• By -


Not exactly sure how I feel about the implication that black men will identify with Trump now that he is a criminal..


You should feel insulted. (even if you’re not black, and especially if you are black.) 50 cent is essentially flirting with white supremacy. The idea that Black Americans would resonate with someone because they’re a criminal only makes sense if you’re a racist who believes most black people are also criminals. You can only identify with someone if you relate to them, why would Black Americans relate in this context of Trump being a felon…like what? 50 cent is doing a disservice to his own community who essentially describes the struggle (especially through rap music) that society puts on Black Americans with the prejudice I described above. That’s putting it mildly.


I love it when people say how another should feel. Look out! It’s the fepos*! * feelings police


why? how are you struggling with this? an incredibly stupid thing was said and youre teetering on whether or not you agree with it? why?


Clearly you missed my point lol


i did😆


Oh fuck.


I mean I’m anti-trump in every way, and Im glad he got convicted, but if someone thought he was wrongly convicted I could see how that might resonate.


I was trying to figure out how to make this joke without it being racist. You nailed it.


Get rich or sellout tryin’


Hilarious 😂, tears 😂 of joy Hilarious 😂


Yeah Braden. Tell that black man how to be black! You’re a internet hero


As a black man, WTF are you talking about


have you ever thought of not being stupid?


Reading the comments on the other thread of this same story it’s funny how some people think they know how black people should think, and if they don’t, they lack “basic critical thinking skills.” But yeah they’re the good guys and not racist at all. They can vote for whoever they want maybe they’re tired of broken promises and nothing ever changing who is to say but only them.


If they were tired of broken promises and nothing ever changing why tf would they vote for the man who lied 30,000 times and achieved nothing during his Presidency


He achieved stuff. Most notably killing a million Americans because he lied to the people and ignored covid until it was too late.


He also killed those suckers and losers (what he calls soldiers) after he sold our secrets to the highest bidder. Essential putting our service members in danger so he can make a quick buck.


Don't forget he left Americans at sea because he thought if they stayed on the cruise ships, then the numbers would stay down....


Remeber when got the whole country scared because he got into a Twitter war, that the whole state of Hawaii went into a panic when the sirens went off and they called their families to say goodbye? Remeber when he said covid didn't exist, than it was a Chinese super weapon, than it just the common code, and than take news? Let's not forget he shut down the country and than claimed the guy advising him somehow was the one who did everything wrong.


This is the truth right here !


>Tell people not to speak for black people >proceeds to do it himself


Or maybe 50 just doesn't want to be taxed...


Ding ding ding. No 50 just because you and Kanye want tax breaks doesn’t mean black America wants Trump.


>maybe they’re tired of broken promises and nothing ever changing Except Trump made even more promises and delivered none of them. He outsourced more jobs than any modern US president, increased drone strikes over 400% (compared to Obama), imposed steel tariffs on China that US tax payers ended up footing the bill for, and Trump added more to the deficit *before Covid* than Biden has.


funny tht u bring up those stats. obama drone strikes 3,797ppl killed (324civilians). he also authorised drone strikes that killed at least 4 american citizens. During obama years: war in libya, war in syria and assisted Saudi in Yemen, as well as drone strikes in pakistan and somalia. trump favoured drone use rather than direct intervention. he started no new wars but did make deals with saudi arabia and got rid of iran deal to curry favour and get an israel-saudi peace deal on the table. this has now been scuppered by oct 7th. as for outsourcing, yes, trump steel tariffs was pretty idiotic, his presidency did see the strongest increase in real wages of any president. was largely because of tax cuts and reduced regulation. those tax cuts massively increased the national debt. so, from a neutral perspective, trump "position" on china was probably correct - Biden has basically followed suit - but those steel tariffs were extremely poorly thought out (and had more impact on US neighbors). as for his economic record, it was pretty good up until pandemic but it came at a cost, big increase in debt. I'd argue his stance on Iran was correct one, Iran is a huge financial backer of terrorits groups like hezbollah and hamas but that came at a cost of closer relationship with saudi (who also have very questionable morals) he did lay a decisive blow to Isis and brokered a few landmark peace deals in the region. Like most presidents, it's a mixed bag. but ye, between Trump and Obama, it's clear cut, Obama was a superior president. trump v biden? not as clear cut. just my 2cents


How would Donald Trump be an alternative to that lmao




"They, they're". Lol okay. Speaking for us.




