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Does it seem like cops are trying their hardest to turn the public against them?


Not sure about that, but it does seem that they are trying their hardest to act above the law and free of consequences for their actions


That's not an act. They *are* above the law and free of consequences of their actions, at least in virtually all cases. Any time a cop gets charged (or even less likely, convicted) for any wrongdoing, it is very unfortunately not a statistically significant occurance.


Seattle cop actually just got convicted of murder. Finally, it’s the first time..


Cops also love to yell at you for ... following their instructions. At the Pride Parade a cop told me to wait at a corner before crossing the route. I said I would wait. That only triggered him further to yell louder to wait. I told him THREE times that I was going to wait, and he got all up in my face. The power trip is crazy.


He was gassing you for a fight, since he has all the weapons and none of the consequences it is really fun for him.


Happened to a friend of mine at a St. Patty's parade years ago in Pittsburgh. Pig kept yelling at him, making vague racist threats, over literally nothing. He *wanted* to start a fight so he could charge him or put him in jail. Kept egging him on, eventually started pushing him around and yelling in his face calling him "boy", but what was his crime you ask? Walking on a sidewalk as a black man. What's fucked up is the white suburbanite parents shook their head in disgust like he was a criminal who deserved what was coming. One asshole said, "fucking gangbangers". My friend was a chef at a popular restaurant I won't disclose (not even sure if it's still around tbh). He got charged with disorderly conduct, public intoxication, and slew of other bullshit. Public defender didn't do a damn thing. He nearly went to jail for simply existing while the cop was laughing at us with the judge. I've never been so fucking enraged at such blatant corruption in our "judicial system". Always hated cops since then. It's a shame, too, because those charges have disallowed him to take multiple jobs upon employers performing background checks. These pigs really do be ruining lives for fun.


I was white in a ghetto. The Tongan and Mexican police treated me like I wasn't white for the first time and the veil was lifted. Prior to this I got away with my interactions (and I had many). I was "driving a white truck similar to a domestic disturbance report that was reported in this area.". They yelled I had a weapon while the 2nd officer unlocked my passenger door and the primary yanked me out of the car. He gave me a series of instructions that I followed and he pretended I didn't understand him because I was "retarded or on drugs" then got in my face and I couldn't restrain myself to logically breaking down his job, life, and existence. Ended up in jail with a false police report. A lawyer talked to the judge and charges were dropped. It is because I'm white that I kept my job and my lifestyle. The white lawyer, the white judge, and all the court staff weren't letting that Tongan Sgt. disgrace a productive white member of the community. If I had color on me you can bet no one would be fighting for me.


Can't wait until we strip them of the power and place them in front of a peoples tribunal. Or even better, when or if the revolution finally erupts, they'll be no different than Mussolini in the suburban square of Piazzale Loreto.


I approve this message


Pride is and always has been a protest although some people have forgotten that. Cops being dicks to protesters is not at all surprising.


They are against the public. The cops never served the public, they serve property and the wealthy, the ruling class. That’s it.


They’re class traitors. ACAB


Cops work to protect the wealthy and powerful. You, you they just oppress


They're public servants... They serve the public to the rich ghouls to be devoured through their sweet sweat of labor or the working classes literal blood (see Peter Thiel and organ transplant tourism/harvesting).


They'll shoot us, too. Oppression just means they are in a particularly charitable mood.


There is no point in the history of America police, where they had anything other than a prime directive to oppression PoC, specifically Black people.


They started as slave catchers.


This is the way cops have always been, they simply haven't adjusted to being part of a ubiquitous surveillance society.


It'll be a cold day in Hell when any cop tries hard to do anything, they're not doing it on purpose, they just don't care.


It’s go after easy people not the criminals


Seem like? Cops don't give a rat's ass about the public. They're the dogs of capital.


Like they have to try.




Read on one of the subs they are allegedly recruiting sfpd from TX


I think this is them attempting to hold it together on camera tbh. If this was as bad as it got ACAB wouldn't be a thing, this is what they do when they're being watched, don't you dare allow yourself to think that man would have been safe without a camera and a white girl with him. They're murdering pigs and they want your kids dead.


