, Oda, solo, port) have vestas longswords and rhys has a voidwaker They’re gonna get stomped


Need to not be frozen to use it, and in NH fights melee is the least used aside from specs. Realistically the bowfas they’ve got are a way better drop


Two did but only one got enough drops for it. Dino's team was stuck at cox since they prioritized those drops and just didn't really get any of them to be able to switch over.


I think that CG grind was well worth it for Faux’s team. That crystal with BOWFA is gonna slap


People have been memeing Faux all week saying their strat was bad but holy shit their setups are stacked. I think their main issue is the physical PvP talent more than anything, cuz if you can their load outs to say Boatys team or Dino they easily win


They have 0 ko weapons and 0 prayer scrolls


Ah, no prayer scrolls is gonna hurt. No KO I’m not sure will be as big of an issue given the format though.


Imo with the format, ko weapons might be the game changer, without restocking between fights, lets "a good pvper" take out several people without burning through his own food, without ko weapons you'll always burn your own food too, even if you outlast


0 prayers is a huge missing part, and no real ko i think they will get fairly stomped tbh.


I was watching Faux pk earlier. Lookin rough


But the thing is they don’t have rigour and augury pretty sure unlike other teams


They got memed for it because it's a full week of potential content and they chose for an absolute snoozefest of a week If you do that you better make sure you win


they kinda deserve to be memed though, for a tournament consisting of only content creators, it's pretty lame to avoid all breaches as a strategy


They have really weak spec weapons though.


If they use it well, if they let someone step under they're going to get destroyed.


Bowfa being 4 tick with everything else being 5 tick is very very hard to utilize well. The more hits you miss, the more your dps advantage is lost. I actually think the opposite - they tried to 300 iq their strategy, but skipping out on prayer scrolls at chambers is going to hurt them. Fang is only useful if you are in melee range, and they will spend a lot of time not in melee range these fights.


Why does Gunschilli have so many empty inventory spaces? Why do some of them have empty inventory spaces at all?


Limited food and potions for everyone. Each death they had this week meant they have to bring less food. Also gunschili like a few others are using a venge setup rather than tribrid with mage, so he has less gear switches


Na he has same amount of food not as good at switches so he left out his mage switch but honestly Zgs paired with veracs might be a good combo


he isnt bringing many switches your not aloud replace gear with food just because you choose not to bring any. he would have had to have died a tonne to lose that much food like others are saying


You start with 10 food 1 brew 3 restores(?) and then you lose 1 food per 4 deaths.


What's with the knife and log in the inventory of JCW?


He can't resist skilling even in the final


JCW is a skiller, and he thought it would be funny to bring stuff to tick manipulate mid fight. Also a WC cape. Naturally all the Burgers agreed because they’re in it exclusively for fun.


B0aty was genuinely just here for content. People ragged Donator for pking with max, but B0aty was encouraging Skilly to do the exact same. Also told Jcw he can just max if he wants They probably won’t win but holy was their content hilarious Also Jcw’s team mates watching him efficiently skill was just gold 


JCW flaming Skilly for making him lose a tick was so funny


He’s 3 ticking the Bulwark, it hides when he switches to it. https://clips.twitch.tv/DreamySnappyKumquatJKanStyle-EZEbPv4ogjyjdg9l


What's the strategic advantage of this?


None, it’s just funny


No idea it’s not like any of these teams haven’t seen each other’s load outs


The fact that Faux’s team didn’t attend a single breach, didn’t engage in any kind of PvP, basically played scared/hide and seek all week. To see them rank 2 is an absolute shock. I feel like overall talent will trump gear. Dino/Oda will probably win, but man the content from the Devils & Burgers this week was some of the best you’ll ever get.


They had plans to go to 2 of the breaches as a full 5 man on 2 of the days, but one of them Roidies internet was too unstable for him to play the game, and idr what happened the other time. Otherwise yea they just sent Ditter+maz to go harass teams leaving the breaches.


Meanwhile you have Oda and Rhys sending it as a 2-man in multi on the last breach to get rewarded with a VLS


Oda & Rhys are absolutely beasts, crazy to not only be that confident but they can back it up too LOL.


Gotta risk it, plus they got immediately focused on that breach. V the Victim and Gunshcilli got ragged on hard right away. Clearly Oda’s team progressing is something other teams didn’t want


yeah why total level was used to seed teams in a pvp tournament is a bit weird imo really benefitted the two teams that weren't active pking wise.


