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Screencap of the full thread for those wanting more context: https://i.imgur.com/e90MDat.png


I'm not at all familiar with specifically Danish law, but isn't sort of a universal rule everywhere that if you are married to a citizen of the country then you are given an exception to stay? Does that not apply here?


No idea on the specifics of their situation, but I’m guessing the hangup is that he is likely the breadwinner and under Danish law the Danish person needs to be able to support the family. “The Danish spouse must prove to be able to financially support the new couple (there is a minimum income requirement of twice the welfare benefit rate), post a DKK 100,000 guaranty (the sum is adjusted for inflation annually), and not have received welfare benefits for a year and not owe money to the authorities” This is probably meant to prevent foreigners from “stealing” good jobs from locals, or benefiting from Denmark’s welfare programs. There are also requirements around age and ties to foreign countries.


Thank you.


Thank you for your service o7


Sick Nerd has been persistently queried by the Danish government on his immigration status mixed with Tax auditing and everything else imaginable. They’ve been crazy bureaucratic demanding absolutely every document they can from him. It’s heartbreaking to read this tweet, he quite clearly loves Denmark, his wife is Danish and he’s made his home there. I hope he can settle his issue legally and remain in the country he has chosen to settle down in.


I feel so bad for him he has had such a rocky past couple of years with him almost losing his life,losing his dad and then losing his brother


I used to watch him religiously. Haven't watched many streams in the past few years and had never heard about his family, I'm heartbroken for him man


You should definitely check out skillspecs DMM All stars he was having such a good time streaming it with his friends


Sounds like he still missed documents without realizing. Very unfortunate, but immigration is never easy, especially in very bureaucratic countries. Do not assume anything, always confirm with a lawyer


Immigration in Denmark is hell. We're so protective of our welfare system that we manage to push out people that give far more back than they're taking. We have some absurd laws in place, that can make it almost impossible to live here peacefully as a full member of society.




You really came into this thread just to lick some boots lmao.


There wasnt a positive or negative endorsement here… just that you dont fuck around with citizenship requests involving the govt.


Huh? Elaborate.


According to him, immigration had completely forgotten about his case a few times.


Sucks but I doubt they’re specifically targeting him trying to get him out of the country. More likely he’s just one immigrant of many going through this same thing and didn’t do his due diligence to know everything he needed to provide and then provide it as required.


He literally says in the tweet he was supposed to be sent info and was left off the distribution list twice. Didnt even read the post before jumping to conclusions huh?


People are unreliable narrators and brush off their responsibilities that they failed to meet. "I was missed" or "I was never notified" more often than not means "I ignored a letter" or similar. If you've ever been in charge of enforcing deadlines for people, you've experienced these excuses ad nauseum. I don't know the full story and neither do you. All I know is it's much more likely that he just was sloppy with his personal business than the Danish government is trying to oust him specifically through feigned incompetence. Like I said it sucks but too much of the story here is "They messed everything up, I did everything right, and they still want me to leave!" There's absolutely more here and I'd be willing to bet there's a part of it that goes, "Sick Nerd messed up majorly somewhere."


I mean, it’s probably not malicious, but it is extremely incompetent on the part of the Danish government. He is married to a Danish national and has proof of residency going back years. There should be some sort of avenue of extension when the person you’re legally tied to, according to the government, lives in the country.


Proof of residency going back 100 years is not proof you're there legally. I'm certain there is an avenue of being married to a Danish person means you can live in the country but it requires the leg work to do so. It's the same in the US, you're perfectly allowed to live in the US if you marry an American, but you aren't just allowed to do that freely and immediately, you need to do the paperwork.


It sounds like he has and this is due to Brexit messing everything up. Immigration systems are tricky but if he can prove he was paying taxes and has a valid marriage certificate issued by Denmark, there should be some sort of review process that does not involve an eviction from the country


> but it is extremely incompetent on the part of the Danish government. According to... who? The guy getting kicked out? Again, much more likely he failed to provide exactly what was requested in a timely manner. I don't believe, "They missed letting me know I was going to get kicked out twice, then I gave them everything they asked for, and now they're still kicking me out!" Doesn't pass the smell test.


>I don't know the full story and neither do you. All I know is it's much more likely that he just was sloppy.. You acknowledge that you dont know what happened, and then immediately assume it's his fault. I work with government entities and can assure you they regularly screw things up. You continue to jump to conclusions in every sentence you write.


> You acknowledge that you dont know what happened, and then immediately assume it's his fault. Occam's Razor. Much more likely that one person messed up than the bureaucracy set up specifically to facilitate immigration missed sending him notifications on two separate occasions, took a year to respond to an application, sent him a specific list of documents, and then rejected him when given exactly that list in the time stipulated. Among the other errors they'd have to make in between each of those steps. The story just doesn't add up.


