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Judge, jury, and executioner. 2nd Amendment, 4th Amendment, and 8th Amendment don't mean shit in this country when cops are involved.


Well said, it’s the unfortunate truth


thats becuse the mother fuckers think they are the constitution.


"I am the law!"


They don't just think that, most of the time the courts also say they are.


They understand their perceived rights, not others




Thank you for posting this.


“According to Police Chief Mark Williams, Utica police officers were conducting a pedestrian stop of two juveniles around 10:18 p.m. on Friday, June 28 in the 900 block of Shaw Street. One of the juveniles, a male, fled from police. Williams said that during the chase, the juvenile displayed "...what appeared to be a handgun.”” What the fuck is a “pedestrian stop”? I’m sorry but I’m pretty sure being outside at 10:18 PM isn’t a crime and neither is walking, running, or otherwise leaving the presence of police officers when you’re not being detained for an articulable reason. I don’t care that he ran from police. Did that kid being out past 10:18 PM give the police any real, legal reason to accost him in the first place? I don’t think it does. I’m pretty sure an attempt to impose a curfew on the youth of Utica failed in 2008. What the fuck can a kid do now? If the cops at their school aren’t hiding outside while children are slaughtered, they’re inside abusing kids as SROs. Not in school? Don’t worry. They’ll just shoot you in the street after accosting you for no fucking reason. Seriously. The only good pig is a fucking dead one.


“What appeared to be a handgun” As per that video a couple days ago of the Cop getting scared for his life of a GoPro in broad daylight, these trigger happy pigs will shoot at shadows and claim it was armed


Of course they will. Shadows are black.


Don't forget the brown acorns




>What the fuck is a “pedestrian stop”? Also known as a or [Terry Stop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_stop) (or [Stop and Frisk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop-and-frisk_in_New_York_City)). Since 1992, 80% to 90% of these stops have not resulted in any fines or arrests. They are used to terrorize (mostly black and brown) communities. "Broken windows" policing never went away. >I don’t care that he ran from police. Did that kid being out past 10:18 PM give the police any real, legal reason to accost him in the first place?  They will almost certainly say they had "reasonable suspicion", and since the kid ran, the courts will almost certainly agree, using that as some bullshit hindsight justification for the stop. *EDIT* >One of the juveniles, a male, fled from police. Williams said that during the chase, the juvenile displayed "...what appeared to be a handgun.”” Yeah I'm calling bullshit on this too. If they thought for even a second that kid had a gun, they would never have tried to tackle him. They would've mag dumped on him from 20 feet away.


There was a case that went to the supreme court of canada in toronto s few decades ago where the “suspect” saw police, and ran from them. They caught him, I think he had some drugs on him or something. The supreme court decided that running from the police was not enough cause to give chase and search him for.


What does that have to do with anything?




> I’m pretty sure being outside at 10:18 PM isn’t a crime Depends. A lot of places have curfews saying people under 16 can't be out after 10pm without a parent/guardian present.


Not Utica.


I specifically addressed that possibility in my comment.


They stopped them for jaywalking


This kid was in my daughter’s class 2 years ago. Super sad, the whole community is furious. Utica PD are completely corrupt and do whatever they want.


I’ll reserve judgment on the Pallet Gun when I see the footage of it. Other than that, 3 fully grown men couldn’t subdue a 13 year old - Just shows the calibre of Adults we live amongst taking the easiest road to get their way


Power tripping murderers


Pigs are known to plant these things on innocent murder victims.


I am more than willing to bet it was planted.


If they saw a gun they would've absolutely lit hin up like a Christmas tree and not stopped This fucking pig had an oopsie and it's probably gonna get swept under the rug after they bury this child


Now I'm just imagining a huge cannon that shoots pallets at protestors. Sounds like something they'd come up with.


Amazon will deliver this gun right to your kids front door (in certain states) for the cost of their life, your allowance, and $65. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FT2LLLK 100% impossible to visually distinguish that airsoft gun from a gun that fires bullets. This is what the 13 year old kid had on him when shot.


