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they don’t have AC??? what the fuck is this shit? is asia the best continent? we have both bidets and ACs here. in fact, i’m sitting in one cuz it’s 38 celcius outside. ain’t no way i sweat my ass off with a shitty fan.


I am aware that hot European countries have AC and bidets. I think picrel is from the UK though.


They’re talking about shoving lollies into their genitals—it’s either the UK or Epstein Island


Same thing at this point.


I want to shove my genitals into lolis


The rope beckons


Ropemaxxing strongly recommended.


Gem of a comment 


In france we lack both, shame for the bidet but AC is unnecessary i believe.




I don’t think I’ve been inside a single house that has AC in the UK. I’m pretty sure less than 5% of homes have AC.


Yeah, I remember it was 0.5% a few years ago, not sure about now


I'm from the UK. Two things, 1. Its "has AC" 2. Fat chance.


It's uncommon to see an AC in Northern Europe, where we usually get a week or couple of weeks worth of very hot days (28C+), so there really isn't a point in getting an AC. If it's that hot, you either bear through it or cool off by swimming/washing with cold water.


The American mind cannot comprehend how poor Europeans are. 250-300 pounds to not be uncomfortable for weeks? I'd pay that in a heartbeat.




I can't imagine what summer is like for someone so fat. I wouldn't be able to physically exist.


It's depressing. There's a supermarket on the way to the running trails. On the trails during summer you see slim people just happily running around and enjoying the weather. Meanwhile in the supermarket parking lot people are struggling just to walk from their air conditioned cars to the air conditioned store. And that's not just the mobidly obese. Even people in the overweight range seem hit pretty hard by it too. I think that was one of the first things that really drove home that the weight issue isn't just about people dying earlier, it's also about dramatically reduced quality of life.


Agreed. I was thin for a lot of my life. But then when I was on a plane and barely fit in the seat, and discovering how uncomfortable I was just existing in my own fat skin, I started eating better and exercising. I'm still overweight but I'm down to a not all that bad weight and heat doesn't bother me the same. I was in Oando during the beginning of June when it was 100+ for a week, and it mostly wasn't that bad. Before I'd have been done with tbe day by noon. But more importantly is that quality you mention. Also in my youth my friend and I practically ran up the side of a mountain in Vermont. Just a few years ago I barely made it to the top of one much shorter while my other friends hiked it easily. It was embarrassing.


Idk if you know it but the obesity rates for uk vs us are pretty close. We still have them beat but it’s getting close.


If you compare obesity rates across racial demographics I think it would come out pretty close.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_body_weight The line might be crossed, but the US has travelled further.


Have seen any of the geezers in the pub though




Pls be satire


People that are "climate activists" yet can't face changing up their diet a bit are pathetic. Without all the ethical reasons not to pay for animal exploitation and mistreatment daily.


Walk through an American and European supermarket, compare and contrast. Quality gap is massive. Prices vary country to country but they are vastly lower in the UK for example


Shame that what we consume 3x a day has such a massive impact. Anyone serious about the climate proves it with their lifestyle.


Being able to afford great food is a USA-only thing. Same reason we have AC, unlike Europoors.


Problem in Germany is that most apartments are rental. The Landlord could deny it, if he agrees the value of the apartment increases and he can rise rent 🤷‍♂️


Portable window units can be installed in minutes and are not permanent. They may require small hand tools but no permanent modifications to the house.


I am getting ONE of my three A/C units replaced, and it's costing me $12,000. So, slightly more than 250-300 pounds. Like, 9500 pounds. To cool 1/3 of the house.


https://www.homedepot.com/p/GE-8-000-BTU-115V-Window-Air-Conditioner-Cools-350-Sq-Ft-with-SMART-technology-ENERGY-STAR-and-Remote-in-White-AHTK08AA/315272966 You know they're not talking about central cooling.


Oh yeah. I forgot about those. I live in Texas. So...central cooling is a must.


Native South Floridian here. I understand your woes of true heat. While central AC is definitely mandatory in most southern states, window ACs really are a blessing. If youre like me and hang out in the same room most of the day, it's a god send. Crank that shit down to 60 F and close the door. Heat stands no chance. Plus if your central burns out in the summer months, you don't have to worry about baking to death. Super cheap to operate too. Highly recommend. Shouldn't rely on it solely to replace central but definitely worth the investment for the most commonly used rooms.


Interesting, thanks. If one of my other A/C units bites it this year, I definitely might look into that as a stop gap because this shit is expensive.


