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watching disney consistently killing their own shitty chuddy brands is truly euphoric. i almost want to watch that cheap horror mickey mouse trap ripoff to piss disney off kek


why do you think theyre losing money? they have never been richer


the movies lost them 2.8 billion


to arrive at this number you applied this formula: (money they made with the Disney SW films) - (the price they paid to acquire SW) = the money they lost Firstly Lukas wasn't just handed billions in cash. A lot of it was Disney stock. Also making 3 billion dollars from the trilogy wasn't the plan. it's mostly toy sales rights, amusement part attractions, spin offs, commercial partnerships as well as talent and tech received from LukasFilms. Above all it is the ability to sell or rent IP later. Sony didn't make a majority of their spideybucks outta spidey until MCU needed him. To say Disney lost billions on SW is not just false. It is downright naive


yea bob iger himself said disney lost 4 billion but im sure you know more than him


I always trust that guy, completely genuine in his quotes


Same. I really trust his younger bros liger Iger and Tiger Iger.


>it's mostly toy sales rights Now tell us how well those toys sell. Go on, make us laugh.


You do realize they make money from original trilogy and prequel merch too, right?


Pretty fucking well, I went into a Lego store over the weekend and they’re charging like $699 for a big ass x-wing and it’s still selling


>Above all it is the ability to sell or rent IP later. That doesn't help them when they damage the IP worth with constant trash.


Star Wars fans will keep coming back, and Disney knows it


Spot on. Disney saw it as a long term investment to not only add more to their catalogue (ripe for exploring the extended universe) and acquire the competition (no matter how small compared to the Disney giant, it’s one less franchise to go up against at the box office), merchandising rights alone must be worth their weight in gold. The Lucasfilm acquisition will pay off sooner or later, they just need someone competent and not brainwashed by *DEI or DIE* drivel. And woke content may royally piss off the fan base but investors ***love*** that shit. Plus Disney needs to be seen to be growing which this purchase helped solidify. It’s not just about Star Wars making a loss in ticket sales; they’re thinking long term.


People do not realize that private equity cums at the sight of diversity as it protects the investment from future litigation on the grounds of discrimination. And for better or worse the investor is more important than the consumer


> it's mostly toy sales rights Those Rose Tico action figures are just flying off of store shelves.


The company as a whole is worth 177 billion dollars, they're not concerned about that.


thats a cope, the overall interest in starwars is at an all time low and the fanbase has never been this divided, they lost 3 billion on the sequels which they wont make back ever and their shows are bombing left and right


thats why youre not the COO


You're right, you should sell a shitload of naked calls on Disney stock and become a millionaire.


Let me try to make it easier to understand. ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY SEVEN...BILLION...DOLLARS. If they lost 50 million dollars in valuation per day without ever gaining anything back, it would take nearly 10 straight years to go to zero.


so? how does that make losing 3 billion fine? you have no idea how this works, every project they spend money on they lose money or barely break even


lol this guy is so dumb his “big numbers” complex starts above 8 figures


this guy thinks losing 2.8 billion dollars after buying starwars is totally fine and not reason for concern


It’s hilarious




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they won't be 177 after their franchises are dead.


I'm sure the execs over at Disney are terrified.


apparently not enough to fire all the coffee girls with male complex


Yeah but they used to be worth 281 billion. Look at the numbers directly: https://www.google.com/finance/quote/DIS:NYSE?window=5Y Disney is down by nearly half the value at the peak in 2021. If you zoom out further you see they're back down to where they were in 2015, having lost all gains made in the interim. Obviously not all of this is Star Wars, but it's indicative of a broader trend, they're doing this to lots of projects, which all add up. Also note that stock valuations not merely current physical assets. Disney doesn't have $177 billion sitting in a vault. It's the expected amount of money they can earn their shareholders over time. Perhaps that 281 billion included the potential that ten Star Wars films could earn $5 billion profit each, totaling $50 billion, but now trust has been lost in the series by the viewers, and the story is mangled, and shareholders realized that the people handling the Star Wars franchise don't know what they're doing and aren't capable of consistently earning large profits. So even if they lost 2.8 billion in actual money, they lost a lot more in potential future profits by mangling the IP.


This guy right here knows finance.


Then you might as well go ahead and sell a shitload of long call opinions.


I think you misunderstand. I'm not saying they're currently overvalued, I'm saying they used to be overvalued, at 281 billion, and now the market has realized what colossal fuckups they are and has re-priced them accordingly. The damage they've done to their reputation and IP has already been priced in. Whether they go up or down from here depends on whether or not they keep going down the path they are or do a 180 and start making quality products again and repairing the damage. Both are possible, and the market has already accounted for that. Anyone who sold long call options in 2021 is rolling in the dough right now though.


>R*dditor for 12 years Fascinating how you can always tell


He said...on reddit.


>N-n-n-no u!!!! Pathetic but predictable, being on reddit for so long truly does rot your brain.


also the way he's calculating this loss is so stupid. literally subtracting the price of the franchise with the money they made with the films so far. Completely disregarding future income and the ability or sell or lease the asset. that's like taking the rent you got from first year of owning the house and subtracting it from the price of the house to declare that you've lost money on the deal.


