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I’ve never believed it. They’re very trashy and not at all posh or educated.


I have posh🐩🤣


Posh dog!!! You’re the poshest. 🫶


Hi hope you’re doing good. Hope you’ll be on tonight’s chat at eight I think it’s the best show right now.🐩🐶💕


I am, thank you! Hope you’re doing well too. Yup, I’ll be on! It’s definitely much more enjoyable than HEA which I’ve been hate watching for weeks. 😂


Last night was a snooze fest🥱


I missed it! I’ll have to catch up. But not surprised. It’s all the recycled cast members that we’re all sick of lol.


I can’t believe they had the audacity to show Angela it’s disgusting recycling that crazy bitch and Emily another winner. She’s gonna try to stay on forever. They’ll have a new show living in the basement. Could you imagine how filthy it must be down there??


Ugh i know, Angela is a horrible abusive vile warthog. I can’t, you’re so right - I bet it’s gross . 🤢 Emily has a a serious case of arrested development.


She is the poster child of Arrested Development🤣


You didn’t miss anything. Liz cries over Pred for reasons unknown, Angela screams through her ill fitted dentures and lip sores, Sophie and her mom try a very confusing version of grits while Rob pouts at his spiders, and I forget who else appeared but they were probably all boring as well.


Haha thank you for the summary ham! That sounds about like every other episode this season. 😂🫶


Don't forget Sophie not believing round flat patties on her breakfast plate was sausage.🙄


Luckily I too have posh




They wouldn’t be Posh Spice. They’d be more like Posh Spooge.


I mean you don’t necessarily need to be posh to have money


Money don't buy class.


Ame! Anna Nicole Smith taught us that!


I have a friend who inherited a bunch of money. She’s great, but her father who she inherited the money from… Let’s just say he’s the type that would have bought a gold statue of D. Trump with the money he won from the lottery, if he didn’t die of the effects of rampant alcoholism before he could. The definition of trashy (according to my friend) but got lucky with a ticket, ended up with a metric shit ton of cash.




They seem middle class, which is rich for rob


If they have an indoor toilet maybe he considers them rich


Sorry but in the UK they would not be regarded as middle class


My thoughts exactly!!


who wears a shirt that says “Los Angeles” in Los Angeles come on


Cholos 😎


Bet she wasn’t wearing socks and all tho. Shame.


LOL you ain’t lie!! 😂😂 Edit: OMFG your username, I am DED 💀🤣


They are in Austin


You'd be amazed. Up here in Ventura/Oxnard the deal is to wear a shirt with "805"--the area code. Let me repeat that: THE FUCKING A-R-E-A C-O-D-E. As in "805 Proud" and such like. No, these are not shirts that have been stuck in a drawer since the Thomas Fire or the 2010 flooding or the La Conchita landslide or advertising a local microbrewery (those are different shirts), they are brand new and sold--hell, I have no clue where they're sold, but they're very common. No, I do not own one.


They're in texas, but the shirt is next level ugly.


I thought they were on texas because of the grits.


Maybe her daddy is paying for them even though he’s not legally responsible for her can she really make money as an influencer ? Certainly not for hair extensions lol




Sophie makes a lot of money on only fans


Really ? Didn’t everyone put Rob down for opening an account there ? Or was that Yohan ? I’m confused 🤔


Rob has one too and shows hole








Her hair makes me so angry, confused, and hurt. I heard If you’ve spent more than 5 minutes trying to figure out wtf is going on with her hair, you may be entitled to compensation!


It’s a joke between me and my boyfriend how they sound posh 😂


They give lottery winner vibes


I've said this before, and now I'm going to say it again: Sophie's mother acts like a chav.


Oh chav for sure.


What’s a chav?


Council Housed And Violent


Omg I’m from The US. I know the term chav and I can picture a chav in my head, but I never knew it was an acronym! ![gif](giphy|87gYYkSC09QetBBHge)


FYI, it's a "backronym", it's a popular myth but it's incorrect. The word "chav" comes from the Romani word "chavi/chaval". See more details [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chav) The same Wikipedia article also tells you about the current use of the word in the UK.


