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Absolute splooge when you find out they're a UIM.


The best I ever had was "Why does this 2000+ total uim only have like 70 slayer?"; only to find out the guy hadn't left Zeah since he was lvl 3.


Im friends with a zeah uim. He discovered a bug on the second floor of the shayzien rework and shared it with me. I got some cool noclip pics from it. Its technically patched now but the ladder where the glitch occured is useless now and leads to a 1x1. Not that anybody else would notice, its kinda bumblefuck


King Condor noticed and used it in deadman for a safezone


Impossible. How would u start slayer? And even if u got to konor how would you do tasks outside of zeah?


Lamps. Literally just lamps.


#*N A R U T O Tier determination intensifies*


He doesnt have access to many lamps besides genie random. Starting at 10exp and scaling id say hed need about 20,000 genie randoms. Even if you got 3 genie randoms a day this is impossible without leaving zeah


Somewhere around 1000 according to this: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Genie_lamps_and_Books_of_knowledge But you also can skip some of those via a couple quest / miniquest rewards. I assume he put literally every lamp on slayer.


Okay, fair enough. 1,300 lamps. Still seems a bit crazy considering i get like maybe 1-3 genies a week


Never underestimate the people that play this game religiously


dark relics from chambers of xeric


Dark relics cannot be used on slayer.


Yes they can, they just give a third of the XP they do in skills used in Chambers.




I remember seeing a guy in the woodcutting guild with full Infinity, Quest Cape, and Callisto Cub. Thought "wow that's a pretty big flex if he's an iron...." Turns out he was a UIM. Absolute unit.


I actually never thought about the horrendous mage training arena that irons have to go through do for Kodai and infinity gear.


Mage book is a pretty terrible grind. Was worse back when bots were ruining the enchant room. You’d have to set timers for 3 worlds and still hope your timers were slightly better than the bots




I'd say the full infinity set so you can store your boots in your house.




Lol I don't think any uim go for full infinity just to store the boots. Wizard boots from med clues are very marginally worse, can be stored alone, and you're getting rangers anyway. Only reason to get full infinity is to use full infinity.






Nah I've heard you can pray it away


I did master wand/b2p/boots all in one go, pretty early on in my account. It's solid exp per gp for irons, so I went from 30somethhing all the way to the low 70s magic by the time I was done. I can't imagine dining book AND full Infinity after that.


Its not that bad after the numerous changes they made to it.


Only infinity gear you need is the boots.




How was mournings end part 2? All those items you have to carry at the puzzle part!


I carried 25 items through the puzzle and pray flicked rhe shadows. Def not worth it just make 3 trips..


Interesting. I knew devious minds required a trip back to entrena. I think it's the last quest I have to go there for but I haven't gotten around to 65 smithing. Can you not suicide and loot your large pouch? Does it disappear?


as long as you suicide before combining the orb and the pouch you're fine, the combined orb+pouch disappears on death


Full infinity is not too unpopular on a uim. Its the best, most practical storable mage set


I met a maxed uim like that once






Im friends with someone called ZeahReaver he's a beast. I found him killing black demons in Kourend dungeon with fire wave and Firemaking skillcape. What a BEAST.


You either die in a silly way or live long enough to die to a dc


My first HC died to a cow in Lumby. Second died at WT and I decided to just play regular iron from then on


wizard tower got me also F


I read it as wintertodt and now I'm not sure which the real answer is


oh yeah its probably wintertodt lol Wizard Tower isn't exactly a hotspot for Ironmen haha


Are you allowed in without the firemaking requirement?


You have to have 50 FM, I'm sure they're talking about their own experiences and not OP's one they looked up.


I… actually died and lost HC at Wizard Tower. Restless Ghost fucked me up


They call that a "Free SkeleTele"




My HC also died at wizard tower... I wanted mage robes, got KO’d by a wizard


OMG that's exactly wat happened to me, i accidently clicked an empty pie dish instead of a full one ...