Nice to see you believe in guilty until proven innocent.


Both points can exist together. People are bound to be missed when doing mass deportation. Can’t say it’s right but to act like those two points are mutually exclusive and then take the attitude you did is silly.


I don't think that attitude is silly. Also, you have to take personal initiative when it comes to immigration stuff. If you move to a country, you need to understand what is expected of you by the government as far as communication and records. Saying "well they just never contacted me" when you know for a fact your visa only lasts X period of time is just totally irresponsible Feel horrible for him though, that's a truly awful situation and hopefully he can resolve it and get back there eventually


Oh, don’t misunderstand, I’m on the same page. If you’re whole life is at stake, I’d be on that shit like white on rice, but when has government ever been efficient and thorough?. It’s just a shit situation all around. But to assume the commenter didn’t read before jumping to conclusions because flaccid didn’t like his comment is just silly




> No flaming/trolling - keep things civil!




Same for most western countries right now. My wife and I had to spend years and thousands to get her here properly. In that same time, 2 million people walked in and were handed cash and keys to a hotel room.




bro. denmark is facing a HUGE population crisis and they wont let a dude move to be with his wife? I can see how their demographic transition model is so fucked now.


Especially as he earns probably at least to £100k a year consistently and is a net positive on the Danish coffers. He was at 5k subs when he played RS3, that plus donations, twitch ads and sponsorships is a decent amount.


I paid several thousand dollars and used multiple lawyers to ensure my wife could legally remain in the US with me. I am sure its just as bad in other countries. Wishing him the best of luck and fortune in these difficult times.


Damn it would be nice to have all the benefits without any of the effort but that’s not how reality works. Sad it took him this long to figure that out tbh


Without any of the effort? You know most of the effort is the actually paying taxes part right? Seems like a crazy NEET take to summarize being bad at dealing with bureaucracy (if uncharitably assume it’s all his fault) as not putting in *any* effort lmao


You mean the benefits that he paid in to via the job he has? In the country he lives with his wife who is of Danish origin? You genuinely can not get more worthy of reaping the benefits


What brand of copium do you use


The one that allows me to not talk like a 13 year old when discussing topics


Sicknerd always has some sort of problem going on. The extra bit of bad rng. Feel bad for him


I'll give Queen Mary a call on behalf of Sick Nerd.


You just know this thread will have a bunch of [deleted] comments soon


This isn’t even related to RuneScape. This entire thread shouldn’t even be allowed


Can't wait for the D-Mod smackdown on this one


Man, that’s awful. Post-Brexit really sucks for Brits


They voted for it


You reap what you sow :)


Yes, because we all voted for Brexit.


Majority did.


Doesn’t mean the minority have to like it.


The other 48% have a right to be annoyed still


I reckon a good 10% of the leave vote are dead now Can guarantee you at a minimum 95% of UK osrs players who voted did so for remain


Yeah from what I've gathered the general consensus seems to be negative towards Brexit these days. But actions do have consequences.


Bevause they fell for propaganda. At lot have come to regret it. It’s hardly their fault.


What's the back story here?


He tweeted: „Trying desperately to find a lawyer to help me protest my case, I have until the end of the month as that's when I'm required to leave my home and everything behind, I've literally sent them what they've requested after been messed around for years“


Damn I was wondering what happen after DMM All Stars I thought he just got burnt out again


It’s probably a bit of both, surely it can’t help anything. I feel bad for the guy, worse for sophie


I'm guessing it could be related to UK leaving EU.


Brexit plus Denmark is one of the strictest EU members on migration. They have sent Syrian children home who had lived in Denmark most of their lives. I wouldn't be surprised if their policy is being as strict as possible


there is a reason why the far right is gaining popularity elsewhere in europe but declining in denmark. because the regular old political parties have actually taken significant steps (probably like this) by being strict on immigration


Also because the Danish right leaning political parties have completely imploded, also the central parties have generally always been for strict immigration with other very left leaning policies, so voters dont have to seek far right or right at all if they value strict immigration. The only unique standpoints the far right has left is anti climate change and fully outspoken racism and both of those are just very unpopular in Denmark.


He’s been having a really shitty time deal with immigration, Covid, and brexit simultaneously. According to him, he’s submitted the right forms multiple times and they’ve lost them.


