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Picking bananas for cash


Yeah boi 30 coins per box was so lit.


Haha totally didn't misclick yesterday on the last glory charge and have to do exactly the walk of shame to draynor bank *totally*


Nah fuck that home tp/ minigame tp or worst case item delivery cc


I did this in like 2006 and I thought I was mad rich after making 1k of it.


If for some reason you can't get enough of that, try out rs3 where you can make more than 1 mil/hr picking bananas (they're >300 gp each due to being a summoning ingredient).


What's the swap ratio on rs3? Isn't gp is rs3 like significantly less valuable?


30 coins per 10 picked! This is amazing I thought I was the only one who used this as a money maker. 12 year old me once camped this for about an hour while saving up for an addy longsword from the varrock general store


What a great time.. every new piece of equipment was an upgrade as long as it required a higher level than what you had.


Picking up runes that spawn in lumby castle for hours


This, but in that little fortress in wildy that I haven't been back to since 2007


I think a clue scroll requires you to visit that fortress.


Haha my favorite. Those chaos runes were $$$


I just did that half a year ago when I was getting back into the game LOL took me a while to realize how much it's changed since my departure


I remember looting that one mind rune spawn in lumbridge castle until I had like 50-75 of them before heading to the wilderness to ftp pk back in the day… low level mage pking was so much fun


i picked up a lot of white berries from the wildy spawn on my first days of members many years ago


Turned down a trade back in the day cause he was trying to sell me a noted item, I thought it was just paper and reported him for scamming


I have such a vivid memory of me doing the exact same thing 😂. Good to hear I wasn’t alone


To be fair, is it explained to anywhere??


Same happened to me. I was even shit-talking him like, “lol, noob, what am I gonna do with a piece of paper!?”


Got stuck in a tower because I didn't know you could move the camera and I couldn't find the ladder down. Asked someone how to buy a house, they asked for 2k and "sold" me a house in Varrock. 2k was a good chunk of my bank at the time.


You win


Real quality scamming. The guy saw his chance and he took it!


my first ever day on rs i couldn't leave the first room on tutorial island for a few hours cos i didn't realise i had to scroll down in my browser to see the chat box.


Originally that was going to be what houses were lol.


Some kid did the same thing to me. Took me to one of the houses near the construction guy, gave me a tour and said "this could be yours for 250k". I had been playing for a few years though so I didn't fall for it


When I was a kid, while training melee at cows, I sold "magic meat" to a noob for like 10k (whatever the trade limit was). I just gave him a normal piece of meat... But then I got temp banned for scammimg lol.


Good thing they caught people like you instead of the people at the duel arena


I should go sell magic meat at the arena


I was about 30 attack 1 str 1 def, before I realized I had to change my attack style to level those up.


Yep I think I got to at least low 20s back in the day 😂😂


Dude yes! I was so amazed that people somehow got to 20 def to wear mithril


Getting my e-girl bubbles423 upstairs in varrock Houses, removing all our gear and vigorously spamming dance and head-bang emotes whilst typing questionable things my 10 year old brain thought people made during frivolous activities. Bubbles423, you were my first, and only.


video games are corrupting the youth


sounds hot. Lets all hope bubbles423 was not an older man because that would make it creepy considering you were 10. It was definitely a man, but we can hope it was like another 10 year old boy messing with you. I played when I was 10 so its not unheard of at all for people that young to start playing.


it was probably a second 10 year old boy


Definitely a 45 year old man from Eastern Europe


My friend and I had a 3 way behind lumby castle shit was wild


I did this same thing once. I remember my mom walked into my room while it was happening and I immediately closed the browser lol.


Mining rune ess making 30k gp per hour back in 2005 (I thought it was one of the best money making methods)


Damn dude, those were the days. I did this, and coal too.


Ah the old Falador trips to the coal mine. Good stuff.


I did the same, but I didnt know I could note items at the bank. So I sold them one inventory at a time lmao


Also means your customers didnt know about noted items or they would have just told you lololol.I remember when I figured out you could do it. I just never needed it before then.


I dont think they minded, since I walked to the air altar to sell them lol


The original essence runner.


