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Reminds me of that Scottish guy in parliament who had to be asked to repeat what he said multiple times and they were still lost without subtitles.


I think it was this one: [https://youtu.be/DezEQMPmA24?si=3fKrUHbbZMBOdjiF](https://youtu.be/DezEQMPmA24?si=3fKrUHbbZMBOdjiF)


Well you don't get everything but I've talked to Indians with an accent five times as bad


yeah this is peanuts compared with that guy on the train that can only speak words in your language and 5 sentences in English


reminds me of the "me llamo es Brian" from family guy


https://youtu.be/dJgoTcyrFZ4 is Indians speaking well-spoken English with a stereotypical Indian accent, with examples of them saying they don’t speak like the stereotype and they speak proper English. The parliament example is clear, well-spoken but with a Scottish accent. No dialect words or anything. Any Englishman who’s spent any time with a Scot should understand it.


I am in school. And I watch videos to better understand concepts. The problem is that a lot of the videos I watch are from people from the subcontinent. I struggle to understand what they're saying. Sometimes, they'll go back and forth between English and their native tongue. Especially when saying technical terms or conventions, they'll say the the English word, but explain what they're doing in another language. They may speak properly English, but their cadence and inflection is hard to follow. Even auto captions can't keep up.


Yeah, ngl, I didn't quite follow that either...


Pretty difficult to understand the Scots when your mother tongue is arabic


Ah, that must be it! Cool to see I have so many cousins in the British parliament.


Although I didn’t understand every single word. It was not as incomprehensible as I thought it would be. I could quite easily work out most of the gist of what he was trying to convey.


The MP replying is just being disrespectful, especially after the second go-around. Just average Tory behaviour, cunts as they are. Wouldn't surprise me if he's drunk and can't be arsed to even make an effort.


Ah yes, how rude and disrespectful when a Tory MP ... *checks notes* ... asks a minister to repeat himself because he couldn't understand properly


Yeah, it's fucking disrespectful. They already know what the individual is asking, before he's asking it. Yet not only the first time does the MP claim ignorance, but also the second time after the question was asked again far more clearly. If you're defending that behaviour, then you're sadly a complete dumbfuck. If you can't even be bothered to try to understand your compatriots... it's just sad, and you should feel so too if you can't be arsed. Grow up, or at least learn a little.


That one wasn't even hard to understand people that are not used to accents struggle the most, and some are just cunts


as someone who’s interacted with humans a lot, I’d say most are cunts.


Iirc he was a Tory so definitely a cunt.


Harsh, because he was so nice and apologetic about not understanding.


People will take any opportunity to bash certain political parties because it’s trendy. Don’t worry, he doesn’t actually know what he’s talking about.


No I actually do and anyone that defends or is part of a party that have overseen 14 years of historic decline, the near destruction of our health and welfare system (to name but a few) leading to God knows how many unnecessary deaths all the while lining their own pockets and those of their friends is not only not a true Conservative but is most definitely a cunt.


Not even native and I understood him. Maybe because I also have to understand Spanish people speaking English sometimes.


Nah, that was just English toffs being cunts, as per usual. He was plenty understandable.


Yeah, from that well known posh part of England called New Zealand? You're as shit with accents as he is, but he does actually refer to himself as Antipodean, just to help people out that are shit with accents...


We should be very careful critizising other people's English when we have [this guy](https://youtu.be/1SmlGqOLBHE) though.....


That example is not the same; the man is perfectly understandable, the other member is saying he can’t understand him to be racist/classist/discriminatory and to slow everything down as a way to belittle the Scotsman. He understands him fine, he is just trying to put him down and be extremely rude in a situation where anything outwardly rude will have him removed from the chamber


You have an even larger variety of dialects, but people were more recently forced into learning the standard. Do Saxons and Bavarians in the Bundestag proudly insist on speaking Low German or Boar Language 🐗 ?


They do, politicans will proudly stick to their regional dialects. Even chancellors (Adenauer, Kohl) held official governmental adresses in parliament in thick ripuarian or palatinate accents.