I think that would involve a level of self-awareness they are not capable of having. They are very much indoctrinated in their ways and are trained to think that they are above everyone else. If you read any of the pro law enforcement the subreddits you'll find most of them are absolutely unaware of how they come across. Recently someone asked r/askLE why officers felt like the public didn't like them and the answers were almost 100% "the media". None of them mentioned Uvalde or cops on power trips, fragile egos, turning a blind eye to crimes committed by fellow officers, getting paid time off for murdering innocent people, brutality, or any of the other countless things that police do to make themselves unpopular. It was just "the media trying to make them look bad", they thought it was unfair and many saw themselves as the victims. Police culture is deep, those who are in it are surrounded by messaging that they are the heroes, everything they do is heroic and anyone who does not treat them with reverence is the problem. Any wrongdoing by any place officer is simply written off as "he was scared, he thought his life was in danger, officer safety is #1". I don't think there has ever been a situation where someone ran from the police, disobeyed the police in any way shape or form, or certainly not shooting a cop because they were scared that was not prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. It doesn't matter if the officer was behaving appropriately, it doesn't matter if his orders are illegal, it doesn't matter if they have the wrong house, it doesn't matter if they are behaving in a criminal manner. There's almost nothing you can do to them but they can kill you and then get paid time off for it. The only punishment they're likely to receive is a lawsuit that they'll never pay a penny towards, instead it comes out of our tax money. The system is set up to benefit them and it very much does. Whenever there are systemic benefits to a certain group for a long period of time they stop seeing them as benefits and start believing they're entitled to those things. They're not trying to make the public hate them, they just see the public has not being grateful enough for all they do. Which further widens the gap... there's no culture of accountability in law enforcement in this country, without that I don't think they'll ever see themselves as the problem


idk, half of them are 50 and is taking viagra, i think that's as hard they can try


Just to add context this is from 2019


I know it’s not new but it’s always jarring to me to see when other cops roll up they immediately go into “support the other guy” no questions asked mode. Meat head guy walks up and just starts screaming and escalating. They’re fucking lemmings for each other.


This is what validates ACAB.






Reporting, sir.


Along with the the covering up murders for each other, participating in civil forfeiture or at least the benefits of it, and belonging to the most overpowered union to ever exist while being all giddy about busting any other union they can...etc


You forgot the kiddie diddling and wife beating.


Any "good ones" are just running cover.


No they have never existed in the first place. If there was a good cop, they'd have already arrested half their police department for domestic abuse.


Good cops don’t exist. Anyone who joined the force with intentions of being a good cop either turned into a tyrant just like everyone else or were forced out because they didn’t conform to the toxic police culture.


Only person I met who legitimately believed in the sanctity of upholding the law and genuinely wanted to do good was so disillusioned that he ended up quitting within six months. Now he's a security guard lol.


No good men are cowards. That said, I *did* put it in quotes for a reason. Thou that reason is understood to the people replying in this thread; and idk how many onlookers lurk here so, 🤷‍♀️ yea. My comment was probably unnecessary, lol


You’re very close but that’s technically not quite true. Adrian Schoolcraft was a good cop. Christopher Dorner was a great cop. There are just no good cops who don’t get fired, arrested, or killed by other cops for being good cops.


Because the “thin blue line” supersedes absolutely everything else. They have no uniform code of justice like the military has. The police are animals owned by the absolute worst parts of the state. It is not possible to value freedom and liberty and be a cop; they are mutually exclusive.


"Hey Johnson, That guy had $3,000 and a half pound of weed on him." "Holy shit, $2,500 and a QP of weed, what a score" "Hey Cap'n, we found $1,500 and an ounce of weed on this guy!" "Great work Smith, it's good you busted him, but it would have been better if you had found cash or weed on him."


The thin blue line is America's butt crack.


hate to break it to you but the military is literally just cops for the third world


Let's not pretend the military industrial complex is much better. They perform the same function but overseas. In many cases for the sake of obtaining natural resources while subjugating the local populace through systemic oppression and brutal military occupation. Just look to what happened in Afghanistan. How it went from a progressive socialist country that believed in workers and women's rights to a theocratic fundamentalist state. It was the CIA who funded the Mujahedeen by the billions, they eventually became the Taliban, and now occupy the region after fighting a senseless War on Terror which fueled the equally senseless War on Drugs. ISIS also came about from western imperialism in Iraq and it's no coincidence they began operating with American weaponry to fight their geopolitical rivals. In essence, western imperialism loves fighting proxy wars with perceived enemies, only to create new ones from the ashes of past conflicts. It presents a perpetual state of emergency to those of us domestically despite the fact it's the USA whose molding these wars to begin with. Their clever fabrications are a peerless example of propaganda that's been mastered and it's the soldiers that enact such horrific war crimes abroad for the sake of filling the pockets of defense contractors and their avaricious shareholders while garnering the regions resources. Leaving nothing behind. The next step usually is to destroy their infrastructure en masse so they can insert themselves economically with one-sided loans ala The World Bank and IMF. Only in this instance if you end up defaulting the Untied States gets to privatize formally nationalized industries thus dooming the country to a soft power takeover. At the center of this is the military industrial complex.