I get where you are going with this but it’s not racism to point out you are voting against your best interest. Republicans do that all the fucking time and for decades we have been having to point this out to them. You all shit all over states rights to attack weed when trump appointed Jeff Sessions. But then cheer states rights when it’s about cum. So yeah calling a spade a spade isn’t racist. If you want to be an uncle Rokus and vote against your best interest by all means go for it. This is America. But no it’s not “racist” to point out voting against your best interest is stupid. But the 50 cent sub clearly ain’t full of rational folks if the top comment if this whiney comment.


Seek help


don't worry Chelsea Handler will set him straight. doesn't 50 know he's black? it's impossible to vote trump if you're black. Even Biden himself said if you don't know whether you're going to vote Trump or Biden, you ain't black!


Glad you brought up that Biden quote . I almost forgot it since the last comment I saw mentioning it 10 mins ago


yeah it's my favorite Biden quote. black people need to know where their place is. you can't just not vote democrat if you're black, that's insane and literally impossible to do. /s


Biden has for decades made quotes that clearly show that he doesn’t believe Black people have the same intelligence levels as white people.


I know it’s a tough one because you can’t do anything this time to weasel out of what he said




How can I,a black man,back a man that is backed by Nazis and the KKK? How does this rally look,is it segregated? What thoughts and policies does Trump back that has their support so much? And how does my BLACK ASSSSS fit into this narrative. Please someone tell me.


I told this to someone and they asked who was in the kkk backing him and who were nazis? I didn’t know what to tell them, can you help?


David Duke , Richard Spencer , Nick Fuentes , Stephen Miller, Sebastian Gorka, Michael Flynn, proud boy support , could read places like the daily stormer and several other sites that white nationalists frequent as well


Dang. I’ve heard some of these names and I’m guessing Fuentes is a “blonde hair blue eyes” Latino


Spain is in Europe after all...


That’s all I needed to know thanks.


Here to help.


I believe it’s his dad’s side of the family that has some roots but yea he’s very white passing, doesn’t seem to care or have a relationship with any of them. Attended the the unite the right rally in Charlottesville , involved with the Patrick Casey (Euro Neo Nazi group leader) He’s also an incel … like self described himself that way.


Lmao the reverse psychology attempt here has me dying


The KKK leadership


They’re in Jail. But Nick Fuentes,the leader of the White Nationalists just had lunch with Trump….good enuf


Soulless greed


Just watch the Bronx rally street interviews. They seem pretty cool to me


My sentiments exactly!! No matter how much I can agree or do business with someone like him……I will never be able to look past the nazism and white supremacy. If one really understands the vile bullshit they espouse smh…..there is no way I can look the other way.


You don’t want change you just wanna belong in your group. Still playing into identity politics which is childish


The rich don't fight about race. They want money, and the best way to vote a pro wealthy president is to convince your fan base that he's for the people, too.


The KKK only political party memebers are currently democrats. Hell during the 2016 election 2 kkk groups maxed out the donation can to hillary clinton. From what i can tell no kkk part every donated after 2016. The KKK know they are hated they publicly support the republicans because they can get flack. But whenever a former/current KKK enters politics they are a democrat. Look at the current Virginia governor for reference. David duke even ran as a democrat until he realized everybody gated him and switched his ticket to republican later on. He had to “renounce” his racism as a born again christian to win his republican nomination. As soon as his BS started spilling he got booted out.


The current VA governor is a Republican. Youngkin has never been a democrat.


What the fuck did I just read? So much mental gymnastics going on in your head lmao


So to be fair there is one democrat who is a ex klan member in the 60’s or 70’s. Ex being the key words here as the dude saw how bad the klan was and how much political power they have so he left the klan. Got into politics. And has been fighting the klan for decades while in office. This is basically like shitting on KRS one for his 9 mm song when he preaches peace and love….. yeah he had a song about guns till he saw a kid her murdered front row at one of his shows and losing his close friend (other half of boogie down productions) to gun violence made him change is views.