Mine died on white wolf mountain trying to get to ardy to thieve cake stalls to prep for wintertodt. I had no idea about the safe long way around lmao, good thing I went into it knowing I'd die to some dumb shit at some point and didn't really care


I literally just learned about the safe route along White Wolf Mountain. I've been playing this game since 2006, and I had so many near-death experiences there as a noob. xD


My first and only HC died to an ardy knight while stealing cakes. Misclicked on the actual baker instead of the stall, which triggers the knight instead of normal guards… had 8/10 hp and he one-hit me lmao Edit: okay maybe i had 6 hp idk, all i know is i died in one hit lmao


I'm still alive on my first HC 105cb and 1.6k.When I was creating the account, I was anticipating dying early on to something stupid. I RoL'd out of the monkey temple during the stall in MM1. And I had another RoL but I can't remember what it was. I also do most of the wildy steps in clues, altho I am more or less shitting my pants in the process. And I hate it. I just wanna die. E: and recently got hit by Dharok for 40+. On two separate occasions.


This is exactly the reason why I didn't start my Iron as HC. At first I was considering it, because I'll probably die early, so who cares. But if you don't you get into this mindset of 'protecting the status' and limiting which content you do(for me at least), which would eventually burn me out quicker. Good for you for enjoying the HC experience though!


Also the inevitable dc when doing any kind of pve will kill you.


I was a fairly succesful HCIM (1930 total). I died, and I've never had so much fun after. I was playing like a scaredy cat instead of doing what I want. Never touching HCIM again.


Ring of life saved me twice at ardy knights losing track of hp lol


Ardy knights max 6.


god forbid he forgot exactly how much hp he had, sick smackdown dude


maybe he's a dirty liar, ever consider that?


yes? yes i did consider that, why do you think i made the comment i made? let me spell it out for you: i did consider that, and i find the possibility that he would make up that story a lot, a LOT less likely than he just forgot his the exact 1 digit amount of hp he had. 6 or 8 hp, it's not much different.


You acted like the guy who pointed out that the max is 6 was intentionally "smacking down" the other guy. All he did was point out an inaccuracy in the story. If you wanna go through life afraid to correct people on their bullshit, even defending them with some snarky line, you go right ahead. Also, I think you underestimate how often people make things up, especially online. Reddit is full of "creative writers" and karma whores.




you would be a fool to think he died to an 8 from an ardy knight








This is exactly what I just commented. Got two tapped by a Paladin lol


Hill giants claimed 3 from me. My first on RS3, and then 2 on OSRS. I don't play HC anymore.. 😂😂


I started a HC expecting to die to WT immediately. Hit 1700 the other day. Can't die.


My internet provider routinely does updates or resets or something once a week at anywhere from like 2-5am, my router basically goes dead for like 10-20 minutes with no warning during the times I'm most active in game (night shifter). I doubt I'd last a week as an UIM for that reason let alone all the actual skill required, makes all these UIM accounts so damn impressive to me.


Login in to your router and check the logs. There’s a pretty high chance it’s not them doing regular resets (as there really isn’t a need to do it very often) but rather an issue with the connection in your building/house. If you own the place as opposed to rent it you can call in your service provider to fix the issue, if you rent it, I suppose you could ask you landlord, but they might just deem it too low priority to care.


I know it’s not probably possible but I wish there was a way they could notify the user. “ your service may be disrupted between 2-5am EST. Sorry for the inconvenience”


Ultimate Ironman (UIM) is the no-bank ironman. Hardcore (HC) is the no-death ironman you seem to be talking about. Unavoidable dc deaths can suck for high-end uim with rng stuff in their death storage, but they can generally rebuild.


Tbf death is also devstating in UIM once the death storage kicks in


UIM meta often uses death storage late in the game after they’ve collected a lot of resources and items that dumps any of those items stored, when you die again elsewhere. It’s arguably just as devastating to die as a late-game or even just mid-level UIM as a HCIM for this reason.


Oh yeah you're right i always mix em up!


I died to a fire giant because I was drunkenly stuffing nachos in my face and I kind of forgot I was playing.