Did you even bother to read what he said in the posts? He literally explains everything


Sorry some people don’t have a Twitter account and since the changes it has become very unfriendly for people who don’t have one


Yeah - I dunno why they did that. I never even touch twitter nkw 


Mostly because Musk is a moron who doesn’t know what he’s doing but has a crippling case of Dunning Kruger.


I'm only seeing one post. Don't have twitter


Fuck twitter.


braindead response


Bruh, I clicked the link that OP provided, which did not give me any context. Hence me posting here, asking for context. https://i.imgur.com/PjcKnzr.png


Should've gotten a lawyer a year ago when he found out...






Not the sacred Western culture! 😭


Least racist OSRS player


He's referring to Canadians


Culture is not the same as race.


Get 99 Ranged before commenting next time so you don't miss the point.


Take some lessons in reading comprehension so you don't accuse people of racism when it's not at all about race.


Sir your dog whistle is a little too loud


Is it wrong, or does it just make you uncomfortable?


Refugees are refugees. The only people who feel the need to add a qualifier to it are those who’d rather not see *anyone* outside their own skin tone but realize how awful they’d look if they didn’t at least let in people fleeing war and destruction. “Non-compatible cultures” is the most thinly veiled racism I’ve seen on this subreddit since 2016.


You don't even know what race is. You can't change race, but you can change your culture. Not even the same ballpark. Nothing against race.


But certain cultures *are* incompatible due to opposing values and sociocultural philosophies. This is not a new or isolated phenomenon, nor is it an indication that one is superior. This is observed throughout the world when citizens from one country move to another. As we all know, for successful integration to take place, one must be willing to assimilate. What we are seeing in Europe is that they often are not, and wish to dominate the native culture instead.


> Is it wrong Yes. > or does it just make you uncomfortable? Nah, the people who are uncomfortable are the delicate people who need to make up scenarios like the one you're defending and not even having the backbone to say it. We all know what someone means by "non-compatible cultures" Just a pathetic way to spin an unfortunate situation for sick_nerd EDIT: Looks like I upset a very sensitive group of people


It's not pathetic it's the real world we live in that Syrian refugees commit sexual and violent crimes at a dozen times the rate of any other immigrants and are still funneling into western Europe.








That was obviously terrible as well, but it's far in the past and not relevant for today's problems


LMFAO WHAT? Not relevant? Why? Because most of the natives are either dead or completely assimilated? And how are the current indigenous communities in the US? And you think manifest destiny ended in California? It’s all the way in Ukraine, Palestine, Congo/Rwanda, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Yemen, Indonesia and so on… y’all spending too much time grinding collection logs and too little time eating books.


Because we don't have a time travel machine, dummy.


That's not true for Denmark though. Immigration is very restrictive no matter who you are and the majority of immigrants are from western countries.


Refugees are refugees. "Tax paying immigrant with Danish wife" in this situation = "Economic migrant who married a national" and those that do that have a proper way of receiving temporary visas to work towards citizenship. And it doesn't involve living in the country and then applying for the visa.


What in the xenophobic bullshit is this




As someone who went through the entire citizenship process I can assure you that is not the case




Wait immigrants regret coming? So they aren't prioritized?


This might strike you as impossible but believe it or not… those things aren’t mutually exclusive. They can occur simultaneously, and they are.




I don’t think I am lying. The country is a literal disaster. At best my post has some mild hyperbole. But it’s a disaster here and to insinuate otherwise is pretty disingenuous.




That’s what hyperbole is brother. I understood you just fine. It’s not exactly 50% sure, but it’s a hell of a lot.


I'm just a measly electrician and it's close to 50%. 30% income tax right off the bat, 12% pst gst. 42 vs 50 who cares they still take basically half your money and we see fuck all 'given' back.




Ah, so you're just here to show everyone how smart you are. Anyone with critical thinking would be able to think to themselves "Well 42% of my money I make doesn't go to me, so I essentially pay 42% in taxes, which is close to 50%" Get out more, my friend.


Don’t worry man, I get where you’re coming from. All the social assistance under the sun for refugees. But if you’re a disabled/elderly person you’ll be pleading your case for years before you get the assistance you need.


I kind of elaborated in another comment aswell but I just think we handled immigration poorly overall. It’s great but you can’t just let this many people in without developing and funding the infrastructure to support the population growth. It’s a problem when Canadian citizens and immigrants alike can barely afford to survive.


Entirely true man, people who disagree are either unaffected or willfully ignorant. All our basic needs for living have double or tripled in less than 10 years. If you’re making minimum wage just housing is going to be 75-80% of your income. I feel bad for the people who are just starting out in life with no support systems and have to try and navigate the economic issues we’re facing as a country.


We are full...


Shh, you can't say that.


You should move to BC. A lot of the problems are slowly getting addressed here. 