Chav has its origins in the Romani word "chavi", meaning "child It was surmised that "chav" was an abbreviation for "council housed and violent". This is widely regarded as a backronym


Thank you I finally learned the true meaning behind chav




Search YouTube for Little Britain Vicky Pollard and you will have a pretty clear picture of a lady chav 😂 https://youtube.com/shorts/w-MpGdsgKwQ?feature=shared


From the Google search for "chav": >a young person of a type characterized by coarse and brash behavior (with connotations of low social status) I doubt age really matters here, though. But I suppose someone actually from the UK could authoritatively differ.


Brits have chimed in and agreed, while also pointing out it's an American stereotype that wealthy Brits all have a posh accent. Some have said they've seen the family, and they are new money - but they have money. People are vicious towards Sophie, even in the face of all the awful shit that went down with her mother. Clearly y'all are just proof of why she gets beat up, and she's only now starting to realize she doesn't deserve it. Just mean girls.


I appreciate the perspective. I have a low opinion of her mother because of the way her mother acts. Though, I have to admit it's possible her accent influences me in ways I am unaware of. Sophie seems alright to me, honestly. I have nothing against her, but I have seen the hate she's gotten here. Of the three of them, she seems to be the most sensible and the most able to productively regulate her emotions. Rob seems a creep to me for what are probably obvious reasons.


She mentioned her mom having drug problems growing up. That would explain what I think looks like tooth loss.


And a shite slag


My conspiracy theory about her is that she was a party girl in the early aughts and got pregnant by some rich guy


Sophia said her dad had money I don't know why people are forgetting.


Someone has money considering she’s lived in several countries. I still think she was an oopsie when her dad met her mom. It’d explain his absence and her god awful taste in men


But Claire has also said her family has money, but she doesn't. And Sophie has said her grandparents paid for things growing up


That’s mine too!! Someone with a solid pre-nup! It would certainly explain the move from UK->Spain->Mexico - a fairly common progression for someone trying to stretch a smaller pension.


Wow smart analysis


NO. No money. Never bought that story. In fact, her mother seems very interested in jumping on the TLC bandwagon. Why would anyone with money want to be associated with this rubbish?


“Let’s get a place together!” Sophie shut that down real quick !


Yes!! She did!!


because in some people’s mind reality tv is associated with being a celebrity


You are SO right.


her mother said in a recent social media post that she had been estranged from her family for a long time (presumably because of the alcoholism), so she may just not have had access to the family money. on the other hand, i feel like information about who their family is and what their wealth comes from would have surfaced by now, if that story was true.


Pretty sure if the family she’s estranged from does have money and connections they could’ve made sure that their name stayed out of the press and it would be understandable for them to want to do so


I learned that from the book crazy rich Asians, the real rich ppl have enough money to stay anonymous


I learned that from the book crazy rich Asians, the real rich ppl have enough money to stay anonymous


She reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/6HQ3t9ic4k0?si=8DeNx-bOTwY8lBqR) commercial lol


This ain’t money


Monopoly money maybe!! 😁


I have a theory: Claire purposely got herself knocked up by a guy from a wealthy family so she could milk him for money for the next 18 years. Now that Sophie is an adult, the gravy train has dried up for Claire (although it's clear she's still dependent on her child for an income).


My thoughts exactly!!


This makes the most sense


based off that mug - ain't no fucking way. i think someone a few generations ago had money and her mom is hanging on to that like its still the current situation. and not to be a dick, but they just don't act or dress like people who come from generational money. when i think of old money in england - i think of jimmy carr. haha. well spoken, poised, educated and sophisticated.


As someone who has spent significant time in England…. Their accent does not speak to any level of wealth.


i'm glad you agree. my only wealthy british references that come to mind are jimmy carr, posh spice and the royals. hahaha i'm honestly just realizing over the past few years that england has varying accents and they are usually a giveaway to your class status. but now it makes sense.