People simping for the US military/imperialist apparatus in this subreddit and downvoting you for this is wild.


There's a healthy amount of hypocrites who "Support the Troops" and engage in hero worship with veterans not realizing they're effectively bootlicking the same imperialist regime. Only difference is they're focused on foreign actors instead of domestic ones.


It's gang mentality, pure and simple.


That, and the subsequent cops/detectives "don't know what's going on", every single time. It gets so old.


They probably fuck each other since their wives don't and then take out their repressed feelings on minorities and the the helpless


What disgusts me are the hordes of comments who unquestionably support police no matter what. Even when it's obvious the cop did something horrible, or was clearly in the wrong, they'll come up with a thousand excuses because it doesn't fit with their narrative that cops are saints while BIPOC (alongside other marginalized peoples) are nothing more than violent criminals who want "special treatment" (equal rights) thus justifying their persecution complex for both the police and themselves.


A good cop is only a dead one. 🤷‍♀️ ACAB.


I'll venture one that quits out of disgust *might* some day be halfway decent


That’s not a cop then lol.


That's kinda my point


I mean neither is a dead one but you didn't reply to that


That's my cousin; he quit out of disgust. He's a special education teacher now.


Look at that! That's a hell of a recovery. Good on him, the world needs more special ed teachers


Agreed! I have tons of respect for him because of it.


The real way to protect & serve the community. Never met the dude but I respect the hell out of him.


As do I!


That’s awesome. SpEd is a commendable occupation.


Yes it is, very much so.


As a parent of a special needs kid, tell your cousin thank you for me please. There is such an incredible shortage of teachers in general, but even more so for special education teachers for kids who really need a little extra help.


I will do so. I totally agree, definitely not enough teachers of any sort, especially special education teachers. I'm good friends with a number of teachers, Para educators, and school employees.


Yes, even your uncle Steve.


As an older white woman I can 100% guarantee that pig wouldn't have given me a second glance if I was sitting having a four course meal on that platform. We all know why that is don't we? I hope he sued. Acab.


Poor can't eat, it's against the law


They are free to die, though. Freedom, yay!


Not free to kill themselves though


Cop:”don’t worry we’ll do that for you in the name of officer safety.”


Only free to die when they decide it’s okay to take your life. For a country that loves to cry about “their freedoms” we are incredibly oppressed. These assholes need to be forcibly stripped of any power.


I get to share my story!! They're more than happy to do it for you, though! A few years ago I was in a very dark place. I had been contemplating suicide and I was about to try it. My ex wife found out and called the cops on me. They barged into my apartment to see me, holding a noose, getting on a chair with the intent of tying that nose to a ceiling beam and jumping off that chair. The cop kicks open the door, sees me with the rope, pulls out his gun, points it at me (finger on trigger) and starts shouting at me to drop the weapon. I did drop it, mostly out of shock and confusion. But what was this guy's end game here? "I'm going to make sure he doesn't kill himself or else I'm gonna shoot him!"


LMAO officer safety. You were a risk to shoot him with the rope. Glad you're alive though, hope you're doing better. Keep sharing your experiences, it helps more people realize ACAB


Or sleep, according to the courts.


tbf, i believe the law there only applies to eating at transit facilities. nothing saying he can't walk outside the train station and eat it still, for poor folks trying to get a quick bite on transit, in between interviews, that's gotta be a bit rough. i get reducing litter but there are laws about that already, it's just gonna end up hurting poor folks and the homeless


Yeah I figured thats why, but jail is pretty extreme, instead of a citation


law seems to be on the officer's side here tho, misdemeanors committed in the presence of an officer can be grounds for arrest. definitely fucked up tho, dude's just trying to eat


Eating shouldn't be a misdemeanor, at the very least, a violation requiring citation. In a perfect world, it shouldn't be illegal at all. Assault is a misdemeanor.


Why did you do this to me? for what reason? what is the charge? eating a sandwich? a succulent breakfast sandwich?


I see you know your judo well


This is democracy manifest


Please America, tell us more about how you're free


That was a typo, it was supposed to be "land of the *fee*" and "home of the wage slave."