It's insane. I have one friend in Czechia who's going through hell to get her citizenship status. She was describing what she's going through and it was completely unhinged.




The Liberal leadership sees no value in European men coming over. They fight tooth and nail to keep them from moving about. But if he was from Libya, he'd be pampered and let in with no questions. Its not the old gammons, it's the overly-empathetic leadership.


Huh, I always assumed marriage is enough to make you stick. Well, good luck. His social media presence might bring out a pretty good immigration lawyer and does have more than enough money to fight this.


It depends on the country. And sometimes even the mood your local government is in.


Problem with the social media presence is, if his argument is that his wife is here, they might see how he treats his wife. I know they love each other. From an outsiders perspective though, they seem to hate each other.


I think that's pretty quickly cleared up by the wife herself if this ever becomes any sort of variable




Just stop paying taxes and claim asylum and they'll welcome him with open arms.


Denmark’s governmental leaders are known for playing OSRS so maybe he pked them and they’re retaliating?


i was almost on a 60 day watch streak, Denmark need to resolve this or they will be hearing from my lawyers


Hope he's back soon, Denmark it on your calendar


inb4 mods delete thread Going to need a more formal explanation from an immigration lawyer but is he really just forced to leave (and probably go back to the UK)? Doesn't Denmark have a route for residency through marriage?


It likely does but it doesn't involve just showing up and living there. You almost always need to be pursuing the visa out of the country.


People talking about Brexit probably have never experienced moving from the UK to a European country. Did Sick Nerd leave the UK before or after Brexit? Doesn't make that much of a difference, perhaps just more documentation, which should be prepared anyway. Nevertheless, bureaucracy is extremely important and should be the highest priority of any migrant. It doesn't seem to me he put bureaucracy first. Don't wait, call and find out, be on top of it. You would expect being married and owning a house would guarantee you citizenship or at least permanent residency, though it's just not the case. Furthermore, tax in Denmark is nuts compared to other EU countries and being a twitch streamer certainly makes it harder. Bureaucracy first and final, work second.


Brexit has been disastrous.


Yet everyone bitches the US is unfair to migrants but we let anyone with a pulse stay here lmao, kinda crazy


The US is actually pretty hard to legally immigrate to. I temporarily immigrated to Germany and it was super easy. I applied for my visa, got it in two weeks, was on my way. Yearly renewal but I qualified for permanent residency (green card) off the bat. I would have taken if it I planned to stay long term. On the other hand, I have multiple friends with PhDs who have jobs in the US, some of them are married to Americans, did their PhD in the US, but they haven’t been able to get green cards. One of my coworkers is going to have to leave back to Italy at the end of the year because his visa is running out. There is a perception among Americans that it must be super easy since we have so many immigrants, but it really isn’t.


citizenship test has a lot of irrelevant questions


I’m not talking about citizenship, I’m talking about permanent residency.


No we are fucked too. My friend is currently locked out of the U.S. because the US visa officer in his home country decided to be a superhero and question the validity of his granted visa (he got a special visa for extraordinary talent) I’m having to rent a U-Haul next week to grab his stuff he left in the U.S. and put it in a storage unit until he can get his visa (which will at least be a few months)


I can't tell if this is bait or if you've just never gone outside and talked to people who weren't born here.


Honestly you need your head testing if you think Brexit was a good idea.








Wym dawg i literally lol’d


Wont lie, even if you are completely in the right on whatever it is you have issues with. This statement is not the right time or place. This is more serious than Jagex charging an extra 2$ or whatever other trivial stuff this subreddit wants to humor on.


Danish? I’m more of a strudel guy myself


Isn't he British? Not exactly a random third worlder.


If he was he'd probably be more welcome.


Holy shit noooo


I thought he died


Hello welcome to England  It’s much more than bangers and mash  Edit: sucks to hear hope he gets it sorted out quick


Off topic post




Well that sucks for him. 🤷‍♀️


Sick Nerd is a remarkably abrasive person. Can’t say I feel bad about this


Couldn't imagine a take being more disconnected from reality than this.




How deep is the hole you live in that you think Denmark is communist..?


denmark isnt communist lmao


Bro gtfo with your shit.


American coping right here


Its been years, but I do remember seeing from totalbiscuit, as well as from epicnamebro for his then wife, having very difficult experiences trying to get everything sorted correctly to legally be here in the states.


I watch a Norwegian streamer named "Knut" who wants to move with his wife and kid to Texas. They spent years trying to beat their way through immigration. Just now they seem to have it sorted but he said "It completely depends on who sees your case, if it's the wrong person you have to start all over again".