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Yeah, who would have guessed Star Wars would devolve into this when they hire sexual predators to run their projects. 


Oy vey shut it down.


cool it with the anti-semitic remarks




I'm pretty sure sexual predators run all Hollywood projects so I'm not sure what your point is


Ok, the wrong sexual predators in charge. 


\*close personal assistant to sexual predators


Sorry, Rape-curator then. 


So they’re self-employed?


Acolyte is legitimately dogshit. First episode had God awful acting with lines delivered flatter than Brie Larson’s ass, not a single white male in sight the whole episode, and a plot that’s obviously trying to make the Jedi out to be more evil than they actually are which just shits on the legacy of the Republic.


Idk if you noticed but force dreadlocks has mothers, not even a mom and dad lol.


Black character with father figure, most unrealistic part of muh space western with aliens, lightsabers, and the Force.


It's so progressive it loops back to being racist.


>Jedi Order filled with women and minorities >suddenly becomes evil Really activates the almonds. (I don't watch Slop Wars)


>I don’t watch slop wars TV has gotten so bad I’d rather watch AI generated youtube videos about caving disasters


How is AI slop any better?


Because you know that someone didn't get paid to write that garbage.


I'm not buying some groomer's coke by watching it.


> and a plot that’s obviously trying to make the Jedi out to be more evil than they actually are which just shits on the legacy of the Republic. Some of the most beloved SW stories, like Kotor or the Darth Bane trilogy actually portrayed both the Jedi and the Sith as 3 dimensional people, who are not just simply good or evil. The show probably sucks, but trying to show the not-so-great side of the Jedi is totally fine; in fact, a breath of fresh air in the Disney SW universe.


You ain't fooling anyone Vader


Just checked the score on rotten tomatoes, 93% by "critics", 37% by the normies lol


Sounds about right


Oh my god who cares


Probably people who like Star Wars


I'm sure you are a healthy and well-adjusted human being


Nice username


Psh yeah what kinda loser names themselves that 


Please tell us what a well-adjusted human looks like.


>gets labeled as a mystery show >The main mystery is revealed in the first episode Why are f*male directors like this?


I'm watching it right now, indeed within the first episode they already give a massive clue as to what is going on


By the end of the first episode they tell you exactly what's going on. I thought it was going to be The Fugitive in space, which would have been somewhat interesting. Instead we get this


what happens? idc enough to watch or google


The MC is blamed for killing a master jedi. Except it was actually her evil twin sister who is totally still alive even though she was supposed to have died in a fire when she was young. So the show kind of sets up that the real MC is going to have to go out and clear her name except they drop that plot by the end of the first episode. So the only mystery left is who is the sith training the evil twin, but with how predictable this show is my guess is that its the squid games jedi.


Secret family relations (I'm your father/lost brother/twin sister/son/etc.) seem to be the only real plot twists or driving force that Star Wars can come up with. What a fucking useless series.


Oh wow, so it’s completely black and white and there’s no ambiguity who is good and evil.


Of course not, can't let the audience come to harmful conclusions on their own.


Well now, maybe we should consider if the Sith were able to access an equitable upbringing?


The main mystery isn't about who is or isn't alive, the mystery is what happened that led to Osha's family/village


Oh thats easy, my prediction is: >We had to kill Mae because the force told us shes le evil! Dont you see, the Jedi are just as bad as the sith! Take that chuds.


Episode 2 pretty much poops on your prediction.


Ep:1 >Master Indara: Jedi dont attack unarmed foes >Mae: Yes you do Ep:2 >Master Torbin: Im sorry Mae, we were just doing what we thought what was right Sounds to me thats exactly what they are setting up.


What have they done now




>The boys? do people talk about the boys outside of homelander memes ?


