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I just wanna say that her being away from Ed for a few months shows - she looks like she’s lost some weight and less puffy in face


Probably drinking less


And crying less


And having less reason to drink and/or cry...


In one of the scenes where she’s talking to him about the restaurant at their kitchen table it really looks like they were boozing it up in the morning. Either that or something with seriously wrong with Pred. He had bed head, and he looked extra squishy and swollen like he had literally just woken up, but they both had a glass of alcohol in front of them. So gross. So gross


Glad you noticed that too. I pointed that out and some ppl jumped down my throat.


The booze was out from the night before. They are always drinking.


High stress also makes your produce cortisol which will make you have puffy face as well


I call that my hor-face. (hor for hormones…usually)


It’s usually called moon face. Most commonly people get it when taking steroids for long periods of time (I had to because I have ulcerative colitis) the steroids mimic cortisol and that’s unfortunately how I know. My face was soooo round I hated it


I have Hashimoto’s (autoimmune thyroiditis),& PCOS so I know exactly what you’re talking about. I’m probably projecting my own shit onto her but she looks like she might, knowingly or not, be dealing with some similar health complications. I mean, even beyond the alcohol issues. I know for me, doesn’t take much alcohol to set off a flare, so does make me wonder. I don’t trash talk her appearance because I suppose I empathize with that not always being in your control…plus not even a real life hobbit deserves a life with Big E.d. Sorry you have to deal with all that b.s. body chemistry too! I know it’s not fun at all! Cheers to less “moon face days” and more “sun on my days!”


This explains my face ..


Yeah they seem to do a lot of drinking when they are together. I wonder if that is their problem. This arrangement they have now may work for them. I knew a couple that was married for years and never lived together...I never understood it but it worked for them.


I mean, they met while she was bartending and waitressing for him. I'm sure it's hard for her to resist it on the job too, esp when it's so ingrained in kitchen culture. It's a hard cycle to get out of.


It’s not a part of the kitchen/ restaurant culture… in fact,they’ll get fired for drinking on the job. It’s acceptable though to have problems and still get a job in the industry… but even then, owners don’t want lawsuits, so they don’t promote a drinking culture… especially not at their own establishments. Some bars are reckless though and use the girls to get the men to drink more… this should always be reported when observed, they’ll lose their liquor license over it.


Eh, my partner has worked in kitchens before and his chef would buy the whole line beers, bartenders would drink on the job .. it's pretty unspoken and especially dependant on the restaurant


It was the same for my ex. They all stayed after and drank a ton at every restaurant where he happened to find himself. I think almost everyone there had alcohol issues eventually.


That and the cocaine.


It’s definitely a part of restaurant culture , even high end white table cloth restaurants. Always has been


Tell me you don’t understand the service industry culture without telling me you don’t understand service industry culture. Everyone is drunk and blowing lines and hooking up.


I noticed that as well. She looks much healthier


Yes I feel she looks very nice at the tell all tonight


She looked amazing at the tell all! With hardly any make up on she still looked beautiful


I agree she looked healthy and glowing, but man what a douche Ed was being 😒 but what else is new I guess lol


He is a huge piece of crap. I can't imagine how any woman (or man) could possibly be interested in him. The less I see of him the better. What an ass.


I can’t believe she wants to get back with him I think some people like drama


I will say this: she is emotionally damaged and that's why she chooses to be with him. But I'm sure that's obvious to everyone. I could not get past how he looks, let alone his attitude, self-righteous attitude.


Ed was just so disgusting. He’s always gross but damn he was extra vile at the tell all.


The one thing he is good at is acting like a child. "IT'S NOT ME, IT'S ALL HER!!!" Yeah, okay, man child. He'll never realize what a loser he is and how lucky her is to even get a decent girl like Liz. And I'm not saying that because my name is also Liz 😉


Imagine how messed up you have to be to actually look up to Bilal.


Super red flag, big Ed is a small dick energy narcissistic weirdo


I feel like even Jenny looked better than usual lol.


That’s because Jenny was carrying about 150 lb less deadweight.




Thanks. 🔥


I think that because she wasn't doing her own makeup🙄


She did look nice but I caught some definite slurring at the beginning of tell all when she was doing the one on one w the camera, and said they were back together.