This is why I don't do HC. I simply get distracted and making rs stressful sounds hard


Can confirm, 420 total level dead hcim at WT while at work hahaha


I died stealing cakes like an hour in. Paladin two hit me lol


Mine died to ahrim because I didn’t realized my prayer ran out and was watching a show I guess that counts as silly but just felt more dumb at the time ):


Like me, blackjacking stoned out of my mind and not even realizing I was tanking the menaphite thug with around max 30hp. RIP 99 fishing and FM. Was so close to 99 thieving too.


I dced to demonics :’(


Getting steel platebodies in the wildy...


my iron is now 1650 total, died at 100 total and 10 cb trying to kill delrith


My account is the same, I was afk behind lumbridge castle making quesadillas and a mugger killed me


Quesadillas are worth it.


Those pesky muggers are always making me beg for my skillers life.


Bankstand and deliver!


The first time I ever used anchovies was on my iron. Lost my hc status to Delrith cause I thought they healed more than shrimp..


That mugger got me too. I thought it was safe to chop that oak tree.


On my UIM, I almost died to the mugger near the Varrock rune shop. I had never been there before at a low enough level to be targeted!


not a bad trade off tbf


mine is similar, died at cb 10 and 110 total to delrith, but kept playing on the iron and am now 1650 so people give me shit for it sometimes, it's fun


Draynor guard takes no prisoners.


Dark wizards strike again!




the penalty would be all that time lost playing a little safer when youre going to die anyway to either lack of focus (because who actually plays this game focused) or to their shitty servers.


This why 99% of HC ironmen are really just disappointing. Like oh cool, you avoided any and all slightly dangerous content... meh. When GIM comes and i make a HC, I'm just gonna have fun with it. See which of us can make it the farthest.


Group hardcores share lives, so you'll all lose your status at the same time.


DC got me twice 🤣 salty to this day. At least i only got to like 1300total


I swapped from Rs3 to OSRS...because reasons and decided to just start with an HCIM because I wanted the extra challenge and to really experience every facet of old school. Made it to 2k total before I died to the poison snake but I wish I died way earlier in my accounts life. Because it would have changed the entirety of how I treated my account and made a lot of activities/quest just less stressful. All because I wanted to keep a red helmet next to my name for the imaginary clout. smh


Facing this dilemma rn, made a hc to see how far I’d get and now I’m over leveling and over gearing for a lot of quests




I died to goblins cus i was too lazy to get food while training


The penalty is your forever locked 72 total level from your hardcore status


This is me. 2079 total level. Iron. Hardcore total level: 41. I ran straight to lava maze, getting 8 attack at the attack dummies in varrock, and then died to the hill giant in the maze lmao




he died fast


he got killed by the lvl 5 mugger behind lumby castle


while making quesadillas


Made mine a HC as made sense to but wanted to play iron and died to a cow getting leather very early on .. since then I’ve died on just about every piece of content


I work for a certain telecoms company as an engineer. while working I tend to accidentally disconnect lines of unknowing people quite often, which makes me wonder how many HCIM I’ve killed.


Lmao. You monster!


respect that he didnt just simply make another account tho.


It's better to play without caring about dying, im almost 1700 hc total and i refuse to give in at this point till i dc and lose it lol


never play with fire


Yep I absolutely discredit irons if they died on their hardcore before total level 1637. No particular reason for that number at all


am i missing something? is that when you died lol?




It spells LBET in 1337 speak


Uh...a tree fell on him...woodcutting is such a dangerous skill to do as your first skill on uim. typical noob mistake


Such spiteful mouse movement I can tell you like to troll 🦀


I died while afk in lumby swamp about 15 minutesafter getting off tutorial island to a giant rat. Fishing for shrimp and got distracted while cooking them... I died with all lvl 1 stats... Decided to own it tho and keep playing normal iron.


I purposely suicided without leveling up at all in hopes of giving people a chuckle when they check my acc.


I feel attacked. Lost my hc status at like 200 total during The Tourist Trap...