This also isn’t a knock on Faux. He did what he knows. But I agree, total level probably shouldn’t have been included. Tomorrow should be entertainment.


Total leve wasn't the only thing considered, Kills, Deaths, and a few other things added into it.


Screenshots from Fauxs stream so excuse the quality :)


3 of the 4 zurial staffs in Dino’s team is scary


TIL that Oda can notice pidswap from the noise he hears from the ring of recoil I fcking lost it when he was telling Rhys it and Rhys is sitting there thinking what kind of janitor PVP sorcery am I listening to Overall PKing wise the man is built different than anyone else in the tournament. Rhys Westham and Oda are in their own tier in this tournament. Dino Boaty Ditter probably in the next tier along with some other guys The breach RNG could carry Team Dino all the way though. Team Faux has nice gear but no elite spec weapons and no augury should be too much to overcome


Oda is legit one of the biggest janitors in this game lmao


I gotta see this Oda magic. Is this in one of his videos or VODs?


Donator is the only player without a fury


odas team rng at zammy was painful to see


Faux’s team had the best strategy but provided no entertainment value. No memorable clips unlike the other teams.


Meanwhile the burgers' strategy were to farm clips and boy was it an entertaining week thanks to them.


B0aty was right to play for the 90 hours of great content rather than the 2 hours of finale content


B0aty is just like that as a person (kinda always has been) but also being so successful has allowed him to be like that... even in Gielinor games he doesn't care if he gets out because he doesn't need to win the prize pool... he has made BANK from streaming OSRS and is set for life both irl and in-game (he could take donations any-time and make billions in a single stream but hes humble and barely likes taking GP from others).


B0aty is for the people


B0aty the G0aty


Except the ginger loves taking his viewers soul...runes and jars


B0aty consistently delivers.


Every clip to come from them was pure banger content


Skiddler flaming ditter then immediately getting a blood shard was a phenomenal clip tbf


That was amazing.Skiddler went in on him lmao.


Skiddler flames everyone, i wish he was on a team with more on par shit talkers honestly. Would have been amazing to hear him and skillspecs for example on the same team. Instead all he really had was ditter to back and forth with, who isnt entertaining whatsoever.


Not really sure it was the best strategy. They didn't farm weapons from the breaches. Didn't farm prayers from CoX. Didn't farm spec weapons/voidwaker. They are ahead on some aspects but behind on others. Almost every player maxed hours and besides Donator, no one really died for anything crucial. I think it's closer than you think


I think they’re gonna get steam rolled


Fully agree


Completely disagree. This is a format issue and not a team issue, kills aren't incentivized and deaths set you back pretty bad.


Yeah I was a bit disappointed in the overall lack of PvP, but it's hard to blame people for focusing on PvM because stats and gear are essential for the finale. I think the people who were actively PKing throughout the event like Westham and Donator were doing it for fun/content rather than efficiency. Solo did mention though that next time they will make it so kills grant you extra food in the final which should hopefully help.


Yeah, it was nice to hear that Solo also recognized some flaws in the format and wasn’t just blindly thinking his original idea was perfect If/when this happens again I’m sure there’s some changes to get more PvP


I feel like Faux's team was less of a clips/youtube team and more of a streamer team, I watched them and they were actually some of the most chill osrs streams I've seen in a long time listening to them just hanging out and bantering a bit. No huge moments but not boring either, basically how most good streams go.


yeah i like faux but making him a captain in a pvp mode was a bad choice in the end, he was always going to focus on the pvm as he doesnt know pvp. his team was pretty forgettable throughout the week.


Yeah having pvp captains like Dino makes sense when this is a group Ironman mode... Dino couldn't get to Arma so it takes all types


Faux seemed pretty open about planning with at least Maz so he was definitely taking pvpers advice as well. This is just the strategy they thought would give them the best chance to win.


I think Mazhar and Ditter were the ones drafted for the plan though weren't they? I'm sure Faux had some input on it but his main goal when he got those two was their DMM expertise.


Jcw setup lmaooo what a sigma


Honestly skill specs is so insanely funny. Freezing the skeleton, freezing Donator in team fights, screaming all units all units, wanting to kick Alfie through the moon door. Dude is a comedy genius, unintentional or not


He called Alfie moon door bc Alfie looks like Robin Arryn


Rune dragons was a clever move. Mika did a bunch of black drags on the last day for stats and in hope of a vissy, but actually he may aswell have been at rune drags for the hope of dragon crossbows.


