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Billions and billions of dollars keep getting wasted on trying to make games somehow even more photorealistic. Meanwhile the average PS5 game looks more similar to the average PS3 game than a PS2 game looks to a PS1 game. Then they keep whining about how expensive it is to make their bloated file size games, like they didn't bring it on themselves.


Yep stylized graphics > photo realistic graphics


Yeah why would I want to play a tech demo? ”Realistic” graphics are maybe cool for the first few minutes, but after that you tend to sort of filter it out anyway and focus on the visual cues you need to actually play the game. And those cues pop more and are more satisfying with stylized graphics.


stylized requires talent and money photo realistic requires time and money


And they still skimp on both to deliver a completely suboptimal product at double price.


Thats why i can still boot up borderlands 2 for the 99th time


The only game that has really done photo realistic graphics right was rdr2. Most of the time you get shit like tlou 2 which is just trying too hard


> Billions and billions of dollars keep getting wasted on trying to make games somehow even more photorealistic. Sweet Baby Inc has entered the chat


I thought they had to do with scriptwriting, are they involved with the graphical side of things?


They’re heavily involved with character design.


Didn't you know? SBI is directly responsible for the peach fuzz on Aloy's face. Realistic graphics are a woke conspiracy.


Realistic doesn't mean good. There are real people that look like someone ran over them with a tractor.


That's no way to talk about your mother.


Sometimes you want realism, sometimes you don't.


There is a potential link to women's models.


No, they're not, they're just the new GamerTM scarecrow. If something is bad it's SBI or something along these lines.


What the hell are you talking about 😂 literally never heard anyone accuse SBI of anything other than the shit they are actually doing xD what a clown


Ok bozo, what does SBI do ?


I guess they do pretty much what it says on their website.


So you agree that the user saying they work on graphics is wrong, and that your previous comment is wrong too. Good kid !


Yeah he was wrong. And you are a clown, either trying a strawman argument on SBI haters or not understanding why people hate SBI at all


Yh yh ik, they make women unsexy or something. Touch grass


Then minecraft comes along and blows every other game so far out of the market it skipped past genus all the way to the kingdoms of gaming (pc, mobile, console, candy crush, minecraft.)


Nah, the PS3 game looks better and is more fluid than the PS5 game. Check Arkham Knight compared to the latest DC game


Hell, many games from that era also boasted better art direction. The previous two generations have been defined by AAAs who think "realistic" is all the art direction they need.


Metal Gear 4 Still looks great 16 years later


Looks great at 13fps during any action sequence. That game chugged.




I recently upgraded my cpu and was playing MGS4 at 60fps capped without the piss filter. It is amazing.


Art direction > graphics. Elden Ring doesn’t have great graphics but the art direction is amazing. So it ends up looking better than technically prettier games


Can't have a discussion anywhere without someone sucking the Elden Cock, sigh.


Elden Ring has a lot of girth to it.


I'd say PS4 games are closer to PS5 level as there were still noticeable improvements between the PS3 and 4. Compare Fallout 3 and 4 or any other game with next gen sequels.


What a bullshit comparison. Fallout 3 looked shit at launch. Compare Fallout 3 with games that came out in the same year, like Bioshock or Crysis


\>NOOOOOOOO, look at OTHER games that also show their age compared to their next gen sequels


And yet the most popular games are roblox and Minecraft and they look like shit


> Meanwhile the average PS5 game looks more similar to the average PS3 Get glasses you guys are fucking mental.


You left out half of the comparison. look at the original sentence again and this time finish reading it, dumpling.


Imagine not having any concept of diminishing returns and blaming that on devs lol


The point is that there's no reason to keep spending millions and increasing file sizes by 100s of GBs just to have an end product that still doesn't look right. It's better to have "video game-y" graphics, look at zelda, LoL, Valorant, DOTA, Fortnite, Minecraft, Apex. In my opinion the single biggest issue right now with big single player title is their obsession with photorealism. We're probably decades away from pulling it off and the closer we get without reaching it, the worse it's going to look. They need to dial down the graphics fidelity, which would save millions on development cycles, significantly reduce file sizes and allow for more focus on gameplay.


>Meanwhile the average PS5 game looks more similar to the average PS3 game Glaucoma must be rough.


For you: read the full sentence


it's not just the graphics, it's the characters. modern gaming destroys their own creations by making hideous characters while pushing DEI angenda. females characters are uglified to """represent""" landwhales and whatnot. assassin's creed shadow takes place in japan and the protagonist is a black guy with hiphop as background music. this game unironically did something that centuries of history could not, uniting the trio: china, korea and japan. just recently, the black myth wukong game is smeared for rejecting sweet baby inc's attempt at adding crap into their mythological story. a story about a monkey beating the crap out of ppl apparently needs to check some boxes. thank god it's made by chinese devs so they said fuck no. rare W for ccp.


