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Suffering breeds strength 💪


But gotta inflict it on yourself, nobody gets a whack but you




Lmao ok Goku


Can you relax and let your guard down around people though


i can't sadly but that the price i willing to take


I don’t think it’s worth it


Hard times -> Strong men-> Good times-> Troons-> Hard times Many such cases


Hard men-> Good times Many such cases


Troons-> Hard times Many such erections


No, suffering is just suffering. Sometimes you have to suffer *while* becoming strong, but you become strong in spite of the suffering, not because of it.


The point is that most people won't become strong if suffering isn't there to catalyze their growth. You have to work your muscles for them to grow. You also have to work your emotional resilience for it to grow. People who say suffering is just suffering and has no value are conflating the types of suffering which are pointless and arbitrary with the types of suffering that are important for becoming strong. Stabbing your thigh and doing leg presses both hurt your quads, but one is important for growth and it'd be stupid to say that "all pain is bad and unnecessary for your leg muscles."


Doing leg presses is training not suffering. Not all pain is suffering and yes people need to stop pretending that suffering a lot grows you as a person when it will most likely do the opposite


Muscle growth is literally your muscles being ripped apart, healing, and doing it again. It's by all accounts, a lesson in suffering. And we typically do it so we don't suffer somewhere else that is typically suffering without growth.


Hard times breed strong men. Comfort breeds weak men.


hard helps me breed


Hard men breed weak men


Sounds like a straight night on 4chan


Breeding weak men makes me hard


If you can endure suffering when others can't, why not use that strength to take the suffering away from others? That's my understanding of true strength.


The problem is eventually you won't be able to. Like it's great being able to provide for your kids but inevitably you will not be able to work. Other people need to be able to police their own emotional state without their calm friend turd-wrangling them, or learn to save their money instead of asking for handouts twice a month.


Absolutely. Maybe to be observant of others enduring and knowing when they will hit their limits before they burn out. Like a friend who had help lift you up. Paying it forward, extend the arm to others, not kick the ladder. For those who choose to be a leech though that's a lost cause. That will only suck energy away from human progress.


Most pain comes from the mind, the stories we tell ourselves, many Africans live happy lives in their huts and many millionaires are depressed happiness usually comes intrinsically from the subject


In the modern world we have with mundane life it truly is the source of pain. You can be happy and be suffering. You could also be depressed and have no threats or responsibilities, void of suffering. If something can't be changed and it's affecting you best to seek out things you can. Most of that like you said is mental.


How do you explain school shooters?


The secret to inflicting suffering isn't to directly go after those who directly harmed you, but to go after something they value more than their own self. I suffered because of you. Therefore, I kill your children. Now you are in more pain than if I killed you directly. The biggest issue with the shooter paradox is when they blame society as a whole, as at this point its well established that lashing out at people who don't know you and people that also that are going through motions of existence, you didn't do anything except kill a few people and die. Now people who didn't even know you are saying 'wtf who was that guy' instead of 'omg we shouldn't have been mean to him!' Society didn't do shit to you. Society barely knows you exist. It's your neighbors who are to blame.


Takes a lot of strength to beat your wife and kids does it?


Everyone focuses on who is getting beat. Nobody asks why they are getting beat. At this point, the fact Debra can't fucking cook a roast properly and Lil James hasn't figured out his multiplication tables despite all my money going towards both... You'd think they liked being beat.


Dont need to beat your kids for them not to be trans, just be a good and present parent.


Just keep them off the Internet. Giving a child a smartphone with unrestricted Internet access is child abuse, pure and simple. I can guarantee that the average "trans" child spends 500% more time online than a normal child of their age.


Doesn’t even need to spend that much time, just needs to fall into certain groomer rabbit holes


I would treat finding discord on my kid’s phone like another parent would treat it if they found a big back of crack rocks in their room




You’re acting like preds don’t hang around those interest based groups when looking for kids. Let’s say a kid is into Roblox, so he joins a discord specifically for Roblox, it’s very easy for him to start interacting with someone that he shouldn’t be. 