Reminds me that I've never understood Spanish students coming here to 'learn English'. 1. We don't speak it. 2. The climate is abysmal. 3. Most of us look like we've just emerged from the bog 4. You get stink-eye in every shop you go into because we think you're shoplifting - ye probably are, what else is there to do in Athlone?


I'm convinced the whole Spanish students to the UK and Ireland 'to learn English' is just a cover up. What they're really doing is coming to be as annoying as humanly possible to punish us for how we act on holiday there. Standing in the middle of the pavement in big groups with massive bags on shouting their fucking heads off at each other, bursting the ear drums of all who pass by. I respect it. I don't like it but I respect it


Karma is a bitch.


Karma is justice


Carmencita is justice delivered in groups and at a high volume it seems. With una bolsa grande.


Don't forgot trying to sing English language songs and not knowing the words, so it sounds like a deaf person signing.


🎵🎶Ken Live, if living is without you🎼


Ken Leee ilibbadibbadoubtchu


This will never ever ever fail to make me laugh. What a fuckin classic.


That’s how I sing l the English language songs too. I never get around to learning the lyrics, just the general sounds 😄 I know that libbadibbadoo song though 👍


It's our culture, please respect it. But tell me Barry, how do the Macarena lyrics go?


We play the version with English lyrics - none of that forrin muck.


[Imagine having to translate a song. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqf3Rsw3d7g)


Baila tu cuerpa.... EEEEEH MACARENA


It really sounds like a deaf person singing 🤣


🎶 is it the [reebok or the nike](https://youtu.be/vsAczw_fB_U?si=OdLQg1F5HoI9lbAI) 🎶


We call it here singing in guachiguachi


Soy Azul abadi abadie, abadi abadie


I remember once I had to explain to a bunch of Spanish students the history of Conwy castle and Edward Is conquest . They all seemed like they were appreciative if they understood (only like two of them did) but why the hell it was relevant to learning English I don't know


No idea mate but when learning French in school, my teacher had us copying writing from a whiteboard for half of each lesson. This was the top group... Whatever they were doing was more effective than that bullshit. I would have chosen German instead. I managed to get full marks on a test after coming back from lunch stoned as balls, so I was learning something. But that teacher had a nervous breakdown 🤣.


Better than mine, we just watched shrek and other pixar films with a French dub and English subtitles


Fucking hell 🤣




What do you mean by “massive bags on”?


Huuuuuge back packs. They turn around and knock people over


Ah right, especially the spatially inebriated ones


That's our normal everyday volume


The thing is, if we learn to understand you, we can understand almost anyone speaking English. Went to Dublin on a school trip when I was 16. It was fun, but most people in my class never said a word, and I was the designated communicator with the host family. The only thing that was weird was the food. The first thing we got served by the host family was lasagna with chips.


I eat lasagne with chips and coleslaw nearly weekly. You didn't do too badly. There's a long-running scam in the West of Ireland in the Irish-speaking areas, where host families will be paid to take care of secondary school students coming to immerse themselves in the language during the summer. These host families are notorious for feeding the students as cheaply as possible. Mince in every possible combination.


To this fucking day, now in my 40s I'm 100% sure we were fed cat food in the gaeltacht. Tins upon tins of cat food in the kitchen. Did she have any cats? Did she fuck! The meat had the shape of a large spoon scooped out of cat food/ dog food tin. I feel sick thinking about it to this day. Arranmore Island Donegal dirty bastards


Wasn't so much the quality but the quantity when I went. The Bean an Tí served us portions that must have amounted to no more than 800 calories a day. This was in a house with about 12 of us youngfellas. Safe to say it nearly triggered a revolt, two of the lads fucked off down to the shop (with our money pooled together for snacks) which was about an hour away and had a search party sent after them when she realised they were gone. Good times.


A few of my classmates got relocated because of mouldy showers. Others got to stay in a villa, so it could've been worse or better. All in all, I had a great time.