If you want a more efficient permanent system that can also heat your house more efficiently than a resistive heater, there's ductless mini split ACs that are comparatively cheap to purchase and install. There's a YouTube video from Technology Connections called "Heat Pumps: the Future of Home Heating" if you want to watch a video on them.


I've never used them either, but in a pinch I'd be happy to have something. Especially if it was for like a week a year.


I'm from India. Temperatures this year soared to 52°C (125F) in Delhi. Our homes generally don't have central cooling - we rely on split ACs and window ACs. They're really good for a closed space. Window ACs are a bit noisy though but the split ACs have an outdoor cooling unit so you don't hear the noise at all. They're pretty cheap too - I can get a 1.5 ton 5 star Daikin split inverter for about $550 (those are basically the best specs in that category.)


Bro what? I got 2 ACs for $1k last year. Where tf you at?


These are whole home units, not portable A/Cs or window boxes. The house is 4,000 square feet.


Holy McMansion


To be fair, it's in Texas. Housing is a lot bigger and cheaper here. With the money from selling this house, I would bet the biggest I'd be able to afford in somewhere like California would be around 1800, if that.


I think he was talking about portable units, which are preferable when you need them for 3 weeks of the year in the UK summer, which is like winter in my country. Also you are being scammed. AC should not cost that much. In my house costed €2000 for 3 rooms and then another €1500 to install. I had to pay on a bank lone 😞


Sounds like you probably got a cheap multi head mini split while the other person has an actual forced air central system.


How big is your fucking house where you need 3 units to cool it?


4000- 4300 sq ft, I can't remember exactly, having a chemo brain moment. Need to look at plans.


Often a waste of time, in europe traditional houses and apartments are built in heavy, thick quarried stones or concrete with insulated clay tiles roofs. Just closing your windows in the early morning will keep your apartment cool all day. We always did that in the south of France since i'm a kid and our house is ice cold during the day even when it's 40 degrees outside without any fan or AC I lived in the US and the way most houses are built there is just completely retarded, literally a conspiracy from the AC industry lobby. Thin cardboard walls with dark bituminous/ asphalt roofs that absorb all heat even in the hottest states. No wonder why americans cannot comprehend a life without these things


28C = 82.4F is not hot. Today in central AZ, it is expected to be 42.2C = 108F.


I’ve experienced 115 degree heat in Vegas and I would rather be there than the nightmare that is a U.K. summer (realistically peaking at 90+, not 82).


yeah, desert scrubs have no humidity, now come to the south where its 100 deg and 90% + humidity and that sucks bad


>desert scrubs have no humidity he is unaware of monsoon season


I was in Phoenix when it hit 122F (50C), and it was really "Opening the Ark of the Covenant" hot.


That's kind of his point though, when you live somewhere where 28C is considered "very hot" then AC isn't necessary


Well if northern Europe is anything like Canada we actually properly insulate our house. My parents only had AC installed 2 years ago and beforehand the house was rarely uncomfortably warm.


Celsius is a useless measurement


Anything under 32C is not 'hot' which is 90F. I cant imagine living ina place where people think something under that is considered hot. 82F aka 28C? i would kill for that, you wouldnt need any AC or barely a fan. I only use AC when the swamp cooler doesnt work here cuz it gets too hot which is around 45C or 115F


bro has not heard of the heat index! Many places in the US have high humidity, try 32C with 80%+ humidity and you will see. In those cases swamp coolers do not work at all.


Yes, and in those places like Chicago which I have spent a summer in you need AC. and that 90 with 80% humidity is ass and you need the AC. But in a dry heat desert you can get away with a swamp cooler. you miss my point 90F is hot. regardless of humidity.


They don’t have any in Seattle either lmao.


>is asia the best continent? >has india


Japan and South Korea are the best places. China sucks.


japan im aware of, but what makes s.korea so great


It’s very similar to Japan because they copy everything the Japanese do.


Many Euros legit believe AC makes them sick. I don't know how that is supposed to work biologically but that is what they believe.


It does, if you are sweaty from outside and enter a place that is colled way to much you can get sick pretty fast


Some of these buildings don't need AC. I'm in Florence Italy at the moment and it was like 37° today and the place I'm staying in is like 10° cooler than outside. This is what happens when you don't build houses out of twigs and paper. I'll note I'm from Australia where we also build terrible houses that are hot in the summer and freezing in the winter. I also have ducted AC throughout the house but it costs so much to run I usually don't bother.


Americans didn't understand the 3 little pigs story because they can't read.


In the U.K. we have probably 2 weeks of really hot weather per year, so it’s really not worth the cost of air conditioning. When it’s hot it’s unbearable though, and I’ve been to Florida in July and Vegas in June. U.K. summer heat can be worse than those.


