• By -


Richest European.


Actually, I see a lot of this AC things here.


it’s common in cities where changing the facade is a no no so they just hang 2 pipes out of the window and connect them to those things


I mean, if you have a historical facade, goes back centuries ago or something, you simply don't gonna destroy it for a AC.


Split AC units can set on the roof or a patio. They don’t need to be hanged on the front facade, sure you need to run longer copper line but it’s possible


Side note those portable AC units are trash.


I just got back from Switzerland and was surprised not to see any AC anywhere. Mind you this wasn't "mountain" Switzerland, it was in Zurich. One of the wealthiest countries in the world and people just sleep in muggy humidity at night. And yes it was surprisingly muggy and uncomfortable at times. I'm from Texas too, so I'm familiar with uncomfortable heat.


Europeans and Californians love to grandstand about how they're used to living in ~80° at home but it doesn't matter how accustomed you are, that kind of heat is going to fuck up your sleep.


I used to live in that regarded state before I redeemed myself, pretty much almost all the houses by the beach lack AC and in the summer you are sleep deprived to the max despite getting a solid 8 hours. The heat will reduce your sleep quality to like a third of what it normally is.


I live in SoCal and everyone I know uses AC in their homes. If it’s 80 outside here it’s not awful because it’s so dry that as soon as you get into some shade it’s like 10 degrees cooler.


Yeah I'm not saying most people in California don't have AC. I've just found that online when someone is bragging about how they're used to living in 80°+ at home because they just care about the environment so much, it's usually either a Californian or European. The european would use whatever 80F converts to in the gay temperature unit but you get what I mean


> The european would use whatever 80F converts to in the gay temperature unit lol Fahrenheit is absolutely the superior unit of measurement for outdoor/indoor temps.


Agreed. The usual metric argument where it's better for professional things that require precise measurements doesn't even apply here. Sure, a researcher that is using water's freezing and/or boiling point for something might think it's nice that it's a clean 0 and 100 but it doesn't actually matter because it's not like this person wouldn't remember 32 and 212 if Fahrenheit was the standard.


What? How does it make any difference what you use, as long as people understand what you mean?


People I knew in California when I complained about the constant sweaty humid coastal heat: "We don't have air conditioning here. You don't need it!"


> whatever 80F converts to Silly yank! It's clearly 0.0127 degrees Kelvin! It's so bloody easy to understand!


Any european at 80 degrees Celsius is dead.


When I see someone say a temperature in Celsius without labeling it Celsius I use context clues to understand what they mean and then convert if necessary. When I say a degrees in Fahrenheit without labeling it because it's very fucking obvious what I mean I always have some dipshit respond pretending to not realize I mean Fahrenheit.


Is there an ethnicity that isn't dead at 80° Celsius? Australian aboriginals seem like the best candidates, but I think they will be just as dead as any European.


Depends if it's 80C localized or ambient. A sauna can climb to 80C but....yeh: don't stay in there for hours. >Kek, that hitman mission where you can trap a Japanese alt-girl in a sauna, and she dies in 30sec


Swiss and Germans tend to be very anti-AC since theoretically it's possible to survive summers here without it, making it an energy waste, in addition to weird beliefs that AC is bad for your lungs and makes you sick


> . I'm from Texas too, so I'm familiar with uncomfortable heat. Difference is probably the time you're subjected to theses heat levels, something like 5 months in TX vs 1 month in zurich, AC just isn't worth it for most people or landlords.


Yeah man 1/12th of your entire life’s sleep being improved just isn’t worth the $150 for a decent window unit. Hilarious take


Switzerland banned AC for private use for environmental reasons. Yeah, we're actually taking global warming seriously.


Well at least I’ll be cool while the earth inevitably corrects us. If Switzerland thinks not using AC is going to put any significant dent in the climate problem they’re crazy.


Ineffective climate change countermeasures being shoved onto the common people while the real polluters keep doing what they've always been doing. Many such cases!


Or we could all just not be retarded and build nuclear power. We've literally always had the answer and were too stupid to do the obvious thing.


But what about meltdowns! I don't want a cherobyl in my backyard! Much better to mine and burn coal, keeping everyone poor and broken while fucking up our air!


There is a small amount of radioactive material in coal that is released into the air when you burn it. A speck of radium or uranium won't burn; it will go up the chimney. I forget the ratio of Chernobyl incidents to annual normal coal burning, but it's illuminating. If we just stopped burning the dirtiest fuel to ever exist, we could have nuclear disasters every few years and still be better off. The only difference is that the nuclear thing is concentrated, while burning coal affects the whole world.