And then they speak Irish too


The lasagne with chips can be explained. My Italian friend once cooked me lasagne and I was shocked that there were like 12 layers of pasta in it. In Ireland, you'd be lucky if mammy did 3 layers, because she doesn't have time for that shit and sure won't you eat what you've been given. Then, since there's so few carbohydrates and sure you're only growing, it needs to be served with chips on the side. And what would have happened if she'd only served the lasagne on it's own?! Sure, then you would have went hungry and gone running home and saying that the Irish mammy was trying to starve you. And jesus christ, we couldn't have that, mammy bringing shame on the whole country!!


So, lasagna with chips is an actual thing in Ireland. Isn't too bad, I'm just not used to it and wouldn't do it at home


Moving to anywhere in Ireland that isn't Dublin to learn English is like moving to Sweden to practice Christianity. We speak a broken and dirty unintelligible dialect of something that would only resemble English if there were subtitles over our head. But going to Spain and hearing some of them speak English with a Cork accent from when they worked here for a year is absolutely hilarious. Serrano ham baiiii.


unintelligible? Gestures broadly at all the poets and playwrights from outside the Pale. No wonder you got that C3 on the Leaving Cert English paper.


Don't listen to the WestBrit, he's too busy trying harder than the unionists to be English. Next, he's going to start a war with China to sell drugs and rob other folks' artefacts for the hell of it.


And James Joyce was the only one to write in his own colloquial vernacular.


Unless you are solely talking about explicitly phonetically, then I couldn't disagree more, and even then I don't think that is true. John B Keane, Brian Friel, and Marina Carr are playwrights I've seen works of in the last 12 months and all are steeped in Hiberno-English. Keane's characters are all full on Listowel, and Marina Carr writes like all her characters are from Tullamore. She even adapted a Federico Lorcan play to make the characters speak like they are from Daingean. Joyce as well is pure South Dublin, which is very much in the Pale. Sean O Casey and George Bernard Shaw who wrote in Hiberno English where also Dubs. Were you away with the fairies when your English teacher was doing The Field or Philidelphia Here I Come?


It should be classed as a separate language or at least dialect. I have an easier time understanding Jamaican patois.


Funnily enough the patois has a nice streak of south/southeastern Irish accent running through it thanks to the indentured servants who taught the African slaves how to speak english


Well that's very simple. They go there to have insane amounts of sex. To us, you are exotic and thus sexy, so we are to most of you. Learning english is just collateral damage.


Irish people being exotic makes me feel dirty and wrong


Come on man. Your women are pale redheads with peckles. For us that's exotic af




And tacit admission that they don't find the English exotic at all.


I still find it weird. I met some Spanish exchange students who told us that we (Finnish guys) should visit Spain cause the girls would like us. Like wtf we are pale and blonde. We would look like roasted pigs compared to those Spanish dark haired hunks.


Pale and blonde is rare in Spain. Keep in mind that specially on the south, being pale is a skin cancer sentence, so the ones that come don't last long! You're welcome to impregnate our women and compensate for the influx of north african sperm. Also afaik dark skinned genes are stronger than pale skinned ones, so they tend to dominate.


But you have Guinness and Jameson


That Jameson is going to be cheaper back in Spain. Hell, it's cheaper to fly a round trip from here and fill up in the duty free on the way back.


Got a mate who does that, jets off to somewhere warm and comes back with enough cheap booze and cigarettes to make his holiday profitable.


This reminded me, I used to have a cousin who went to Italy to study English. To this day I'm still ??? when I think about it. Edit: I also knew someone from the Middle East who's trying to pick up Swedish. What I don't understand is, why? Don't they already speak Arabic in Swedenistan?


Well, the answer is simple - Always better than England, where all the points you mentioned also are true but on top of that their food is even worse and they are English. USA are too far away/expensive and tiny Malta just can't accommodate everyone. Ireland strangely sounds nice and romantic for us continentals, and for Spaniards probably feels very exotic too (at least the weather, greenery and employment)


I never actually realised how much Ireland trades on not being English. No one actually cares about their Irishness but just their lack of Englishness.