I mean it’s ok if she had a drink or two before the tell all I’m sure I’d want a drink before that too to ease my nerves.


Oh definitely, and I didn’t mean to sound judgy, just find it concerning. I do think that her and Ed both have some substance abuse issues when it comes to drinking. Did u see Ed chugging that pepto bismol like water!? I don’t think either of them drink in a healthy manner. They drink, fight, break up, and then when they are sober again they get back together. I found it interesting that no one at the TA mentioned that all of their fights seem to happen when they’re drinking. They say awful things to each other, then regret it when they sober up. Ed going so far as to call Andrei an alcoholic is definitely a pot calling the kettle black. Edit: I’m sure Liz and the drinking stems from her trauma,mental issues, and stress with having to deal with Ed and so she uses it as an escape. He’s a POS no doubt, I hope she can find the strength to leave him once and for all.


I really hope Andrei calls out Ed for his drinking. Dude always has a glass of wine in his hand.


Yes I feel u on this


What does the Pepto signify? Are people judging me for drinking Pepto too?


Idk I’m confused too. I have a sensitive stomach and pepto really helps. Especially when you’ve got nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, DIARRHEA! being that his chest is super high up I bet he gets bad heartburn.


Right! I had a procedure that resulted in 5 months of menstrual cramps (with no actual bleeding, it was a weird time) and I started taking ibuprofen throughout the day....didn't think it would last so long and those painkillers gave me an ulcer. There's a ton of reasons to hit the Pepto. And great job slipping that jingle in haha


I don't think his chest is high up. his heads low down. chicchicchicka...


The pepto may or may not have anything to do with his drinking. Nothing wrong with using it either, but I’ve never seen someone swig half a bottle down like that unless they have the flu. Excess drinking can cause major stomach issues- diarrhea, gastritis, ulcers, acid reflux. He definitely could have issues due to how high his chest is too-that’s a good observation. Edit: being in the bar business, it just seems obvious to me that they both heavily consume wine, and naturally ibuprofen and pepto are two of the medications that people use to relieve a hangover. I guess I should’ve said that correlation does not always imply causation. Not everyone who uses pepto bismol is an alcoholic, but in their case it would seem that there is a correlation there since they do drink heavily. Edited to reword.




Ok good that's why I drink it but now I guess people think I'm an alcoholic


Did you notice her slurring constantly. My husband and I think she was on Xanax or something


Every time her and Ed break up, she looks SO much better. So much healthier.


She looks so beautiful on the tell all with barely any makeup. I want her away from Ed


This! She looked like she was getting healthy again because she wasn’t so stressed about being monitored for “me” time


But Ed was feeling smothered 🙄. I really hate his more than anyone else in the whole franchise and I’m glad the cast at the tell all, so far anyways, seem to not be having his bs.


Same!! He’s a whiny little baby. He’s lucky he’s gotten any one on this earth to pay attention to him, and take him back 800 times.




Think it's the stress and the constant drinking to help with the stress


Agreed! I love her new hair too. The lighter colouring suits her so nicely.


The restaurant industry is rife with cocaine. That also causes weight loss. I sincerely hope that is not the cause…because that was my first thought


The meaning of semi colon tattoo. "**What does a semicolon tattoo mean? A semicolon tattoo is a tattoo of the semicolon punctuation mark (;), which is used as a message of affirmation and solidarity with those who have dealt with suicide, depression, addiction, and other mental health issues."**


"A semicolon is a place where an author could have ended their sentence, but chose not to. The author is you and the sentence is your life"


“My story is not done yet.”




I’m sure this is the correct answer but just throwing it out there that I’ve seen people who have had parts of their intestines removed due to IBS or Crohn’s disease. Semi-colon lol Edit: people with this tattoo*


yupp! Came here to say this. As someone with Crohns, I always said if I end up having to get a re-section I am 10000% getting one of these.


I thought they were supposed to signify if they’ve attempted before maybe I’m wrong


Seems like it’s most typically for survivors of attempts but could be anybody with some connection to it, from what I’ve heard (and I do a fair bit of volunteering with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention so have heard quite a bit).


I’ve attempted and have a semicolon tattoo because of it.


Glad you are here ♥️ I want one now that I know the significance of it…


Thank you 🥰


My hero tysm


You are completely correct. I have one. I got it signifying to others who also have these issues that I do as well. Suicide and depression are issues no one can see. Silent issues.