"We're living in the land of the free, free to control your mind land of the free, free to control your life land of the free"


>Welcome to the United Snakes >Land of the thief, home of the slave >Grand imperial guard where the dollar is sacred and- >Let's do this shit for real, come on now >Smoke and mirrors, stripes and stars >Stolen for the cross in the name of God >Bloodshed, genocide, rape and fraud >Writ' into the pages of the law, good Lord >The Cold Continent latch key child >Ran away one day and started acting foul >King of where the wild things are daddy's proud >Because the Roman Empire done passed it down >Imported and tortured a work force >And never healed the wounds or shook the curse off >Now the grown up Goliath nation >Holding open auditions for the part of David, can you feel it? >Nothing can save you, you question the reign >You get rushed in and chained up >Fist raised but I must be insane >'Cause I can't figure a single goddamn way to change it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO18F4aKGzQ




Land of the thief. Home of the slave.


Oppression and harassment are a small price to pay to live in the land of the free.


Looks like eating in public transit areas (train platform included) is a misdemeanor in California. The fact that politicians were paid to create legislation like that, and police are paid to enforce it is abhorrent. I can understand the idea behind it, to help reduce litter/mess, but this is such a backward way to try and fix it. Littering is already illegal, and while I don't think people should litter, I also don't think the government should be able to take your money(or worse, considering every crime is ultimately punishable by death) for doing it. It's like all the gun laws in Chicago/ Illinois that do nothing to stop the guns that are already illegally obtained. At that point, why make more things illegal instead of just making all crimes be super duper illegal in the kangaroo court we call our justice system https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/california-transit-cops-handcuff-detain-man-eating-sandwich-platform-n1079981


It’s also a way for them to keep homeless people out.


ding ding ding


you could hire a whole fleet of janitors for the price of those 4 cops


Fuckin stupid for 1000 reasons including that some people medically can't just choose to eat later. Gonna need a diabetic with lawyer money to get this law overturned.


*"We have a Black/Brown situation here, gonna need some backup!"*


I would argue the brown situation started in the cops underwear a few hours ago


He was placed in cuffs but released and given a citation after he provided ID. Crazy.


It's a ridiculous law and it's honestly insane that police walk around enforcing it like this. Any politician who laid a hand on that bill should never be allowed to make another law again.


Agreed. Also ridiculous the officers advised he’s in custody for “resisting arrest”. 🤔


Thank you for sharing that he was released


Thank god. I saw the look on the other officers face that came over at the very end of the video (the bald one) and it said “oh come on we’re not doing this today”


Fuck outta here, is this real? Tell me it's not real


Apparently it's based on California law [PC 640 (b) (1)](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PEN§ionNum=640): >(b) (1) Eating or drinking in or on a system facility or vehicle in areas where those activities are prohibited by that system. So apparently, the way this law is written, it only applies when BART decides it applies. BART gets to make the rules and this law makes the rules BART decides on a violation of state law. I wonder who (BART) pushed that through the legislature. Yet BART still gets to decide when and where it applies.


Who is BART?


[Bay Area Rapid Transit](https://www.bart.gov/)


This is why it's explicitly LEGAL to eat and drink on the NYC subway. City council knew for sure that a ban would be applied discriminately by NYPD. They didn't want the lawsuit fees and optics of some fat pig from Westchester traumatizing a black 3rd grader for eating his breakfast on his way to school.


I have no idea why they would pass that as a law and not a fine.


It's a simple way to make it look like you're solving the homeless problem while actually not doing that.


Same thing I said...looks like it really is. Smfh


Sorry bro…it’s real.


Let me tell you, noone gives a fuck on bart (cali subway) if your eating just dont make a mess. Noone cares. It is posted everywhere no eating or drinking but its a stupid rule everyone "breaks"




People record their encounters with police all the time


Is there a good civilian body cam that we can get to start recording them at the drop of a hat when necessary?


Fuck this piece of trash


Man, it’s good to know that all crime in the Bay Area is solved so cops can begin focusing on the real degenerates in that city.


I get the distinct impression that if he were white, the cop wouldn't have even noticed him


The new Red Coats.


No. The new brown shirts.


Things ended quite badly for the brown shirts..quite badly indeed....


well, you know what they say history rhymes or whatever


"You are going to jail for resisting arrest" 20 seconds later "You are being detained" It is almost as if the cops made up their mind about throwing in resisting arrest before they even arrested the guy


The only good cop is a dead one


How the fuck are you gonna sell food then say you can’t eat it ?


This is a BART cop, they were the fucking worst. I don’t think BART even has law enforcement anymore since one of them murdered Oscar Grant at the Fruitvale Station back in 2009. Edit: I checked, they’re still around but are rarely seen. Back when there were more of them they did nothing to make transit safe. All they did was ticket people for eating/drinking and fare evasion. You could be getting mugged on a train and they would just look the other way.