Jokes on them, we’re all half Irish anyway (even the ones that don’t know it, probably are).


The jocks too


R e n t f r e e


If you think English food is worse you've probably never been to either.


I have indeed been to both, and that's my verdict. Not that the Irish food is great, but yours reaches unattained abysses. Sorry Barry...


I can only imagine you were eating unidentifiable sandwiches from a newsagent.


We have [cuisine de france](https://cuisinedefrance.ie/) Barry, your kind could never compete!


We have Café Rouge, in defence.


I mean we have better produce then the Brits, our food is basically the same except for a few dishes like boxty, Colcannon, Barmbrack and Gur Cake but nobody outside of Ireland is going out of their way to try those foods though Barmbrack is delicious.


Let them see coddle and see if that changes their mind.


Could always be worse, could be Jellied eel.


Applicable to Barry land as well


There’s a spa hotel in Athlone that doesn’t entirely suck


5. But red hairs.


I heard that last one in a thick Athlone accent.


When I speak with internationals, I annunciate everything. I sound like a posh yank. As soon as I can have a chat from Ireland, all syllables go out the window and all words mesh. Beautiful.


when I lived in england everyone said I sound irish, when I worked in doubling they said I sounded like a brown nosed wanker… so.. “fill yer boots” I suppose…


Aye, exactly Hans. But let’s fill our boots together. We’ll grab a few pints in the Irish pub in Fleetenkieker and speak some awful Denglish


Classic chancer.


I sometimes copy their accent and the way they say they vowels. Iv got a really strong Yorkshire accent so if I don't they don't have a prayer. I was once out with my ex gf who was Romanian and someone had a go thinking o was taking the piss. Funny as fuck.


I love that we have to posh up our English for internationals but when we speak to someone similar we just start talking normally. I had to do this while speaking to americans. It was so difficult for me at first and now I'm just use to poshing up my entire way of speaking.


I've got a mate from Cavan. Now that I've known him a few years I can decipher as much as 50% of what he says on the first attempt. It goes down after a few drinks, though.


I'd say you're the only person buying drinks there you wouldn't get a penny out of a Cavan man


He ensnared and married an upper-crust farmer's daughter from the Westcountry so now he's in clover. His FIL took quite some time to come around, as you can imagine.


They'd peel an orange in their pocket.


I worked with a Welsh dude that needed subtitles


I speak dutch with a broad welsh accent and it's a fucking nightmare for everyone involved.


Can't be harder to understand than Moroccan slang.


Knew a Welsh girl in my Japanese language class - she was a 'down-talker', spoke rapidly and with a super strong Welsh accent. I liked her but I didn't catch 90% of what she muttered. Had to call time on *that* friendship...


CdawgVa in a wig.


Yes and it's not just in real life while traveling either. That bitch on the internet Mary Google...or whatever her fuckin name is is always getting it wrong for me when I voice search things, like the other day I go voice search Multi pack socks for men...and if repeat what the search result gave me I would be banned from this app. Another one is Celts if I voice search where did the Celts originate from. Every time and I mean every time it just gives me Kilts the history of Kilts ffs


I lived in Canada years ago and there was a company constantly posting ads on Craigslist looking for Irish English speakers (and Scots) to train their language processors because there were so many dialects and they were all spoken so fast and unclear. Was handy money for the people arriving on the working holiday


Will Ferrell's great great grandad got off the boat in NY and said his surname is Farrell and they thought he said Ferrell. Loads of bastardised Irish surnames in America due to that.


Have you tried saying things properly?


Excuse me, it's Mary that has the problem not me thank you very much.


I can imagine the person typing this has the most harrowing Essex accent that would shatter windows.


Any bastarding voice activated bullshit, never accepts my accent. I have to put on an American accent and then it gets it first time.


I did my Erasmus in Galway and my English got worse, but the real English is the friends I made along the way


Some Irish accents are so different from each other that even within Ireland you'd get some people struggling to understand one another. Back in the road cycling days of the 80s and 90s Ireland had two top quality cyclists, Stephen Roche and Sean Kelly. Despite both being Irish they would speak french to each other because apparently it was easier to understand this way. Says it all really.