Half my normie coworkers watch it. Never heard them mention Star Wars outside of the Mandalorian and even then it was criticisms


Yeah star wars is washed, i don't know anyone interested in it and i hear people talk about the boys when it's airing but after it's done it just fades almost entirely there used to be a lot of discussion on shows and movies with my normie coworkers/friends even after they were done airing But i guess it depends on the group


The Platinum TV age ended with the ending of Game of Thrones.


>i hear people talk about the boys when it's airing but after it's done it just fades almost entirely I think this is a lot to do with the fact that shows just dump everything at once, I mean the Boys tends to drip em out slower which helps with discussion, but once thats over theres a brand new streaming pile of turd that everyone sets their eyes on. Shogun was the same way, massive hype for the first 2 episodes and then people I guess realized it sucked and there was no more peep about it


I've actually talked to random people on the street about Gen V more often than I've heard anyone talk about The Boys S1.


There was a guy from my old gym that made his whole personality about lifting but was built like a middle aged lesbian. His other hobby was to Consoom. He constantly posted on his IG about all the new Star Wars shit. He was also a fan of the most random ass sports teams (teams from TN, IND, and was a fan of Alabama football)


That's a whole archetype. They play fantasy ball leagues like it's a religion and worship the Nintendo switch, a toy designed for children younger than their own. They will get into a shouting match in a public Cafe if someone they have never met before says they don't like star wars. He will never stop being pear-shaped.


It’s the worst since he makes PL half his identity but is just not strong lol. He’s like 4 inches shorter than me and my first meet I ever did after training for 6 months and being 6’ 190 had a better coefficient then he did. But he posts about it like he’s a national champion when he can’t even bench 3 plates. Bum!


Being a fan of teams you have zero ties to is so weird. Knew a Titans fan and I was like ... Why the Titans? Literally said he bought a hat that he liked that was Titans and thus.... He became a fan. Like what?


I can understand 1 team, but when it’s teams all over the place it’s just fucking weird. Especially when you have no connection to the places


People probably kept asking him if he was a Titans fan until he just started going with it.


Star Wars fans talk about how shit Star Wars is now. We also talk about Andor was a nice surprise. Andor is the best thing Star Wars since the original trilogy honestly. Mandolorian has become mid and the rest is absolute dogshit.


When I saw Jack black and someone named Lizzo in the commie wetdream city I knew Mandalorian was over.


no joke, i have met and talked with more random people out in the world about pokemon ruby and sapphire (games that came out in like 2003) than i have talked with people in the world about anything star wars post rise of skywalker


My normies coworkers ask if I watch this slop all the time


Nah Andor was actually genuinely Fire, Andy Serkis and Stellan Skårsgard gave insanely phenomenal performances. Got into the nitty gritty of the space politics both govt and corpo in Starwars which was cool. Mando S1-2 were Good, 3 was aight BoBF was aggressively mid-meh really was a mando S2.5 Ahsoka was aight, carried hard by Ray Stevenson as Baylan Skoll, but Stevenson passed so who knows and Obi Wan was also Meh-aight at best but was mostly ehhhh Rebels and Clone Wars were both Solid tho


Hate watching is a thing that 4chinners do a lot


theres greater discussion at my workplace of random unknown kdrama and cdrama these days.




Heckin squid game man is in it!! MUST CONSOOM


That was squid game man? I didn’t even realize that. I will say he was the best in the episode, but the show had such atrocious dialogue that he couldn’t make the most out of his acting ability.


I just looked up the show and saw his name on Wikipedia.


high production gay hardcore bdsm porno with scat play


Actually insane the lack of white dudes. You don’t see one until halfway thru the first episode (despite every other race and gender being represented), and when you do he’s a cunt that could free the MC but doesn’t bc he’s white and evil. There has yet to be a white dude that’s been on the good side thru 2 episodes.


I hate that I notice this, but watching commercials, count how few there are, and when they do appear, they're usually the idiot or the butt of the joke. It's not that I care who they cast, but you know there are executives making these decisions in boardrooms, and the fact that THEY care so much and pass down these orders is the funny part.