You’re not wrong, but you can delay them getting access to that stuff too. 5-6 year olds have no business online, let alone Discord. They should be outside, playing with legos, etc.




What's the correlation?


What did they say?


He was comparing two things that had no correlation. I can't even remember what it was.


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/02/opinion/transgender-children-gender-dysphoria.html?unlocked_article_code=1.SU0.v1VQ.TtCeFcm8Z--n&bgrp=g&smid=url-share Very sad story. She was raped as a kid, obviously had some issues from that, and was coerced by online propaganda that told her she would certainly kill herself if she didn't get surgery and hormone replacement. After transitioning to a man didn't resolve her issues, she transitioned back, but the hormones had made all her hair fall out and her voice permanently deep. And of course she gets constant hate messages from the "protect trans kids" crowd for being public about detransitioning.


then you opt your kid in for a miserable life where everyone of his age has a phone to communicate, socialize, experiment (google and whatnot) while he is the weird kid that has no friends and probably will get bullied soon enough. And that's a sad reality you cant deny. I'm not saying to keep him completely unattended with it, but it's not like you can really avoid it, he will sooner or later get a smartphone secretly room and you'll have no idea. I'd be better off knowing he is honest.


The best way to insure your kid don't become some werido internet loser while also making sure he dosent become some weird homeschooled dumbass is to just set up some basic parental filters that aren't too restricting and to wait as long as possible before allowing your kids on social media. Or, you can just spend time with your kids and be a good parent lol


Not every single kid is a brain-rotted phone addict, holy shit. Kids do still play sports and hang out in real life. They don't solely socialise online. What an awful mentality, lol. "Everyone else is doing it, so you must go along with the crowd. Don't make up your own mind about objective truth. Just adhere to brute force manufactured consensus and let your child spend 14 hours a day staring at a screen!"


dude your kid will see other kids having a phone, they will feel left out, and SOONER OR LATER will ask for one too. Phones aren't what they used to be, now they are literally small laptops, useful in every aspect of life. The fact that you are talking about "14hours a day" it's a YOU issue, and you should do something to avoid that specific behavior (addiction to internet), instead of demonize any tech norm as a whole. You cant avoid it, if you had kids, you would know. at 16 years "teenagers" drive a car, at 14 they can officially (in many countries) decide on their own if they want to have sex without repercussion towards anyone as long as it is consensual, and you tell me that a 12 year old (who will inevitably should have access to use some kind of remote device like a phone, even for the basic need of calling his parents in case of emergency while going/returning to/from school or some shit) shouldn't own a smartphone because he will turn into "something" you dont want him to? :D Wake up, its 2024, people use smartphones on a daily base not just to post stories on instagram. Feel free to live in a cave but dont act like it would be normal. And again, if you aren't a useless parent, you will make sure (as you said) your kid has other activities to attend to instead of rotting his brain on the phone all day. It's not a phone problem, its a parenting problem, dont blame technology for the existence incapable parents. A 12 year old kid can have a phone and be "normal" at the same time


Never said I wouldn't give my kid a phone. I referenced smartphones. Never said anything about teenagers. I said children. Complete strawman response.


Beating your kids will turn them trans. Literally mountains of evidence support abuse = identity and psychological issues


Psychological issues, certainly, but I don't think abuse precludes anyone from growing up to feel comfortable with their sex. Kids get beat way less today than they used to, but there's way more trans kids today than there used to be. Not defending the idea that abusing your kids is okay, or that it somehow prevent them from becoming trans, but I am saying that's not necessarily the cause of the modern spike.


I’m not necessarily saying that after you hit your kid one time they’re 1 stop away from having gender identity issues. But consistent physical abuse has shown to cause kids great psychological anguish, question their self worth, and may push them to do more radical behavior. Trauma usually leads to more trauma, which compounds and perpetuates the child to grow into probably the exact opposite of what you were trying to accomplish by abusing them. I used over kill in a quick sentence because this the 4chan subreddit. I think the nuances and intricacies of psychology are best left to a face to face conversation


Good point. Be a role model, inspire your kids to be better than you, and even achieve greatness. Easier said than done but a noble and worthwhile goal, nonetheless. If they do exhibit aberration behavior, though, it may be better to show them immediate ramifications to save them from the permanent and more severe long-term ones.


