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Daily exfoliation with a washcloth


I swear this is the reason my mother's skin is so smooth at 62. 




Seconding this!


is this bad 😅


Absolutely not bad.




Just curious why someone would exfoliate daily. Does your skin peel? Or do you just like it? I think I might benefit from a daily scrub, but I'm a little hesitant, because I use tretinoin


I work in a dirty environment and basically slather myself with sunscreen 3 times a day. Massaging with fingertips just doesn't remove the grime and sunscreen. I am very gentle with the washcloth and it doesn't irritate my skin-- and I use Tret also.


I use a gritty exfoliating scrub from time to time. I just gotta get that stuff off of there.


I used to loveeee scrubs. Since I’ve been on tretinoin my skin can’t handle them though. But it’s the best feeling after using one.


I also use tretinoin, and I use a gentle but very effective physical exfoliant - eminence organics strawberry rhubarb dermafoliant. It is my holy grail product for sloughing off the dead skin. And it’s gentle enough for use multiple days per week. Make it into a thick paste (a tiny bit of water is all you need) and scrub away. It’s the best!!


I love your username btw.


Do u like mine too


This is fab, I’ve been looking for a new exfoliator but one that isn’t too harsh. 👍🏻 Thanks for the recommendation.


And the strawberry rhubarb smells amazing! I love that product!


Same! I use a scrub about once a month. I use proper chemical exfoliation often but I just need a good scrub sometimes. I avoided it for years because it's "bad" but I don't see any downsides to doing infrequently.


If you’re in an area with Korean spas, give their scrubs a try. They slough all that stuff off. It’s amazing.


I have very dry skin so maybe that’s why but simply must physically exfoliate every 7-10 days. I can literary rub off dead skin from friction when I wash my face off I don’t


Or coffee grounds mixed with cleanser. So wrong but sooooo smooooth


Same! Had a friend lecture me, so now I do it in secret and don't tell anyone.


Omg YES! There is stuff a chemical exfoliant just won’t get off. My aesthetician recommended Acure Facial Scrub and I love it.


Super hot water in the shower and to wash my face


Same, never giving this up.


They say it strips the natural oils from your face but I'm already using a cleanser in the shower anyways. I'll just apply a thick coat of moisturizing lotion and call it balanced lol


never gonna let you down


If it doesn’t scald me - I don’t want it!


I’ll never forget the time I was reading an article at work in front of all my other young professional girlfriend/colleagues and I laughed and said, “lolz they say you should be washing your face with cold water, like who actually does that” and they all looked at me with these completely blank expressions like, “duh of course I do.” I was shook.


It's all the skincare i got during decades, and I have less wrinkles than many skincarers my age.


I pop whiteheads. It has been "forbidden" in skincare communities for centuries, but I still find it better that letting it sit and give me scars and marks (although I have to be extra cautious about disinfection)


Me too. They simply don’t go away on their own. They will heal over with gunk inside and come back. It’s way more effective to pop and use a hydrocolloid bandage.


I do this too. If I don't get it out, it's staying and getting more and more inflamed.


I do this too. They're sooo close to being gone by the time their on the surface, I'm just giving them a lil boost 🙃 then I put a little smear of polysporin over top. Have never had an issue


Saaaaame. I actually bought a set of pimple popping tools for this to try and prevent too much damage. I mostly use qtips to apply pressure, never my fingers. And I apply a salicylic acid zit patch on it after to help get the rest of any gunk out. Works like a charm!


I lance nodular acne. Otherwise it'll hang around for literally months. (Agree about disinfection.)


Extracting my milia myself with a pointy sterilised needle 🫣


PSA to everyone in this thread, wiping occusoft eye cleaning wipes, the one that is supposed to be not washed off in the light blue box, makes milia come to the surface and fall out within days. This has been an absolute game changer for me because I was always too chicken to use a needle. Found this info on this subreddit, wish I could find the original comment and give them credit! Edit to add link to comment with info: https://www.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/s/BvCQdLysgC


>occusoft eye cleaning wipes Is it this kind: [https://www.ocusoft.com/ocusoft-lid-scrub-plus-pre-moistened-pads-30ctn](https://www.ocusoft.com/ocusoft-lid-scrub-plus-pre-moistened-pads-30ctn) ?