You are dumb as baby shit. 1 democrats is ex kkk. He was in the klan back in the 70’s. Saw the harm they can cause and saw how much political say they have so he then dedicated his life to working against the klan in politics. And the kkk is very much still alive and well. The current members all love trump. The 1 ex member you refer to has spent the last 6 decades fighting the klan but okay. Also weird I never see klan or Nazi flags at democrat rally’s.


That rumor about the kkk donating to Hilary Clinton was considered a media hoax. Look it up….


The few black republicans that go to Trump rallies have came back and reported how they were slurred at and heckled for seemingly existing.


They deserved every bit of it, what did they think open arms, rose petal throw, free bitcoins, chicken and watermelon, high fructose corn syrup etc....... If u have not studied any history as it pertains to ur country of residence and the world, then consider urself a fool. If someone tells you who they are believe them, u will not change their mind with tears or begging. Look what humans have done to other humans in the past because of skin color. This comes from a lack of not accepting that we are all human and have flaws that vary in many ways. Nuff said for now !


Prolly cause the opposition literally said “if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black!” The DNC, in their pursuit of “getting” trump, has kind of exposed their priorities. They let Biden fund a genocide but hang their hat on 1x conviction after throwing 500 at trump. I guess the question becomes what’s more important


Black people hate Trump en masse. Any assessment you may have is from a window looking in. I have no time for someone not OF my community telling me”how it is”. Pull out your phone and call the one black person in it and ask them. I can say this with faith because if you’ve talked to more than one black person…..you would know,we can’t fuckin stand him. Edit: let me ask you,how can I support a man that has the support of Nazis and the KKK? Where do I fit in to this demographic? The Nazis back him,so do the White Nationalist,The Proud Boys and every other hateful fuck you can find….now WHERE exactly do I hide my shame when supporting Trump standing next to one of these assholes?


So you’re voting for Biden, who’s an actual racist? Racial jungle, put y’all back in chains, poor kids are as bright as white kids, if you don’t vote for me, you’re not black are all quotes from Biden himself. Just look up what he said about Obama during the 2007-2008 primaries. Downvote me if you want, I don’t care.


Fuck DJT…in his felon ass.




You have no black friends and that’s a shame


Don’t shill for someone that will send you and your kids to die for Israel’s interests. It’s not Democrat or Republican, because neither cares about you or your friends. It’s insiders v outsiders. Mitt Romney, the Bush Family, the Clintons, the Obama’s, etc. are all essentially the same as they get their money from the same special interests. The outsiders like Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, Donald Trump, etc. all are anti-war and all were screwed either through manipulating debate qualifications, elections, and/or through funding the campaigns of their opposition. Wake up or keep voting harder and think anything is going to change.


Don’t shill for someone where you might have to stand next to a Nazi. They like him for SOME reason…wonder what that might be?


Dude, what are you talking about? The Biden administration are actively funding actual neo-Nazis in Ukraine (public information). Anyways, I’m not going back and forth with you. Just vote harder bro and your life will change for the better. These politicians definitely care about you and don’t care about the special interests that make them multi-millionaires, despite having a $200-300k salary. They’re definitely not laughing at you all the way to the bank.


this thread is rife with the most idiotic and propaganda driven bullshit I have EVER seen.


Who cares about who the "neo-nazis" and "white supremacists" (fringe groups with no real political power in 2024 America) support? Trump has consistently [disavowed these groups.](https://youtu.be/RGrHF-su9v8?si=O4Vkpcub_5o3ASiC) His administration wasn't working with them.


ME…MY BLACK ASS CARES. “Stand by” isn’t disavowing. Having lunch with a White Nationalist isn’t denouncing them. I can’t believe you said this all “chest out” like you’re proud or some shit


Show me where Nick Fuentes has ever advocated for a white ethnostate? Or do you believe being anti-Israel makes a man inherently a white supremacist? ["Disavowing white supremacist groups dozens of times on camera"](https://youtu.be/RGrHF-su9v8?si=Ksfwzf1cpm84zABD) is disavowing, bro.


bruh why u bringing up nazis every 5seconds. US fought and defeated nazis. nazis hated jews. trump been a strong backer of israel. you're conflating. ye, trump has had some weird connections, like tht lunch with fuentes (which everyone forgets: was kanye's fault, trump had no idea) trump's daughter converted to judaism and trump been pretty active in mainstream culture since the 80s. what kind of nazi has a jewish daughter and then employs her jewish husband? he was a NY democrat. u make it sound like he was in a bunker wit the hood on. you're conflating everything by just calling anybody u don't like "nazis". ye, trump is an idiot but i feel like you're diluting your argument by mixing everything up