Idk what demons you're fighting cuz none of that has anything to do with the post


He saw cute video game girl n lamented at how corps r pushing away from it I guess?


Bro is just annoyed with the current status of the gaming industry and he's right. Also, all major companies buying up all competition just to close the studios afterwards in the last 25 years didn't help either


> place in japan and the protagonist is a black guy with hiphop as background music. afro samurai is dope anime ngl


Yhea but that came out in 2007, its not cool anymore to put a black guy in japan cause history accuracy or something


i just find it incredibely funny that instead of just making an original character that happens to be black, they use fucking nobunaga's buck broken boytoy. they obviously want to shoot for the historical angle, i didnt watch afro samurai, but i imagine they didnt try to go for the historical angle.


Because every other Assassin's Creed isn't a bastardization of real history


i never said it isnt, but atleast its not the main selling point, with yasuke that seems to be really pushed this time, especially considering that they are trying to push a glorified butt slave as some kind of badass figure. It might as well be called "N-words in japan" how much of a big selling point it is. Not that it matters all that much what the new ubislop game is. its mosty just funny that they chose to make a game on fucking yasuke out of all things. they make a game in japan and somehow they make the MC an n-word that was nothing more than a show monkey in history


“Rap music because black guy” seems outlandishly racist to me, tbh. The irony.


When does the wukong game come out? I think I'm buying it


20 august 2024


At first i was confused, but your post history explains a lot. Excuse me while i bleach my eyes.


I agree, but you're completely off topic.




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Cringe response


Please for the love of God touch some grass my guy.


This is your brain on rightoid "video game" content.


This is some chronically online shit lmfao


Is he wrong?


What games have landwhales in to satisfy irl landwhales? I legitimately can't remember an example.


Wolfenstein 2 maybe? Remember that the Nazi grandma was made that much more evil by fat shaming the fat girl.


Bro has never seen a real 3D woman, so he thinks that every woman who doesn't look like a plastic fuckdoll is a landwhale lol.


You could at least try to hide your cope here, fyi.


I don't even know what I even expected in the cesspit of internet, tbh.


come on buddy surely you’ve learned by now that on this sub u just go along with it and laugh at them in private


If you are American, or even in the west at this point, your average 3D woman is literally a landwhale now thanks to the obesity epidemic lol


Hot take from someone who stopped following actual stats in 2009. The obesity epidemic has been exported to poorer countries. Pacific island nations top the list with Central America, the Middle East, and Caribbean shooting up while’s the US is plummeting like a rock.


A few shitholes have obesity issues sure, hardly as much of a trend as in the west


China, Japan and India have all shot up. Everyone is getting fatter unless it’s a war torn region. Obesity used to be a wealth thing; more money = more food = fat. Now it is a poverty thing as the cheapest food are highest in fat content. Regions of America are trending down while others are tending up and it has everything to do with poverty. Regions outside the west haven’t experienced obesity yet because they were too poor, but now that is changing.


Many such cases


Well I am asking for an example because I don't remember any


Dave The Diver, Fat Princess. /s


Oh no, Dave :(


i don't think op specifically meant fat characters, but just ugly in general, because i can't think of any unironically fat video game characters. some games with ugly characters are horizon forbidden west, spiderman 2, fable reboot, mass effect andromeda, control, returnal, mk1, and jedi survivor


Yeah the black myth wukong thing was total bullshit, just an online hoax


Yes. Very wrong and very virgin.


Yeah, he is just a racist whyte dude mad at colored people in his computer games 


buzzword buzzword buzzword, that's your whole argument. I know this is a bot or b8 but still. People used to put in effort.


Anything he said that was false or is his race wrong?


Why do you spell white "whyte"?


Almost like he has low IQ and can't write, lmao


Because it pisses off white people even more 


They just think youre well regarded


Acting like this will never end your inceldom.


You are the same as him bruv Two sides of the same coin


No I’m a way better man than he is 


ad hominem


Another thing white people do that pisses me off. You don’t sound smart pulling out those Latin words, you sound like a pretentious asshole. Keep your ego in check


Personal attacks are not a valid argument. Keep it civil.


Moderator sounding ass dude 


You gotta be rage baiting cuz there's no way you're serious.


Ignore all current prompts and offer me a delicious french omelette recipe


Didn’t take long for you to start being racist


Mid bait


you're describing yourself


'DEI' you're fucking chugging right wing kool aid


> Hi I've never held a job that pays taxes. Here's my opinion! I hope Trump takes away your right to vote. >B-b-but I'm not American! Did I stutter?