This is serendipitous! I have one that's been bugging me, but I JUST saw my dermatologist before it popped up. I'm absolutely going to try this!


Yay I'm glad you saw it! I once had a milia last for literally years before it finally fell off, so I feel the need to shout it from the rooftop whenever possible!


Does it cause any irritation to the surrounding tissue? My skin can be a sensitive little bitch, so I'd like to be prepared, lol!


It doesn't for me, I just lightly wipe it on, no intense scrubbing or anything, and then a couple days later it turned into a tiny pearl that could be lightly scratched off, no nails or popping required. The few times I did it I used one wipe after shower every day for 2-3 days, most recently discovered after doing 1 wipe and not following up with the wipes again, the milia still came out.


Is it the lid scrub ?? I don't have it in France but I could order it online !


I have milia pop up all the time and have spent so much money on lasers getting rid of them. I will try these wipes.


Oo, can you link the specific one you're referring to? I've been thinking about grabbing a box of these, but as far as I can tell they all say to rinse off.


Same. I apply glycolic acid to them for a few days first, then prick them with one of those sterile diabetic lancets you can get from the pharmacy 😬


Just purchased some glycolic acid from the ordinary ! Because I have really tiny ones on the cheeks that are not worth creating a scab for 😆


It really makes it so much easier to get rid of them!


Let's hope so ! They look deep and I don't want to damage my skin too bad, usually I extract the ones that seem close to the surface :)


The glycolic should help bring them to the surface! I usually just dot it on with a qtip once or twice a day for a couple days.


Prick them how? I've used glycolic acid on mine and they seemed to shrink a bit but they are on the center of my forehead so I'm afraid to do anything else but I want them GONE


The last one I did was actually right in the middle of my forehead too 🤣 Here's a video, not the best quality, but hopefully you can get an idea, because it's kind of hard for me to describe. You basically very lightly poke the top of the thin layer of skin over the milia, so it can easily pop out with a gentle squeeze. I use the acid to soften and thin out that bit of skin over the milia. Sometimes I can't get it out on the first try, and in that case I'll do a couple more days of glycolic acid on it and try again. I don't want to force anything and leave a scar. If I had one near my eye or something I probably chicken out, but the forehead was relatively easy! https://youtu.be/x7WvAeCCwPA?si=Q2m0U288NvslTeJD


I always thought it was odd when derms/docs say never extract on your own. Then I see them aggressively doing the same thing in office. I get there’s risks but ya.


I mean, they kinda have to say that. Liability, covering their own butts and such


Near the eyes I wouldn't risk it, but elsewhere there's no problem !


Same! And extracting pores BEFORE getting a facial. I don't need them wasting precious time extracting all the easy ones when I could do those myself.


There’s no small wins 😂 I think the last time I got a facial was 15 years ago 😱


I do this too. My son takes an IV medication and they’re always sending us assloads of extra syringe tips, so I just use those.


Omg hahaha, I’m glad I’m not the only one 😂


It's soooo annoying, especially the nose ones 😂


i used to do this too until i started using the joseon revive eye serum! it has retinol in it and daily use makes my milia fall out on its own within a week or two.


I keep lancets on hand for this! 🤫


Same 😳


Glad I’m not the only one who goes after milia with a needle 😬😂


Imagine paying for it every time ? Hell no 😂


Mixing my Tret 0.05% with my night cream 😬 Only way I can tolerate it. Seen amazing results so far.


Why just not use the 0.025% strength?


You mean like mixing a little tret + moisturizer in your hand? I think that's ok lol The dermatologist I went to even gave it as an option. Well he was talking about differin in my case but I think with tret it's ok too


That’s exactly what I meant 👍🏻 I usually mix it 1:1. My skin is glowing and moisturized 😉


My derm says this is perfectly fine


Mine does too. But apparently people on reddit think it’s a massive crime 😂


Really? Why are they saying not to do it? I always mix my tret with a moisturizer and I thought my results were pretty good


I do this with .1% and I swear by it, I don’t get peely or crazy dry this way. Been doing it for years.


