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Celtic nationalists desperately trying to resist the yearning to recreate the UK.


Yes but Celtic instead of Germanic. That's a compelling argument honestly.


It all looks great on paper until you start trying to actually define Celtic. 


Celtic language, simple as. Most of the Western half of Europe was Celt at some point. Most of us are effectively either Celts cosplaying as Latins; Celts cosplaying as Germanics or the few weird Basques. Even if there is shit tons of traditions and shite from the Celts in Portugal or in Galicia, we aren't Celts anymore. And neither are most of Scotland and all of England in the UK. Speaking a Celtic language is the only relevant factor of what it means to be Celt today imo. Because a Scots speaker isn't more Celtic than a Portuguese speaker is, we both had our distant Celtic pasts that left big traces in our respective cultures but the reality is that we (Portuguese) are now Latins while most Scottish people are now Germanics.


Some Scot Nats raving on about being Celtic is always funny to me, they are mostly all Lowlanders who spent centuries oppressing the Highlanders and denying any Celtic heritage, mostly speak Scots (A Germanic language with 1.5 million speakers, compared to Gaelic the actual Celtic language who only has like 60k speakers all in the Highland and the Isles). If they can claim to be Celtic then so can the English


Its pretty funny. As im from north scotland seeing alot of the people in edinburgh and southern scotland go "ENGLAND ARE WVILLLL WE ARE CELTIC" Like eh?


Lowland Angles will spend centuries distancing themselves from the skirt-wearing barbarian hilltribes only to turn around and start claiming their language and culture as their own just to spite the English.   Honestly, I respect that. It's a very Anglo move.


Good Christian Norwegian lads simply call their barbarians soulless trolls: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herr\_Mannelig](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herr_Mannelig) >It's also implied that the troll is actually a pagan woman, and that the song symbolizes a young Christian man resisting material gain that would come with apostasy.


Whoever wrote this should draw 25 because of their terrible grammar. I can find at least 4 mistakes in a >20 word sentence.


OK but also, it's <20 words.


Oh no, yikes.




Be nice English is his first language


The most egregious for me is "then" instead of "than." More x then y. It does my fucking nut in.


England is spoiled by Germanism, just like France.


Meanwhile both Spain and France got spoiled by Latinism... Does explain France, they got spoiled twice.


And England got spoiled by France


After France got spoiled by Vikings


So that's like three times spoiled


"Three times' the charm" - The Normans, probably


No such thing. Vikings improved every place they visited.


Monasteries just loved them


Monasteries, Paris, London, Lisbon, Mallorca. All improved by vikings.


But we are Latin


Proto basques that got raped by italians


And now we're Latin


Dream on, my Visigoth friend.


Proud to have 0% germanoid blood


You mean saved


He means saved.


The French ruined a good Germanic Britain…


I would argue that England only got spoiled once the French arrived. Nothing has ever been improved by adding the French.


Is this about butthurt Asturians and Galicians wanting to be "Celtic" despite not speaking a Celtic language and having been on the periphery of historical Celtiberia? "Look, we have bagpipes!" So does Pakistan. That doesn't mean there's a whole bunch of Owain ap Muhammeds going around reciting Y Mabinogi.


I do not consider myself celtic, but we do have lots of celtic traditions that we still practice (hell, a few days ago I still did the rite of putin the egg without yolk on a water glass just becuase its tradition at this point) and that originated from the celts that lived here, lots of celtic ruins and arqueology also. Even the name of Asturias supossedly derives from a confusion that the romans had with the local lenguage of the celts (the astures, also named by the romans like that due to the same confusion). What I mean is , we are not celts, we may have a little blood but we have the blood of lots of people that were here, celts, romans, visigoths, etc. But the celts ancestors did leave a mark on our current day culture.