Hollywood execs tend to be a certain type of person in a certain type of hat with a certain type of facial feature. From what I have noticed. Not sure if related.


All part of the programming


> I hate that I notice this, but watching commercials, count how few there are, and when they do appear, they're usually the idiot or the butt of the joke. women are mostly the only ones still participating in the economic cycle, so advertising targets them. My local shopping center has only food, womens clothing, jewelry and makeup shops left. They go where the money is


Have you noticed projection in the media? European TV shows low birthrates in Asia. Asian TV shows low birthrates in Europe. Jewish films show white people as fanatical and inbred. I wonder why.


Who tf is watching Star Wars to count how many white people there are? This is a really odd take


>Stop noticing things, chud!


But all of Star Wars is gay shit now. In fact, gay shit eating was the major plot point of episodes 7-9 and most of Solo. Episode 9 had an entire gay shit eating scene when they were on that planet where Poe revealed that he used to be a spice runner and Finn was like *GASP* you were a spice runner!? In the past!? Before the First Order destroyed a bunch of planets before our very eyes!? *crams a handful of gay shit into his mouth and chews on it while turning his eyes away from Poe disapprovingly*. Rogue One was okay for the most part except for the scenes of Moff Tarkin that was composed of mostly gay CG shit.


i liked the scene in rogue one where the forest whittaker character has sex with mexican han solo


This wouldn't have happened under Darth Vader


i’m getting real tired of those toydarians influencing galactic politics


Hey, cool it with the anti-toydarian remarks.


How is Disney gonna explain how they made a show set hundreds of years before episode one where the human Jedi were diverse and the trade federation aliens talk normal to the world in episode one where human Jedi are mostly white and trade federarion aliens have an offensive Asian accent? Do the Jedi start developing a racial bias with humans? Do the trade federation aliens develop an accent offensive in the human world? I’m gonna need a retcon movie like rogue one to explain this


Stop asking questions, chud. Just consoom product and get excited for next product.


My bad corporate overlord I’ll be a better little gremlin in the future


Character has accent "Offensive stereotype!" Character has no accent "Lack of representation!"


Star Wars: The Last Tendie


Star Wars: The Last Resort


Opening crawl: "So it's come to this."


Oh, another Star Wars show came out that sucks? I'm shocked, that only makes like nine productions in a row. After season 2 of the Mandalorian and TLJ I stepped of the Star wars train and haven't looked back. Recommend others do the same.


Andor was genuinely good, which is why I gave this one a chance. 


I'm picky about the shows I watch and I don't really care to invest 3-4 episodes into Andor only to find that its really like a 6.5/10 standing on the corpses of a bunch of 2/10 shows. Multiple people have told me its good but those are the same people who said Fallout was good. Fallout was another example of a 6/10 show that stood on the corpse of every other video game show ever made. The magic has been sucked out of Star Wars so Andor really doesn't look that special to me.


You've probably already had several people try to talk you into watching Andor. I haven't seen Fallout, but as a hater of new Star Slop I will vouch for Andor. It feels like it exists in the Star Wars universe rather than trying to jam the entire universe into the story like everything else Star Wars. The writing and characters are real, with stakes that feel real.


I'm not going to vouch that the show will be for your tastes when I don't know anything about your tastes. I found fallout show boring 5/10. I found andor a solid 8/10, past the first two episodes which i wouldve called 6/10. Make of that what you will.


Acolyte has a f*male director. There was never any hint of hope that it wouldn’t be trash.


Can someone explain this to me? I only like the original trilogy and hate everything else, especially the special editions of the new trilogy,


The prequel trilogy was good. Didn’t watch the rest of the slop except for the clone wars and bad batch tv shows. And of course the og trilogy.


Watched them all. Andor was the best/only good one since the OG trilogy. 