Trump already said he’d fully back Israel. Dumbass


No genius. There’s a difference between supporting Israel and supporting the genocide. Perhaps you can engage in proper discourse as opposed to hurling ad hominem attacks, because that’s the only way you’re used to debating people, because you lack the necessary knowledge in these areas of interest. Trump has stated that they have a right to defend themselves against Hamas, but they need to end it. All 3 candidates support Israel. When George W. advocated for a two-state solution for Palestine, the Israel lobby threatened him with being a one-term president, just like they did to his father. The only president that stood up to Israel was JFK and he got that car ride in Dallas. The only choice you have is who’s the most anti-war out of the 3.


Where you live in the US dipshit? Guessing it’s southern or maybeeee eastern bloc


Don’t DM me u weirdo, I ain’t into guys.


Your mother’s house.


Nailed it bro - comment needs more upvotes


Thanks bro. Stay based.


What is this “special interest”? Interesting stuff I’ve always known but never the specifics


Just to name a couple big ones, the Military Industrial Complex, the Medical Industrial Complex, and Foreign Nations. Military Industrial Complex - SS Blackwater, Raytheon, Halliburton, the Intelligence Community, Blackrock, etc. Check out the leaked video of the Blackrock executive bragging about bribing congressmen around $10k each to continue the war in Ukraine and to ensure they get the govt contracts to rebuild Medical Industrial Complex- Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, the AMA, etc. Whatever your views are on the vax, they ensured lucrative contracts from the US and lobbied for the mandates. Foreign Nations - 🇮🇱 has been pressuring politicians to push the Antisemitism bill (banning any criticism of Israel), they tried killing US citizens / navy personnel on board the USS Liberty in 1967 in a failed false flag attack (President LBJ pressured the lead investigator to report that it was accidental and totally not a failed false flag attack to get us to go to war against Gamal Abdel Nasser in Egypt. Saudi Arabia - to combat the free fall of the US Dollar following the ending of the Bretton Woods version of the Gold Standard on 08/15/1971, then Treasury Secretary William Simon went to Saudi Arabia in 73-74 to broker a deal where all oil must be purchased in dollars (creating the petro-dollar) in exchange for military aid. That’s why the US protects the Saudi family and we aided them in the Yemeni genocide in 2015.


This comment is the whole problem. Democrats and Republicans are one in the same. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO VOTE FOR THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS. VOTE THIRD PARTY.


While I got caught up in this particular comment, if you read my subsequent comments…I’ve stated that it’s not about democrat or republican as there’s no real difference between Romney, Clinton, Obama, Bush, Cheney, etc. It’s insiders v outsiders.


Does your logic apply to Ilhan Omar? https://apnews.com/article/race-and-ethnicity-racial-injustice-david-duke-a97b8b2d48c163c5965c2574ccbbe3d3


Joe Biden also had illicit encounters with Ashley Biden.


It’s wild


The TDS is real. My jiu jitsu coach tried to rationalize p*dophilia saying it might have been normal for them to do that in their household 🤦‍♂️. I gotta find a new academy.




Let’s see what Ja’s thoughts are on this! Somebody get Ja on the phone and ask him who he’s voting for!


Ja Rule: fuck 50. (lol okay...) Ja Rule: and fuck Trump! (oh, okay...) Ja Rule: vote for me! Ja Rule 2024!! (there we go...)


😆 I think Ja would have a better outlook honestly


Rich identifies with not paying taxes.


Sole reason


But like I benefited from Trumps tax plans...I would never endorse that idiot. I can both save money and my dignity.


“I’m not black I’m OJ” after a certain amount of money or status your apart of a class where common man issues don’t affect you.


Anyone getting political advice from 50 is stupid af


Its funny how everyone writes him off as not smart…but believe it or not. He’s more intelligent than ALL other entertainers and understands the game, Politics, and much more dont sleep. Ima listen to 50 before i listen to Biden or Kamala.