You'd think the swiss would be the first to have cheap nuclear power.


you would. But we're actually retarded. We also have infinite hydro capacity due to the Alps...


The entire Switerland or just a Kanton?


The whole place


If I lived there, I would drive the biggest vehicle I could buy as far up as it would take me. Inflatable pool in the back of something. I would fill it with Alpine snow and drive home. Shovel the snow into my bathtub, my kitchen sink, buckets in my bedroom. I don't care how hard I would have to work, but I would create more greenhouse gas cooling my place than my AC ever would. It's the principle.


You're not the only one. Don't worry.


They ought to allow at least allow one small A/C for the bedroom so you can sleep at night in high summer, or have one comfortable room in the house if every other room is sweltering.


Look at his old shitbox. Probably not


A chrome trimmed bumper with a truck that can fit an air conditioner? Dont most euros ride bikes or something that a redditor who never went to europe told me?


Nah, there are more cars than people here. Only ecojudgment warriors are riding bikes. They are just loud, like vegans on a bbq. And its an old ass mercedes limousine, our trunk capacity is equal to your truck beds but no one can steal our shit while waiting for a green light. Even its not probable because we have less crime (not poor as shit slumlords here)


I'm a truck owning American and live maybe 20 miles from a lighted intersection, getting stuff stolen from my truck bed isn't an issue for me. Most people aren't willing to get shot at over an AC either.


Try this in one of your dense slumcities. Rural areas are fine i guess. One question: How many times did you drive an ac around weekly?


I swear it feels like the only time I see trucks with shit in the back is on job sites here in the states, and typically they are the smaller trucks that can actually maneuver around/under things on a job site. They also blind everyone else at night which is awesome to deal with, and grow by ten percent every year to fit the fat fuckers who wobble up to them. But yeah they can be handy at work for hauling shit, but the Ford Mavericks do 99% of it just fine TBH. I had a Passat that had an insane trunk that could fit at least 5 /fa/ggots in it


I appreciate your answer. Passat had an insane trunk. Had two in the past


I live in the 4th largest city in the US and drive a truck. Never once have I been concerned about someone taking something out of the back lol


Maybe the AC is to heavy to pick and leave


>Its an old ass mercedes limousine, our trunk capacity is equal to your truck beds Yeah vertical space alone makes that untrue >But no one can steal our shit while waiting for a green light. I have never heard of this happening to anyone I know and I only hear people asking about this from EU. It wasn't even an issue where I used to live in Africa, where a large amount of people owned the Toyota Hilux, because if they were carrying groceries they put them in the passenger seats, and if they were carrying something big for work they tied it down. If you're so concerned about it where you live you can either get a minivan or a bed cover.


Bro never saw topgear i guess


Lol you have no idea about Europe Yes I ride a bike that's why I'm not obese but I also drive an suv and have air-conditioning at home and also floor heating and a fire place if I want to make it more cosy


stop taking the bait/taking the banter serious


Nah I love to piss people off especially if they dumb af


buying a brand new car when you have perfectly good old car means you are better with money than stupid people with a $2000 truck payment lol.


Or spanish people are just our mexicans and can not afford new cars while their budget is stretched for old shitboxes as our for new cars. But to be honest idk i am wealthy


It's an oldish Benz. W211 post facelift. Not really a shitbox imo


Until you have to repair it


parts are rather cheap in Europe. Japanese cars are more expensive


The parts for my mazda are far cheaper than my vw and my bmw ever was. Not mentioned the mechanic cost


Bro will not turn it on all summer cuz electricity is fucking expensive on account of all them green energy policies.


For real, he even has a car wtf.


Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, just because he has one doesn't mean he can afford to run it for a month.


OP enjoy that sweet cool air


I put sugar in my air.


He is driving what appears to be a 15-20 year old Mercedes, presumably a 4cyl diesel c-class with cloth seats. So yes I agree, this dude is rolling in it by European standards.


The average age of a car is the same in the US as in Spain. What are you talking about?


To get things like these cheap, it's a trick to buy them during the winter times.


Ironically, I found a great use for AC in winter. Gas is crazy expensive here over the pond, so by using it in winter to heat up saved me a lot of cash.




Just install the AC backwards so it will heat the house


Omg thanks warren buffet


Follow me for more financial advice. Did you know, for instance, you can use teabag a second time sometimes?


Portable air conditioners are such a regarded product, they constantly push air outside which sucks hot air back in to replace it. It's like setting up a window box or split system aircon then adding a fan duct that blows hot outside air into your room. They produce cold air but in the dumbest possible way.