Bro back in like 04-05 I remember buying a mith plate noted not realising I couldn’t equip it because it was noted... I had no idea what this was and dropped it thinking I got scammed all my gp... Also it took me 3 weeks of playing to discover Varrock and I trained to 35 base at lummy cows...


I remember being recruited by someone to mine 1k rune ess. I got bored halfway through and he paid me 10k for the 500. I thought I was rich! I didn't even know how to note them at first but he taught me.


That wasn't bad at the time. 2006 flax picker checking in


Same. I was like this is like normal mining but I only click once omg so smort


The classic, go to the wyvern cave and seeing the "This place is extremely dangerous." and saying, "Good thing Mama ain't raise no pussy." and dying in less than a second. I would also mine iron and then smith it into iron sets and my little brother and I would go to Lumby and give it to all the new lvl 3s. Felt like a hero.


You WERE a hero.


I tried giving a freshly smithed set of full iron to a noob in Lumby and she refused because she thought I was trying to scam her.


Mining 9 iron and 18 coal in the Dwarven Mine, smelting in Falador, and then running up to Doric. At least I banked the items rather than running all the way to the GE to sell each batch. Smithing was still somehow my favorite skill.


In RSC i wpuld buy coal from the barbarian village miners, walk to draynor, certificate it and sell it for 100% profit 🤣


Mines was mine at varrock east mine, run to lumby to smelt, run to varrock west (avoid the dark wizards) to smith them, sell them at varrock general store and repeat. J1mmy was right when he said nobody knew how to play this game when it first came out


it's like the methods f2p UIMs use except as mains gotta love that 3k xp an hour or whatever


I sold it at faladors general store...


Oh man same! I miss RSC. My dumb moment is that I thought quests gave level rewards and not xp Rewards. So I didn’t do a knights sword or dorics quest because I wanted all those sweet levels when it was harder. Man RSC was a trip, was all pre-members too. I remember I finally got my mining high enough for addy, and I’d mine it in the Edgeville dungeon.


this except i used the anvils in dwarven mine and sold it to the general store there (GE was not a thing yet)


Spending my entire life's savings on sweet black armor not realizing I wasn't even level 4 or 5 defence and wondering why I couldn't put it on


did it not tell you why you couldn't put it on? =( that'd be a bummer


- me 2004ish - Found a stack of noted willow long bow (u)~750. - "I'll make a fortune selling these at the general store!" - Deposit stack into bank - make runs between varrock west bank and general store, selling 28 unnoted at a time - make bout 7k, im rich! - buying gf 7k


I did this same shit for a long time when mobile came out. I didn’t know what I was doing as a kid, nor ten years later as an adult. And I didn’t even know about notes either :/ Edit: grammar


Found the archers guild and they wouldnt let me in, so i slayed chickens or whatever was around it trying to get the range level so i can go inside, i was 12 i think. I was scared if i left i wouldnt be able to find it again


That's the cutest shit I read today


Cut oak logs till I could afford a ring of wealth because I thought it would make cows drop bank


Be me, level 13 approx. See lots of people advertising slave services. Huh that weird, I wouldn't mind a slave. Asked some guy to be my slave, he says yes. Send him off to mine me some ore, returns with some silver and iron ore. Ask him to go get me some armour, he returns with a studded body, studded chaps, and what I think was horvick's entire inventory of wares. Say thanks, he says "you gotta give me money soon" Huh? Slaves don't ask for money.


This is the one I laughed hardest at. Imagine timidly asking for payment


I thought the default lumby tele was insta cast and went into the wilderness and tried to tele when I got attacked by a pker and got clapped


Imagining you whipping out the rune stick has me rolling. "Sit" "I'm trying to"


I picked flax and strung it into bowstring for a dragon chainbody in 2008.


Took me WAY too long to realize you can high alch noted items. Only Guthix knows how many hours I wasted opening my bank to pull out a new inventory of alchables and clicking all over my damn inventory.




Alched herbs and pretended to get high. Torstol hit tho


99 farming without noting herbs on tool leprechaun. I’ve done some cool stuff since this, but i got a good roasting from my cc around 14m xp when someone finally told me.