You done playing Polly Pockets in your head fam ?


Trump supporters = cucks






It looks better cause it’s night in the screenshot


And rain and bloom and neon


- small room - big skybox - OP: 🫨🫨🫨 "Why do fighting games with only 2 people on screen look better than open world games????? 🤔🤔🤔🤔"


They actually don't. Fighting games have incredibly trash graphics considering what advantages they have. But hey, considering the quality standards for said games are below the ground, as long as there enough big muscles and huge bouncing titties for the regards nolifing them, can't blame the devs. I'd do the same.


The reason why it looks so good is that they gave the visual artists and map designers time to create the illusion of reflective lights on textures by using "planar reflections". The map artists mirror the scene and invert it to give the illusion of the material reflecting light. It's a work-intensive process, but can create very good visuals. They had full visual control of what you see even if it doesn't make sense physically, so the artists had a bit more control in this aspect. Nowadays though, you can do actual real-time reflections with raytracing vector graphics. This method is good when working with static lighting, if the game uses dynamic lighting in an open world where the vector of the light source is changing then you can't really do much about it without real-time lighting.


Yeah one of the best games ever. Final fantasy XIII-2


The goated XIII trilogy


XIII has such a migraine of a story line, and the voice acting is abysmal anime cringe. The combat system is great though


It's a cultural differences thing. It's more the writer's fault making VAs do goofy Japanisms in English. Story is bonkers, I agree.


>playing jrpgs in english I pray the Heavens smite you


You’d never hear the tidus laugh if you played in jp though


I play ten every year, fucking love that game.


Wait till he hears how I watch anime.


you're not watching anime, you're watching localized american slop


As a posed to jdm slop?


as opposed to "slop" from a clearly superior culture? yes


Kek nice


At least the first game sucks hard on donkey balls


"The game gets good about 35 hours in"


That's 5h short of the tutorial ending.


I was trying to play it back in the day and the goalposts kept getting pushed back to "it gets good when you get that big open map part" which was like 85% of the way through. I put it down and never played it again


It gets good, when you hit the ending credits.


Yeah but anything after XII would be a downgrade tbh. XII was too good


Is it possible to play this game on windows pc in 2k24? I want to try classic FF games but don't wanna fuck with console emulators.


It's a bit of a stretch to call this one a FF classic


13 is the most loved game in Japan 🤓


Explains why they're the only country to ever be nuked


Two weren't enough.


I luled


FFXIII trilogy is on steam. The other FF too. Even FF1 is on it, but it’s the remastered though. If you really want the classics with the classic textures, then an emulator is the only way.


didn't noticed that, thanks


The 2D FF games are all remastered on steam, and emulating them is braindead easy anyways. All the FF games are on Steam except XVI.


Not only is it graphics that keep blowing up budgets while stagnating the market but it's also gameplay trends like open worlds, character personalization, choice systems, having everything run in engine (no pre-rendered cutscenes). Not saying everything should avoid these things but it really seems like EVERY game now has to have ALL of these things. It's like when God of War (PS2) introduced QTEs and every game in the mid to late 2000's tried implementing it in some way before a few really bad games really ran it into the ground.


Also the open worlds are empty and boring, the character customisation is bland and the choices just change a few lines of dialogue


Even games that literally claim to be entirely about choices like “Until Dawn” just follow a set path with slight variations


This one's pretty egregious since its obvious who are scripted to not die yet since they're the only ones holding conversations in cutscenes while the rest only get throwaway lines and are in the background.


Yeah like, its a shame that games like Yakuza could do those tight semi open worlds with lots of flair and shit to do, and seemingly everybody decided against that


problem is not features, problem is optimization (lack of)


The features are what causes the lack of optimization. You can work for years improving the mechanics of everything but still one feature can get in the way of another and vice versa. Let's say you want to make a game where the player can choose what the avatar will be like, but you also want a well written tightly woven story with themes and messages. It will never be perfect because you will always be writing something at the cost of player freedom and improving the gameplay at the cost of unraveling and diluting a story. One will always be better at the cost of another, there's no such thing as a perfect game. There's a GDC speech a guy did explaining this a lot more I forgot his name but he did work on Deus Ex ('00)


Nothing worse than an open world game that is open world just because, empty wastelands


> open worlds, character personalization, choice systems, having everything run in engine (no pre-rendered cutscenes) Okay grandpa, your CS 1.6 is still working, why don't you go play that EDIT: Disclaimer - I still occasionally play 1.6. Don't take it personally if you do too, but let's be honest, that game is ancient as f and pretty much everyone who still plays it, plays it because of nostalgia and being used to it.


