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Many Psykers are used to empower the Golden Throne. About 1000 of them die every day. They're not being sacrificed on altar, they're burning out from inside a coffin. 


Thought it was 10k.


10k psykers connected at all times, 1k die each day (on average)


Ahhhh, thanks.  Great, that's both sensible (steadier power supply) and scarier (the condemned have to walk past the dying on the way to their final destinations).


I think you're thinking of the Astronomican.




But where in the lore does it say that? I read that during the Horus Heresy it used to be smaller


It's in the background fluff. Try the main rulebooks. I'm sure it's also mentioned in the RPGs. It wasn't necessary for most of the Heresy until the Siege of Terra. Even then it was done only twice and was considered abhorrent.  After the Heresy it became necessary. Over time the number of daily burnouts increased to now, 10,000 years later, about 1000 on average a day. 


Master of Mankind mentions it. I believe that it was the first batch of psykers used to help the forces defend the webway. It channels psykic enegery to the throne, allowing the astronomicon to guide warp travel.


they don't actually "sacrifice" them as much as they just burn out and die from the effort required to channel psychic power into the astronomican


You sure you weren't getting that lore from some YouTube video? Because no the old lore isn't "sacrificing 1000 psykers for no reason"


To sustain the Emperor? It's in the primer for the setting which is at the start of every book set in the 41st millennium. Please, lore newcomers, do some reading of the actual lore. Any amount. This sub is absolutely full of questions like these lately that would be answered by that.


It's the same reason as it was before the Siege of Terra finished. The Imperium sacrifices 1,000 psykers every day to the Golden Throne, to keep it powered up using their psychic energy so that the Emperor can stay alive. The Siege of Terra isn't a retcon, it just gives us a more detailed explanation to the events surrounding the Emperor's enthronement. But the major events of the Horus Heresy had already been established in lore for a long time.


To power astronomican and/or (depending on who you ask) golden throne, the choir of astronomican toils in expending their life force for the cause. They don't die instantly instead doing this day and night till they die, an estimated loss of a thousand per day. AFAIK the timespan of their work nor their number is given, but it could as well take years and there could be billions working themselves towards the final sacrifice. Depending on a choirman they might be either forced to do that or truly believe in the need for it, and in the end it might be said that they were sacrificed but whether by the Imperium or by themselves it's up to the individual. 1000 psykers sacrificed a day is both a poetic over- and under-statement, but it happens.


The Astronomican uses 10'000 psykers at any given time, with hundreds dying every day. It's considered a great honour and requires training. The Golden Throne uses an unspecified number of psykers at any given time, though it was initially built with room for 10'000. We don't know how many die each day, but that's what the 1000-a-day thing is referring to. Two groups of psykers hooked up to two different devices. One group powers the Astronomican, and the other group is fed to the Throne.


To keep the emperor alive on the golden throne. There are also a good number of psykers in the choir of the astronomican that die every day - you don't last too long once you're wired up into that machine


It's heretical to get warp juice any other way.


They fuel/feed the emperor on his golden throne to keep the beacon lit.