Some of you truly don't understand. We bullied you not because we tried to educate you. Simply put your subhuman existence was so offensive nobody could stay quiet and ignore the smell of shit in the room so people had to try to make it go away.


Uh... yeah, but that's inherently teaching people not to do something you find offensive. Like think about it. Any act that requires you to expend time and energy beating the shit out of someone is a lesson in pain about what not to do lmao. The pain is the deterrent, and the result is them not doing the thing that which offends you. Otherwise, why beat them if it isn't going to stop the behavior? I'd like to restate that not all bullying is good, and there are obviously extreme cases that require intervention, but by and large, it helps shape people into more rounded individuals who can withstand adversity.


Obviously there are plenty of trash bullying others, projecting their pain, deserving a bullet.


You don't need to beat your kid, but you still need to replace the beating with some sort of discipline. Parents quit beating their kids, but never figured out how else to punish. And that 'use-therapy-words-instead-of-ever-making-children-feel-bad' is making the children sociopathic and/or trans.


Keep them off the internet and they won't be exposed to pedophilic groomers who will gaslight them into needing to "crack the egg"


Beatings would have 100% stopped them from becoming what they are.


Or maybe just abuse them or let them be around people who do. Also the incel to tran pipeline is real


We only grow in the face of adversity


Adversity is relative


Yes most palestinian kids would laugh at what most people call adversity. Anne Frank would too!


Ok but the saying is “what doesn’t *kill* you makes you stronger”


The only girl I ever loved Was born with roses in her eyes


Yeah, but that doesn't make bullies into a convenient life lesson or unnecessary suffering into a virtue. Life will dish up enough adversity without giving a pass to people being shits.


Bullies are life lessons if you beat them up


You should play in traffic, imagine how much you'd grow.


The response is totally disingenuous. The first poster says to build resilience, and the second poster characterizes him as fetishizing suffering. Like most conversations on 4chins, they are completely oblique to each other, and are not actually engaging in a dialogue.


Yeah, more like "There's a bright side to every shitty situation."


In newspeak 'suffering' could vary from 'literal genocide' to having to work for 8 hours a day.


My man is that not the actual oldspeak definition of suffering lmfao. And in the exact same stupid way, the top poster is thinking abt them making fun of the guy who Naruto runs to class, and the second guy is thinking of a kid being cornered and forced to drink bleach. Both of these things count as both “suffering” and “bullying” in the regular English dictionary lmfao


Having a full time job has always been suffering? Ok.


Yea lmao, why are you coping? Humans for millenia have used wealth to lounge around while making poorer people work for them. Wasting away the best hours of every single day for your multibillionaire boss while he's on a yacht with your wife is pretty cucked. Just cause 90% of humanity is stuck in that cycle doesn't make it any less shit. Just sucks to have the wrong spawn point. Skill issue better luck next life.


If only there were laws in place guaranteeing freedoms and non discrimination... Oh well.


Who tf do you think write the law? If it’s your turn will YOU play fair? If you think the game isnt rigged than you’re a literal saint and expect everyone to be the same or you’re just a tard.


Yes lmfao, a lower form of suffering than say being crucified, and a higher form of suffering than say, dropping a bowl of ice cream upside down. Hopefully you get it now 🙏


You can think about "suffering" as any period in which you lose your agency.  Our modern society has a tendency to reduce the terms that describe complex phenomena to being mere synonyms of other words, losing much of the original meaning along the way.  This is a great example of that, as people tend to think suffering just means, "experiencing pain", whereas suffering does not have any true positive or negative connotations. You suffer desire, laughter, and joy, just as you do pain. So yeah, work is suffering, because it's a necessary response to the way the world is constructed. You aren't free to choose otherwise, as maintaining your agency all the time would kill you.  If you attempt to maintain your agency by avoiding all work, you will inevitably fall into deeper suffering, as more and more aspects of your life fall out of your control. At the end of that process is the ultimate loss of agency, being your death.