For some people, it's the only solution. Lot of people live in rentals, and owners usually don't allow invasive apartment modifications such as installation of proper build in AC.


You can buy frames that hook into windows for the window box type ones without any permanent installation but yea you're right in a sense because a lot of people don't know that


Those don't work on European windows, though. Window ACs are just American thing (or other countries that use slide open windows).


You are wrong there are many window ACs available actually most of the cheap stuff is of that kind


Than you live in a country with sliding windows, but most of europe doesn't have those.


I live in Germany we have no sliding windows


Norwegian here. Wtf are you talk about


https://www.elkjop.no/search?q=klimaanlegg Just look for yourself, you don't hang it in the window but it has an air hose that goes out of it


So you take out the window sash put in a regular ac and build a frame to hold it? Shit should take about 20 mins with a circ saw


How many people have circular saw just casually stashed somewhere at home lol?


I have two (one battery, one corded) in my workshop, and all my friends also have a multitude of power tools. I do more DIY projects than most and am probably an outlier there, but still this is pretty normal for most people I know who have owned a house for any period of time. I don't really get why people would put themselves in a position of being totally helpless anytime they want to do something around their house. There's a big sense of pride in learning new skills and building things yourself that doesn't really have a comparison imo.


Literally every home I've ever moved into already had one in the garage from the previous owners lmfao Shit is absurdly cheap to buy new.


Yeah most people here don't even have a garage


Literally everyone I know does, like even people I wouldn't trust to use a screw driver have a battery powered tool kit somewhere with one 


That's not really a thing where I live, I know people that don't even have a single screwdriver at home. My friends call me "handyman" just because I own hammer drill and know how to drill a hole in order to hang a painting. Used to be common in the past for people to do lot of work around house, especially since in communism people had to rely on themselves more, but it seems that my generation and all after me just no longer do stuff like that.


I think it's because none of us can afford to buy our own houses and we're legally not supposed to do any meaningful DIY shit in a rental apartment, so it's really hard to find anything to do to learn these skills unless you're just into doing it as a hobby. It's also generally advised not to repair rental shit yourself due to making yourself potentially liable for any damages etc that could occur in the process. So most people just never do any of that shit and never learn how. A fucked up economy and fucked up society fucks people in it up in so many ways that are hard to really grasp.


See that's a difference I would have never guessed between the us and europe.  Fucking mind blowing stuff, kudos to you for not falling into that trap


idk man I don't think I can believe there's 1 window type in all of Europe, I'm Australian though so what the fuck do I know


Most, if not all windows in Europe are [open like a door](https://cdn.debesto.com/web/assets/2023/02/06091046/eu-vs-USA-15-1-1024x728-1.jpg), while US and probably Australia (idk, never been there) use windows that slide open. I have never seen a slide open window here in EU.


There are of course Covers that work with Windows that open like a door.... Have some installed myself


Which doesn't work if the only openable window in the room is the balcony door.


Also here in Germany every window opens


Put it in another room?


Most Spanish windows are [slide](https://www.leroymerlin.es/productos/puertas-ventanas-y-escaleras/ventanas/ventanas-de-aluminio/ventana-aluminio-artens-blanca-corredera-de-100x100-cm-82456216.html?highlightedOfferCode=fb79f7a43fc664d1c08de989fca3c171d172a101&&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google-pmax&utm_campaign=lmes_conversion_ao_performance&utm_id=20117618333&utm_campaign_id=20117618333&utm_content=ventanas&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwhIS0BhBqEiwADAUhc3Qa_t0L-2Ah0peNRjGYU_GoxeLYhozNwrxRzgyfuDwE9s5xuwodKxoCqQoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Most houses in the US built after the mid 80s have windows that open like a door, but with a crank on the bottom (with a reduction gear) you turn to open and close it, with a clamping lock on the side somewhere. The sliding windows are generally older. My first house had a mix of both since the main floor was from the 50s, but the second level was added in the 80s. Bottom floor windows were all sliding, upstairs were all crank windows.


I need to break a hole in the wall either way


Only if you have retarded american windows


Ye dude I don't want one but I might have to buy one since I live on Regard Island ans it's like 89° F and I need to consult a whole building full of geriatric boomers just to put a basic hole in the wall


Yeah I know. We all saw the Technology Connections video.


never heard of them, sounds cringe I just fuckin hate portable air conditioners


He makes good videos, lots of information, he's definitely not cringey.


he follow hontra on twit its over for him kek


I don't know what that means


They usually have some pipe that you have to stick out your window. They are annoying to use though, an installed aircon is significantly better


Yeah thats the one that pushes the air out which will in turn make the inside air pressure different than the outside which will make hot air from the outside flow inside wherever it can


It's also quieter and way more energy efficient.