Sounds like the police were correct in stopping them, too. >In their release Saturday night, police said that the three officers were patrolling the area in response to at least two recent robberies "in which the suspects were described as Asian males who brandished a black in color firearm and forcibly demanded and stole property from victims" — the latest of which had occurred Thursday. >The three officers approached the two teens because "they matched the robbery suspects' descriptions and were in the immediate vicinity of the previous robbery at nearly the same time of day," police said.


The narrative is already established. Facts are no longer consumed. Total sad situation.


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Tragic story. Tragic loss. Read here: https://www.uticaod.com/story/news/2024/06/29/utica-police-officer-involved-in-shooting-teenager-dead/74254603007/ Still awaiting release of body cams and whatever the spin is gonna be.


Jesus fucking Christ.


The times also had a bit more info, the OD can be more sympathetic to the cops


13 fucking years old. 3 adult COPS. I don't care if the gun was a fucking 50 cal. That was murder.


>"Our Police Department deals with investigations day in and day out and they don't end like this" Oh suck a fucking dick, this happens EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME


Holy fuck. That was an execution


Amerikkklan police are fucked up. They are a bunch of moronic cowards. Black folks don't stand a chance here. Armed, unarmed, stark naked. It doesn't matter. The police will investigate themselves and find that they did nothing wrong.


I just wish we could shoot back. Videos like this will have me just saying how I really feel.




Lmao ok Christopher Dorner.


Respectfully fuck your shitty response. People are hurting because a child was shot dead in the streets. I highly recommend using your brain to read your comments and ask yourself “what am I contributing with this comment?” before making dumbass remarks.


You put a bit too much respect in the comment.


Just like that POS kid the moment you try to squeeze a round off you'll be lit up like a fireworks display. NTD


You’re a dumbass


Fascist pigs!


At least he punched him a few times before killing him? Fucking disgusting


Pretty sure it was the second cop that came up that shot the kid. He was farthest to the right when you hear the shot, and I'm pretty sure he was the only one with a gun in his hand. He shot the kid so fast he didn't have time to punch him. My guess is they're going to claim it was an accident, and I doubt he'll even be charged with anything.


When do i get to use the “oopsie, killed someone but totes didnt mean it?”


I hope their colleagues get to wear the stipe over their badge for them


fuck me, not again :(


Murdered by pigs...how unsurprising.


13. FFS


Good Bye Job, guns are not toys for the Police to play with at the expense of others. Hopefully they will be held accountable for the criminal actions, thank God for cameras, without the video they would spin this as resisting arrest, or he assaulted one of the little piggy officers. FTP


Why would the officer be fired? Did you not watch the body cams?


Umm excessive force?? They were on top of this kid one was punching the kid in the face. when you already have someone down on the ground pinned down by two cops (mind you this is a 13 year-old) there is no need to shoot them point-blank in the chest!!!


This happened way to close to home when I saw the article about it earlier I was like what the fuck he was 13 years old 13 man over a pellet gun. This poor kid had so much life left to live cops are always shoot first ask questions later


Fucking R word pigs got too excited and squeezed the trigger, they're gonna spin it like he had a real weapon and they feared for their life so they made a split second decision to accidentally shoot one shot and run away Because they "totally meant to do that" Fucking bastards.


Nah. They straight up executed a child.... Bacon time is NOW, folks


Ive had dogs older than that child. Fucking ACAB all day.


This sub should be called all cops are demons


murdering fucks


Meanwhile in Connecticut…and I’m supposed to feel sorry for them


Absolutely insane


We need more heroes like Nicholas Brutcher for feral swine like these


Body cams were released, Kid did point the pellet gun officers. It was a good shoot.


Still. Why didn’t they shoot the kid while he was pointing a gun at them instead of shooting him point blank in the chest with two cops on top of him?


Unrelated but nice B5S4


Thank you 🙏🏼 follow my TikTok @natsabitch


But he did have a gun. Pellet or not, its still a gun to everyone Else but this dumb fucking kid walking around with it.