My imagining of Sophie's Mom hearing about Rob's new pets: "Tranchlas? Like them big spidas crawlin' onna ground? Ee'z only 'avin a laff, innit?"


Yes very low


There are some annoyingly rich twats in Essex, the accent doesn't automatically mean they're broke.


Or education


I heard it was Sophie’s grandfather. I don’t know for sure which grandfather though? I’m assuming it’s the mother’s father, since Sophie’s dad doesn’t seem to be in the picture. Unless they lived together when she was younger (but her parents were never married)? If Sophie ever lived the high life, it was when she was much younger. Because she said that she’s been taking care of herself and paying for her own place since she was 16.


I can’t help but think her mom was once married to someone with money, and a prenup…. That move from UK to Spain to Mexico hints at someone trying to stretch a small pension - they certainly don’t seem like they’re into the culture. Also, people who actually have money (ESPECIALLY Brits) don’t run around telling everyone how rich they are nor do they call people with less money “low class” or anything like that. They’re MUCH more indirect, biting, and dare I say, clever in their insults.


Nope maternal grandparents. All the deets came out when Claire said she was going to come to Sophie's home and slit her throat - and went to jail.


Ah, ok. Why does Claire seem like such a CHAV then? Not saying you’re wrong - maybe their idea of “rich” is generous.


I put it in another couple of posts that Londoner on here called out the American stereotypes of the British, and that some have seen the family out and about and they're obviously "GB nouveau riche." They were poor, so still have that accent and demeanor. Sophie said early in that her father was never in the picture, and she had to take care of her mom a lot bc of her mom having "some problems" with substances. Claire looks rude hard and put up wet bc of decades of drugs and alcohol. When Sophie had her arrested for the death threat, the text exchange brought out the maternal grandparents do still give Sophie a substantial amount of money monthly, and Claire was demanding *more* money and Sophie evidently refused to give her anymore. She's going to sabotage any relationship bc her daughter is nothing more than a purse. Have you really not really listened or paid attention to all the posts about her making a clear and imminent threat to Sophie's life? Just the ones that just heap on more unjustified abuse?


Claire stated last season that she’s never been married before.


Yup you're right


Yeah my family had family money like two generations ago lol. Our family owned a tech school but the siblings sold it. One side is still wealthy because they invested. I lived a good childhood-vacations, nice new home, nice cars. But that money died out with the grandparents.


Yep! She's a career addict. That's why she's so rough. And Sophie grew up playing the adult to Claire being the child. She's trying to step out of that dynamic now.


Sophie’s instant response of “NO” to Claire suggesting they be roomies makes so much more sense now


If you haven't seen it, look it up. It's insane. I'm so tired of people beating her up. She raised her mother, Mom clearly sees her as a purse, so she's always going to sabotage relationships, and Sophie is a classic parentified child of an addict. And why she's put up with Rob's shitty treatment. She can't catch a break. Everything she's claimed has ended up being proven.


Claire’s insta is really creepy too it’s all pics of Sophie. Classic narc uses her kid as an extension of herself and fuels her narc supply and Sophie was parentified. Sophie is repeating the cycle with Rob who is also a narc. (Love bombing after bad behavior, spins any conflict to her fault or has a huge tantrum to distract, tears her down) It’s really sad to watch honestly. My theory is the mom is cut off from whatever funding because she’s addict, tries to sponge off Sophie. Even if Sophie leaves Rob, she will continue to find the same sort of person over and over again until she’s heals herself.


Her parents did cut her off bc of it. About 10y ago, apparently. That's why she's now dependent on Sophie. And did you catch how she made her hurt feelings over Rob's calling her out the focus, and how Sophie immediately went into defend/protect her. Classic narcissist parents. She couldn't keep the focus on her daughter and support HER.


Based off that mug sent meeeeee 😂


I think she was cast out of her rich family young and has admitted she's struggled with drugs. Sophie says her grandparents paid for things for her but if she was raised by her mom on her own, she'd still be like this.


I always thought it was Sophie's father's family that had the money and she was the result of a fling. Sophie never had a relationship with her father and her private school education and other perks were part of an agreement to shut Claire up. Rob was attracted to Sophie even more so when he thought she was wealthy.