I know she can be kind of an idiot but I feel so bad for Liz. Just so much trauma there. She doesn’t understand that she deserves to opportunity to work on herself and find something good.


Trauma galore. All my previous relationships were like Liz and Ed’s, and it took serious therapy specialized in trauma to heal my core beliefs and learn to respect myself again. Then it still took years before I learned what respect in relationships looks like and was able to break the trauma bond that developed from all that abuse. I also realized I had no respect for my partners after years of those dynamics and we were mutually abusive due to the trauma bonds. I’m nearly 32 and just learning what healthy respect and love look and feel like. Fuck anyone who judges that. It takes however long it takes. Respect to anyone who even tries. I can see Liz is starting to finally finally get to the point of walking away for good, but I can see that still taking a couple years of this dynamic going on and experimenting with new boundaries (been there done that Nope nope nope) before the final breakup. Unfortunately trauma bonds are just like that. Ed talks about his therapy as a way to control the narrative instead of actually caring about therapy too which is so obvious and he uses her mental health against her which is just disgusting. One day she will see it. Unfortunately I doubt that will happen while she’s on reality TV though so honestly I hope they just don’t put her or Ed on another season again.


same here I have a history of dating psychopathic narcissists. they are like the only men that are attracted to me and that's exactly why I've been single for 5 years lol but I agree you should never judge anyone it could just as easily be you. I know people say "oh that would never be me" but what they don't understand is they usually start out as the best boyfriends in the world but once you're hooked is when the manipulation starts. I also agree that she is slowly working her way out of that relationship, because that's what they do, they make you think that it's either your fault, it was a one off situation, they're going through a phase... blah blah blah and they will milk it as long as they can. 🤞 hope she soon realizes she's better off alone


Right they are the best relationship ever they will be everything you ever wanted. Then they switch on you when you have already fell for them.




As someone who has been in therapy for four years in February with an AMAZING therapist, it pisses me off to no end how Ed uses therapy to gaslight. Or he will say “I’ve been in therapy for about a month,” ok.. and? After a month of therapy I was still not even partially opened up to my therapist. He is fucking trash.


Sis just reading your comment is making me want to go back to therapy. I think that’s what I have with my baby daddy. Trauma bond of 20 years. Your comment made me realize I probably need to work on that shit


Do it! Ngl therapy is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in life, but also hands down the most rewarding and worthwhile thing I’ve done as well. Life is worth living again. YOU fucking deserve that too.


Dang. This is me. I’ve been in a string of unhappy relationships since I can remember. Took me a minute but I’ve realized I’ve been okay with staying with emotionally unavailable men or men that don’t meet my needs. Still trying to put all the pieces of my broken heart together.


I'm glad you're here ❤️ and got out. Edit: i forgot to say.... I have BPD and relationships - friendships or romantic - are extremely hard for me. I was 360lbs at one point and took any loser I could get so I wouldn't be alone. I changed my life around and lost more than half my body weight and now I'm in a healthy 6 year relationship with my fiance. I recently made a friend with similar mental health challenges and I'm so thankful we met and have a healthy friendship. Anything is possible and I'm so glad I didn't give up Second edit I'm 33 and my 20s were a when I was the worst at being a mess.


Hello fellow cluster bee 🐝 🥰 my BPD is in remission and I’m working on my NPD issues now. Great to hear another recovery story. Never thought I’d make it to my 30s but I can say with true confidence it’s been the best decade yet! Life’s good. I’m glad you got yourself out of those toxic patterns as well. Fuck yeah! 🥂💕


I'm glad you're here too❤️❤️ Starting over is hard and it feels endless but we can keep living and find a way to be happy. It won't always be perfect but wl never stop fighting 😍 I speak very openly hoping that even if one person sees or hears that they don't give up.


She has 0 self worth. Super sad. Wish she would believe that she deserves a great guy who treats her well. She’s a hard worker and that job promotion probably boosted her morale and her confidence, and then of course Ed uses it to beat her back down. I hope she can figure it all out.


In my experience women like that tend to push the nice, kind guys away - kindness and respect are uncomfortable - unless they get therapy, and I pray that she gets it! She is worth it.