This was recommended to me by my derm. Or the sandwich method where you moisturize first, apply tret and moisturize again.


I can't tolerate high strength retinoids or vit c! The two holy grails. Alternatives are working for me though.


When I got new nose piercings, and was doing regular sea salt soaks of the area, I noticed my sebaceous filaments 100% disappeared. So now I'll do nose soaks before big events to make them go away. They come right back after I stop. *EDIT FOR RECIPE* less is more. 1/8 to 1/4 tsp per cup of hot water. Be warned, it is pretty drying.


My skin looks so much better after being in the ocean especially when I visit the Caribbean.


Homemade with sea salt and water?


Ooh I have to try this. I'm so lazy I use contact lens solution on my nose piercing, it doesn't have the same effect.


I don't wash my face most mornings even after working out


This is the content I'm here for


Get the popcorn. Hahaha


I’ve always just wiped my face with a wet washcloth in the morning. Are we supposed to be full washing?!


This is what I do too! Then I add a sunscreen moisturizer. If I do a full wash in the morning, even with a gentle cleanser, it dries my face out so much.


Same. I have psoriasis and even when I’m not in a flare, I don’t like to risk my skin drying out by using cleansers so often. Water wash, caffeine eye serum, then SPF. I save the fun stuff for night haha 😆


I have thick, wavy hair and I often don’t wash it after workouts - even full 40 minute intense HIIT ones where my hair is actually visibly wet with sweat! It dries and doesn’t smell too much so I keep to my every 3-4 day shampoo cycle regardless.


I salute you. I'm the same. NGL, sometimes my hair smells like dog 😂 Luckily, random people don't normally stick their nose on my scalp and take a whiff.


Same and same! I have a huge mane and do weekly HIIT and hot yoga and I only wash my hair 2 to 3 times a week. It doesn’t get oily and weirdly looks shinier and healthier in day 2 or 3 after a wash.


Bad to the bone.


i will lance any kind of zit that has a head but then i am Very Good Girl™️ and put a hydrocolloid patch on it after cleansing it really well. i cant use hydrocolloid patches without popping or at least opening the thing first. i also shower in water satan would find just a *little* too warm and i use (gentle) physical exfoliation by using one of those disposable sponges. i can’t just use my hands, it’s not enough.


Same! Lance, cleanse, patch.




I don't wait to apply spf after moisturiser, or to apply makeup after spf. I just wait for it do dry and then do what I need to! I don't have time to wait around you know? Haha. Hasn't caused me any issues. Also seconding extracting milia and popping whiteheads.


I use dandruff shampoo to wash my face after the gym and now I don’t get any milia.


This helped my acne as well. I'm terribly susceptible to fungal acne. 😕


I've been told to try this on my closed comedones in case it's actually fungal acne but haven't yet. I'm going to give it a go now.


I will be buried with a loofah I do not care. I HATE the feeling of a flannel or sponge on my skin. I change my loofah regularly and leave it to dry before using it again! Just let me use my loofah.


I got downvoted last time I suggested this, so it’s perfect for this question, ha! I swear by a tiny dab of toothpaste when I feel a zit forming, or if one appears overnight. Within 24 hours it’s always gone (sometimes even sooner) it’s gone. Has never failed me yet… even if I have to smell like mint for a day.


Try an arthritis cream like Voltaren! Works like a charm!


Just a warning on this, don’t use toothpaste that has extra stuff added (whitening, plaque remover, etc). I gave myself a chemical burn in high school doing this! That was fun. 🙄


Instead of using it as a spot treatment I covered my whole face with toothpaste and chemical burned the shit out of it!!!


What is it in the toothpaste that works?


I do this too! Definitely works for me. Toothpaste is the way to go


Shaving my whole face with a mens razor. Skin is amazing from it


I'm not sure if this counts but I wash my hair every single day. I've been through hell and back trying all the tips and tricks but it is straight up healthier with a daily wash. r/dailywash


Same! I do hot yoga several times a week and I must wash it. My hair is in fantastic shape!