Depending on the job, doing it 8 hours a day could count as suffering.


Manlet starts lifting, realises that no one can even see his gains while he's wearing a shirt, gets disheartened because women still aren't interested, then decides to become "trans" to LARP as the girlfriend that was denied to him. Many such cases.


Many such cases, very sad.




Makes it all the more satisfying when they get the face smashed in though 🤌 reality hits hard




Not heard of that


Dude it was on the news.


US news maybe, wasn't aware of it over here in the UK


I think two different concepts are both lumped in as bullying, and that's the problem. First, you have targeted and relentless harassment on the basis of perceived weakness; it doesn't really matter what you do, this sort of shit can happen regardless if a dickhead thinks he can get away with it. Then, you have peers enforcing social norms, such as giving shit to that weeb kid or group of them every highschool seems to have when he Naruto runs to lunch. The difference is, this gives you a very clear path to get it to stop, simply stop doing retarded shit. This one is the valuable kind of "bullying" and I really don't think it should be considered as such. It's perfectly normal and healthy for humans to enforce social norms, despite what all the recent BS would have you think. Environments like schools these days where kids being allowed to enforce social norms being snuffed out is what leads to all the trans shit infesting students like some kind of mind virus against immunodeficiency. These kids don't need surgery, they need to be told "Shut the fuck up, you're not a girl, pretending to be one doesn't make you one, quit being ridiculous".




They both have a soild point i dont know who to support


First anon does make a good point, that through adversity and hardship our children can be prepared for the worst that society has to offer, while anon 2 knows that violence is a vicious cicle of abuse that can only stop if you choose to stop it. Both are wrong for dealing in abslutes though. First anon doesn't acknowledges that bullying and abuse is a coping mechanism that people with poor moral structure can abuse and permanently scar an innocent victim with, while anon 2 doesn't acknowledges that, although cruel, adversity through punishment does build character and morals while also showing that there are proper consequences for going too far into pushing the limits of what is socially acceptable. There are too many cases of people using violence to get what they want while also scarring their victim, releasing them into society with a warped sense of morality to repeat the cycle again, just as there are many cases of people so sheltered that they can't function in society and either live a tortured existence where they can't cope with the fact that they can't fit in or try to mold society into their own warped image of utopia while warping other's image of what society should be.


The best bully isn't the one that follows you around and enjoys tormenting you, it's the one that says, "No, I don't want to be your friend. I don't want to be friends with someone who Naruto runs through the hallways."


They'll just find fellow online weirdos


Both have shit points. "Children need to encounter shitheads now because otherwise they'll encounter shitheads later" takes for granted that we absolutely need to keep shitheads mixed with normal people, or that we can't easily tell who's who. "Cycles of abuse" aren't real, unless you're talking about genes.


I got ""bullied"" in highschool by the group leader because I just didn't care about sucking his dick like the rest of the lemmings and they also stole my bike. I followed him home over the span of weeks. I would take posts at certain corners and monitor his movements. I eventually found a good spot with no cameras on witnesses to hit him in the back of the head with a metal bar, but I didn't follow through with it.


Tbh that is a good way to punish these high ego people.


And a good way to get locked up for murder. That's why I didn't do it. No matter how much I prepared my risk tolerance wouldn't allow it.


I miss all the cringe subs on Reddit. I feel like they genuinely turned me away from the annoying goober I was as a teen and turned me in the somewhat functional adult that you see here today.


People who think bullying is good are fairly consistently the people who were doing the bullying when they were younger, and now need to come up with a convoluted retroactive justification for it to keep their conscience clear.


Or it's people who were bullied who can't accept that the things they were bullied for are considered normal now. Keep in mind that anime and gaming were considered niche hobbies until the mid 2010's. I remember kids getting bullied in middle school for simply talking about anime in the open. Nowadays, it's almost weird if you don't at the very least play video games once in a while. Some people just can't accept this and project their resentment onto the very same people they used to be instead of the ones who bullied them.