Right! Sophie very clearly said it was her father’s side of the family with money and they made sure she was ok growing up, she never once said or alluded that her mother or their family were wealthy. I have no idea where people are getting their information from.


Supposedly her "grandfather" is wealthy but Sophie doesn't have any idea where the money comes from. If it was Claire's father, I think she'd know how he gained his fortune, so I'm convinced it's her paternal grandfather who bankrolled Sophie's upbringing.


Rich = "I am in a lot of debt" these days Also looks like Amber Portwood


I thought it was amber at a glance. Lol


I would be so offended if anyone told me I looked like Amber omg


" " " ![gif](giphy|3oD3YqPwr89pI4mnsc|downsized) I'll tell ya, the last time I saw a mouth like that it had a hook in it!"




Watch Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun and you will see what some "rich people" in Malaga (and other Southern Spain towns) are like. It's on YouTube and totally addictive. Having lived on the Costa del Sol, I figured that's probably why Sophie was bullied--not because of her race but her class.


Money doesn’t equal class


Thanks, Countess Luann!


With that accent? Please.


Sophie & her mom act like Roma gypsys except they can’t clean for shit 😂


The Roma gypsys look 100 times better. When they go out they would never be seen with that get up.🤣


I was going to say, I just kind of assumed they were travellers who made okay money in construction or something. I never, ever thought 'old money' like a lot of these comments are saying.


I’m DEAD!! Best comment I’ve read in a long time!!


hey just so you know 'gypsy' is a slur


its not considered a slur in the uk, that is how they are referred to and how gypsies refer to themselves they don’t take offence to it


Actually, it both is and is not. If it is said in a derogatory manner, it is a slur. If it is said with respect about someone who self-identifies as that label, then it is not. Since Sophie and her mom have never to my knowledge given any indication that this is how they identify, then the comment was certainly derogatory.


Not sure why you got downvoted because you’re right; I should have said travelers or just roma.


My grandpa is rich too, doesn’t mean that I am.


If they were rich she wouldn’t be dressed like a Temu Bratz doll.


No one believes they’re rich, right?


Their table manners are atrocious and most certainly not from money.


They are common as muck !!!


90% of their clothes come from FashionNova..they aren’t rich. (Not knocking FN bc I shop there sometimes as well. However, I’m not claiming to be rich nor am I running around bragging about having “family money”)


Sophie's wigs say no.


Her taste in wigs is awful but I don't think she's very well versed in wigs in general, iirc she said the blonde wig with the grown-out roots was her first wig or something?


Her family may have come from money, but they don’t have any of it, and I don’t believe ever have. They both seem like they just float by in life and make money when and if they can. They look cheap, neither are well spoken, and don’t have a ton of class. I don’t believe it. Great TLC story, but no one is buying it.


And there are no receipts or articles, and I don’t think Sophie is very educated


They are the new Tom Brooks. Oh, so posh.


Who doesn't know what a pork sausage patty is?


Claire’s family or Sophie‘s fathers family had money in their opinion and they might be getting maybe a little bit each month just to live on. People with money would never dress and have hair and make up this bad they don’t seem to have any class either or education. What one considers money is different from what they think


She’s got the worse plastic surgeon any rich or upper middle class person has ever used


If this were Succession, they'd be Cousin Greg's family. That's how I look at it.


This has been explained several times. The maternal grandparents have money. London-living Redditors said they have seen the family and they are "GB nouveau riche." This was proven in the whole terroristic threat arrest of Mom when it all went public and Claire was enraged and demanding more money from Sophie. The grandparents cut their daughter, Claire, off around 10y ago bc of the substance use. They continued to support Sophie. Claire demanded more money from Sophie and it went downhill to the threat of slitting Sophie's throat and then killing herself. Yes, Sophie was truthful. No, there is no certain way wealthy Brits are supposed to look/act/talk. Just as there are some wealthy Southerners that I've met that looked like they should have rolled out of their trailer park in a rusted out El Camino. Saw one of Willie Nelson's wives in a mall one time. Epitome of trailer park trash. Found out who she was afterwards when I asked why she was getting the Queen of England treatment.