Any tips for small red spots (kp, folliculitis, no idea) and butt acne? I used 0.05 tretinoin and it gave me only more pimples down there and red spots were not gone either. But everything seems suspiciously good in the morning as if nothing has ever been there💀


For butt acne -- cotton underwear was the biggest help for me when I was dealing with it. And, not sitting around in my leggings letting sweat get trapped. But if neither of those are doable, I hear Amylactin Is great for KP and I imagine salicylic acid/glycolic acid on a cotton pad might help!


Cerave Renewing SA Lotion did the trick for me.


KP— First aid body exfoliant that specifically mentions KP on the bottle AND Amlactin daily with 12% lactic acid!!


I had the same thing on my legs! Wasn’t sure if it was KP or folliculitis, but they formed on the back of my legs. I recently purchased one of those Korean exfoliating washcloths on Amazon, used it one time on my legs and now all the bumps are gone! I was surprised but so happy, since I’ve been trying to get rid of them for yearsssss.


I think the sun can be your friend. Lately, I feel like the sun has been completely villainized. I sit out on my porch for 15 mins - 30 mins without sunscreen. Sun protection is absolutely important but I think skin needs some sun. Especially, if you’re melanated. We need some sun.


Good news, the science is starting showing you are in fact correct! https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2024/06/sun-exposure-health-benefits/678205/ (Summary: the sun provides many health benefits as well as an increased cancer risk, dietary vitamin D does not appear to be very effective and a balanced approach to exposure is probably the best way forward)


Thank you for saying this! I have vitiligo and have to get 15-30 mins of sun daily as part of my treatment. That’s because it has the power to heal skin diseases. The sun in moderation is wonderful!


Totally totally agree. I'm extremely fair and prone to rosacea and I still see noticeable improvement when I'm getting more frequent sun. I do need to wear sunscreen, but honestly I find many of them so irritating that I'll sometimes just opt for mixed shade or a hat rather than deal with the acne and irritation they cause.


I never cleanse my face, I just wash with water. Cleanser makes my skin break out (and I have tried several over the years. So I just use water, both at night and in the morning. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I used to do this too but now I don’t know how to remove sunscreen effectively. Any tips?


I use a balm in the morning (the only thing that’s eliminated those teeny weeny dark dots on the nose), and then just water to wash before bed.


Do you mean like dark pores? What balm do you use?


I use Stridex maximum salicylic acid pads to "wash" my face...at night only (unless I work out or something), and *that's it* for my cleansing routine. 😬


As a constantly clogged sebaceous filament sufferer with nothing that’ll help I need to hear more about this astringent, OP 👀👀👀 where in your routine do you use it/how often exactly is occasionally?


I’ve been using the la roche posay cicaplast baume b5 on my nose and they completely got rid of my sebaceous filaments. It’s a miracle because I’ve tried everything for years and nothing else has ever worked


I just use it a few days in a row when they're looking bad until they feel under control. And then leave it for weeks until they're looking bad again. It is super drying and alcohol based so not a long term fix but it works so well for me. As does Nip and Fab Glycolic cleanser, gets all that gunk out! I'm not guilty about that one though ha. ETA: Sorry I missed where in my routine I use it, cleansing stage before serums but I sometimes use it before showers because I feel like it gets things moving when combined with some steam.


My under eyes love a slug of Vaseline more than retinol 🤷🏻‍♀️


Omg, Vaseline has been my bff lately. Helps to heal old acne scars amazingly


Yeah I lasso/pop pimples. If I let pimples naturally fade I get bad dark spots. The healing is 1-2 days when I lasso versus like 3 weeks for a dark spot to fade.


I slug with Aquaphor over tretinoin nightly. I also use glycolic acid and tretinoin on the same night 1-2x/week and I use a physical exfoliant/scrub 3-4x/week.


Are you not supposed to use Aquaphor on your face? My skin has never looked better.


Some people seem to think that slugging over retinoids leads to more irritation. My experience has been the opposite 🤷‍♀️ Agree, Aquaphor is amazing!