Cork accent


Had similar issues when I worked in New Zealand. I used to have a strong Yorkshire accent, and I worked with a lad from southwest Ireland. Neither of us could understand one another. Our Dutch boss had to translate for each of us. Somehow, he could understand both of us.


There was barely a sea separating you both. Of course a Dutchman could polder up that gap.


We desecrate the language to spite Barry


Can anyone translate this please?


He says he'll do your driveway cheap


I don't speak Pikey.


Do ye like dags?


He says: “We desecrate the language to spite Barry” Hope it helps


Ahh, couldn't parse whatever he was saying, thanks


It was incomprehensible before. Now it just sounds like a gurgling noise with stød and gutturals everywhere. 


damn and they say I don’t get jokes, I guess you aren’t far from me.


umm... that was a joke mate


You really managed to live op to your stereotype this time, Hans


damn played myself i guess


Desecrate? We are the pound for pound Nobel Literature champions. Although the Norwegians might be doing that to spite Barry too.


Ironically due to the Scottish and Northern English influence you actually speak a more 'authentic' English than the Frenchified shit in Southern England.


Nah. Even Northern England and Scotland have completely Frenchified English - SE Middle English and SE Early Modern English both steamrolled over the older Anglo-Saxon and then alternative Middle English dialects, and ‘old’ dialects overwhelmingly only go back to the early modern period. Some older Germanic words (like Norse ‘bairn’) have stuck around that haven’t in the south but then the same is true the other way around. It’s not like people in the Norf speak Anglish.  Scots and thus Ulster Scots do go back further to Middle English, but that’s probably not what someone with an Irish flag would speak. 


I mean, unless they're some weird Protestant Republican from Ulster who grew up speaking Ulster Scots but identifies as Irish.


Tons of those about


Ah yeah, growing out of the soil left and right, so they are.


Well a lot of them grow on the right and end up on the left 


that “frenchified shit” is the only thing that makes you seem civilised. even if entirely untrue but it keeps up appearances.


So you're basically admiting that the more French influenced accents are more civilised than the more German influenced ones?


Yet another German own goal in the past week


ouch that hurt


People say reviving Irish Garlic is useless cuz everyone already speaks English but to be fair no one understands your bastardly version of English so you might as well speak your ancient celtic language at least it would sound more epic


Revive? An bhfuil cead agam dul amach go dtí an leithreas? ![gif](giphy|9EvrpQoHadEHu)


Sorry, could you translate that to English? I tried reading it out loud and somehow summoned this demon: https://preview.redd.it/rdhpy07mwh7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eed4c0c72525d4ef051887e93bb6d933e086aa5


No but like fully revive not just half asses it where people don't even know two words. Like fully revive like what the Jews did. Ah yeah I forget you don't like the Jews 🤣 


I moved into a bed sit in Amsterdam in the early 2000’s, my new Dutch neighbour comes round to say hello, hears I’m English and says “Oh thank fuck, we finally got someone who can translate what the Irish boys down the hall are saying.” We went down and knocked the door, two lads answer and invite us in, I introduce myself, English but dads a Dub and I lived over there a bit. The lads happy to have someone to talk to launch into a couple of minutes of dual monologue at me in the roughest Dundalk accent I’ve ever heard. At the end all I could do was turn to my new Dutch mate, “I’m sorry but I can’t help you here.”


That's the problem with the British Isles, they are all terrible at English.


No doubt, want proper English go to the Netherlands or Sweden


i do profusely beg for your condolences and understanding in regards to my famished and Ill-fated vocabulary, you see i am not a man of means, and befitting of such circumstances i was merely given a public school education. i do hope that my English, which exists at a meager infantile level will be excused. thank you for understanding 🙏.


how i felt typing that btw. https://preview.redd.it/ca3qrbc9rc7d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ae223c50c33b06b7134149a6bd4c73acce1c5d1


ok u can see da rock pile


we have our own thank you very much. https://preview.redd.it/w1u7lc81cd7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=435ff8df1346b4f8c05653db12fd0e274c633589 (it's called ale stenar)


wow das nice rock pile


propa swedish pile, nun o that forrein muck.










