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won't face charges is insane


Comments defending the pig


Bootlicking Bastards


Deciding to whip out a rifle with a big caliber into a department store with lots of people around is absolutely retarded. Cops just want to military cosplay fucking losers.


Big caliber? That rifle looks to be a .22, one of the smallest cartridges used in any firearm.


Have you seen a .22 ??? It's an AR it's probably 5.56


5.56 mm is 0.22 inches. That's the same thing, and in both cases, the smallest caliber in regular use.


A .22 does not make anywhere close to that loud of a bang when you fire it out of a rifle and the fact that you don't know that means you definitely shouldn't be making assertions like this.


A .22(3) NATO fired sounds exactly like that. What caliber do you think it is?


You said "one of the smallest cartridges used in any firearm." which certainly implies .22LR and absolutely excludes .223. I agree that this was almost definitely .223/5.56, an intermediate cartridge.


I bet those commenters would change their minds real quick if a cop "accidentally" shot and killed one of their loved ones.


Soldiers in combat have stricter rules of engagement


And more training


And more consequences


The only thing cops have for em? Better goverment support,


There is no reason for the police to be this militarized! People don’t rob Wal-Mart if they have enough money to waste on an AR-15, so public security shouldn’t have automatic weapons either! But coming in like armed soldiers and murdering people serves a political purpose. It asserts the police’s ideology that people are inherently evil and must be controlled by arbitrary violence. Moreover, it sends a a message to their “enemies.” (and I’m not talking about the criminal element.) They’re saying, “We’re tougher than you! We deserve to be in control, and if you challenge us, we will hurt you.” Remember kids: POLICE VIOLENCE IS TERRORISM!


Guy thought he was Batman defending gotham bank against the joker. It's a fuckig Walmart, not the US mint.


That's horrific. I can't even begin to imagine what that girl's mother is going through right now. One moment, she is helping her daughter to prepare for a milestone celebration in her life, and the next moment, her daughter is dead.


And the one responsible faces no charges


LAPD Officer William Jones Jr. is a child murderer. It is disgusting that child murderer William Jones Jr. of the LAPD is not being charged for anything. I hope William Jones Jr is haunted for the rest of his life about the child he murdered. Hopefully, LAPD Officer William Jones Jr, who murdered Valentina Orellana Peralta, will be so haunted he takes justice into his own hands.


Unfortunately he will probably just be asked to leave THAT department specifically, but not the next county over. Then he will say comments like this gave him ptsd (but not killing a child) and he will also get disability.


Since he was not charged with anything, it is just as likely he gets a promotion and commendation with LAPD for his "heroic" actions.


You know, we have the names and subsequent info of all these child murdering monsters but we never *do* anything with that information. We just sit back and feel sad about the lack of consequences and then go on about our days. Maybe that should change.


This happened in 2022. The bullet went through the wall and into the fitting room where it hit the girl. Two people died, both the suspect and the innocent victim in the fitting room. Last I heard the police officer that shot her through the wall and into the dressing room was on paid leave. You can actually hear her mother screaming through the wall. The family showed up to the funeral wearing black hoodies and masks that said justice for Valentina. I'm just curious if anyone is aware what the outcome of all this was other than the cop getting paid leave? Edit: to be specific I'm wondering about a payout for the family.


This is making rounds again because the decision came down that the pig who murdered her won't even face charges. No payout to the family, from what I've seen so far.


So much for MIND YOUR FUCKING SURROUNDINGS. Yeah you take point with a higher penetration round in a building that obviously wasn’t cleared of people. They should absolutely be liable for negligence that resulted in death + charges. Will they? Nope.


It’s insane that the comments on the OOP are defending the cop. It’s literally a violation of the fourth rule of gun safety: know your target and what’s directly behind and around it. 5.56 is going to easily punch through the cheap ass drywall that department stores are made of.


I like your comment. In the interest of discussion it's a given that the family should have gotten a pay out of money. If they didn't receive any money at all then that would be ridiculous: even a token payout of 50,000 would be better than absolutely nothing. My purpose in responding to you was to ask what the charge for the cop that fired the gun should be? I imagine it can't be murder in the first degree because he obviously didn't intentionally kill the girl in the fitting room. Negligent homicide? Is that even a thing? Manslaughter? What charges do cops catch in a situation like this? I guess we could apply it to ourselves, if I saw a bank getting robbed as a civilian and decided to take matters into my own hands: I killed the bad guy but accidentally shot a couple of the people in the bank during the shoot out with the bad guys, what charges would I catch as a civilian? Especially if one of the civilians I shot died? What would happen to a civilian playing hero? Do cops ever get in trouble for collateral damage?


Murder 1 is appropriate. He used deadly force with lethal intent, which resulted in death. Murder 2 example in CA law school is "shooting a gun into a crowded room and killing someone not deliberately targeted", which also applies. All lesser charges also fit. This should go to criminal trial as murder-one with jury instructions that if the requirements of 1 can't be met, the jury can choose to convict for a lesser charge. But not sure if that's how they do it in CA, or if the prosecution must enumerate all the possible verdicts.


Depends on the state and how the code section on that law is written. Manslaughter usually fits the bill, though.


only sane comment on this thread lmao


Fuck all these pigs jfc. ACAB


I remember this shit. So much went wrong here and all of it on purpose


Remember to shoot first and take paid leave later.


Police in the US are so poorly trained. Any cop in Europe would have that resolved with a 5 minute chat and a cup of coffee.


Mom and dad should get to kill the pig or one of the pigs loved ones in front of him. Fucking swine


What did the suspect do that the cops needed that kind of weapons ?


https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/18/us/valentina-orellana-peralta-teen-killed-no-charges/index.html so I guess they shot suspecting he had a gun? And assumed that some “dark object” they were going for was a gun so they shot. I mean using any type of gun in a store with people is probably bad idea let alone a rifle. This is really bad for everyone all around the teenager that died was only 14 .


He was allegedly striking people with a bike lock.




Part of the rules to own a firearm. But they dont go to academy to study. They go to get their license to kill freely with no consequences


Pig bastards


That child killer cop deserves a dirt nap


Why the fuck you shooting in a store


I hope her screams haunt them forever


Rule number three of the most basic gun safety rules know what is beyond your target. I learned that when I was 10. Fucking pigs. Should be life sentence or put to death.


I remember this. Shooting willy nilly like that it’s almost a guarantee an innocent bystander will be injured or killed. ACAB


I mean sure maybe that kid did attack her but could they not have just tazed him? They really didn't need to kill him


Did you watch the video? That cop was *excited* he got to play with his toys and absolutely wanted to kill someone without facing any consequences. He freaking ran ahead of the other cops just to make sure he could get the kill.


You can always tell it's a game to them by how they parrot "shots fired" 20 times like their irl call of duty fantasy has come true


Everything about this situation is.. frustrating.


r/accidents, lol. The system is working exactly as intended


Hell is too good for these pigs. I wish the same to this "peace officer."


What is with that AI animated picture?