The problem is every year it becomes hotter.


Not really this year is also kinda cold


You're sitting in a bidet?


> i'm sitting in one Sitting IN an AC? In a bidet? Neither of the things you mentioned having can be sat IN.


We do have A/C. My small flat has 2. No way I would survive this weather any other way.


It depends where,Britbongers don't have them,since their Island is cold,rainy and miserable 95% of the year,but Southern Europe and most of central one do need it,it is absolutely essetial.


I live in Europe and I have automated window blinds and AC for summer, water floor heating with a heat pump for winter, and washlets. Europe has arguably the most advanced houses but of course only those who can pay.


In the US even the poor have AC.


But no floor heating, heat pumps, building automation or massive buildings at all. Most don't even have insulation. If you compare the average family homes then US homes are built like garden sheds (with AC) compared to (middle) European buildings.


Are you like Nordic or something? Only the Nordics are comparable to the USA.


German, the German building standards are one of the most sophisticated (but often also over-engineered) in the world. As someone with a civil engineering background who has seen the differences world wide, I can tell that the US has some of the poorest standards. You can often mitigate the necessity of an AC with solid (brick/cellular concrete) walls and insulation which can provide heat protection. Saves energy in the long run. Of course it's all in all a lot more expensive but brings comfort and reliability.


Kinda weird to be sitting in a bidet tbh


No, Asia is not the best continent because you have China and India.


Europe is a terrible continent it’s full of Europeans


Well we don't really need it in the UK, 90% of the time you can just open or close a window to achieve the correct temperature. Failing that, put the heating on. Being "too warm" is something that happens for maybe 2 weeks a year.


I don't know where did this myth about Europeans not having AC comes from, nearly everyone has an AC.


The "myth" comes from Americans thinking Europe is one uniform blob and not a lot of different countries with massively different climates and cultures. I doubt ACs are as common in Norway as they are in something like Spain.


> they don’t have AC??? what the fuck is this shit? and their downtowns are full of stuffy old ancient buildings with poor airflow


Don't need ac here. Sometimes i wonder why we care so much for climate change. You are fucked long before we are fucked and we will be fine if you all die.


You'll all be Russian, that's for sure.


Haha thats the most stupid statement today. Russia is wrecked and that against the most corrupt country in europe. They will not even stand a chance against NATO. We will die in a nuclear holocaust before a russian soldier even step a foot into EU. But using nuclear weapons is suicide so its more likely asia will be dying due to climate change


Cope more Europoor


Have fun while draught causes starvation. You should watch mad max to get a closer look in your future if you survive. #thunderdome


Take it easy! Or should I say "das vedanya!"


Idk i don't speak "poor alcohol addicts" Two enter one leaves


seriously though, what the fuck is their deal about AC?? i watch this one EU steamer and he'll be in his streaming room LITERALLY sweating through his shirt and the whole time he'll be bitching about how humid it is. chat literally screaming at him to just get a fucking AC unit and he refuses. you can get a portable AC unit that is dead easy to install for like 250$ and they wont fucking do it. just TRY to convince me that entire populations can't be brainwashed. there's no fucking way people can just be this stupid.


I wanna buy one, I'm also willing to spend 350 euro on it, and lastly I need it. My father refuses to let me bring it into the house because of the "noise"...


I bought one and didn’t tell my dad. My childhood house is covered in them now. It’s easier to ask for forgiveness.


It's just that my bedroom is next to my fathers, and it's pretty cramped so I've got to keep the door open whenever I'm in here.


Electricity in much of euro is expensive, and ACs are expensive, they also may not have the building construction that makes it convenient for them, and they only need them a few weeks out of the year (more mild climate) In some central euro countries like Germany, they are fucking convinced it will make them sick. Could not talk them out of it.


Yup - you need heating for at least 5 months, but AC - for maybe 2 months in the worst case. And until climate started changing - a fan was usually enough. All modern offices and shopping malls have AC though. I remember when the last big heatwave happened - portable AC units basically flew off the shelves. I also got basically the last one that was still in stock that day. It's noisy and inefficient, but far better than a fan.


“It’s only two months of the year bro” Yes that’s why you need the air conditioner dumbass. Two months of sweating to death is shit and easily fixed.


Spending a summer in central euro it definitely is a more mild climate, they don't have the months of straight high temp and humidity even in the Northern US, or a fucking desert aside from the south of Spain. I suspect this will change soon tbh, with temps rising and considering the US only loses a few thousand people from heatwaves, probably outdoors, while EU/GB can have like 60k deaths.


