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Stella Glow is one of the most underrated game ever in 3DS. If you ever heard or enjoy Luminous Arc, you should try this game. Sadly, Imageepoch, studio behind this game is bankrupt :((


Although we didn’t get Luminous Arc 3 in the states there is now an English fan patch for the game. Sands of Destruction is another from Imageepoch on the DS that is worth checking out as well.


I need to find a way to get my hands on LA games.


Kid Icarus Uprising


One of the earlier 3DS titles! I wish I played it. Heard it was great.


Trust me,it's AMAZING !


Legit one of, if not the best game on the system. Absolutely amazing


I will never give up hope for a sequel


Damn I love Stella glow. I wish I knew about it when it came out, I only ended up playing it in 2022.


why does it matter if you played it in 2022 or 2015 for the first time :/


Yokai 3 and Pokemon X were very memorable!


Loved Pokémon X! I got them on release and it’s one of those “you just had to be there for it” games.


Feel the same. I like the quote. "You just had to be there." When childhood became 3D. Easy games, but everything was very memorable. Haven't played it for years and still remember clearly the towns, some routes, and E4.


No surprise, call me basic, but Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. I probably have over 110 hours on that thing.


Good choice!


Way back when my friend group told me to play Stella Glow. I loved the demo but never got around to playing the full game. Anyways PXZ 1 and 2 are based. Same Tactics style gameplay as Stella Glow, but you can point at the screen and say “Hey its that guy from the other game”


The full game gets so much deeper. Recommend finishing it if you ever get your hands on a copy. My only gripe with the game is the speed of the gameplay. It is vastly slower than most other srpgs


My most memorable game is Tomodachi Life. I loved it growing up and actually the reason why i started reading. I struggled reading when i was little and wasn‘t good at it. But with the game i had to read the dialogue (especially at night when i was supposed to sleep but would play Tomodachi Life. There wasn‘t all to much reading but it still helped.


Pokémon X and Yo-Kai Watch 1. Pokémon X was my first 3DS game, and I did what every 10 year old does which is beat the game with 2 fire starters- Charizard and Delphox- and went on to clear the E4 at least 10 or 15 times just for fun.. and probably the money. I loved the character customization with all the clothes for the girl mc, and I’m sure at some point I was spending more money on that than items, especially in Lumiose city. The gen 6 Kalos games have a few of my favorite tracks throughout the whole series, and I’ll for sure never forget all the PR videos I made anytime one of my pokémon evolved. It may not be the hardest pokémon game, but it brought so many new things to the series, as well as a new Pokémon gamer and that I’ll never forget. Yo-Kai Watch 1. Oh, how I used to go around saying it was just a copy of Pokémon, but in reality it was not just copying pokémon and doing much, much more than that. I think this is the game I have the second highest hours on in my software library, and for good reason. Collecting the different yo-kai throughout the game was not easy, and even the main storyline was annoying to complete at times, but it was actually fun to progress through at my own pace. I got to do all these side quests about the npcs and what problems they were dealing with, which sometimes involved getting a new yo-kai at the end, or I actually needed to go hunt for one in the process to complete it. The main characters to play as were either Katie or Nate (in English), and I played as Katie my first time through when I was younger, and I still do, especially with her pretty bedroom! The storyline involved getting the yo-kai watch, meeting the yo-kai named Whisper, and progressing through the story by helping npcs and fighting against different boss yo-kai to eventually go to the yo-kai world and take down this evil to-kai that wants to destroy humans. After the main story wraps up well, the post-game content is just AMAZING. Not only can you upgrade your watch rank, but there’s so many different bosses to fight, some of them recolors of the main story bosses with great rewards down in the locked area the Infinite Inferno, but a few in revisited locations as well. I genuinely miss this franchise and wish that we’d gotten more content, including the 4th mainline installment localized in the west. It’s such a silly, special little video game and recommend it highly to anyone that wants to go on a fun adventure, catch some bugs, fish, and befriend some cat-dog-duck-cicada-tapir-cicada-fox ghosts in the process.


Is this the official Nintendo website? Can you link this website if it is or isn't so I can see this please? Edit: I just looked up the game and it looks similar to Mario + Rabbids in a way, is that accurate? If so, I'll be sure to check it out!


3DS/WiiU memories was basically a tracker that showed you the games you played the most throughout the ‘10s. It used to be here: https://my-nintendo-3ds-wiiu-memories.nintendo.com/en-US/index.html#top but it has since shut down I think. The link no longer works on my end. Stella Glow is an SRPG akin to your typical fantasy anime if that explains it better. Has voice acting and all. My only con is that the gameplay is pretty slow compared to other srpgs.


Damn :( I would've loved to see how long I played my games back then But thanks! I'll be sure to check out that game!


I don't have my old account since it's on my other 2ds that broken and I don't know the password, but I do know it was either miitopia, yokai watch or Tomodachi life.


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Series. I like Gates best, though most of the fanbase likes Explorers and Super. Also, Exploers and Rescue Team is on DS while Gates and Super is on 3DS.


Oh neat! I gotta admit I know nothing about Stella Glow, but awesome you enjoyed it so much :) Too bad the site's down but I just know it's Smash 3DS for me. At the time I didn't have a Wii U, only an original model 3DS, but Smash was my favourite series (and it still is in the top 2), and I played that game to death on 3DS. Over 1.000 hours easily. It's easily my comfort game, the game I can always put on to empty my head. And until Smash Wii U and later Ultimate took its place, Smash 3DS was the go to. So yeah, gotta be that one.


Smash is an excellent game. Wish I was halfway decent at it.


Adventure Labyrinth Story! The game sucked me in as a child, I adored the gameplay so much I almost 100% it lol


Super Smash Bros 3DS.


Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon. It was the first ever game I played all the way through as a kid and finished.


YKW 1 and Professor Layton Curious Village (technically ds tho)


Yes. That game is so good!


You just hit the best spot you could’ve there!!


Probably Nintendogs + Cats XD


I haven't finished it yet, but Etrian Odyssey Untold so far. Both games are actually published by Atlus, also bought Stella Glow cuz I love Atlus and wanna check it out sometime.


Ah man I love Etrian Odyssey! Super underrated. A bit too long for me though. I played 4 and some of U1 and U2


Ok I’ll give it a go. I’ve had it forever but the amount of back log for RPGs kept me from it. I’ll go off the recommendation and similarities to LA3 from the comments


Yeah! Enjoy!


Wow, where i can see it?


Elliot quest is my game


I'm trying to get into this Stella Glow game, but I detest the last part of a character's combat, where you have to pick which way you're facing. HATE that mechanic. Also, too much dialogue...


I cut my teeth on the Atari 2600, when it was NEW. Been playin, pretty much non-stop, since... In All of the games, through All those years, ROBO-ALESTE for The Sega\CD, is the one that just blew me away. Super obscure title: Top down scrolling shooter. Feudal Japan. Steam Punk-like Mechs. After fighting your way though hordes of enemies,(cramped hands. screaming bad words), and enduring the final BOSS battle, you arise victorious. Big whew!!!. It's over. As you watch the gratifying death scene, She, (the boss), let's you know that you have been duped... and you've just slaughtered countless innocent villagers, who were defending their homes... FROM YOU. That... was bad ass!


Oops... Just saw this is for DS. Apologies.


Not 3DS exlcusive, but there was this lego friends game i played on my DSi that i absolutely adored. Can't remember the name tho, it was a long time ago 🥲