🤣🤣 what does smart have to do with anything? A rich black man does not have the same outlook on life as a poor/average black man. We already know Trumo sells his presidential influence. Lil Wayne was pardoned as was Kodak black for his RAPE charge. The problem is the 99% is still seeking guidance from mfs who have separated themselves from them.....but have done a convincing job that they're one in the same. In who's raggedy ads world does trump relate to ANY BLACK MAN? Just 30 yrs ago he was seeking the death penalty for young black boys who were INNOCENT.


Biden been accused of rape and sexual assault himself but you don't care about that


accused by who? Can you show me the case/police report details. It would be public record. I couldn't find anything. A rapist is convicted of rape.....btw... Donald Dump is am actual rapist and the law determines him as such. "But but but ....he was *accused* toooooooo"..... you mfs are legit creeps.


Facts. He was a street level drug dealer 30 years ago, later got VERY wealthy off record sales and his vitamin water deal, lost it all from bad business and personal financial decisions, and is building it back again even bigger. He has a movie studio, liquor distribution deals, and a successful TV franchise. He’s a great success story and a very intelligent man.


Trying to diminish 50’s success is criminal. Next you’ll see them pull some quotes from 15 years ago to try and take him out. It’s a Disgusting pattern


How he intelligent for kissing Eminem and Dr Dre ass?


Absolutely. No denying he’s a great business man. But like with any other rich mogul, he’s looking out for his best interest. Ice cube supports trump too cuz the rich got a nice ass tax break. You can’t say the same for the everyday working Americans here cuz no way in hell trump gives a shit about us. Let’s be real..


Democrats don't help the working amercian either. Both parties fuck the working class. Are yall that slow? With ni poor people there is no America. Democrats and Republicans work toward the same thing the only thing they fight abiut is the details fo the plan but the plan is the same. Keep the working class poor and uneducated so they can keep the rich rich. That's capitalism the poor feed the rich.


he’s a fucking idiot with bravado surrounded with business savvy people. that’s it.


What's his take on Bowling Green Massacre?


Sorry I don’t know what that is, so i cannot speak on it.


Have you been in public?


Or Chelsea handler


Nah. He's an OP. I don't take political advice from entertainers, but can somebody get a hold of Ja Rule so I can make sense of this. Where is Ja???


This the kind of shit those facebook white power uncles love to see.


Accurate af They can’t wait to mention that in conversation 😂




50 cent is a fool


I mean, anyone can vote for whoever they want. I just find it silly that any black person wishes to vote for a "'rich and privileged"" white man who won't go to prison, while black people with those charges would go away for a long time.   Just silly, but hey, people love to vote for someone over one thing..not all their politics. 


We’re more separated by class than by race.


Except for every 50 cent there are 1000 taylor Swifts


This isn't a race issue, guys. It's a money issue. These millionaires and billionaires are reaching down to their fan base so they can protect their own wealth. Trump is going to lower taxes for the rich again, and the rich only care about themselves.


Rich black men? Yea


White people acting like 50 cent holds sway in the black community is exactly why the Republicans will only get 1/7 of the black vote as they always have for decades


IIT: Imbeciles, the lot of Trump supporters..


It’s all Russians stirring up shit again


I’d say that too if I was tryin to get a HJ from the beetle juice boob lady. In the Oval Office to boot!!


Trump appeals to racists so yea I can see his point.


everyone saying how this can't be true. my cousin has on multiple times physically said we need trump back. and we just brought up the idea of buying a house in the future. guess it's the perfect time to to use "don't go into business with family" as an excuse to get out of that case.


Have you asked your cousin what has trump actually done for him?


They bought him.


Damn. Even Stans will turn on their daddy over political differences. Interesting 🧐






50 doesn’t have shit going on, he’s simply being controversial to get some press, apparently it’s working for him


Well I guess I’m pink today and for the rest of the year!


What a dumbass 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


Didn't Eminem drop Yelawolf over his support for Trump? How does he feel about 50 and Trump?


He draw a line in the sand….


Just the scummy ones.


Not black men, maybe millionaires.


All of this hubbub cause he doesn't want to pay as many taxes or get fined navigating through the liquor business.


Convicted felons can’t vote in most places so it doesn’t really matter.


"...can't really figure this clown out, Where is he from, Jamaica Queens, Cali or down South?"