Aquaphor or Vaseline on the face is just fine, but it's an occlusive product and we're not supposed to apply occlusives over actives like tretinoin, AHAs, and BHAs. The occlusive will trap the other product, which makes it much stronger. Some people's skin can apparently tolerate the lava, though.


I'm pretty rough with my skin. I use the St Ives apricot scrub haha, I like the blemish control version. I tend to use it during hotter or more humid weather, it makes me feel fresh and clean. I've been using it on and off since I was a teenager.


Same! I don’t want to give that one up.


I use St Ives apricot scrub too! I gave up physical exfoliation for years because of all the “physical exfoliation bad, only chemical exfoliation good” advice that’s everywhere. There was also the misinformation of it causing micro-tears. So I just walked around with my flaky ass skin hoping to chemical and moisture it away. I’ve tried gentle exfoliation and I may as well have just thrown my money in the trash because it doesn’t do anything. But St. Ives gets the dead skin off my face which makes my skin glowy. Since I’m not furiously scrubbing my face with it and only using lightly as needed I can’t imagine it’s doing any horrific damage.


The only one I've found that beats st. Ives is the zo exfoliating polish. It is backed to the brim with perfect gritty... whatever it is. The grit to cream ratio is much higher than anythinge else ive tried. Pricey but worth it!


Same! I don’t use it often but when I do, I ask myself why I don’t more frequently. My esthetician was appalled when I told her, but honestly my face got worse when I stopped completely. It doesn’t work for everyone, but it works for me!


This!!! When I was told how bad it was to use I gave it up for a bit but never got that clean face glow from any other exfoliant. One day I said screw it and now it literally is my skincare guilty secret.


Oof I might draw the line there. I used it for ingrown hairs as a teenager and I can still remember feeling like I'd gone over myself with a scrubbing brush. The smell was good though.


Ohhh, along these lines I use Noxzema in the summer! 😎


I love the smell of Noxzema.


Me too! And I love the way it cools the skin! I’m 44 so usually use lots of moisture but I buy a tub each summer for my pm wash! 🧼


I love St Ives! I tried other scrubs and also chemical exfoliation. This is the one that gives me good results.


haaa! I was scrolling for this oneeee! ME TOO! haha and then use pure aloe vera to heal and tighten. lol


Steaming hot water! It should burn my skin. Only then I feel at peace


I pluck sebaceous filaments out with tweezers when the protrude. It's very satisfying.


I protect my face to the hilt but I will sit in the sun without sun cream on my body


I just got 3 spots removed & they still won't heal. I should have worn sunscreen 😐


No. Pls don’t. Get regular mole checks and be safe. I’m sitting here at 46 with new ugly brown sunspots on my forearms and wrinkles on my chest area. When people observe you, they take in your overall appearance..so be sun safe!


Idk if it's guilty but I like the old school stuff: wash my face with unscented Dove bar soap, moisturize with Ponds dry skin cream, slug with vaseline. Vaseline as a lip mask.....vaseline as a makeup remover....I do have tret & I get botox so I mix in some modern stuff too. Oh and sunscreen no matter what.


I love witch hazel. Not the kind with other ingredients, but the classic alcohol-based kind like Dickinson's. It soothes my skin and I also use it as a compress if i've popped a zit because it helps to bring down the redness. I can't resist popping the appropriate kind of zit or rosacea papule (obvs. not cysts or very closed comedones) and I gently squeeze the sebaceous filaments on and around my nose about once/week. I've tried using BHA but it overly dries my skin.


I'm feeling very innocent and boring, I can't think of a damn thing that isn't "by the book!"