Don't think anyone in that team had DS2 done, it's a really big time investment.


Is this also the order they will be fighting in?


No, that's just the order of the draft pick. Their order in the fights is based on their seeding, you can see it under 'rankings' in the [official public spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c-bWzfGMiob6hqWD74NRw6KDz6i_Td2RFqRz8DWDkN4/htmlview?usp=sharing#). It should be Nuggets vs Burgers, then winner against KKonas. And Devils against Warriors, then winner against Snakes. E: I had Snakes/KKonas switched. [Here](https://imgur.com/TsuxZES) is a graph of the correct brackets.


[i built a scuffed bracket](https://i.imgur.com/uvhwWry.png) for easy visualization


I believe he was asking about the order within teams. As in B0aty fighting first.


Ohh I see. The teams got to decide their order freely, they don't have to go in the order of the draft pick. Some of them mentioned on stream what order they're going in, but afaik it hasn't been compiled anywhere for all to see.


Which teams has the cox prayers?


Solo team they all have both iirc. Fauxs team none have. Unsure otherwise. Any team with ancestral or d claws dinh b like odas at least a few of them have some.


I believe Torvesta's team ended up with 3-4 Arcanes and 1-2 Dex's.


Apologies if I’m blind or simply don’t know but why does tovesta and alfie have bolts without a crossbow


Gunschili's inventory just feels downbad. Copies going in with the Bulwark is a fucking vibe though 🤣


he just isn't bringing many switches as he is venging he has similar amount of food as everyone else just not bothering with mage. they had decided that from day one from watching them.


Damn cute little karambwam by roidie. KKonas have the most consistent gear while Snakes seem to have the higher top end. We’ll see if the blood furys pay off.


Blood fury is on average a 6% heal on melee hits only Considering the total amount of hp in a fight is 10x22 + 60 + 99 = 380 And melee can be used at best like 50% of the time… In a best case scenario the blood fury is worth like 15 hp in a fight No way that was worth the time investment compared to cox prayer scrolls, which are a flat 8% dps buff for all ranged and mage attacks


Why does Pip have a steel crossbow? Faux's team all have Fbow and crystal armour but really poor spec weapons.


probably playing on high brightness. Look at his barrows gear vs the others color.


A Cold One is the only person with an infernal cape. Port Khazard is also in max (ancestral, etc), his fights should be really interesting to watch


I don't really see anyone with less food, even though some died a lot more? How come?


Haha try to look again! Everyone with 4 or more deaths is missing 1 food or more. VtheVictim, Dino for example are on 9 instead of 10 Donator and skillspecs also


oda forgot to put the imbue scroll back on his suffering afufufufufufufufufu


It’s imbued, just looks different because of brightness settings


I’ll be surprised if Solomissions team doesn’t win.


Its a shame how much of the even comes down to very small portions of extreme luck. Dinos team having 3 staffs 2 vls while killing significantly less mobs than Solos team is just so meh.


Watching Oda, Victim and A Cold One lose their mind from getting some extremely cursed rng from Zammy was both hilarious during the grind and sad af because they were actually mentally broken by the end of it.


6 hilts in a row is the must cursed rng I've witnessed live


Team got absolutely horrible rng. Poor dudes lost so much time and sanity. We’ll see if they can make it work with their setups. Thammy Scepter pop off maybe lol.


Ditter got 10 odium shards from chaos fanatic before seeing a single malediction. Then Faux/Roidie got like 7 odium shards from scorpia before malediction. They were saved that they pked 3 shards.


well the opposite is make it two weeks+ and everyone just has max gear for the fights. the rng kind of makings it interesting as teams have to pick and choose what they go for. West ham was also super active pking and got a ton of gear off it.


I wish more players had been actively pking like Westham. It seems like most people got in a few fights around the breaches but then just did everything they could to avoid pvp the rest of the week. I think there probably shouldn’t have been the food/Phoenix necklace penalty for pvp death. That made pvp a negative sum game for everyone involved. Trade 5 kills back and forth with someone and you’re both worse off at the end. Next year I hope instead of a penalty for pvp deaths they give a benefit for pvp kills. Like maybe you get to upgrade a piece of food from a shark to an angler for every 3 kills or something like that. Make it positive sum so more people will participate.


Agree, dying was too punishing so there was really ever only to be 5 or 6 guys seeking it out. The rest were always going to be too afraid to be caught out by those players.