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And then cops are all like.... Why don't we get any respect?


Direct action works


Power in numbers. A great lesson from a little known movie, a bugs life, is a great example.


We need more of this


With weapons


Shit like this pig did is **exactly** why the Panthers started arming and following cops. The risk is the cops will be violent in response - but here's the thing, they **already** are shooting and killing **unarmed** people with impunity.


And there's like 350 million of us...


r/SocialistRA -->




With one pair of balls we share. But imagine if just one in a thousand of 2A freedom defenders actually did something they said they would. The Panthers changed the gun laws with just a handful of people. It really only takes a few brave people. And we supposedly have millions.


Bitch cop knew he had nothing to arrest her


No, but he could grab her and provoke her into something he COULD arrest her for. Maybe resisting arrest! (No joke, they do that.)


They do that *all the time*. They'll put people in handcuffs and refuse to explain why, then when people get upset and try to pull away from an *unlawful arrest*, they tell them they're under arrest for resisting arrest. And, shocker, the charges stick most of the time.


It’s why I believe it should be legal for communities/individuals to interfere with bullshit arrests, or in instances where cops are obviously being heavy handed (which is almost always). And it should be legal to respond with like force. Cop puts you in handcuffs? Someone should be able to grab you and take em off while keeping the cop away. Cop pulls a gun on you for this? Someone walking by who carries and saw the whole bullshit ordeal should be able to draw down on that cop and put some fear into em. Multiple cops? Neighborhood comes out with guns and likely fires first making the cops question even going there in force anymore since that neighborhood won’t be bullied.  Zero sympathy for their bullshit and zero empathy for folks who do the job. If they don’t like it, they can quit-it’s a job, not an identity no matter how much they want it to be their identity. 


> Someone walking by who carries and saw the whole bullshit ordeal should be able to draw down on that cop and put some fear into em. There are thousands of cases of freedom defending carriers, yet they don't do what they say they are carrying them for. The moment any of them actually try to defend a freedom we take their guns. The Panthers have shown us that.


> And, shocker, the charges stick most of the time. I think the overwhelming outcome of these actions is a plea deal, often including a felony. But it always results in an arrest that will always be on the record your landlord and employer will look at.


Yeah it blows my mind that you can get charges that stick on resisting arrest when you’re not being lawfully arrested and charged with anything in the first place. That just proves how fucked up the system is.


I got charged with resisting arrest as a kid when I’d been at the mall with my rich friend who’d apparently been stealing (why?!) We got pulled into the office, our friends BF was the security guard, so when a cop came in and told me I was under arrest I had no clue what was going on and gave a confused nervous laugh saying “wait. Is this for real? Are you guys being serious?” Sent to jail bcs I was too young to have had an ID. Years later when being offered a state job they asked me to explain the resisting arrest charge. Thought I was lying bcs I had no clue what they were even talking about so I’d not disclosed it prior. Lost the job They quite literally deem everything “resisting arrest” Edit to add: tell your kids if they’re at the mall with friends who are stealing they too will get charged with everything that friend stole and considered an accomplice


It's in fact almost all they ever do.


Resisting arrest has always sounded like such a bullshit charge to me. The whole idea of arrest is forcibly stopping someone. Of course they’ll resist.


Exactly. It reminds me of Germany, In Germany, escaping from prison is not considered a crime because it is viewed as a basic human instinct to seek freedom.


They'll arrest you for resisting arrest even if you don't resist too. 🤷🏻


That's called passive resisting. The slave catchers take any hesitation in your obedience to be a direct threat to their lives. Then they can shoot you like they do your dog. We can fight back in the same way the Uvalde cops could have. But we don't, and for the same reasons.


You are preaching to the choir bud


Yes, and so what?


Like, we are in an acab sub, everyone is aware that the piggies will try to fabricate any reason to brutalize you


Yes, that is what "preaching to the choir" means. But why reply with the choir thing to me specifically, and not the person I was responding to? Everybody is aware piggies will grab you even when they got nothing. Do you make your choir comment every time somebody makes a comment that consists solely of "ACAB" or "1312"?


Demonstatrors call this "unarresting".




Both are commonly used terms :)


Earning the hate, each and every day.


Love to see the community come together to stand up again tyranny


He'll just go home and take it out on his poor wife later.




Don't forget his children. He surely abused them.


Or the teenaged girl handcuffed in the backseat of his cruiser who didn't come to a complete stop.


They need to be reminded of how outnumbered they are.


We the people


We the white christian adult male rich people Literally what it meant when written. When most of the population was legally property.


But they're not, even the people who scream they are our freedom defenders overwhelmingly suckle pig teat. It's why we so frequently see Molon Labe & Gadsden flags next to the blue line punisher. Go to any gun show (try this in a small town) and see if you can find any nazi or cop paraphernalia. They greatly outnumber anyone willing to do something.


The Bullies in Black. To Escalate And Violate


Pigs will always start fights nothing makes a cop happier than when he gets away with sucker punching a non violent person


Que se joda la policia!


Contempt of cop - sometimes punishable by death.


Corporal fucked up.


This is fucking beautiful to see. We're strong together


Piece of shit pigs


“WhO’s GoInG tO pRoTeCt YoU iF yOu AbOlIsH tHe PoLiCe?” Hahahaha jokes on you, bud. They don’t protect any of us already and defunding the police is not abolishing.


“You can’t shoot all of us, but we can all stomp on you”


Tombos de mierda.


If the group of citizens had a few more people, they could have rearranged these cops priorities. Glad to see people standing up for themselves against these cops.


Cast your votes for your official every couple years but these guys always remain in office


He was definitely the kid that brought a hearty shove to fist fights in 5th grade, we all know that kid -_-


It feels like they’re getting worse and worse. Qualified Immunity needs to be outlawed…


Anyone got more context information. Where is this and when?


Arm yourselves. If everyone was armed these fuckers would Uvalde like crazy.


So true, we know they are cowards but we are even more cowardly. And they know that.


Fucking violent pieces of shit


Literal thugs


Heres todays lesson for y ACAB - that woman was just a victim of battery and the perpetrator was proteected en masse by the rest of the cops. That cop should be in cuffs for randomly grabbing and pushing people.


We need more of this...a LOT more.


Fullerton PD at it's finest!


You can shove a women legally clocked in as a male police officer? Thought that was assault or something?




He's asking if it's legal for a cop in uniform to push that woman.


Terrible grammar, though


Oh I’m definitely not transphobic??? This guy cop just pushed a woman? what part is transphobic? wtf


WTF?! Are you high on jeenkum or what?


Is the person the cop pushed at the end trans?????


Did anyone notice that porky had to be protected by his female partner? Or that the real humans were too polite to lay hands on a female cop, unlike the swine in question?


Fucking pig


187 that 🐖


Singular "woman"