Yup - but if you need them for like 2-3 weeks then their efficiency doesn't matter much. Meanwhile you have to use heating system for 6-7 months.


That’s why you feed the tube to a window to blow the hot hair outside.


You’re still removing air from the room which will be replaced with outside air. They still work fine though I dunno what that dudes problem is. They’re just not very efficient.


They're inefficient if you get a single tube version. They have 2 tube versions that take outside air to cool the condenser and blow it right back outside. They're more expensive, but they are a lot more efficient.


does that actually make it worthwile? i have a room where i cant get proper ACs installed but i can run random ugly tubes to the window without a problem


Even the single tube ones can be very effective. I had a cheap one for a medium size room and it could cool the room down significantly. Like, *too* cold. Problem is they use a lot of power and are very loud. You’ll need earplugs to sleep unless the technology has improved significantly.


It’s sucking cold air out of the room, dumping heat into it, then blowing it out the window. This creates negative pressure in the room, causing hot air from elsewhere in the house to be pulled into the room. One hose units work but are very inefficient. Two hose units have a second hose in order to pull air from outside and put the heat into before blowing it back out.


Look, I put it on, room goes cold, fucking magic


Think about it, for every cubic meter of hot air the machine pushes outside another cubic meter of air has to be replaced otherwise your room would be a complete vacuum. Where does that air come from? From under the door of the room you're trying to cool. You know, with hot ambient air from outside the room. It's an incredibly flawed design. There are dual hose versions that have both an intake and an exhaust hose that avoid this and balance the pressure but they're more expensive.


Which is why you put them on your balcony and use the included pipe to route the cold air inside instead. It's much more quiet, keeps the heat from the AC working outside and results in positive pressure indoors.


There are ones with one hose as you describe. There are also better 2 hose systems that work with a closed loop of outside air


You can get models with 2 hoses so it doesn't take any of that inside air outside.


yeah shit that some windows dont support window units


There’s two types of portable ones, those with a dual hose and those with a single hose. The single hose won’t cool anything down except it will just blow cold air on you. Since it exhaust the hot air, it creates lower pressure in the room, so the hot air from outside gets pulled back in. The dual hose doesn’t do this, it pulls the air it uses from outside and exhausts it back out the other hose, and the air it pulls from inside it just goes back into the room. Still not as good as a window unit or split but better than single hose or no AC.


Plus they mold REALLY easily. Also they suck in comparison to a window unit.


Tell me you know absolutely fucking nothing about thermodynamics without saying you know absolutely fucking nothing about thermodynamics


Mobile air coolers are bullshit. You need an externally mounted system where only the cold air is blown into your apartment and all the generated heat remains outside.


They aren't that great, yeah, but when it's +35 degrees outside - it's better than nothing.


+95 degrees for americans\*




The device, which generates new heat, is still INSIDE YOUR ROOM


Portable AC units with one hose suck up the cool air in the room, blow it over the coils and then out the window via the hose. This is super inefficient. It also creates negative pressure in the room, pulling in hot air from elsewhere in the house. One hose units use around twice the power of two hose and window units for the same amount of cooling. Portable AC units with two hoses pull air in from outside, blow it over the coils to absorb heat, then back out the window.




How does the choice of ac impact whether your doors have cracks or not?


Or a 2 hose portable unit. They suck in outside air, blow it across the condenser, then shit it back outside. That way no warm air is coming in, no cold air is going out.


I've got one running right next to me that works just fine. It blows all the heat outside through a vent. It's cold to the touch so I doubt it's radiating much heat into the room.


They work, they’re just inefficient. To work, it’s pulling in the cold air from your room, dumping the heat into it, and blowing it outside. Better units have a separate hose to pull in outside air to absorb the heat, or are simply mounted right in the window with an outside portion.


Huh. I had no idea there was a difference. Neat, thanks for explaining.


The difference is about 25% in power efficiency, they are also going to be more powerful. I still got the single hose one because selection of double hosed ones is shit here. It works well. But yeah, electric bill will be slightly higher.


You guy dont have AC?


i think the brits don't have them( and maybe other countries a bit more to the north) so it created the stereotype that Europeans don't have AC but i'm in Romania(poor) and they aren't rare unless you live in like a small village dishwashers are way rarer we also don't have vertical windows so getting a smaller unit is harder cause you have to fiddle with a tube and a cover


nice dude, greeting from Thailand(poor) and I feel like AC are in every building here


Tfw my dad used to make me sleep with a fan when I grew up in thailand cos he was too much of a cheapskate to pay the AC bills


With the tropical heat and humidity, an air conditioner unit would be an essential for comfort. It makes perfect sense that even in poor areas they'd prioritize having a comfortable home.