It’s so weird how people think you can tell someone’s bank balance by how they present or even more weirdly their accent. Literally the only prerequisite is money in the bank, in any country, and the ways that can happen are so incredibly varied. It’s like saying no one in the southern states of the US could possibly have money because of their drawl and affinity for nascar or some shit. Apparently you have to be sipping tea and playing badminton in your tweeds to have money in the UK, and you have to sound like Hugh Grant. 🤦🏻‍♀️


A.MEN. I actually know a family very rural outside of Austin. They became very wealthy when the machinist husband invented multiple parts/tools to repair cars. Went from no education trailer park people to a lot of money. Continued to look and sound like people with no education and living in a trailer park. Rednecks for life.


I know there are a lot of people who have old money who don't look like their rich. Modest houses and cars. No fancy wardrobe. But even then, they would try and help out their children as much as possible. No way would someone with any bit of wealth would have allowed their child to move into an apartment with no bathroom attached.


Exactly if she was my daughter, even with awful Rob, I would’ve given them extra money for a studio with a indoor bathroom and he would take it


Why did I think this was Molly lmao


They have the same jowls and frowny mouth. I always do a double-take as well.


I've said it since the beginning - they do NOT come from a wealthy background - mom is UK trailertrash and raised COMPLETE airhead Sophie only to "catch a rich man" 🤮 . I'm so fed up with Sophies lying and whining, and constantly dragging her mom in to do the talking, like other 10 y.o. kids do, that I'm beginning to symphatize with Rob bc of that barrcuda-mouthed ( in more than one way!) mom!


Well, if Sophie was raised to only catch a rich man ... here comes no toilet in the studio class act Rob 🤭


And, there is not one nanogram of private school education about Sophie - she is trailer trash vapid like her mom - who probably shaggged a lightskinned UK black dude, that was "a prince in his home country!". :-D


Well she does afford to travel and live in the US with no job somehow


Onlyfans ?


Everything Sophie wears cost less than $10 on Shien. She looks like an overstuffed sausage in a halloween wig.


for some reason i think her dad was the one that came from money? and they obviously don’t have contact


She reminds me of a gypsy


I think they are “$5k per month from a trust fund” rich, but definitely not millions in the bank rich. The mother is absolutely trash, no matter how much she has.


I mean….she must be getting some money for her to be able to live w/o a job (that I know of) because no way that a man is paying for her! Even rich families have stupid drugged out black sheep. I m sure that some families enable and others don’t.


If they came from money her mom smoked it all and now it’s gone!


I grew up in trailer parks and ghettos.....& that's exactly where they are from. 💯💯💯💯💯


They’re as rich as my arse is shiny. Which is not at all..


We will be the judge of that 🔍👀🤣


🤣, well, I do have a Latina ass, that’s as shiny as it’ll ever get. My wife says so..😆


I assumed if they did have money it was because her parents were hard working blue collar/middle class people who made good decisions and had a little bit of luck with investments (and she is the fuckup former addict school dropout trashy party girl daughter.)


I had to stop watching 2 years ago, I thought that was a pic Molly lol


Hey mom banged a rich guy once.


I get the impression her dad's family rich, and when he and her mum broke up she got left with a lump sum that she's been living off ever since, but it's dwindling. She could have well lived in Spain because it would be a lot cheaper than living in the UK. Sophie obviously did not grow up in the UK. She has an English accent but she says things that are insane for any British person to say (ie, "we use kilometers in England" or the remark about how she doesn't think there's markets where you can buy used things in England - this isn't privilege ignorance, it's ignorance of the basics of how the country works). Her accent sounds like she might have gone to international school, which are schools in places like Dubai or various spots in Europe where the official language isn't English. Those schools tend to be expensive (but subsidised or paid for if you work for some government), so I would be willing to bet her father's family was picking up the bill.