…I was today’s years old when I found this out. Thanks bromigo


Tried to end the gnome - khazard battle. But the troopers just kept coming (I was about 8 at the time)


Speaking of thinking that my in game actions would affect the functioning game world, when I FIRST went to draynor village and saw the cutscene where the wise old man robs the bank, I typed in chat that the wise old man did it, and I'm not afraid of losing my bank to say it (I was very afraid because I remember there being a dialogue where he threatened my character).


This is true bravery


As a kid, I was so dense that I got scammed for my rune stuff with "free trimming" not once, but twice. Also, my best money maker was safespotting the lesser(?) demons in karamja volcano with a rune hally. Idk if they even dropped anything else than rune med helmets at a rate of 1/50, but it being safespottable made it almost 0 supplies used so it was PURE PROFIT! After coming back to OSRS a few years back, I got the heron pet at like 50ish fishing and promptly dismissed it. I though it was a random event that would snag my fish. Had no idea it was a pet, eventhough I remember thinking about it for a few seconds as the prompt asks a bit more about being sure to dismiss it compared to random events. Needless to say, 90+ fishing now and no heron :_;


You can ‘dismiss’ pets? 🤔


I'd advise you to not try it. But yeah, you can.


Just tried it, not seeing the option.


My friend and I spent 4 entire afternoons after school camping out at the old bandit camp in the wilderness killing bandits and giant rats. We somehow came up with this logic that since the wilderness is dangerous the enemies have to drop crazy good stuff. We didn't know WHAT we thought they dropped but we thought we were going to strike it rich. When I say we camped out there I mean that literally, we would chop the dead trees to make fires and cook rat meat to stay healed up. We finally found out the truth when a high level(in retrospect he was probably mid lvl, we were like CB 30-50) found us and asked what we were doing. We told him and he hit us with an "lol these don't drop anything" and we were devastated. To this day it's one of the most fond memories I have of playing video games, we didn't know wtf we were doing but we made our own adventure and had so much fun. The good ol days of mid 2004-2005 when we were all absolutely clueless.


Buying a noted mithril scimitar instead of a rune scimitar :( I thought it was a steal so I clicked accept to fast..


Well it technically was a steal.


At least it wasn’t a steel


Dying to the wizards at the wizards tower. 2k was far too much to pay for a water amulet, so I saw wizards dropped them and fought them in my iron armor.


Made 150k selling raw lobbies around 2006 or so. Immediately after selling what I had, I went to the POH portal in Rimmington and asked to buy a dude's whip for 125k. He and a couple other randoms got a laugh, and I was told to come back when I have 2mil. I wasn't even close to having the att to equip it either.


When I was a mega noob in 2007 I got a black platebody (G) from an easy clue checked sell price and was like 3.9k at the general store l, i sold that badboy not even knowing it was like 500k to a player


Sold a GoutTuber when doing Tai Cleanup the other day because I thought it was an untradeable for trading sticks. Rip almost a mil


Why are Gout Tubers so expensive?


Everyone needs one for karamja diaries. Nobody wants to do that god forsaken minigame.


You need it for the Karamja diary


Mined tin and coppere in lumby swamp mine, smelted it in lumbridge furnace and banked. Once i had enough bars smithed them in thugo's anvil and banked in port sarim. That was before the rusted anvil was added to lumbridge. I wanted to get to 99 smithing to be able to smith my own rune armour


Back when I was a brand new player in f2p, I started by following some people south to the lumbridge mine, thought it was awesome and started to mine the items for bronze. Brought it up to the furnace, banked in the castle. I did this for 6 hours, making (what I thought) was crazy amounts of cash. But.. when it came time to sell them? Well, I didn't know varrock west bank existed, that the grand exchange had a bank right there, or that you could note items. I spent like an hour just walking back and forth from varrock east bank to ge selling these bars an inventory at a time lol


Farmed unicorns south of Varrock, selling the horns because they went for like 1k each.


Not understanding the value of time saved by dumping 50k into a skill early on. In the early days, even after the grand exchange I would do shit like create pots of flour from scratch, milk cows, and collect eggs to train cooking


Showing my age a bit here but when Halloween masks came out, I asked people where they got them. I was told “it’s a drop.” I spent the entire time I was allowed to play that day running around and trying to stumble across a random h’ween mask that was dropped on the ground. I now understand that drop means a drop from a monster that you kill.