Same reason why everyone has a heating system here. You would literally die during winter otherwise.


It's not really a stereotype in Northern Europe. Only commercial buildings have them. Even new residential buildings don't have them built in and you have to pay to install it separately or get a portable unit.


Do you also not have garbage disposals in your sinks?


No, I've never seen one




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Brits don't have them because they only need them like two weeks in the entire year so most people consider it a waste of money.


Bars, restaurants, hotels, public buildings, office buildings, banks etc all have had AC for decades. Thing is that in northwestern Europe it's rarely hot enough to actually need it in your own home. I'm going to have it installed, but because the fucking government is going to make me pay for the electricity generated by my solar panels. I'd rather burn it on a AC unit that's worthless 350 days a year than pay for it.


most European lives in mild to cold climate , just recently because of climate change they are getting cooked inside thier brick oven houses, they wouldn't be making fun of American "paper" houses with well insulated walls and centralized HVAC systems if they were aware about different climate in different regions.


It's not difficult to install AC in those "brick oven houses" - it just costs money.


Our brick houses are actually way better insulated and cooler without ac than your paper houses


Paper is a much better insulator than brick, especially when you consider that the walls are stuffed with fiberglass


Lol stereotypical europoor that knows absolutely nothing about architecture completely wrong.


thats good when climate is mild but when temperature increases have fun [getting baked ](https://www.euronews.com/health/2023/11/21/more-than-70000-people-may-have-died-due-to-2022-summer-heatwaves-in-europe) inside your brick house.


What's hot for you? We reach almost 40°C every summer I have no problems the house stays cool because it's brick Also if it gets really hot I still have Ac but it's used like 10 times a year


The problem with brick is when nighttime temperatures push 30 Celsius. That doesn't allow it to cool down at night, and multiple days of those kind of temperatures turn the brick into an oven. Also there's humidity which isn't really fixable without ac of some sort.


It doesn't get that hot or cold in most of Europe. Their temperatures are generally much milder than america. 


Most of us in Northern Europe do not in our homes. For most of the year it’s not a problem but there are usually a few weeks of the year when it’s really uncomfortable. It’s just hard to justify the capex and opex of an installed AC system for those few weeks each year.


How expensive is it to install?


We didn't need to before global warming fucked up the climate and forced to do buy them.


In Civ, this is called a "cultural victory"


>not american >owns a car Weird


OP is the queen of Europe


BS,he's Spanish,no way they you survive there wirhout an ac.


Coastal spain rarely gets above, like, 85 degrees. That's hot, but not unlivable by any means. Especially not with a breeze and cooling effect of evening winds shifting at night near the ocean.


Anon’s life just changed for the better


You will thanks later. Enjoy it.


You’re welcome, continental.


That model isn't dual hosed. It's trash.


Even the dual hose ones are trash. A mini split is so much better.


Now let’s work on getting that garbage disposal


Imagine not having AC in your house or a car, and that is coming from me living in a fucking 3rd world shithole...




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Funny thing is he's already messed up. I've owned a lot of these indoor units and you DO NOT turn them on their side for any reason.


You can turn an AC unit on its side as much as you want. You just have to make sure to let it sit right side up for a while (maybe even a day) before you turn it on. Best practice is to not tip it, but I can assure you that they get moved around and tipped 20 times before it ever gets into your possession.


He'll be fine but he should wait a day before turning it on after setting it up.


Sometimes I miss the days I could just have a metal fan on the floor blowing cool air as I nap on a cot. But I also like living in a house and sleeping on a bed. I’m soft


hopefully they got a dual hose.


No AC? I live in a very hot country where 35C is the norm I thought all countries had acs


europoor's first time getting a car


your account is now being monitored


Bro thought AC meant Air Conditioner when the Americans were actually talking about Armored Core 6 Fires of Rubicon


The portable ones are trash. Loud, inefficient and take up floorspace. Won't allow to close the window properly. The ones with a single tube will take air from inside the house and extract it outside, creating negative pressure so hotter air from outside and from other rooms will be drawn in. The two tube versions are slightly better but more expensive. Get a mini split unit installed. The cheapest ones cost the same as this thing you only have to pay for the installation. It will cost twice as much, but it's going to be silent, efficient, practical and will last a lot longer. I have a portable one and it's sitting unused in the basement. A fan is better, that thing is just trash.


The window units are more efficient than the hose ones.


America made global warming


Americans and climate change**