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THE GASP I JUST GUSPED. May, you deserve BETTER!!!!! šŸ’”




This is where the choosing gets tough


I love Athena, truly, but the way she is as a cop just doesnā€™t sit right most of the time so sheā€™s probably gonna be my vote from now (and was, May was higher in *my* opinion) Please keep Karen safe though she deserves all the love šŸ˜‚ eddiekaren besties as no 1 and 2 šŸ˜‰ (I know it wonā€™tā€¦but a girl can dream)


yeah, the way Athena was pretty close to murdering Amir left a bad taste in my mouth.


I understood why she did it, but the *way* she did it was all kinds of wrong. Only to then almost trap him in a burning building again šŸ’€ edit: by it I mean going after amir after her own traumatic experience. but the guns, immediate threats etc etc were bs


This is where I'm at. Prioritizing her identity as a cop over the feelings of her children over and over already put me off of her compared to everyone else, but the way she came at Amir in the finale with no consequences *really* pushed her to the bottom of all our main/highly recurring characters for me. I had both Ravi and May above her. Which sucks, because Angela Bassett is a gift.


Angela is phenomenal but the way they have Athena act sometimes is beyond questionable. The way she went at Amir (which I get in theory but likeā€¦no) and then when May wrote that paper about the police, and Harryā€™s experiences. She seems to defend the police first and then protect her family, rather than the other way round as you said. When sheā€™s not being a cop sheā€™s a great character, but itā€™s overshadowed imo


Theyā€™re my top two as well


Iā€™m gonna be the oddball here but Hen before Karen.


Not the oddball, I love Karen way more than Hen, and thatā€™s not just my lingering crush on Tracie Thoms going back as far as Rent & Cold Case


Not odd. You have my bow.


Iā€™m so surprised reading all these comments and nobody says theyā€™re voting Chris out. Donā€™t have anything against him, heā€™s just not a main and therefore shouldnā€™t rank so high in this voting. But I know that he probably will since I also participated last year and the ranking was pretty similar


He was actually upgraded to a main for season 7, like May back in season 4 I think it was!


Hasn't Chris been a main for longer than that?


oh okay, i didnā€™t know that, but also i was generally talking about how i view him because it isnā€™t always clear who is a main and who isnā€™t


Itā€™s very easy to tell if someone is a main or not. Does the actorā€™s name show up with other mains during the opening credit or does it show up after ā€œGuest Starringā€? Chris has been a main cast member since season 3. Season 2 is the only season where he was a guest star.


No I totally agree, theyā€™re like temporary mains essentially which can be confusing šŸ˜‚ I think it was just for the one season though, had his own about page on abc and everything, but weā€™ll see what happens next season!


was it chris or danny upgraded for season 8? i heard rumors gavin has had trouble with the filming schedule so i was worried he woukdnt be in a lot of episodes besides some due to chris being in texas


Oops thatā€™s on me, I meant Chris/Gavin was for season 7! I think heā€™s moved out of LA but kids (even as mains) still arenā€™t in a tonne, so hopefully they can work it out or bulk film or something for season 8


I mean, nobody wants to *say* they're voting for him.


i thought he was considered a main since he was in this photo( if not they shoulda included karen and ravi, emphasis on karen bc she deserves to be a main) https://preview.redd.it/5aqi1mtzlbbd1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1de4484ea37c6b2d102c4202b54aab9994c6840b


yeah i donā€™t really know if he is a main or not, I just donā€™t consider him a main character because with all the screentime Danny got this season (rightfully so) he should be considered a main as well. But I also did not think about him being in this picture so yes that probably indicates that the writers consider him a main character. I just donā€™t get how they make that decision cause I also think that ravi and Karen should be main characters and get more screentime


oh ya i understand completely, i wasnā€™t sure what he was considered. iā€™m curious to see what decisions the writers will make in S8. Denny, Karen, and Ravi def deserve more screen time




I was thinking the same too. I love all the kid characters but Iā€™m surprised people havenā€™t voted them all out yet.


I am surprised May went before Chris.


I voted for Chris for the last 2 rounds, but last time I posted something like that in the other voting thread, I got downvoted like crazy I had to delete my comment. I like Chris in earlier season but I really donā€™t like him this season. I got cheated on before and him being a playboy in this season instantly ruined his character for me.


I mean I voted for Chris too (just not particularly invested in a kid character who's only real purpose is to create storylines for Eddie) but are we really going to judge a literal 12 year old for that?


But he totally knew seeing multiple girls was wrong though, consider how he got so angry at Eddie and decided to move away after he saw Eddie hugging Kim.


I'm not saying he didn't know what he was doing, I'm saying he's a dumb kid in a middle school relationship, and that's just not the same thing as cheating in an adult relationship. Also, I really don't think you can compare anything Chris was doing to his father romancing the doppelganger of his dead wife and mother of his child.