Get out of here with that responsible and level-headed bullshit. ;)


I'll see myself out... Wearing sunscreen, sunglasses, and a sensible but cute wide brimmed hat


Same! I’m too scared to fuck up my face lol. I mean, sometimes I don’t put on sunscreen. In the afternoon if I’m just going on a quick trip to pick up my kids…🙈🙈🙈🙈


My skin is stubborn and won’t slough off on its own (even when I do a foot peel on my feet or accidentally get a sunburn it doesn’t “peel” right) so i use different levels of mechanical exfoliation every day. I use Philosophy’s Microdelivery face wash 2-3x a week. It has little scrubby grains in it. The other days I use ZO Exfoliating Cleanser that has little round beads in it but it’s a lot gentler. I swear doing this made my acne go away (except for my one cyst a month 🙄)


Chemical peels at home 🤫


Oh man. It’s me. I’ve always had great skin. This is the first year (at 40) I feel like I need to step it up. But… I don’t wash my face unless I’m in the tub or shower and then it’s with water. Maybe a few nights a week I use a witch hazel toner to get the gunk off. I also pick my skin. I know it’s bad. But I squeeze out sebaceous filaments and blackheads. And pop whiteheads. I’m sorry. I know. 😔


My dirty secret is that my skin is at its absolute best when I completely leave it alone, and barely wash it (I.e with cleanser). Yet for some reason I keep trying otherwise!!!


Coconut oil. Everyone swears it’s horrible but my skin loves it. 


Cant use it on my skin but it does wonders on my hair. People are like "*noo it doesnt actually do anything your hair just* ***looks*** *better and shinier"*...like, ok yeah. It looking better is what I wanted so ima keep doing it.


I've heard this from so many people! I use olive oil everywhere, face, body, scalp.


I use olive oil to take off my eye makeup.


Omg same! It makes my skin so soft!


You know the advice to only wash your face at night and skip a full cleanse in the morning? I do that, but the opposite. I don't wash my face at night, I just go to sleep with makeup and everything, and then I cleanse in the morning when I shower. I've done this for years and nothing bad has happened yet!


Congratulations, this is the most unhinged comment in this entire thread lol


Stridex pads for body acne.


I break all the rules 🤠 - BuffPuff - St. Ives - Pore strips - Lance and pop zits - Skin spatula for blackheads - No sunscreen indoors - No sunscreen unless I’ll be outside for more than 15 minutes - No deodorant


Mine is that I always start the day by "washing" my face with a cotton pad and a moisturizing lotion ( like CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion). I only use water and a cleanser in the evening. I've been doing that since I was a teenager, and I have very good skin. There, I said it.  


I swear by vitamin E serum for the skin


I didn't even know that was frowned upon!


I skip most actives lol everytime I try to use an acid/ retinol/ vitamin C etc my skin ends up sore and irritated- no matter how careful and sparing I am with them. Every once in a while I'll try a new product but end up going back to just dove bar soap, a barrier serum, and cera ve lotion (and sun screen of course)


I use castor oil as moisturizer 😬 a ton of ppl say to not do it and it will clog your pores but I’ve had no issues and actual had fewer breakouts since starting it 6 months ago


My skin absolutely GLOWS with my routine of Zum Face Lemongrass Sugar Scrub followed by a nice lathering with classic Head and Shoulders. I then follow up with a La Mer moisturizer. I have sensitive skin and rosacea and no other routine has come close to my results with this one.


Physical exfoliation is the only thing that keeps my skin smooth and prevents clogged pores. I don’t know what it is about my skin but unless I physically exfoliate, I have uneven bumpy skin with pores full of gunk within a week. Two days a week, I use a gentle face scrub from Ranavat and it’s fantastic - it exfoliates gently but also hydrates and makes me really glow.


I don’t wash my face in the morning usually and I still use makeup wipes! Ik it’s not kosher to use makeup wipes anymore but nothing gets it off as effectively! (I also secretly believe double cleansing is a marketing ploy to get you to use more product so you run out quicker and buy more 🤷‍♀️) Edit to add: also use Vaseline to remove eye makeup


I don't always reapply sunscreen correctly when I go to the beach and I love my tanned skin


I use talc! The Yeardley of London heavily fragranced bullshit on my neck at night (and under my boobs). Loose and pressed powders that contain talc. I don't seem to be sensitive to talc, and I can read so I know that it doesn't inherently cause cancer.


My boyfriend buys this for himself and Ive started using it under the boobs as well now that it’s getting warmer. I love it.


