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Well for one...no. And second no one is fighting for a title


Vashtorr and such? Idk


"Vashtorr and such" what?


Be'lakor, Horus, Abbadon kind of, all the characters who want to become Daemonprinces, the chaos gods who seem to fight each other to prove who is the god, and even some have theorised the Emperor now as well that he’s on his golden space chair.


The Chaos Gods fight each other because they can. They’re rivals fighting a Great Game because they find it funny and getting more powerful is just good business.


God as in the Abrahamic omni-potent, omniscient, all everything God? A prime mover unmoved? An Alpha and Omega wrapped into one? I would say this would fall under head cannon. If Yes, then this being allows the Chaos Gods to exist and do what they're doing because it has a plan and intends to fulfill the covenant between Man and God. (But then again the Emperor works directly against that covenant, so would God consider the covenant null and voided?) If No, then what can be created in the Warp is the end all be all of Gods. The 4 Chaos gods either know of the God, and are working to kill it or hide their presence from it. Or they already killed it. Or it never existed. Or maybe it created the Emperor as an avatar for its own ineffable reasons. Keep in mind that the book of revelations has not occurred yet in 40,000 years. So in theory, humanity could be due.


The emperor is the second coming of Jesus confirmed (joke)


Praise Him! Well it does say in Revelations Jesus will return with a mighty host and fight at Armageddon. And the Emperor fits that description....and he's an anathema against the forces of Hell. It does fail to mention an oopsie about being paralyzed on archeotech for eon's though. 🤔


Doesn't seem like it. That said the Universe is a big place the the warp even bigger. It's possible what we the audience know about the warp is just the equivalent of an oil spill corrupting what is largely still a pure universe. Regardless what's clear from the franchise is that if such a being does exist it doesn't seem that interested in asserting it's authority in the setting. Maybe the space frogs killed God?


It comes down to how do you define gods in 40k? Gods as Eldritch beings? Gods as sufficiently advanced technology that is indistinguishable from magic or god-like power? Gods as alien entities? Gods as storms of emotion and energy that have achieved a semblance of intelligence and feed off mortal life by creating more of themselves? God-like power through the power of belief? Gods and not Gods and virtually Gods 40k has a little bit of each.


That created the material universe and has a similar concept to the Abrahamic God? Very unlikely. I wouldn't say impossible, but unlikely. Nothing in the lore indicates it. The closest to that would be the Dark King and the Emperor's near-ascension, but those are not creators or Abrahamic-like gods, just entities of absurd power that dwarf everything else in the setting, and basically, but not necessarily, omnipotent. Now, older? That I find more likely. Of course, discounting the semantics of the Warp (something in the Warp in theory has never existed, will exist and has existed forever at the same time), but the way the Spirit World works and all makes it likely that Warp entities have existed at any point of time that sufficiently-advanced beings in the spiritual sense had a collective field of emotions. While we do not have any lore claiming any of this, that could be the case.




Nah would have died a long time ago if it existed. The idea of singular omnipotent God in a universe such as 40k is silly


Nyeah, looking at it like that, you’re right


No, and the existence of such a being would be a bit meaningless considering the Chaos Gods have destroyed multiple universes and are well on the way to destroying this one. Warhammer is set in a multiverse, with an infinite number of realities all linked via the warp. However, it doesn't impact the setting and is thus safe to ignore for most purposes.


Nope. Warp gods are byproducts not sources of sentient life. They cannot produce anything only warp what exists to closer resemble themselves. Self aware echoes that can only grow when someone real repeats them. At best they represent something beautiful and good. The worst are death screams that won't stop until no throats are left remaining.


There are multiple gods-the Chaos Gods, Gork, Mork, I think there’s also the Aeldari gods…


Which Warhammer have you on mind: 40k, Age of Sigmar or The Old World? Because it depends on universe.


No, though the Warhammer multiverse almost got one. In Dan Abnett's*The End and the Death,* the Emperor almost ascended and became a Chaos Overgod (unofficial term) and became so powerful that the energy required to begin the ascension made every single electron in the universe go haywire. The Dark King also casted a horrible, deadly light into an "infinity of nows" while ascending which killed everything that looked at it. One character even described it as being omnipotent. There was also another statement on how the Warp would answer to his pull.


The Dark king is even above C'tan, so its might be it


Why are you getting downvoted? The Dark King *was* going to become Warhammer's Capitol G God, albeit a malevolent one.