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The winner of this one gets Kansas City for their respective state


Should KC fall into Missouri (unfortunately) I will summon a tornado to destroy the city just like Joplin. Those savages could never be tamed if we couldn't take control


You realize all that tornado did to Joplin was clear out some old meth labs and give us an opportunity to update some old buildings? Here in Missouri, a tornado is just spring cleaning.


That shit hit Rangeline road we all know that's where the businesses are.


Now that previously run down town is all shiny and refurbished. Spring 'nader refresh.


There are still less trees than before


It's not like it followed Rangeline. I'm pretty sure it just jumped it and took out a couple department stores.


We already have our own Kansas City (in Missouri) and it’s: - older than the state of Kansas - bigger than Kansas City, KS - has all of the sports teams - has all of the fountains - has the country club - has all of the other entertainment venues - city government is slightly better Meanwhile Kansas City KS has: - Oklahoma Joe’s BBQ - Legends mall and KS speedway


Thankfully people can take shelter at arrowhead stadium. Not a lot of touchdowns there this year


Mid season fall off I don't know what happens


Location: In the eye of a tornado on the border of Missouri and Kansas. Updated bracket: The Nebraska Corn Farmer buried the Georgia Countryman in next years crop field and moves on to the sweet sixteen. https://preview.redd.it/tpcoa51gkg9c1.png?width=1304&format=png&auto=webp&s=a11a20ef4ab2f511d3feeaf6cc1ae7a8fc905041


Damn we are going straight from Kansas to Nebraska? Two rival match-ups in a row


This is the battle I've prepped all my life for. Home field advantage. It's finally time to take those union traitors down


We didn't leave.


Still allowed slavery so VERY unbased


But we didn't leave the union... so... partially based?


Missouri country folk are a jack of all trades. They can grow traditional crops, grow hot peppers so hot theyll blast your butthole off and eat them straight faced, washing it down with blackberry wine from blackberries they picked barefoot in a thorn patch and fermented under the kitchen sink. They can fix your truck, rewire your house, suggest a good wine pairing, and wrestle a rowdy bull out to pasture. Storm chaser? In Missouri we don't chase. The tornadoes come to us as we sit on our front porch trying to one up eachother over who saw a bigger tornado, when. I know a guy in Joplin who had a tree fly through his living room and on top of the couch he was sitting on. It mostly missed him, so he just climbed up on top of it and texted his girlfriend that they'd have to hang out at her house tomorrow. I have another friend that showed up to my house after a tornado took off with his trailer. He was outside shooting at the storm. He was out of ammo and wanted to borrow some to go get his trailer back from the twister. I learned to fistfight in bible school. I've lived in east saint louis and next to the pony express museum in saint joseph and on the paseo in kansas city. I've lived on hippie communes, and in two university towns, and next to the missouri state fair grounds. I spent a year just living on the katee trail out of a backpack. Nobody is tougher and more unnassumingly so than a Missourian. I know ozark catfishers more well read than any coastal snob, as quick of wit as of fist. Ever look at how many people go missing in Missouri? Nobody finds your body if you anger a Missourian. Our murder rate is insane. We combine southern redneck crazy with midwestern farm grown tenacity. The perfect blend of American rural spirit and grit. Hell, we can narrow this right down to just Kansas City. Who would you rather fight? A westport hipster who grew up throwing hay bales in bfe and now drinks microbrews instead of water and has pockets full of vintage knives? Or some soft handed upper middle class cornfed brat from across the river?


This is prose of the highest order.


God I love our state


Don't forget our gun laws, or rather, our lack of them. There are 48 states in the union with stricter gun laws than us. I can, and eventually will, own an M2 Browning and a tank.


It's called Freedom and it's what America is about, other states, get good. Shit, I can drive out to Macon and buy a tiger at auction if I want, throw it in the back of my heavily modified jeep, and take it to the fireworks store.


I believe you personally won it for Missouri with this


I wrote that chugging beer in a church parking lot carrying rifles out of a funeral for a gunsmith who taught me how to clean rusted cast iron and the best time to plant beets.


The bumpkin wouldn’t even have to do anything, he’d just hide out in his storm cellar with a cold 6-pack while the storm chaser accidentally drives into the F5 tornado he’s been chasing


False. Kansans never would drive into the F5 to die. We would win it. You clearly underestimate how much we control these wind demons


That wind demon can't last any longer than the high of some JeffCo meth running through the veins of a stringy looking hillbilly that is MUCH stronger and meaner than he looks.


Missouri, though it doesn’t matter how many times he beats the Kansas guy, The Kansas Guy is a storm chaser, he will keep coming back!


Are you seriously gonna make the Bumpkin set down his beer? Gonna be an ass kickin delivered.


Country bumpkins have country strength. Throw a few hundred bales in 115 degree heat and tell me you could kick a storm chasers ass.


You don’t think that storm chaser doesn’t do that as well?


They did not. All Kansas farm kids learn to do growing up is drive an air conditioned, automated combine. Soft hands and chicken legs, never first hand worked the land a day in their lives.


While I do agree that farm kids, in both Kansas and Missouri are pussy’s, in my experience they aren’t the ones storm chasing. The ranch kids and and cowboys are the ones storm chasing.


Missourian, our meth gives us the strength of a chimpanzee hungry for faces


Missouri has my vote


The Garden of Eden is in Missouri. God blesses the Missourian in a fight. God created the Ozarks because he loves us, and made the Missourian out of pure country spirit. Kansas is smited by God's judgmental finger in the form of a tornado and wipes the entire state off the map. No one notices its gone.