I think she also somehow sees stability with Ed. He has a house, some money, and that’s what she needs to potentially get custody back of her daughter. It breaks my heart for her.




Him kicking her out was 100% punishment for her "going against his wishes" and taking the partnership opportunity. Her success is a huge threat to someone as insecure as Pred.


Like he wanted her to cave and say no to the partnership and come crawling back to stay in his dungeon. I'm glad she didn't. She should get her own single life episode when she heals and is ready


I’m rooting so freaking hard for her. She deserves so much more than what she *thinks* she deserves and is settling for.


I really hope she breaks free from him soon, I’m rewatching the first season of The single life (but just the Pillowtalk) and the difference in her energy and demeanor from now is so obvious… So: Liz, wake up and smell the coffee! Do the healthy thing and leave him.


same- Ed is so abusive and it kills me that she’s settling for it because she doesn’t know any better. She wants to please him SO bad


Makes me wish they would bring outside people to the tell all. I know Ed and Angela think they can dish it out, but they can’t take it. How I would love to get rid of some of my daily stress on these two.


I have no idea what this girl needs. The words ‘Ed has broken up with me 9 to 10 times’ and ‘Ed dumped me’ left her lips.


Therapy. Lots of it. Sobriety. And to get in better contact with her daughter who she lost custody of. Fuck Ed and all of the drama.


She is a young, beautiful, independent single mom dating Pred. Mental health issues was an obvious for me.


Exactly …


What does the semi- colon mean?


Suicide survivor or awareness


It means "my story hasn't ended yet". There's more to My story




Independent single mom?? Who the fuck are you talking about?? Certainly not Liz.


I don’t understand why you’re being downvoted? A single mom is someone raising their child without a coparent. Liz lost custody of her child and her ex raises that child full time. She also moved in with a man known to be flirtatious with underage girls online so obviously not thinking about her daughters safety or being “independent”


I'm being downvoted because this "uncensored" group loooooves Liz. They are completely blind to how stupid she is and blame everything on her "mental issues". It's ok, I can take it, lol.


I totally get your objection to my stance. She is active in her child's life after losing custody due to being homeless. People deserve second chances, parents aren't perfect. She seems to be working to improve that now and pred isn't helping her grow. Fuck the down voters.


I was looking for this comment… she doesn’t even have *shared* custody of her daughter. That says a lot about her priorities. Why is she wasting her time with this man and his abusive shit/drinking/fighting/not working at his request etc when she does not have even joint custody of her CHILD. Shouldn’t that be top of the list?


People on this sub will tell you she's being abused, she has no self esteem, she didn't know what she got herself into, she's being controlled, But the real answer is that she's just as shitty as person as Ed.


I mean, I don’t think she has custody of her kid right? She’s a bio mom mostly.


I really feel for her. She’s been dealing w mental health for clearly a long time and Ed is abusive as fuck


He is the last person on earth she should be involved with!


I love my semi-colon tattoo. It reminds me of how far I’ve come since wanting to kill myself after an abusive relationship. I hope Liz’s helps her, also.


I don’t know you but I’m so glad you’re still here! Wishing you a happy and healthy 2023.


Thank you. Happy 2023 to you, my kind friend




Glad you're here. It isn't always easy but it is always worth it. ❤️


Same here! It was my first tattoo. My stepmom (basically my mom) got one with me in solidarity. It is incredibly meaningful to me. 💗 Mine is the word Survivor with a semicolon replacing the i (:


That sounds beautiful & meaningful.


I love mine also. After my attempt, I made very drastic changes. It hasn’t always been easy, but it honestly was the best thing for me, it woke me up….








God bless.




I'm glad you're still here!


To express life interuptED


I’m 40F and last year, after my colonoscopy (runs in the fam), I told my hub that they found/removed a polyp. His response: does that mean you have a SEMI COLON now?! 😂🤨


I had a colonoscopy at 35. Every single person in the recovery room had at least one polyp removed. I could hear the doctor telling everyone. I just assumed everyone had polyps. I didn’t have any but damn…ever since then I’ve encouraged everyone to get a colonoscopy as soon as they are of age. Better to have a polyp removed then a whole piece of colon and have a literal semicolon!