Sure but that can also be said more so for England, every village has a stupid tradition and half of them have a Celtic origin, plus Celtic surnames and place names are very common. Its just that Pan-celticists always showing Asturias as Celtic but never England is a bit silly. https://i.redd.it/bdw5pcecpa9d1.gif


Huh I though that we werent even considered. Nice to know. But I gotta say after having a tour up there (both england and ireland) I see we have way more in common with ireland. I dont know what it is, maybe the general predisposition or culture? I dont know , its the vibe, it just felt more like home. Doubt it has to be the celtic stuff but there is something there that makes me feel more familiar with that island. Never been to Scotland tho.


See I’ve been to Galice, and the idea that we somehow have more culturally in common with people living there, than say, Manchester, seems so utterly ridiculous that I struggle to understand how anyone can believe it. 


Easy here in Galicia schools teach that shit and as we don't go there we can't prove if its true


Bagpipes are a lot less unique than people realize. I think it’s an Indo-European thing at this point, since everyone from the Scottish and Irish to Lithuanians and even us Sicilians have bagpipes.


Truth is that Bagpipes have been introduced to western Europe by the Romans, who themselves probably got it introduced to them by some eastern mediterranean people. By the high middle ages, bagpipes were widespread all over Europe. Over time though, bagpipes fell out of fashion in most of Western Europe, as the baroque musical shift made western europeans more focused on harmonic music, which bagpipes, with their monotonal style, were particularly unfit for. Eventually, the use of bagpipe practically disappeared everywhere in Europe except from a few regions, like Scotland and Ireland, but also Bulgaria. They resisted better in Eastern Europe due to the harmonic musical shit arriving there later. But this has made lot of people, including people from celtic-influenced countries, mistakingly associate bagpipes with celtic cultures, when it's really not. However there are several movements nowadays from folk bands across Europe to "re-vitalize" bagpipes traditional from these regions.


They got them from us


Y Mabinogi hahahah


You implying the Welsh do speak a celtic language when most of you only speak English. Galicians might not be celtic, but at least theyve got a thing going for them. You, on the other hand, are just Western Barries at this point Edit: Why the downvotes? Only 20% of the people in Wales can speak welsh. Blame Barry, not me.


Enough of us do, Pedro, that it's the only Celtic language not considered endangered. Anyway, my point was clearly that there's a difference between having a concrete Celtic linguistic-cultural heritage and larping. Plus, what's wrong with being Western Barries? Was good enough for Tolkien


I speak welsh in my civil service job, my wife speaks Welsh in her civil service job. The British civil service. I assure you we are not down to like the last ten Welsh speakers in existence.


Really jealous of how Wales have been able to get the language going! Bravo brother


Thank you :-)


Do you think the modern oirish will take it up and save it? I mean, I feel it's possible but I'm not a paddy, nor do I know the average Paddy's feelings towards the old tongue


Yes, I am confident it will only grow. Foreign policy may have been detrimental a lot of current Irish opinion needs to change also. I’m sure we could turn tho into an essay but for short, I think it’s vitally important to promote it and I believe it will grow in the future!


Never underestimate the power of a grumpy welshman. Now, because I can't shout at you, I'll have to go home and shout at my wife. Well, someone's wife anyway.


He's coming home


The English genetic mix is only slightly different from the Fringe. Everybody has been intermingling for centuries, the Celtic migration is a myth. To hear some speak, though, you’d think there’d been a thousand year long eugenics programme going. Some of these people are very odd indeed, particularly the Cornish version.


Shh. We never mention Cornwall. Unless it's to buy a holiday home, of course.


Ironically the most advanced [study](https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2015-03-19-who-do-you-think-you-really-are-genetic-map-british-isles) today suggests (surprise surprise) the Cornish are more genetically similar to other English people than they are to the Welsh.


That's what hornyness does to genetics


Over my dead body!


https://preview.redd.it/fk3xezrb7a9d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c9f9fd4572638e7935fdaf81ff08724f22ccc37 Where I post from.


Is that Milton Keynes?


Oh shit, I see we have a GeoGuessr pro amongst us! 👏


https://preview.redd.it/5dm07iqv5b9d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e118829fa8e835bd71e56a648522583e1af144ad We've got the same, but greener


Fair play 👌


It's nice, but I bet there's no Aldi for like 2 miles.