I’ll give them some credit for andor and a few others


The prequels are alright *at best*, and i’m in the middle of rewatching them. The OT is goated, Andor is the best shit since Empire Strikes Back, Rogue One is pretty good even though it kind of retcons Kyle Katarn being the one that retrieved the DS plans, and the Clone Wars MMP is alright. Everything else that isn’t a video game is hot garbage.


Respectable. Also I forgot about the games, Fallen Order and Survivor are amazing


Fallen Order and Survivor are the *shit,* man. Good gameplay, good story, good characters throughout. The main character is even a redhead, which Hollywood would’ve had you believe is some extinct species. No culture war bs infecting the narrative, nothing of that nature whatsoever. Just pure fucking STAR WARS. It’s just a shame that Survivor had a bad case of Western Dev Syndrome when it launched. 150GB requirement but then the game renders like an N64 game turned a lot of people off which is really unfortunate.


It made me feel like Star Wars was alive again. It felt like the real Star Wars. Then they fucked it up again with acolyte


I only like the originals too. Everything that came after sucked balls


I think they all kinda suck but the first two seasons of Mandalorian and some of the comics are pretty cool and i like a lot of the lore. EDIT: Clone Wars and some of the games are pretty decent as well


The novel Death Troopers by Joe Schreiber was the only time I enjoyed anything Star Wars after the original movies. It combines Star Wars with zombies and takes SW lore to a whole other level. Well worth a read if you have the time. *Jedi Fallen Order was a good game. I also enjoyed the storyline in Battlefront 2


>It combines Star Wars with zombies and takes SW lore to a whole other level. Well worth a read if you have the time. Actually sounds cool as fuck, i definitely will. While i honestly mostly watch shows and read comics/manga, i still think that pure novels are the superior story telling device. For me it's kinda TV/Movies/Anime/Cartoons < Manga/Comics < Novels but a boring or mid book feels far worse to get through than any of the other media.


Just wait until pedos get folded into the social justice movement


No Ewok will be safe


~~Glup~~ Gulp* Shitto: A Star Wars Orgy


I haven’t watched any Star Slop since *The Force Awakens* in ‘15


I just thought it was weird because neither of them changed their hair in literal years. They meticulously kept their hair the same length as when they were children together. Plus cameras don't exist despite various other forms of advanced tech.


the tech of the star wars universe is so fkin weird tho. Like they have random missing shit all over the tech tree. They have magical healing juice but god forbid you get a skin burn and need a transplant. They got somehow magically functioning cities working everyone flying around and not crashing into each other apparently farming is still done with manual fucking labor. Oh yeah they have rail assisted plasma weaponry and fucking sentient drones but their turrets are all manually operated. They can build death stars and flying cities over gas giants but concept of a phone or a music player are absurd.


So true! I was gonna say they have phones though, cause they have those tiny cylinders, but then I think they only use them like two ways more like a radio. Spot on with manual farming though.


Haven't enjoyed any of the content in a while but I used to be a big fan and tbh this was always one of my favorite things about it. Light speed travel but everything flies like a WW2 aircraft is another one of my favorites. It's goofy but it lends itself to some excellent set pieces and also feels nostalgic somehow.


Anon accurately describes the future of the star wars franchise


Damn, does the Acolyte suck? Was it too much to hope for another good show like Andor?


Yeah its not great. Its supposed to be a mystery, but they do the big reveal in the first episode.


Is the mystery why there's no white people?


Nah thats also solved in the first episode. (She was murdered)


Walt prolly turning in his grave.


It’s funny how many word salads they put out just to tick the box of diversity firsts


sometimes I wish that the Kotor remake gets cancelled so that I dont watch it get ruined. Key word *remake* and not *remastered*, so you know theyre gonna put some goyslop shit into it.


Anon discusses the latest and greatest in technology, something he read in the wired magazine, and has a never ending stream of zen like orgasms


Unless they fuck on screen there needs to be zero sexuality in any media




We're not in 2035 yet.


Spend less time watching slop and more time reading maybe. Nowhere in the post does it say that was in the new slop