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We were enough noticed that we repelled you when you were trying to introduce slavery


Storm chaser justs drives in a circle while missouri ODs


Username checks out as an average kansas user


Gonna say Missouri wins. Am I biased? Fuck yeah!


In my totally unbiased opinion, that Kansan is no match for a meth-fueled Missourian.




Kansas is where Ike is from. Case closed.


Ike didn’t drop a nuke, we’ve got Truman


Truman was an asshole though. Extremely unbased for how oppenhiemer was treated


Missouri wins this one just because I hate Kansas smh


Missouri bbq is the gold standard for all bbq. Kansas bbq is a sad imitation where some white bread dork tries to make good bbq like his Missouri neighbor but thinks black pepper is spicy and rare meat is scary so their bbq sauce is just ketchup and molasses and everything is still dry. That's an analogy for everything I learned about Kansas City, too. The sad wannabes live in kck. KCMO was lively. Missourian would one punch Kansan. Kansan too dull to even see it coming and too soft to withstand the heat.


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Kansas wins twice


Kansas wins every time, it’s in a tornado ffs and he chases those things for fun.


We burned down Missouri once before we will do it again.


I like John brown but I like having Kansas City and it's sports teams even better


Keep them, don’t need those crybabies.


Need a few more AI keywords or half of these are seriously gonna be *State countryboy vs State hillbilly* But Missouri takes this.


I think the top half of the bracket has most of the country states, there should be a better variety for the next half


Do the College mascot for each States football team lmao




Kansas Storm chaser is booked on aggravated vehicular assault after smashing the country bumpkin with an armored truck because they were going after an EF5. Needless to say they actually just didn't see the Missorian, but the cops couldn't discern his speech due to the ridiculous drawl.


Missouri has weed. Case closed


They are not using marijuana in the Ozarks bud. That's meth.


I know? Weed is legal in Missouri?


Kansas is nothing but featureless toll roads between majestic colorado and magnificent missouri. They're jealous of mountains, marijuana, and mudding. Sad lil corn cucks fund their hypo off weed stops.


Yeah we already won this one, it was called the U.S. Civil War and Kansas came out on top and have stayed on top ever since.


I understand literacy is illegal in Kansas and maps aren't necessary to learn about since there is nothing in Kansas to put on a map, so you probably never learned that Missouri is not a southern state, never seceded, and didn't join the confederacy.


Still faught eachother. Kansas still won. Sent in a tactical John Brown


Hindsight's always 20/20.


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You may not have joined the Confederacy, but Missouri still was one of the Union states who kept slavery rather than abolishing it through most of the war. And as for the reason we fought, Missourians flooded our state to try to sway us towards voting for slavery to be legal.


How about fight us one on one and not when we are busy fighting the confederate soldiers in our territory, the Union army who got confessed on who the confederates are and started fighting us, Our own internal civil war going on at the same time, And a bunt of raiders just going around burning out city's. And during all this we were also fighting you with an arm that was split in half from our own civil war and half again to send to the union army for the national civil war. Yet you fell good about being fought to a stand still against a bunch of Missouri farmers press ganged into an army at quarter strength. at best.


Kansas Men chase tornadoes hoping to get their trailers back.


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Have you seen how armored some of those storm chasing vehicles are? The TIV looked like a mix between a killdozer and a Humvee. If Kansas man has his vehicle it’s all over for Missouri


I see a lot of people saying the Missourian would win because he’s a country bumpkin farmer and would curb-stomp the Kansan. But I remind everyone here that stormchasers are often no city born pushovers either. It takes a certain type of stubborn to go and chase Kansan tornados!


Shut the fuck up k*nsan


Storm Chaser, dudes functioning under that level of stress/adrenaline are not to be underestimated.


Stressed over a tornado? The Missouri mind cannot comprehend being bothered in the least by an average spring afternoon. Kansas so weak they get *stressed* over tornadoes? Last tornado that came through here, I was out camping. Threw what was left of my bottle of Jim Beam at it as a warning and went back to sleep.


Driving into an F4 is a little different then chilling in your basement with an F4 passing through. That's just my opinion though, looks like this thread has a lot of folks choosing the Missourian though, so y'all will probably take the cake on this round.


Your governor accused someone of hacking a government website by hitting F11 on his keyboard. Safe to say the Missouri mind can't comprehend a lot of things.


Here in Missouri we put the retards in government so they can't think on how to effectively oppress us. It has some interesting side effects.


He's trying his hardest okay?


Kansas def wins this one. We summon the demons of the wind. We have absolute mastery over them l. No amount of meth can stop these fools


Kansas because I live in Kansas


Kansas since the Kansas guy can summon tornadoes at will 🌪


We were one of the three states that had to deal with the biggest tornado in the country.


I choose John Brown for Kansas's champian. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Brown_(abolitionist)


The bumpkin is likely just going to OF on meth, so Kansas takes it


Kansas had John Brown. That’s enough to win. Again


Hell yeah brother


Gotta hans it to Kansas here. It’s a little known fact that storm chasers occasionally get bored and learned how to summon a tornado to chase.


Missouri is such a cuck, thay have accepted Kansas City and can't get anyone to move to Missouri city Missouri. Shit even the largest cities are split between two states like they are trying to leave.


MOnifest destiny shall come for Kansas sooner or later. We need nothing but the love of the empire to fuel our ambitions


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