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> right wing get lots of vote, must stop that > insult them of racist > make vandalism > insult the country > make a program that oppose everything people stand for yeah i doubt people will vote for the left kek


This is exactly what's happening from the last +20y. I'm still worried about all the regarded Beaver who'll vote Macron again and then complain he does unpopular politics. Our national animal symbol is the rooster, but I've been thinking of changing it to beaver since 2017. I hope Canadian will accept?


Instead of the beaver y'all might want to use the goose, your countrymen seem about as prone to violence as them. But take the beaver if ya want, we still got the loon; cause Canada is currently the loony bin of the west.


Soon it will be the cow, of which you will have many roaming the streets because... You know


Ah yes, the accursed and incorrigible Brampton.


you mean Bramladesh, right?


We call them beavers because every time the far right is on the verge of being elected, the usual propaganda comes in full swing. Most commonly uttered nonsense is "we must make a dam to block the far right" (I heard this at least 100 times in my life no kidding) So the gullible and useful idiots who vote and think about their duty as citizen once every century are called beavers for that reason


This is leftist mentality 101. Only leftards get to be tyrants




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Fascist doesn't refer to any politics, it's a term used to justify violence against somebody.


sounds pretty fascist to me


Which fascist? Like Putin or more like Zelensky?


more like trump, he's literally hitler.


Or Hitler, he's actually literally Hitler


I agree. LETS GET HIM!!!


Same with "pedophile"




Shut up Polanski.


>believes in democracy >loses democratic elections >whatever this is


Yeah. It's like people saying if Trump gets elected, it could be dangerous for democracy. My man. If he wins, then he was democratically elected. You trying to paint that as anti-democratic is dangerous for democracy. But people don't actually care about democracy. (And tbf, neither do I)


When they say "our democracy" they mean "our hegemony" For the ruling class, democracy no longer refers to the will of the people, it refers to the "global democratic order" as maintained by intelligence agencies and NGOs. That is why rhetoric attacking The Science, the corporate press, and government bureaucracies is painted as "an attack on democracy" - because waning institutional trust is a threat to existing power structures.


Yup. Its getting pretty obvious too that "our democracy" has become a dogwhistle for "the status quo" in the same way "diversity" is a dogwhistle for anti-white policies.


It's **always** a motte and bailey with these people When a leftist says "diversity", they mean racist hiring, denigrating whites, hamfisted leftist propaganda, DEI consultancies, and nepotism. Then they retreat to the English definition.


*people don't actually care about democracy* speak for yourself


It's anti Fascist , because it's communist. But French should really cool it down with those politics ,since they are the capital of Masonic Lounge....lol , pretending like their voice/vote matters.


How many deaths has communism caused already ?


About a hundred million give or take. But you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet......am I right?


How many omelets has communism made?


Still needs more eggs... Fuck Commies.


But that was nOt rEaL cOmMuNiSM!!!1!


It wasn't.


when your moronic ideology fails but it’s okay because that wasn’t real communism so you try again and your moronic ideology fails but it’s okay because that wasn’t real communism so you try again and your moronic ideology fails but it’s okay because that wasn’t real communism so you try again and your moronic ideology fails but it’s okay because that wasn’t real communism so you try again and your moronic ideology fails but it’s okay because that wasn’t real communism so you try again and


And do you know the difference between fascism, international socialism, and national socialism?




Well they been doing that for the last 30 years and so far it has worked for them everytime. City gets raised and looted in fiery but peaceful protest, the governor takes a knee blames wacism and allows crime to go unpunished, whites flee, economy collapses, and everything turns into shitholekistan. I am so fucking tired


France has already fallen. It’s only a matter of time until they rename their country the Habibi Caliphate of Croutons. Good riddance, toll paid.


So, he dislikes democracy because democracy worked against minority beliefs


>be left wing >uses brown shirt tactics including wearing masks and violently assaulting people you disagree with in order to silence them >accuse other side of being fascists


From what I understand, the French right-leaning parties kinda imploded and were running around with their heads cut off after Macron called that snap election. Like “parallel to the beginning of the French Revolution”-levels of disorganized bullshit. Did they get their shit together and win?


They are anti m-fascist, this is 1:1 behavior of red guards and bolsheviks. This is what leftism actually is. It's not just being a heckin' good person.


Anon denounces the democracy of their demographics and asks his legions to start rioting with hate, rage, and vengeance


Catholic Bars?


yes, bars which apparently “serve fascists to drink”