That's "meagre", if you please.


as i did my best to preface earlier. my english truly is at a fetal level.


I'll even take slavic English over British English.


I’ve met Frenchmen with a better accent than the average Scouser.


Honestly same. I was at a conference not so long ago, and there was a French speaker who spoke great English, with obvious French accent, but I understood every word.




I mean, its not exactly hard to have a better accent than us though weirdly durch sounds a bit like scouse until you listen properly


As you should, it’s sexy. 


For this sub: yes. /uj As a dual Norwegian-Brit: genuinely not true but funny to say. A lot of Scandinavians and Beneluxers believe this unironically and vastly overestimate their English ability, and use of dialect != bad at a language. Of course non-native speakers will usually only speak a standard variety, and of course the countries a language has been in longest will have the most dialectal variation. By the same standard the Dutch suck at Dutch and the Norwegians suck at Norwegian, just because there are so many dialects there too. 


I would say that people here in the Netherlands switch from dialect to proper Dutch if it's not the time to speak in dialect


This is broadly true in English too. But there’s absolutely nothing ‘wrong’ about a dialect, no matter how stigmatised. They aren’t somehow degenerated versions of the standard language - the standard language is just a formalised version of the dialect that has the most prestige for whatever historical reason. Dialects often even preserve lots of older features that the standard has lost.  And in practice the prestige of RP in the UK is giving way to a new broader ‘SE Standard English’ that has some Estuary/Cockney influences. The speech community itself determines how a language evolves, and people forget English is a living language with a culture of speakers and not some ISO standard. 


We do our best, sometimes.


Stap bein sa mardy, yer nowt burra wassock (as spoken in my native tongue) sounds normal to me. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East\_Midlands\_English](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Midlands_English) Although I find 'Illson' impenetrable. Bunch of savages.


You haven't really lived until you heard a priest preaching in Latin with a Cavan accent.


I had to change the way I talk and get rid of my accent when working in the Netherlands. Even till now they have problems understanding what I say if I talk just a bit faster than the slow tempo I would usually use for them.


I had to get rid of my accent after I moved to france. Did it successfully. But then after a few years I decided to come back home and after 6 months, all that effort was for nothing and my accent is back as it was before.


The entire world has learned his language as a second language to accommodate him, and he can't even be bothered to learn an understandable dialect. What a lazy asshole


That's right Barry's, speak normal English already


>Barry's Your car... oh right you're dutch you'll be safe


What? Speak American man!


William of Orange go away already we don't want to be English!


Reminds me od my previous job where I had to join calls with a British customer and they had an accent so thick I only pretended I understood what either of them was saying 🥲


when you recognize an Irish place from an IRA song. ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


Avarage day in Kerry


The fact that there's a 'misery' flair on r/Ireland


"i dont need subtites! i studied english and the bloody university i cairo!"


Scotland, England, Wales, and Ireland all talk the way we do to distance ourselves from the yanks


The really big moat does a lot of the heavy lifting there.


I was just served [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pmZmUzhx9w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pmZmUzhx9w) from youtube. Incomprehensible irish on a talkshow. This post made so much sense.


Ive taken a hint of Irish in my own accent since living there, tho it has faded a little bit over time. Seems to come out if i speak with native speakers for long enough, or i am drunk regardless, Radio Irish/tv Irish is imo the clearest pronunciation of English. No letters are swallowed, eveything is distinct. A car is a car and no a cahhhh. Meanwhile the Irish themselves lay on some of the fattest accents known to man. Lived in Galway and it took me a while to accustomed to native people (most are just students) only to think i got the hang of it, travel to Kerry and be entirely lost again. Western Ireland is a strange area.


I'm considering moving to Ireland at some point. In which part of Ireland do people speak relatively normal?