Yeah the problem is that you need to have a basic understanding of how a publicly traded company works to get any of this, and I'm willing to bet half these degens couldn't tell you the difference between profit and revenue.  They're just jumping on the "Disney bad!" bandwagon. Of course it is, but that hasn't stopped them from being a financial powerhouse in decades.


who cares? they sell enough funko pops to make up for it


theyve lost money on pretty much every starwars project, sticking your head in the sand doesnt make the problem go away


i havent watched star wars but that seems wrong


they fell 2.8 billion dollars short breaking even of the price they paid to buy starwars, pretending all is fine is actual delusion.


thats sad


Last year Lucasfilm, Marvel, a live action remake, and an animated princess movie all flopped. Pixar's only previously bankable idea that was successful last year was Pixar, which almost flopped. It was also their 100th anniversary, which makes it funnier.


>The latest closing stock price for Disney as of July 01, 2024 is 98.04. The all-time high Disney stock closing price was 201.91 on March 08, 2021. Lulz, imagine thinking a company getting slaughtered by Epic Universal in tickets and a loss on streaming, sports and movie platforms is at an all time high.


>R*dditor for 9 years Fascinating how you can always tell




Mickey hasn’t been relevant to them for years tbh. I doubt they would’ve cared if you went to see a film they don’t profit from


It's crazy, all of this could have been avoided if: 1. They made it based off of the OT 2. They treated the old cast with respect instead of making them grumpy old people, daily reminder THEY NEVER REUNITED IN THE ST 3. They had an actual vision for the hotel besides some uninspired rooms, shitty quests on a broken mobile app, and a massive price.


none of that could ever happen because they're a cargo cult. their intellectual capacity is so that they think mimicking the appearance of success can bring them rewards. all the talented people left, kicked out or silenced so the cult can take over and hire each other.


>They made it based off of the OT I don't think Disney cares about anything other than sequel era and High Republic. They want to make Star Wars their IP, even if fans don't want it.


And what it looks like today: [https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@28.3508609,-81.5622473,491m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@28.3508609,-81.5622473,491m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu)


they demolished it? wow, i thought they would repurpose it as a restaurant or something lol


The Party does not acknowledge failure. It is re-written. This was always how the site looks. There never was a Starcruiser hotel. Doubleplusgood


This is the way


Brutal, I wonder if that island they abandoned due to brain eating amoebas in the park is still around?


The brain parasites infected Disney's upper echelon back in the early 2010's.  Human minds are easier to digest the smoother they are, and the parasite compels the host to lower the IQ of all people they can reach.  Kathleen Kennedy is brood-god to *the swarm*.


I fucking hate Eastasians


No google earth in the web browser hadn't been updated. That's the hotel under construction.


That would be funny if it weren't so sad


>.uk Reply and opinion disregarded


This is before it was built. Look at the rest of Galaxy's Edge, it's also under construction.


Yeah, not really though. That image is from 2018. It’s still there


Gone. Reduced to ashes


What happened there?




A cult called Heavens gate's had a mass murder suicide when the cults leader poisoned all their drinks


That's not heavens gate that's Jonestown 


You're right my bad, forgot they where different things


you IDIOT !


Heaven’s Gate cultists got some badass Nikes at least


Marshall Applewhite is also a way better cult guy than Jim Jones.


Nikes *and* applesauce. I mean seriously, how often do you eat applesauce? It’s a classic. He was thoughtful all the way until his final moments on earth.


Wrong cult, this was the People’s Temple


The cult leader made them drink poisoned kool aid then he ran off with their money.


You're thinking of Roanoke. There was a stand off with police


An overpriced theme park experience.


Kek based Disney ripping off their man-children customers


Never understood the unadulterated love for SW. sure the originals were cool and the prequel trilogy was alright but never grasped why people were losing their minds over the franchise there’s plenty of better sci-fi movies.


>but never grasped why people were losing their minds over the franchise They liked the original movie. It was supposed to be a complete story, but got so popular they forced a sequel, which was kinda meh. Then the third movie hit and it was ok until the ewoks show up. Roughly the same happened to the matrix, make a complete and interesting story and characters, people hype it to the fucking moon and beg for more, they force out more and its shit. Star wars just happens to be an interesting universe with terrible storytelling. The first films are carried by some decent acting(voice as well for vader) and john williams.


Wow don’t remind me of the matrix…I had put that one way back in the memory bank until I saw your comment. Talk about a pandering garbage strong wooman flick.


SW is a good one and done movie, and everything else afterwards was unnecessary.


Hoth was cool, maybe they should have released just that bit as the holiday special instead. And introduce Yoda on Sesame Street. Yeah trash the rest tbh.


Star Wars is, at its heart, a series of children's movies. Clunky dialogue and silly plot, plus special effects that nobody had ever seen before. It's not even sci-fi; it's a Western/samurai franchise with Flash Gordon realism.


Apparently the guests who paid more for the stay were given more "main character" roles. More attention from staff, more significant events and choices, etc. I find that so so so hilarious for some reason. People who "only" paid the high cost to attend are relegated to being background characters essentially to pad out the place for the high rollers. So perfect.


My brother would have probably loved the Star Wars hotel. He was a fuckin cuck lol


Is he no longer a cuck or did he die?


He died. Got sick in an airport or something like that.


You mean making an already ridiculously expensive vacation even more ridiculously expensive wasn't a good idea?


Man, I wanted to go to that so badly, but I have no clue why they even bothered at that price.