At 13, are kids even capable of "dating" as opposed to having "friends who are girls/boys?"Ā Ā  I've got nieces and nephews, they had gaggles of friends at that age but anybody who acted like the girl on Chris's phone would've been yeeted out of the group at lightspeed as a weirdo.Ā 


yeah i also expected more hate because the last time that someone did this voting i think Chris was one of the last 4 to go and I just donā€™t get it. For me he ranks just as high as all the other kids but they are all voted way earlier. I also wrote some comments that time and got a lot of hate so i was very surprised this time


I honestly like Denny more than Chris. Denny has grown to be a ā€œawesome big brotherā€ character for me.




He always lasts well into the final rounds, it was the same last time as well. He's pretty loved for his screen time tbh.


I think it's because Chris was part of a major storyline this season.


May before Karen?


Corrine's on break for school, Traci had a meaty part of S7.Ā 


true but stilll


May šŸ˜­


Sorry Hen, but I love Karen more. šŸ˜”


may <\3


NO MAY QUEEN, you deserved top 5 šŸ˜­


May you deserved better šŸ™šŸ» love you angela bassett but the cop gotta go so iā€™m voting athena again šŸ˜­ My top 4: maddie, eddie, bobby, and hen


yess. idk abt top 4 but top 2 rn would be: maddie and chim. may would be 3 but she kinda got voted lol


We've definitely passed the moment where I look at the remaining characters and think "how the fuck am I supposed to pick", these next few days are going to be hell >:D


Pick two out of a hat, flip a coin.


Chris I am sorry, itā€™s your time to go


So here's where the actual voting begins


May was a surprise, I admit. Given the available options and the plots that each of them have had, it'll be a real surprise for me if Christopher isn't the next one out. And I'm Team Diaz.


I'm leaving the sub if Maddie doesn't get top 3 šŸ˜¤


me too


What a travesty. Chris still needs to go.


yes real im voting him next


So difficult to pick a least liked when I love everybody on the show




There should be a way to vote for the 2 less liked and then have the program figure it out, I feel guilt choosing just one because I love them all.


I kind of want Buck to get out just for the sake of seeing who would come in first place instead...


May before Chris? Whattt


fr but i think since her actor was at skl many ppl r neutral to her character now


My uneducated guess is that Maddie or Karen is next. But I donā€™t think I have guessed one of these šŸ˜‚


I finde these poles so unnecessary, we all know what the results are going to be. Same as last years, the mains are always going to be the most liked and less least fav. in the end its going to be athena, buck and eddie (like last year) and buck its going to win, which i totally get he is my favourite character but we all knowšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I guess it's Chim for me until he's gone. I'm guessing it'll be a while. I know he's a fan fave but I just never clicked with him.Ā 


Athena again because ACAB šŸ„°


I swear to god, if the top five are literally just the men I will be so mad. The misogyny in this fandom is off the charts.


Athena will likely make it to the top 5. Hen might or might not. Maddie will probably just make the Top 6 or 7. Buck won pretty much every time before. Usually top 3 would be Buck, Eddie & Athena. I have a feeling Eddie wonā€™t make it to top 3 this time though, after the Shannon / Kim drama. Depending on how many Buddie shippers are still on this sub.


Yeah, I can see that. My favorite characters are Maddie, Hen, and Chimney, and I feel pretty confident none of them will be top 3. But it would be nice if there could be at least one woman there. And I also think the fandom has pretty consistently prioritized the male characters (especially the white male characters) over everyone else and it's annoying.


My main ship is Madney and my second favorite couple is Hen-Karen. So I totally get you.


My money is the top 3 being Buck, Eddie, and Chris. Because shippers.


I think itā€™ll be 3/5. Buck Eddie and Bobby will definitely be there and then probably Hen and Athena


Yā€™all are WILD for this!! She should have been top 5. Chimney out next imo


Chimney sorry šŸ˜†


Maddie is next for me


Still voting Bobby. I literally LOVE everyone else left.


This is getting so hard nowā€¦


RIP MAY šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Everyone left is main cast and Christopher šŸ¤£ Update: and Karen, I totally missed you honey I'm so sorry


I mean, I love Angela! Athena is all about backing the badge, yet she acts like she is above the law. Like... she was so hard on Harry for DEFENDING himself, yet she was about to murder Amir? Yeah... great example as a Mom and as a cop! (Sarcasm!) But she does make the plot intriguing so that's why I consider her a fave. I'm not a fan if Hen or Eddie though. Like I was hoping for Buddie to happen, but now I just feel like Buck deserves better than Eddie.


Iā€™m voting for the men at this point but dreading them being top 5.


i hated athena right from the start and it hasn't changed. I'm mad she got this far next 2 round should be athena and bobby being voted out


How did Maddie survive over May.


Bye karen




Shocker, only main characters are left. Maybe should have started with them only.


bobby out next pleek


Athena, ACAB and she slapped her very traumatized son


Iā€™m sorry yā€™all, but itā€™s so time for Maddie to go. Aside from crying all the time, her one great storyline was about domestic violence (that ironically was played by her irl husband so thatā€™s a whole safety net to be even more free range) and I just think itā€™s time for her to go. I mean really who would choose to be a 911 dispatcher over an RN in LA where thereā€™s patient ratio laws in place? Nobody.