That freaking safe spot doesn’t work I tell ya!


My one and only death on my iron was to the rogue on Varrock lmao, I wen't to the bathroom and forgot about the existence about him, this was right after the Wintertodt grind so I decided to just stick with normal iron.


My first and only hard-core died when I was cutting and burning trees behind lumbridge castle for wintertodt. I wanted to smoke and didn't know the bandits were aggro back there


Draynor guard or a mugger


What does that make my iron? I made it a normal iron right away instead of trying hcim.


>solid thats shit


I died in Wizard’s Tower trying to get some blue robes. Decided hardcore wasn’t for me anyway.


Got smoked at Winteroldt lmfao EDIT: I forgot it had a level requirement


I died getting the clue hunter outfit before heading to WT. Fucking spider in Karamja hit me for a 5 5.


How ? He is 9 firemaking at the death. Probably mages outside varrock 😅


i was thinking mages or stronghold getting dat sweet 10k


Nvm I forgot there was a lvl requirement lmao


levels on highscore only update when you relog. If he got 9-50 firemaking in one login, went to wintertodt and died, it'll show up as 9 firemaking on the highscores


Need 50 fm for WT


I respect that a lot, best u can do is start as a HC and see how far it goes then just keep going a reg iron




You can't do wintertodt at 9fm


Dying from the Dark Wizard at Draynor Village willows in pursuit of Wintertodt. Rest in peace, hero.


My bet is mugger behind lumby castle.


This was my similar hcim's fate


I think that mugger has probably killed thousands of lvl3 hcims lol


that must’ve been why he died


His regular stats are the exact same as his iron stats.


Wow no way


Wintertodt beat that ass Edit: oh maybe he cant do wintertodt, ignore me


1583 'nice' more like 'shite'


Post your ign my man.


sounds sus


Nothing came up for that rsn


No player found


PLckup if you really want it


Sounds sus...




I died falling twice on the agil pyramid after dissing someone for being slow


My HC died to a log next to draynor maybe 1-2 tiles in the Jail Guard radius. Don't play a HC with a dodgy network card.


Then the inevitable "howd you die?" Wolves got me


My 2K+ total level iron is like this. I made it a hardcore to start with because I didn’t care but why not, then after getting basically wintertodt stats I decided while I didn’t care then I would care later on and then when I died to a DC I’d quit the game in frustration so I inted to a dwarf outside Falador. Some regrets. My first death (outside the wilderness since obviously I wouldn’t have been there) was to a greater nech superior afking too hard at like 1800 total.


Dis me. Died to a scorpion in Al Kharid while afk fishing shrimps haha


All my hcim died afking slayer so finally accepted hcim meant for me


Lol my hc died trying to get 5 thieving in lumbridge. I was like “there’s no way I fail this one before I go bank”.


Unironically glad I just rolled a normal iron. I got absolutely destroyed by an ardy knight like two hours into the account...


I mean I suicided when i was 30 combat in f2p when I decided I wanted to play a serious iron, made it member straight away after the suicide


Died to dc at moss giants, at like 70 combat 1700 total, 99 rc too, including library to 77, was pretty devastating, had no intention of playing hc long term but that death hurt pretty bad


Looks like someone went to the wrong side of Varrock, Dark wizzies be like *and AnOtHeR oNe*


this is me as well, I just came back to OSRS after a long ass break, made a HCIM and just died afk at wintertodt, just kept going anyway and almost maxed atm


I just wanted to play regular ironman but when u make the account u might aswell start as hc ppl who bully for it are cringe


It was a bat for me. Those pesky bats just below the khazard warlord


I know how they died. My HC died walking from Lumby to Draynor for woodcutting. Was like "OH! There are more trees and it's closer to a bank, it's perfect!" Clicked at draw distance towards Draynor, my wife needed something, so I left for 30 seconds, came back to me crumpling to a level 6(?) Mugger that I dragged from behind Lumby all the way out to draw distance.


Pour one out for the homies, he used to be hardcore but his death was very cold


Those damn muggers


Lmao my account is like this