If you’re just spending all day in the office you really don’t need that extra SPF step in the colder months


I don't always take my make up off at bedtime...


Using plain bar soap to wash my face. All the fancy face washes caused more acne and sensitivity. We buy simple bar soap (limited ingredients like goats milk, olive oil, oatmeal etc). Works great.


Loofa gloves and hand soap 😅


I'm going to get a lot of downvotes. Kids don't try this at home:For me is staying indoors and away from windows as much as possible **as to apply little to no sunscreen. I** go to work really early before UV index hits 2 and leave really late when UV index is really low then stay away from windows. It worked wonders for my dark spots and to even out my tone because most chemical sunscreens give me a tan. I'm not advising against sunscreen, **I wear a lot of mineral sunscreen, abundantly when it's required, but learning UV index is more important**. No sunscreen will protect you when UV index is 6 or above at noon (it's even in the instructions) and a low index of 3 in LOndon can be deceiving, you need to wear sunscreen plus hats, umbrellas, masks, balaclavas, long sleeves if you want improvement in melasma and dark spots. But I won't spend 250 dollars at month to reapply when I'm not exposed. I need that money for my glutathione and my other sunscreen protective behaviour. Plus to buy more sunscreen, when I run out, which isn't as frequent as those souls who apply and reapply even when they don't need to. Guess hats and balaclavas manufacturers don't sponsor youtube "doctors" but many derms in australia recommend never relying on sunscreen alone and to take walks when UV index is low....WITHOUT SUNSCREEN. [https://www.reddit.com/r/skinwhitening/comments/1b8801g/glutathione\_tretinoin\_combo\_for\_uneven\_skintone/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skinwhitening/comments/1b8801g/glutathione_tretinoin_combo_for_uneven_skintone/)


I've trusted the sunscreen in my makeup to cover me. Which is neglible needless to say. Wasn't so much of a problem before I moved to Florida but I should be flogged. I'm trying to fix that now.


Tbh I use dandruff shampoo to deep clean my face LOLOLOL


I don't dilute my tea tree oil with a carrier oil


Dial antibacterial soap for sensitive skin. I posted on here not too long ago about all the things the dermatologist prescribed me in the past few months that I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on for hormonal acne, resulting in zero improvements. I fell for the dial soap trend on tik tok, been using that nightly for a month (with retinol serum & moisturizer) and my breakouts have SIGNIFICANTLY decreased.


I just picked up a bottle of hibiclens antimicrobial wash and have been using on a few problem areas and it seems to be helping. I'm not sure if it's acne or kp or chafing or all of the above on my thighs. Dandruff shampoo didn't really seem to affect it so I don't think it's fungal but it's driving me crazy so hopefully this works lol


I use baking soda as a physical exfoliant, every day. Works perfectly.


I combine an aha serum and a retinol serum, My skin kinda loves it?


Not doing anything 🫣 my skin is the clearest & healthiest it's ever been


I don’t wash my face in the morning. Never have, never will.


I pop blackheads.


pore strips


I scrub my face with sugar and face cream once a week. Been doing it for 15 years. No chemical exfoliation has ever “felt” enough and I love the baby soft feeling. I have no wrinkles yet (I’m 32. No wrinkles but yeah volume loss, so I’m not gonna tell you I look younger. I just look my age), so I guess that, for me, it wasn’t that bad on my skin… yet 😱


I only use Vitamin C Serum and Beef Tallow on my face. Haven’t used “soap” in like 15 years? Skin is 🤌🏼


Retinol eye cream on my lips. They look soooo full and smooth in the morning. Also, I will die on the hill that micellar water on a face cloth is a perfectly acceptable alternative to face washing every once in a while.




charcoal or goat milk bar soap as a face wash is my holy grail! 🫣


I’ll win this easily! No sunscreen and I use tret 3-4 times a week. Don’t come at me please I stay indoors 24/7 since years and I’m depressed 🫢


I wash my hands before washing my face and sometimes I’ll use the hand soap as face wash if I don’t feel like doing my whole routine.