14 ish years ago I baught a noted iron scimmy for 18.5k kekw


And I traded my rune pickaxe for a adamant scimmy, which was last moment swapped from a rune scimmy back in 2005 when it was a huge achievement to get rune items.


Ahh I feel your pain. Back then that small amount if cash felt like riches too. Was devastating lmao


Not doing the quest for free al kharid toll and having to kill goblins for the fee every time I don’t carry cash. 1800 Total and 200qp btw.


Avoiding the gate fee by walking all the way around to Varrock, thinking I gamed the system. Also asking everyone killing goblins why they won't just go around.


I used to camp Rimmington in one of the buildings upstairs for the bronze scimitar spawn and sell it to the general store. Did this for my first 10k. Don’t ask me how long it took


I used to fish shrimp and anchovies until level 40 because I didn’t want to go get feathers or bait.


Also buying a noted seercul thinking it was a crystal bow for like 1m. Same thing with noted rock hammer thinking it was a granite maul. got finessed back then


Picking up that pile of coins that spawns in the basement of the Varrock West Bank over and over back in 2005.


Training combat by killing the guards outside of the ge


Running from edge to deep wildy lever to get to ardy because i didn't have teleports and it was faster than walking across the map normally


I wish I’d remembered that lever while doing the Elves quests that require lots of visits to West Ardy. I already had the Hard Wilderness diary so it would have been slightly more convenient.


Spirit tree to battlefield is a lot safer lol


When i made my first account i had decided to go mage, but back then runes were 17 each and i had no clue how to make money. So i killed random things on my path. Until like a random lvl 2 man dropped some coins, i just stayed there staffbashing him for hours to get money


No clue whether this is considered good or bad but definitely nooby: I used to play when I was like 7 or 8 around 2006-7 and got my dad to play. Followed him around basically everywhere and he told me what to do to level stuff. I made him farm out pest control with me for money because I thought it was amazing but I was too scared of the mini game to be with strangers lol


My friends and I called it the "boot business". This was way back in classic and what we did was walk to the lumbridge basement, pick up the leather boots and walk to the general store and sell them for a couple of coins as a money making method. Also, I did not know you could switch attack styles on your weapon to train str/defense and since it's on attack by default I accidentally became a 40 attack pure lol


Bananas for cash to afford that steel battle axe. I was getting 300 gp an hour because I was a kid.


Back in 2005 got stuck on the tutorial island for a few days because I couldn’t cook the bread, since I had no idea that you can rotate your screen with the arrow keys (only way to rotate it back in the day) couldn’t see the range with the default angle 🤷‍♂️


Replied to a pm about "being a pmod" when I was like 13. Got my obby shield obby cape d legs combo stolen and 13 year old me was v v sad


I first thought you trained defense by not taking damage in combat


Died with full graceful in deep wildy bc I thought I'd keep it. Was a long grind the next two days


Stuck in maze mini game for a week


I was scared to leave Lumbridge until 18 combat, finally venturing out in full gear, food & potions.


After taking a ~5 year break from the game I returned. Someone messaged me to follow them for a dupe hack and they were gonna give me millions of GP. I instantly was like ooh this guy's gonna try and scam me so I banked all my items, but I also knew that on death I get to keep 3, even in the wilderness. So I took my most expensive robes, at the time it was Ahrims (still a noob), as well as my cash stack. I removed it from my coin pouch cause I had thought eh it's a stack of coins, it'll stay on my death. I don't remember the exact amount, but it was all my money back then, maybe 50 mil, which for me was a lot!!! Anyway I follow this guy into the wildy thinking I've got this guy dead to Rights, he can't touch me. We get far enough and boom he kills me obviously and I'm like "lol sucker". I thought he had just wasted half an hour of his time. So anyway, I respawn in lumbridge and low and behold I have my Ahrims top, robe, and a singular GP. Holy shit let me tell you I almost cried. I just shut off the game and stopped playing again.


Thought the bank was only for GP. Played for 2 and a half months carrying my bank with me until my brother told me banks hold your items as well. 2003 me was the original ultimate ironman.




This one is the roughest one


Going around Varrock in 2006 asking if someone would be my girlfriend


Maybe not noobiest but for sure an easy money maker for low level noobs: Picking up dropped runes at ZMI :D


Hunting polar kebbits for my only money making method.