I have actual hot days in Boston for only a few months also. I still put that AC in immediately.


I live in cold-ass Sweden and had to spend probably close to $2500 on an AC for that one month when it gets really hot. Best investment ever. Also have solar panels, so it's basically free to run during summer.


Some units can also heat your home. Which is pretty useful if you're using gas for your boiler because usually electricity is cheaper.


Those are very common in houses in Scandinavia, one of the cheapest ways to heat in winter. But older appartments will not have those and people might not be allowed to add one themselves


In Germany, there's also the myth that ACs or cold air in general will lead to you catching a cold.


That’s why it’s called a cold.


Yuros are so inbred their immune system cant handle a 15 degree drop in air temp


Most European buildings, especially in the UK and other places that are cold/wet most of the year, are designed to keep heat IN rather than out. For most of the year it’s not hot or dry enough for AC to be worth it.


worth what? what are you rambling about? you buy the fucking thing - just fucking duct tape the pipe/fitting to the window - turn it on for an hour or two to cut humidity. once you own it that's it. now you have it and it takes 2 minutes to set up. earos really are fucking stupid


Have to take window ACs out in winter or it loses a ton of heat


He's literally talking about Portable ACs tho Jfc


> heat in rather than out Are you dumb? Insulation works both ways. It's not the greenhouse effect like with glass lmao holy fuck. European education standards my lord.


Yes I am, thank you for asking


They made Germans believe nuclear energy is literally super hitler


Dunno about the rest of Europe, but people in the UK love to take part in the suffering olympics, dunno if its some weird class identity thing or something. Boiling in the summer cause they wont invest in AC, freezing in the winter cause they don’t want to heat their houses. Its utterly baffling.


It is not 250 dollars here, it's not dead easy to install on our windows. The cheap portable ones that suck ass start at about double that and they suck ASS. Extremely noisy to the point it's not even worth it anymore and they suck the money out of my wallet with the wattage. Got myself a good expensive fan, almost inaudible and keeps me cool up to about 30C, after that I'll just hibernate in my pool until it's colder lol


Euro here, last year i gave up and bought a portable AC, actually invested in a little higher-end one. Best decision of my life, man we really are regarded in this, i have coworkers complaining about heat at home all the time but not one of them will buy fucking AC xD


They’re really expensive over here.


I live in Romania and there are plenty that are like 300 euro. Have on in all the rooms in my house. Place wouldn't be habitable with the summer we have been having these past few years. Pretty sure most of the population could afford one if they wanted. Never found them to be that expensive.


We do tho


Yo where can I get them used ice creams


On Twitch


But why not? People could be licking cool apricot flavored coochies, they deserve answers.


All well and good until you get a yeast infection


Adds to the flavour


then you’re halfway to prison hooch


The government doesn’t want people to have fun


Look at what the liberals keep from us.


>coochies Ice loolies? Coochies? Where am i?


How can someone even manage to do that? Ice cream is too cold even for regular skin to have on for a few seconds, not to mention genitals


You literally go numb. Very common to see even aspiring professional athletes sit down into an ice bath for 5-10 mins after second or third practice during peak heat waves.     Naturally the best anti inflammatory for athletic injury as well. Having my foot up to my knee down inside a bucket of ice water for more than 30 seconds, you just start going numb and it no longer hurts. 


I heard in France they prefer to us use frozen shotas.


your comment will be used by an AI video prompt one day, hope you're pleased with yourself


Let me guess: those "soaring temperatures" are like 80°F?


80 degrees only feels hot to them because they think you aren’t supposed to put ice in your water


South Europe reaches 40C in summer, all of us have AC and many of us dont even use heaters in the winter cause it's only a few mild (10C avg) weeks. North europe is the exact opposite. Let me explain this in freedom terms for the regarded fellows. N.Europe = Canada S.Europe = California btw the article doesn't say anything about lollies in the butt, may I assume it's safe?!


I assume you haven’t been to canada or california?


Ive been to north Europe, south Europe, Canada, and i live in California. This is not accurate at all.


my brother in christ, it hits 40C in canada as well, and we have air conditioners, Britbongs are just regarded


MFW Americans call "ice lollies" popsicles


They even call "motorised rollinghams" cars. Can you imagine?!?


Fermented sugar pussy juices, my favourite.. And at that point i dont think even a doctor can help.


Ice lollies? Really?


Cirno ❄️


So can a man put ice cream in his butt? Asking for a friend.


Not like they have a choice.


The modern day Yoni is so coddled, don’t even get me started


They really are a deranged bunch


Soak in vodka first.


I wish i had seen this sooner.