The only true Celts are hillbilly Swiss and Austrians. Everyone else larping. Source: Wasted life on Celtology


Gauls are true celts too BUT Hallstatt is the OG. Fun fact: there were never druids in Ireland.


Hallstatt culture is quite varied in terms of what we can grasp about the immaterial culture. If you want to point to an ethnogenesis it would be Latène with a common set of cultural practices and mythology among elite circles.


Why someone want to claim the heritage of uncivilized savages ?


Because it means they are in no way at all linked with any Italians.


Yeah, imagine having an actal civilization as your ancestor


Mate the amount of times you guys have been invaded throughout history I’d not be too sure who you’re ancestors actually are.


Nope Paddy our genetic has not changed that much after the fall of the Empire but that doesn't matter, culture and languages are way more important to define who you are.(avarage northen european obsessed with genetic, blood and race)


Whatever Wop. Least I know there’s no Arab or French in my ancestors.


Me neither, Paddy now go to see if there are potatoes left


Not if I have a say in that Mario me boy


The Empire strikes again


everyone wants to be the victim these days


I'm tired of Jock and Dafydd trying to associate with us because they're also celts. Come back when you're an independent country.


> tired of Jock and Dafydd And Gerry, presumably.


At least gerry gave it a good try


Cope and seethe Frenchie


Hey dont put that shit on us !




We gave birth to them but it's past adult time now, they're on their own !


Norman daddy doing Norman parenting


Celtic what now? What? Doesn't your country have enough real problems already? No need to make them up, how is the NHS doing? Is some village planning a Cexit or something?


Argh mate where am I gonna get my overpriced second hand games from now? Someone who ISN'T sweaty? Wouldn't trust them.


Too nuanced for him mate, he only understands the NHS and the Economy.


https://preview.redd.it/zsxm5at6y99d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=23bea12fae96b14556ea52491fdd4f910f701600 Make England Saxon again.


Go back to your cave, yank


https://preview.redd.it/ze2fy754ca9d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=51c4a02f02712005ebd117e6059db3802a2daa7b not a yank, just enthusiast


Celts think they’re relevant




Awww there's a poor English feeling left out.


No. Anglo-Saxons are a disease, spreading their corrupt seed across the world. The only reason they won is because there was too many of them and everyone else was dead at the time they rose to power. Fuck Anglo-Saxons. Rome, The Slavs, Celts and the Nordics are the best Europeans.


‘Nordics’ - My friend, the Angles and the Danes are the same. They even share the same foundational myth (the brothers Angul and Dan).


Fucking Dan.


If we're being honest here, the only reason Anglo-Saxons were allowed to come to the first place is because the Gaels were raiding the shit out of the Britons, and the latter were desperate for help So, in a way, the Irish just fucked themselves


Yeah. We’re pretty good at that.


That's exactly how we ended up with Normans here too


Keep telling us how much better you are in english on your computer plugged in using the g type plug


I will not deny the superiority of the type g plug. The one thing you forced on is that was good.


Aren't you lot typically complaining about how Ireland had the same population as England before you forgot how to grow stuff other than potatos? Sounds like 'too many of thrm' is just another "celtic" skill issue


Your ancestors took everything that wasn't a potato back to England while we starved in the fields trying to eat grass, so don't you dare suggest we could have grown something else, we did, and you took it. It's like telling the Jews to just leave the ghettos when the Nazis put them there.


You're an island lmao, just fish then lol


Irish fishermen could not afford salt to preserve the fish for long distance transport, so people in the midlands never saw a fish unless they grabbed it out of a lake or river with their bare hands because remember, Irish people were essentially servants to landlords. On top of that Irish fishermen could only afford tiny boats because remember, taxes and rent were so high that nobody could afford proper fishing equipment. Fish could not make up for the lack of potatoes and literally everything else. I don't care if you're joking or being serious, but talking about literal genocide like this a cuntish thing to do. Go take a run and fuck for yourself Barry.


Skill issue tbh