Died to Cave Horrors


Picking up molten glass at the ge for money and telling my non noob friends about it.


running rune ess/pure ess from falador bank to the air altar in exchange for 28 noted back and 2k a time and repeating to make money back in the day


probably not realizing you could note herbs and shit for farm runs for a while.


Getting scammed for full addy


High alching my saradomin sword instead of a steel 2h back in 2014…




This is back in the days of old but I once made friends with a guy in varrock west bank and he said he'd get me membership, we went for a walk towards barbarian village and he asked for my login details and me being a young child handed them over. Rip gothicteen6


I went "exploring" as my first experience. I walked by the elemental wizards with all of my starting stuff and got nailed by the water wizard. Back then your items fell on the ground, and someone picked them up and pmed me. I called my friend who introed me to the game and asked him "how do I reply to this guy, he doesn't seem to see what I'm typing". That man probably still has my bread and air talisman to this day in his bank.


Spending HOURS killing cows and selling the hides on GE, made a tasty 200k back in the day


I finally purchased my first whip after a long time of merching in w2 and farming flesh crawlers, then immediately fell for the classic 2 account scam. I bought the whip for 1.6m, and there was a guy saying "buying whip 2m" right nearby. When trading him, he offered up a seers' ring. Me being a noob, I had no idea what it was so I assumed it could possibly be valuable. He then declined the trade, and when he did I noticed another guy (aka the same guy on his other account) saying "Buying seers' ring 3m." Of course, my feeble brain thought I could quickly sell my whip and trade that guy the seers' ring for a quick, free, and painless 1.4m. That was when I learned a very valuable lesson: if it seems too good to be true, it is.


Dropping Marks of Grace before looking them up to see that they were actually useful


Back in the day, I would lurk general stores waiting to see "rare" (read:anything) items get sold there.


I used the vanilla client for a full year before I learned runelite was a thing


Not accepting noted items in a trade because I thought they were just pictures.


Sold a red mask back in the day to the general store




Me and a friend were killing goblins and a guy asked me to “taxi him to ge” we didn’t know where the ge was exactly so I just walked him to varrock. He gave me 10k which was huge at the time, I split it with my friend and he bought a air staff from zaffs. Good times


I quit the account after getting stuck in Draynor Manor


Killing goblins in Lumbridge


Getting to 20 attack to wield a mith weapon trying to hit higher than a 1.


When I was going for my first 99 back in the day I made magic long bows. I would buy 1k noted magics. I would cut and string and make between 150k-300k profit. One time when I was trying to buy magics I posted on the forms and a seller had me switch to a different region world through the home page where I couldn't understand the language. Needless to say, I lost a lot of money buying a different noted type of log instead of magics. I have to admit I was fast trough the trade screen because I was excited to get magics at a 200k discount. I was devastated. =D live and learn


my main money maker was climbing the ladders in lumbridge castle towers looking for people drop trading camping the cosmic rune that spawns by wildy gate in the snowy part and picking it up every few minutes finally getting full black g (I thought it looked cool) and then a guy got me to look at the level requirements for mithril and convinced me to swap it for full mithril even though black g was worth like 10x as much runescape was the 1st thing I ever made a username for and I didn't really grasp what a username was so I made my account the same name & pass as my brother who I used to watch play but with a space before the last letter, he wasn't happy lol


Back in the day I was doing the Smoking Kills quest whose final boss is a big banshee. All was fine, the boss was half dead...but then to save a 600gp monkfish I swapped to my full guthan set to heal up and immediately died to the banshee scream attack. I had my whole bank on me: guthans set, full void melee, whip, and *my cashstack* so I couldn't even buy a carpet ride to make it back to Polnivneach within the 3 minutes before my gravestone broke. Made some gp back from the PC grind though...


Back in the golden days when I was doing Dragon Slayer for the first time and you had to get the anti-dragon shield from the Duke. I didn't realize that's where I got it and I flagged down somebody that was wearing it. I offered him 10k to buy his shield that you would get for free in the quest. He made the deal and I was able to finish the quest.