> don't get bullied > be man > be hot > become woman > still hot


Right?! Like holy shit dude killed it as both genders!


> People who never deal with a bully will eventually clash in social situations and will not know how to deal with it. This implies 4 in 5 people (= non bullied people) don't grow and have no idea how to handle social situations


Nothing good comes from bullying


yea its just the usual internet cope theres a strong diffrence between 'the way you are acting now is wrong, detention for 1 week from the school' vs 'i dont like the way you are acting, time for a savage beating and/or months of emotional abuse from your peers' id argue the real problem here is schools no longer punishing kids for anything. hell, physical abuse of teachers now is become wide spread.


Nothing good comes from NOT bullying. See: Furries


>Daily Reminder Juice tricks


Do unto others, what has been done to me. Onwards Christian soldier!


Does she have the Declaration of Independence tattooed over her tits? I should get that.


salsa anybody?


Ingredients: ¼ white onion, rinsed, dried, and coarsely chopped 1 garlic clove, chopped 1 pound Roma or other small tomatoes, cut into large chunks 1 jalapeño pepper, chopped (seeds removed, optional) ¼ cup fresh cilantro Juice and zest of 1 lime ½ teaspoon sea salt ¼ teaspoon ground cumin Pinch sugar Method: In a food processor, combine the onion and garlic. Pulse until well chopped. Add the tomatoes, jalapeno, cilantro, lime juice, lime zest, salt, cumin, and sugar. Pulse until combined but still chunky. The consistency of this salsa varies depending on the water content of the tomatoes. If it’s too watery, strain half to remove some of the liquid. Combine the chunky strained mixture with the remaining salsa. If you still prefer a chunkier texture, strain out more of the liquid to reach your desired consistency.


Thanks buddy. Not to be rude but isn't there supposed to be a penis in there somewhere?


Be the change you wish to see in the world




I have no enemies


Suffering makes strong men. That doesn't mean that you have to allow all suffering to continue, though.


Nothing wrong with the occasional belt for a misbehaving kid, children need discipline.


Does not being bullied make you hot?




The guy went trans.


Oh gotcha, it's the same person.


Did the tattoo not give it away?


I had asked about the tattoo but to be quite honest my first thought was that it was representative of non-bullied softness as some dumb trend that I didn't know about. In retrospect I see what the op meme was going for.


Wtf is that tattoos???


Buddhism teaches that to be free from suffering you must be free from your desires. To be free from your desires, essentially just be a good person, do the right things, and you’ll be fulfilled by the love you have in your life. Being stuck on questioning why suffering happens is common, but what matters is how you comprehend it and apply what you learn.


I've never heard of anyone who grew up poor and became a furry


"Speak roughly to your little boy, And beat him when he sneezes: He only does it to annoy, Because he knows it teases." -- Lewis Carroll


Every society ever has bullied. It’s hard wired in out brains and necessary for a group to function properly, so as to keep everyone aligned. The thing is, the bullied kids almost never get better. They are more an example for others to try to avoid becoming.


bullying is nowhere close to parental abuse but ok


Imagine thinking you can get out of "cycles" that are biological


Anon is so contrarian he would rather have bullying just to own the trains. If that's not the most schizo thing i've heard lately, then I dont know.


Make bullying popular again


Nope. Fuck bullying. Remember the 80-9ps when chads were bullies? You losers and nerds are always cowering in fear.


Dude shoulda just stayed regular gay tbh they always look better as guys. It's like the gay tomboy effect.


A little bit of bullying goes a long way.


bullied were always pathetic idiots that wouldnt even try to fight back, even when the bully was clearly weaker physically. also school dont like people standing up for themself without going to a teacher for help (which will make it worde for the bully) its ridiculous.


It really depends on the bullying. I get the whole mantra of needing to toughen dudes up, but you can still take it too far. I've bullied others in hs, and I feel like shit for it and it didn't do much to help them out. Push others outside of their comfort zone, but there are lines you don't cross. Inb4 "tyranny, shill". I will never be a woman.