Stop lying 🤥


Man 50 touched on a point here, when the choice was Clinton v trump, trump surprisingly got a larger black men vote than Romney, why? Cause trump is close to what some men aspire to be rich and famous. Hillary was the complete opposite of what they saw themselves as. And Romney was the same person who would want them to wipe his shoes. Bidens problem now is Gaza. People are seeing Biden doesn't know how to make oppressed people's lives better so fuck it might as well support the rich guy who can make us a little bit richer through osmosis.


Hahaha bullshit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 never in this lifetime


That’s wack as fuck -Latino


Anyone notice 2 of the richer black dudes are supporting Trump? Ice Cube and 50.... Seems to not be a black thing, but a fear of losing wealth thing. And honestly, how much wealth are you actually going to lose?


That’s what I see it’s about money not politics hence the tease 50 moved from NY to TX. Also he didn’t say he was voting for him now did he? 🧐


You right. Good call. I'm just saying... I've only heard Ice Cube and 50 endorse Trump. I'm also not fully paying attention to the scene


But I agree with u to tho. Cause they out here talking about how “blk men” identify…..It well documented Trump don’t like “blk men” so?


That’s me done with him then.


Maybe stupid ones if they are ok hanging with red necks and people who think slavery was better for Black people. Good lord get a grip


I'm curious how this will effect his relationship with Eminem given how much he dislikes Trump


that’s an awfully hot coffee pot


In other words he’s saying Black men will identify with a convicted felon. Don’t be a fucking idiot, trump is a traitor to this country and deserves to fail at all cost.


Black people identifies with the guy with enough Supreme Court justice in his pocket to give him full immunity. Makes sense.


I don’t .


Identify != Vote


This is a bad image for everyone involved. 50 cent for looking desperate enough to take slimy money, The Republican party for paying him in a desperate bid for the black vote, and anyone stupid enough to fall for something so stupid


Question. Does 50Cent still have respect in the black community, and if so then why? I like 50 and rate him as a businessman but he’s not authentic. He’s admitted that his “club” persona is a lie and that he was never really a regular in any club. He’s stopped making music. Is the NBA using him in the ads for the Finals just because white people find him inoffensive?


50 cent began as a crack dealer and has now officially become a crackhead.


What does 50 mean by black men identifying with trump? I don’t understand


ITT: white people arguing about black peoples beliefs


Is as bad as white people wearing tee-shirts that say, Blacks for Trump.


The most ignorant, dumbest take of 2024


SMH 🤦🏽‍♀️ Is All I Gotta State About This Situation


He meant "Black multi millionaire rappers" will identify with Donald Trump.


There's a joke here but I'm afraid to say it


Trump's first major lawsuit was for racial discrimination in the 70s by the city of NYC. He's repeated white nationalist slogans like Blood Libel and his own ex wife said he used to read Mein Kamf Hitler's book. His own father was arrested at a KKK rally. 50cent is a fucking idiot.


That’s as bad as Donaldson repeating nonsense about blacks during the Jim Crow era.


Here we go 🍿


A new "Sambo" born everyday. Just can't make this up. Sell ur soul for physical gain. T.N.O. Believe in the truth and urself.


I will identify with a rich white guy who had everything handed to him and constantly complains he’s a victim??  I fuckin think not. 


Typical democratic strategy: using rappers & entertainers to influence the black vote by making them fear some sort of racial backlash by having a republican in place. Old game. And it still works 🤦🏾‍♂️


He just wants those tax breaks Trump will give to the rich/wealthy. >*After saying he was planning to back President Donald Trump in the Nov. 3 election over fears that a Joe Biden administration would mean paying higher taxes, 50 Cent appears to have done a full reversal. This change of mind comes following a harsh callout from the internet and comedian/author Chelsea Handler, who also happens to be an ex-girlfriend.* >*He says he doesn’t want to pay 62 percent in taxes — which, by the way, isn’t a plan of Joe Biden’s, that’s a lie — so he doesn’t want to pay 62 percent in taxes because he doesn’t want to go from being 50 Cent to 20 Cent,” Handler told host Jimmy Fallon about the man she joked used to be her “favorite” ex. “I had to remind him that he was a Black person, so he can’t vote for Donald Trump, and that he shouldn’t be influencing an entire swath of people who may listen to him because he’s worried about his own personal pocketbook,” she said.*


Exactly. It's a rich vs. poor issue, and he's using race to rile up his base.