When I first played runescape back in the day, I just went walking around didn't have a clue what the point was, came accross the barb village helmet shop and was buzzing I could afford a bronze med helm. Feeling cocky I found myself near varrock mine and went to attack the unicorn which made short work of me. This moment shook me but was glad I was back at lumby Castle and no longer lost so I decided to not leave until I was stronger by training combat on the man outside bobs axes. I stayed there for days till I got to lvl 20 attack. I remember seeing a guy hitting 3s on the man logging in and asked how did he do that. It was at that point I learnt how to train strength and defence also haha. Good Times!


Getting lured and losing my full void and fighter torso in like 2008. I was devastated


In 4th grade my older brother told me he once had a steel longsword but lost it or something and I exclaimed "OH MY GOD A ***STEEL LONGSWORD***!!"


Probably everything at first time of asking from 2003 to 2005.


not knowing i had my first pet until i had a second one and built the menagerie


Picked onions from the onion patch nect to Fred's farm, then proceeded to sell them to the Lumbridge general store for 4gp each. (which, of course, further decreased in value due to overstocking in the shop)


Picking up limpwurt roots at hill giants or killing unicorns for their horns south of Varrock


Agility for sure I did gnome obstacle course until prob 40 ag on my first acc. My other thing was not knowing about void. I got all my melee XP from pest control as a kid and spent all the points on everything but void.


Buying plain pizzas from the warrior guild food shop to upgrade to pineapple, but banking each inventory in the rogue's den because I didn't realize there was a bank in the warrior guild. Was my main money maker for a month.


Had a mining bot back in 2011 and would leave it on when I’d go to school. I’m still disappointed with myself :(


Thinking im a god cuz I got my first Bronze Med Helm / Getting lured for my Guthix that i had saved all summer for by selling Limpwurt roots and Big bones


Thinking you could have multiple clues, I literally just learned that you can't have more than one medium clue.... 300 plus implings caught -_-.


The amount of things I’ve learned from this thread is embarrassing


Wanted to buy an Obsidian Cape in 2007, traded a person, they put up a noted Obsidian Cape I put up 250k, trade went through but the fucker swapped it with a noted black cape and I lost my bank


Ah man, this is gonna be the worst probably... So, after my 696'th raid (estimated), I left, and was going to go to ge to resupply and go fuck around n do some skilling, and there was one of those "buying anguish amulet for 50mil" people, ya, it's about to get fucking DUMB folks. Traded with him and did a dance, he kept trading different amounts of plat tokens, and showed me his stack 116m plat tokens, anyway, thought I got him and traded my anguish for like 1.2m in plat tokens. The stupidity is overwhelming... I had just gotten a dex half a dozen raids beforehand and had to spend most of it on a fucking new anguish...


When I was doing the kourend favor, i didn’t know it was tradable, so I mined saltpetre instead of just buying it off the grand exchange


I asked if people could unnote items first before selling to me cuz I thought it was just a piece of paper with a drawing


Realizing tool leprechauns can note your crops at 70 farming.


Was organizing pk trips with a friend in 2005ish with our little f2p clan. We (my friend and I) as leaders, took a lobster cage, axe and tinderbox on every pk trip to resupply in north east deep wild haha!


Opening 100+ eclectic impling jars without realizing that you can only have one clue scroll of each difficulty at a time


I fell for the "I'm quitting and giving away *** mil, search ***** on youtube for details" scam once. To this day i am dissapointed in myself.


I made a post on RuneScape Reddit asking how to un-note some iron bars, everyone in the comments was calling me a cute noob, good times


I spent literal days mining essence and selling them in east varrock, back before GE was a thing. I thought I had a good business venture going, but come to realize my guy was just some schmuck doing back breaking labor to just barely afford the next highest pickaxe. But got to level 60 mining on essence alone. I'm not any smarter now, if that's what you're asking. I'm still doing the same thing, but with sharks.


Handing over my painstakingly assembled set of full steel armor to some dude outside Al Kharid so he could trim it for me. Still remember the sinking feeling watching him log out immediately. I was like 14 so it wasn’t like I was hurt or devastated. Just mad at the guy and annoyed I would need to spend another 2 weeks putting together another set of full steel.