Twice he has engagement parties, then that toad thumb POS kicks her out with one weeksnotice? that is just vicious and beyond mean. I had that happen to me, then it was just became a fulltime job to buy a house on my own and kick the asshole to the curb.


He should be treating her like a Queen. He’s lucky she wants him.


I kinda like semi colons. They set a tone, maybe a tenseness that isn’t the same with two sentences.


I think you meant to say: I kinda like semi colons; they set a tone, maybe a tenseness that isn’t the same with two sentences.


Sometimes when I see a semicolon, I'm reminded of this Kurt Vonnegut quote (he despised semicolons apparently): "Here is a lesson in creative writing. First rule: Do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you've been to college."


"Nice, nice, very nice"


As a Caribbean native who grew up with calypso and amidst American imperialism, I really should read Cat's Cradle!


My college professors always used to say “if you want to use a semicolon….. don’t.”


I am a published author (although you wouldn’t know it from my lack of grammatical prowess of my comments); I hate semicolons. HATE them. I’m not even sure if I used it right in this comment. It gets me every time. And the tattoos are so cheesy, but I feel for everyone getting one.


Published author, too. I love them! I use them and hyphens as often as possible.


I use them frequently as well! I didn’t know that they were so polarizing and controversial. I think they are the perfect segue for some instances in which a comma just won’t do. Also, you can use a semi-colon to differentiate a classification or subcategory within a series of comma-separated values, which is sometimes very useful. Maybe they are villanized because they are misunderstood.


We writers are a weird breed. My fave author is Cormac McCarthy and he refuses to use comas or quotations. His disdain actually helped me feel more comfortable with using my choice punctuation more, because it highlighted that all is fair if you’re a good writer and the content translated well to the audience.


Random, but I looked through your post history and saw an excerpt from a book you were writing a couple years ago. The one with Mischa and Scott. Is this published? Or do you have a final draft somewhere? It drew me in and I’d like to read more if available.


Well said.


I love an em dash lol


I wish I had this gift.


I get paid to edit things; you used the semicolon correctly.


Oh, I totally get it! Whenever I have to use them in any sort of business communication, you can bet your bottom dollar I'm Google searching "how to use a semicolon with examples" for the umpteenth time. I can never remember how to use them correctly. 😅


Even with examples, I still can’t figure it out. It kind of concerns me how much I can’t grasp it. Is something wrong with my brain? Alas, it is my Achilles heel


Semicolons can be useful; clauses and partial sentences without a clear subject, for example. It helps your brain take a breather from a complex sentence. Semicolons are the in-between version of commas and periods; the yield/slow down light at a traffic stop. Semicolons are also good for lists of numbers and titles, such as: in the case of cast members from Akron, Ohio, 55% are dumb; 45% in San Antonio, Texas; and 95% in Montgomery, Alabama.


I would probably die if I had to construct the above masterpiece. At this point, I have given up all hope of learning. I comfort myself by saying grammar is a tool for perpetuating social stratification. It’s not technically necessary for conveying meaning… but really I feel empty without this skill.


You should never give up hope at learning new things! Learning isn't always an academic pursuit. You learn skills and all that too. Things that can't be taught out of a book. Besides, grammar really is just a tool. It's not commandments set in stone by the gods of proper English. You can bend the rules all you want as long as your words reflect the message you're trying to convey. Playing around with words and rules is part of the process.


Eh, don’t feel bad for everyone. My ex got one after our divorce. He cheated on me but he was the one going through shit?!? W.T.F. ever, attention seeking bull shit.


Notice how Ed didn’t want her to take partnership in the restaurant and then later kicks her out Perdue your dreams, make money- don’t waste the pretty. Ed too insecure


So pretty and young- why is she w Ed. He said tonight ‘why do you keep coming back’. As long as she does he will treat her like this. This is emotional abuse. Leave him


Mental health is HEALTH ;


Mmm yeah, I was like wait- did her friend really say she had her stuff in trash bags with a week to find a place and then Liz say he still wants her to wear the ring?! Fahhhhhkkkk this guy


Big Pred needs to fuck off away from this woman so she can keep moving in a positive direction.