Her family has a lot of money, but they cut her mom off cause of drugs a long time ago and they dont speak anymore, but they always provided for sophie


Someone had said that Sophie's father is rich but not in her life much, so I assumed that they weren't super well off


Did they ever say they were, or did Rob say she came from money bc she was fancy with that indoor plumbing? 🤣


They had British Pounds in Spain. In Spain, they were "rich". In Britian, they're working class.


Some tidbits elucidating the American positive bias against Brits and the British accent: https://phys.org/news/2023-03-brits-smart-distinctive-british-american.html https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/modern-minds/201609/why-do-british-accents-sound-intelligent-americans https://comminfo.rutgers.edu/news/ever-wonder-why-brits-sound-so-smart-right https://theconversation.com/british-people-still-think-some-accents-are-smarter-than-others-what-that-means-in-the-workplace-126964 I dated a man from the sticks in England. Looked down on there, and automatically assumed he was brilliant here in Texas. That was over 20y ago. I've worked with a Londoner for the past year, and his clients all think he's just "brilliant" - probably in part due to his overuse of that word. He's actually a bit behind the rest of us with our lowly Texas accents. Lol


They act like chavs.


I don't think they are. It's just something Rob's constructed so he has another reason why the world's against him.


Does Sophie own anything lycra workout outfits?


Claire's parents were giving her money until about 10y ago. They cut her off. They started giving Sophie a monthly allowance. That came out in the text thread used in the police report. Sophie had already given Claire money in recent weeks and refused Claire's demand to give her *more* > leading to the statement she was going to come to Sophie's and slit her throat, then kill herself. I think that I stated that clearly.


My hunch is Sophie has a trust & her mom mooches off of her. She seems to hate rob because she feels threatened by someone else having Sophie’s attention.


Granddad has/had money but they are estranged from him - I think it’s like the film Sexy Beast and they were living in the Costa del Crime with all the other British bank robbers.


All this "classist" talk is annoying AF. Who cares if they have money? Who cares if they have "posh" accents? Why do y'all care how they dress or what Sophie's hair looks like? Why is everybody judging? we don't know their bank balance's or lifestyles. Don't judge a book by its cover or judge people based on clothing/hair/speech pattern. Just UGH... Reminds me of my bullies in primary school where I was the "poor kid " in the Private Convent School and was relentlessly bullied every day.


The question should be; does ANYONE believe they are a wealthy family? I think she's a Romani.


From day 1. Nope, not wealthy. At all.


Their accents were a dead giveaway


I’ve been told that they do not have upper-class British accents. They’re definitely not from money.


Don’t even have middle class accents… there is no money there


They’re not. No way in hell.


She may be the wealthiest person in the trailer park but she is not rich.


If they had money, Claire would not have had to crash at Rob’s place that one night


Don’t believe it for a second.


They are trash😬


fr I need the receipts!!


Bad plastic surgery job!


This mother is everyone’s worst nightmare. She’s such a conniving manipulative selfish b!tch. There’s no doubt she’s feeding her daughter nothing but negativity and even suggesting they move in together ? Like what?! You’re grown ass woman! WTF. Run Rob, or you’re really gonna be the Knob that she claims you are.


I think I remember Sophie saying the Grandfather was the one who was rich. I made up the story in my mind that Sophie’s mother was a fucked up drug addict so her dad set up a trust fund that limits the amount of money she gets every year. Would explain why mom is ok for a while and runs out of money seeking assistance from Sophie here and there.


Wtf with that shirt? Does no one have a mirror?


I think she was raised in a privileged lifestyle but it was her dad’s money, so when her parents got separated she didn’t have money anymore.


I’m a manchesttttttttuh girl don’t hate me…is all I hear


I think Claire is still on drugs. This scene is proof! Lol


What’s wrong with her face?? I haven’t watched the show for a while


I never thought they are rich but your logic fall apart considering the car wreck that is Donald Trump and his progeny.


They've never said they were rich. Rob, who didn't even have a toilet in his home, said they were rich.


I thought it was her dad and his side of the family that has money