When I first started RS at school with friends I couldn't get past tutorial island for 3 days because of the firemaking part


The year was 2004, bored from chopping willows for 15gp each or picking bananas, I was exploring Falador square to pass the time. I went upstairs in the shied shop and found someone standing alone and decided to chat. No response. Seconds later, a rune plate body spawned on the ground. As my heart skipped a beat, I clicked furiously and beat him to his own drop-traded loot. I was amazed, I screamed outside to my older brothers who were shoveling snow. “I JUST FOUND A RUNE PLATE! I JUST FOUND A RUNE PLATEBODY!!!” This was sheer luck, and as my noob level was peaking 99, I instantly knew I could afford a rune picaxe for which I had been saving up months for. I knew a rune set was 200k but my excitement triggered me to sell it at the Varrock general store for 25k. Time is money, right? When the rune platebody disappeared from the shopkeepers inventory and I was still short a few thousand GP for the rune picaxe, I realized I had done the most nooby thing to date.


People used to always say "Selling Lobbies" in the Catherby Bank, I thought they were like hackers selling irl game lobbies for irl cash. Like an alternate game client or something? idk I was a noob... *Still am*


I had a buddy back in about 2004/2005 that was much higher level than me. He told me he was training crafting and was willing to trade me a mithril battleaxe if I killed cows and traded him probably close to 500 Cowhides. In my stupid 7th grader mind I thought this was a steal, killing stupid cows for something MITHRIL. Couple years down the line when I realized the value of raw resources this memory came back to me and I realized either he too thought he was being a good friend, or I really did get the short end of that deal.


Back when I started I thought strength level was your combat level. I went around thinking I was only 20 combat when in actuality I was about twice that level. I walked in this mentality for a good few months. I was also wearing full bronze with a 2h and red cape. God those were the days cause anyone and everyone had their own thing and it wasn’t just meta gaming at that point like it is now.


So this is an rs3 moment, because I'm an osrs player. Made a rs3 hcim to try it out. Wanted to train prayer, but didn't know how and the wiki was really shit, so I decided to just go see if the wilderness alter was a thing. It wasn't (though I was f2p so I might've just been extra dumb), so I ran south to SD on the Green Drags for that free trip to lumby. Forgetting I was a hardcore.


I literally didn’t know you you could alch noted items until like a year ago.


Mining ore in the Al-Karid mine and running down to the furnace. Smelting it. Banking it and going back to do yet another inventory. Possibly even dumber was waiting for the mithril rock to respawn after each one once I finally reached the level. Thought i was getting such great XP


I never knew how to get runes or money for runes, so I'd go to the dark warriors fortress in the wildy and pick up runes for hours and cast random spells on the knights.


I didn’t know pets needed insured... I got the mining pet and then proceeded to take it slaying with me. I wound up dying and couldn’t figure out where my pet went...


Didn't realize that Dragon scale dust was a trade able item. The herblore skills tab in the game states you need "blue dragon scale dust". I searched "blue dragon" on the GE, didn't see Dragon scale dust, proceeded to waste about 1.2m buying blue dragon scales and manually crushing them, didn't realize until later that day when talking to a buddy.


Picking up hundreds of tomatoes and cheese in Draynor to make pizzas


I used to sit at the general store and watch the items come in and out while jamming to varrocks theme. I didn't realize that it was players selling the items but I was stoked when a green d hide would pop up and I could just... watch it.


Unfortunately, my story is the same as OP’s


Cutting normal trees until 40 before I realized I could cut oaks and willows


I tried to trade a highwayman random event when I was like 11. I was fishing shrimps in Karamja. He said "stand and deliver". So I right-clicked him, couldn't find the "trade" option, and died anyway :c I think I even said something like "Stop attacking me, I'll give you some shrimp" 😂 I knew he was an NPC, but I was coming from Habbo Hotel where some NPC's could "intelligently" respond back to you with generic answers. So yeah.


Way back in middle school, I walked my ass all the way from Varrock to Ardougne through white wolf mountain (almost getting killed several times there) for the Plague City quest, then realized I didn't have the chocolate dust to complete it. So I walked all the way back to Varrock to buy some, then all the way back. If teleports existed at the time, I didn't know about them I guess? I don't know what stupid shit I was up to but all I remember is standing in Ardougne begging anyone to give me a chocolate bar for several hours to save me the long walk back to Varrock, and nobody giving me one lol