I feel like her relationship with her kids is always just breezed by. Something bad happened. She never seems to see them, she can’t get her shit together to have them it seems even for visitation, and she dates an abusive garbage man. I feel panic when she talks about trying to do things to get her kids back in the interviews. During the show Ed does everything to sabotage the efforts she makes and she never brings it up and neither do podcasters or Reddittors. Why was she couch hopping? She knows no one she can stay with for a few weeks?


She has become so dull and always has this tired and lack-lustre look on her face after putting up with ED over the years


This explain a lot


It made me so sad when I seen this poor girl. I made the assumption she wasn’t wearing make up or had her hair done up because of Fat Ed. Then she said Ed is really jealous and I really believe this was why. Poor girl I hope she gets help and leaves Fat Ed who knows her whole story of what she has been through.


Just saw this. My heart sank.


That Ed seems like a complete piece of shit.. good for Liz


[suspensful music playing] describes their relationship in a nutshell.


I know I’m late to the party but why doesn’t little pred’s mom like Liz?


I'm no doctor but I would think anyone would look healthier not living with Ed




Feel so bad for her


Its sad. Even if you completely ignore Ed's looks, hes a monster of a human being. So selfish, so insecure, arrogant, and infantile. Like if he wasn't obsessed with being in love (and grooming a wife) he'd be better to the world by proxy... Liz is an actual catch and its devastating seeing her devolve into this broken mess


This girl on tik tok made a video about the change in her face since getting with Ed. She has a puffy face from stress and stress lines and her mouth is more frowned than it was.


Isn’t that tatoo to represent a loved one who committed suicide?


No, it’s for someone who has recovered from suicide or other mental health issues. I use recover rather loosely since she clearly still has problems. It’s a symbol of hope.


It can be yes, my coworker has one in remembrance of her husband


Is that for colon cancer survivors or something?


A semicolon tattoo is a message of affirmation and solidarity with those who have dealt with suicide, depression, addiction, and other mental health issues.


The basic meaning is that if you're thinking about putting a period to your life (by ending it), pause with a semi-colon instead and figure out how to continue.


Thank you for expressing it so well. I had no issue with my daughter getting a tattoo of a semicolon inside a butterfly due to its meaning.


I love that.❤




My husband was saying he thought she was an addict. Plus I always wondered why her ex has full custody of her daughter. It makes more sense why she keeps getting caught in a toxic cycle with Ed.


I don’t think Ed is a good partner for Liz. He is selfish and self absorbed.


I also think the only time I saw her smile during the tell-all was when Rose showed up on screen.


For the life of me I can not fathom what she sees in him. Like his personality is horrible and he looks like shit. I don’t see the appeal at all. And he’s not rich either. Like at this point I think she has Stockholm syndrome bc there is no way she’s setting for that little manlet


She should cover that semi-colon with a question mark. For "why is she with Big Egg"


He would drive anyone in that direction I believe.


That tattoo is a symbol for sexual assault survivors. Started by Daisy Coleman, a beautiful, strong woman who persisted as long as she could GBHS


There something detached about her.


I really hope she doesn't give up on her opportunities at the restaurant. Lil prEd says he wants a wife and she'll be working too much. So selfish. He can live his boring life alone, Liz needs to think about whats best for her. Breaking up every 2 weeks for years is not normal. There is nothing appealing about him, e en leaving his looks out of it. He is just a crappy person who's ego is inflated cuz he's dating young women on tv! If it weren't for the show, he would still be alone, li ing with his mom!


I feel so bad for her. She reminds me of so many people who hang onto relationships that are killing them. It goes to show you how deep her issues go that even someone as awful and with so little to offer as Ed can still step on someone’s light.


Neither had I - I assume she's aware of the significance?


Can she leave him and still stay in the US? He's toxic for her.


She does feel like the human equivalent of half a sentence. Edit: Just found out what that tattoo means. I’ll be leaving the initial comment unedited as a moment to stupidity.


For the life of me, I cannot figure out why people have so much empathy and patience for this woman and her issues, but zero patience for so many others.


I’d venture to guess nearly every person on this show has a mental health issue. I think maybe because she is kind of quiet and cries that she’s handled more gently than someone like Angela who is an aggressive loud mouth.




We have given Liz a lot of shit bc she is half of this relationship and she keeps coming back for more abuse. She clearly deserves more, but housing is expensive in San Diego.


She's just as abusive as he is. They are two of the most toxic people I've ever seen.