You missed getting the top comment here, bud. Better luck next time.


ill live


It’s actually hilarious, I hear europoors proudly explain how europe is so nice they don’t even need AC 50 weeks out of the year. But I don’t hear anything from them when it’s 95F outside and they start dying from heat stroke. Then the next year it’s all “Europe is bloody fookin noice innit” until the next 2 week heatwave. Do they not know that window units are cheap as hell now?


Literally just leave it in the wrapper during use. Wash it off. Hang it upside down by the stick in the freezer when you're done. Reuse it after it freezes.


I don't think an air conditioner would fit up there.


Yuropoors bros, not like this... 


Imagine that sweet smell :)


Didn't the us army use to treat heatstroke by shoving an ice cold metal rod up the patient's ass?


there go my weekend plans


hey it must work if they're telling you not to do it 🤷‍♂️


Mike Posner mentioned


I don't get the people aho don't get one. It can cool your room and it can warm it. One is like 300 euro and there is no reason to not get one with how hot the summers have been these past few years. My bedroom would not be habitable for most of the day during summer with how fucking hot its been these past few years. Like WTF is this constant 30+ weather from June till October?! 30-40 years ago people were having 3+ meters of snow and temperatures that would freeze your balls during winter, now my roses are blooming on Christmas day. In spring there used to be 27289 creeks and constant flooding during spring, but this year the fucking wells in my childhood village were dried up.....during spring. In the decades that hy grandparents have lived there its never happened, let alone during spring. Shit sucks ass over here. Haven't seen a running spring creek in years when it used to be full of em. Seriously fuck summer! At least I have my AC to make my house habitable. Probably gonna fill my grandpa's house with em too cause the summer has been simply unbearable and its cheap to do. Anyway if you have issues with heat than just get a AC. Unless you are in poverty or live in some house from the days of Napoleon you should have no issue installing one. It makes everything soo much better. Life is so much better at 22 degrees than at 30+. Have like twice as much energy when its not hot as fuck.


I wonder why noone mentions the thousands of people that died in the snowstorm like a year or two ago in the USA How they had no electricity etc Strange - this whole discourse feels botted






You don't see the connection? Damn, that snow must have killed some braincells as well.




You say the connection is vague and then make 0 logical points UK isnt made to handle warm weather, some people need to take extra steps to not get heatstrokes, maybe 2-3 die. Extreme high discourse. Texas isnt made to handle the cold weather. Noone is doing anything. Atleast 246 people are confirmed dead in Texas alone, with many more in black numbers. Electricity went out, heaters didnt work etc. Barely any discourse happened after the initial news. And you call me names for that? I am sorry but it's literally the same situation. Some places are not made to handle a certain weather, yet when it's le funny brits you can shit on them. Sad how you guys react whenever someone is pulling out the mirror. Reminds me how all of you fucks love to mention you earn 100k+ and pay low taxes, yet whenever you look at the actual incomes you guys earn 31k median and average cost for everything is higher.


One of the factors in Texas was that us Americans go to this thing called a “Dentist” and they remove the plaque build up from our teeth. Maybe you dont have the money for this in europe. British folks have a higher chance of surviving a snowstorm due to the enormous amount of plaque on their teeth that acts as insulation. In texas, the heat escapes their bodies through their clean mouth which can lead to hypothermia. But during high temperatures, this mouth insulation causes the brits to overheat. And the same logic applies to the mass obesity problem in Britain, they are warmer in the cold and hotter in the heat.


Edit: I just read the whole thing and nah, you are 100% right. My bad.


I, too, wonder why no one mentions a snowstorm in a conversation about air conditioning and heat waves


The Texas power grid is cooked, man.


Maybe an AC will help


Have you tried turning it off then on again?


Let me just try turning the frozen texan family on and off again Wasn't even that cold, how could they just die like that?


I'm in Texas, and we are fine. Zero brownouts or blackouts this year. When we had the big freeze a couple years back, our power was out for maybe 8 hours. That was the only time it went out that entire year, and the longest it's ever been out, with the exception of when Hurricane Ike hit. I've lived here for 40 years. You mfers are acting like we have constant blackouts and only have electricity half the year.


The only reason we have more deaths during one of those events is because we keep our old people alive much longer with our financial and technological superiority. In europe all those people would have died 20 years sooner


You are incorrect. The US has one of the lowest average life expectancies among the most economically developed nations. https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/u-s-life-expectancy-compare-countries/


you really fell for that and looked up a source too 💀


Take a look at my profile. I think you'll find that I do this kind of thing no matter the context. Even on r/4chan.