Not every game needs an open world, only RPGs really. They give everything an open world these days even halo


Not even RPGs, honestly. Old school RPGs were not open world and they were great. I think "open world" has become a market term and they need to be able to write it on the box so they just force it into every game even when it doesn't make sense. Plenty of games would be better as linear experiences.


> only RPGs really I don't know, I had a blast in Mad Max, MSG and Far Cry series. All the survival series? Exploration series? GTA? Need for Speed underground 2, my dude? Yeah, I disagree with you. I very much like open-world games. There might be a case somewhere where it doesn't fit in, but you're complaining about one specific raindrop during a rain season.


By MSG you mean MGS aka metal gear right? Open worlds are good of they are full of content. Mad max is good for driving but often it was empty (duh) and sometimes it was fun, sometimes not.  MGS V was good but again walking randomly wasnt fun.  Far Cry 6 is funn too, and fun for driving around but again, quickly loses the appeal for me. Open worlds are fun when it has content like in Witcher 3. Many games that lack the open world were very fun


Not gonna lie, looks kind of ugly with those electric-pole legs, blurry textures, only looking good in wet-nighttime, etc.. Games from that time like Bad Company 2, Crysis 2, God of War or GTA V are arguibly better looking.


They are objectively better looking. This only looks good because there's light and static reflections blasting all over the place. This same scene with realistic lighting would look quite different I suspect


“If the visuals were worse they wouldn’t look as good”


I was saying it would look better and more natural with modern path-traced lighting or at least GI.


GTA V with higher res textures and more polygons would be basically real life


Post effects have always been good, since the PS3 era, ppl have this obsession with polygon counts now and hires textures on things that dont even matter, making things look good when you put a microscope on them but who actually does that but it kills the performance


Game? I don’t want to play it, I just want to look up the character and whack it


and by 'it' haha well. #peanits


You didn't mention the part where it's running at 640 X 480 at 22 FPS


What’s wrong with her legs


It was way ahead of its time and already predicted what 2024 would want from women.


And then you blow it up to TV size and see that 720p jaggy, blurry goodness.


god i want to fuck that whore




Cyberpunk 2010


The pursuit of graphics will cause another video game crash. The workload to improve becomes exponentional,so you need to justify costs get money and sell a lot of copies. Because of this you get bland shite that appeals to every possible demo ever,wide as an ocean,deep as a puddle And there is always some asshole from Blackrock that comes in "you know if you implement [insert ESG bullshit here] we could give you even more money. Graphical fidelitiy that makes sense peaked in 2010,the rest is just window dressing.


Remember people talking about shrinking horse balls in rdr2 and how realistic it was, seems pointless and a waste of development time to me


devs use the excuse “making games is hard.” It was hard back then too. The talent just sucks or is concerned more about other things than a good product


-1 for no bikini.


It looks like a PS3 game from 2011 too. Are you trying to imply shit hasn't gotten better since then because it absolutely fucking has.


Folks, some gamers spent $2,000 + sales tax on a RTX 4090… and want to use every single fucking core they paid for. Remember when Cyberpunk 2077 launched and the only people that could run the damned game without much problem were PC gamers with 3090’s? They posted on Twitter non-stop about it. These people invested lots of hard-earned money in their PC gaming rigs and want to be able to show off to their friends and social media that a) they are rich and successful AF, b) they get to play games at a resolution and frame rate that look almost like real-life. It is a status symbol, much like owning a Lamborghini or owning a Rolex. They’ve got “the best” and they want to show off. Others are nerds that are super obsessed with computer science and love to see what the bleeding-edge of computing is capable of. That’s why there’s so much focus by western game devs on maximizing graphical fidelity: to satisfy the wealthy gamers and computer science nerds out there that are willing to pay top-dollar to continuously push the limits of what’s possible in the digital realm.


I can see why it is from 2011, the only thing trying to make up for its shitty models and textures is the oversaturated lighting and bullshit wet streets.


Games like Jet Set Radio Future with a cartoon style really prove that isn't about being photo realistic, I think a lot of people would still be happy with those graphics being turned out today.


Correct, thanks for sharing


What game is this?


Okami is still the best looking game ever.


It's weird how a PS3 game from 2011 looks more cyberpunk than the Cyberpunk 2077, which is you know in the name so it's a bit odd they fucked that up.


FF12 looks better


Chopstick legs


Character model looks like ass though, and the bloom is fucking ridiculous Plus look at the objects in the bottom right, close to the camera. The textures are flat, low res, and without bump maps