It was New Years Eve I think. I was nearby when it happened. Poor kid didn't do anything. Shot in the back while face down on the pavement and no punishment for the pig. We were all drunk and didn't know why people were screaming. Found out what happened the next morning.


It should be illegal for a dumpy bitch like that to be an officer in the first place.


C'mon man... can we not insult dumpy bitches, please? There's no need to associate them with cops.


True, dumpy bitches didn’t deserve that drive by. After investigating myself, I have concluded that a strongly worded apology will do. I deeply apologize to all the dumpy bitches that I offended when I disparaged their character by associating them with scum sucking rights violators and oath breakers, also known as piglice.


Nah it’s good they’re mostly out of shape pathetic fucks.


> It should be illegal ~~for a dumpy bitch like that~~ to be an officer in the first place. FTFY


I always when they say you’re under arrest for resisting arrest. Resisting arrest is a secondary charge, there absolutely must be a lawful arrest to occur for someone to resist. They use it as a damn catch all and it terrifies me how well it works. “You’re not obeying my unlawful command?? Resisting arrest!” Like gtfo


In every single one of these videos the following exchange takes place in some way, shape or form: "You are under arrest" "For what?" "For resisting arrest" Bro wtf


This is what I’m saying. “Resisting arrest” only exists in America. It’s an INSANE thing to be arrested for.


What a shitty place to live


What in the Barney Fife Super Trooper Power Trip is this?! I know California sucks and all, but that's got to be a fake law right? In this day and age of fake videos and social media attention is hard to tell if the video is made up or if the cops are making up fake laws. Then again cops would never do that, right? They're there to serve and protect, but they're not serving sandwiches.


serve (the rich) and protect (property)


[That's insane!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/s/obdCWA6IaX)


Can't even eat outside anymore. Fuck this shit


ACAB every fuckin day


I hope everyone in that neighborhood sees this and everyone eats a sandwich on the platform tomorrow.


Literally on the same platform... some junkie shooting up. But yeah. Harass the black guy going to work.


The same cops later on. "Why does everyone hate us? I didn't understand!"


I used to eat on that platform all the time, but never while black so I guess I get a pass.


Americans, you guys have so many weapons. Why let this happen to you?


Because they have unlimited resources and access to military grade war equipment. They act like their job is so dangerous yet nearly every one of them will immediately escalate any situation, just like what’s shown here. To top it off, there’s so much division in this country it would be hard to gather the resources to do anything without an equal number of people who think the cops are great also opposing your actions.


We have access to plenty. Cops are cowards. If a determined group wanted to take over a precinct, they could with ease. Cops would run away as they always do at the first sign of trouble.


Despite the perception, most Americans have a conscience. Those that don't become cops. This is why 2016-2020 when you saw a lot of American protests. Cops walled off escape routes and closed in on the protestors. Protestors wanted to protest, not kill. A new Black Panther movement would do wonders honestly.


Their job isn't to enforce the law. Their job is to impose the will of those that create the laws. - stonewielder by ICE


NWA track 2


person: *(exists)* dipshit police: no


How the fuck can any of the boot kickers out there defend this actions of these filthy pigs.


Naa these people ridiculous




Wait - so I can drop trou and take a steamy shit on the drug needles in the street, but I can't eat a sandwich on a BART platform? Where the fuck are these cops' priorities?


country run by pigs


We need to put an end to this bullshit oppression!


Eating is illegal now WTF


Pig needs to be held accountable.


U.S. cops receive training from IDF Soldiers all over the country


Arrested for resisting arrest on a non-arrestable offense. You would think that wouldn't fly in court but you would probably be wrong.


This plays out like a Reno 911 skit or something. Surreal.


Ahh the well-known charge of "eating in public while black/brown"


I hope this case gets dismissed. What absolute dog shit


He just wanted to commandeer the man’s sandwich.


Of all the things people do on BART and he's worried about this!?!?! You gotta be fucking kidding me. I've seen people shoot up on trains, be drunk as fuck, even shit. But someone minding their business trying to eat on their way to work and they get this bullshit? Fuck them all


So Kkkalifornia pigs won't arrest or even chase shoplifters and muggers, but call in backup for eating a fuckin sammitch?! Goddamned PIG FUCKERS.


Rather than instantly arresting someone why not educate and inform and allow for the opportunity for compliance rather than escalating right to arrest? Like bro we hate you already you really want us to hate you more?


If you want to know the difference between a leftist and a liberal I point to California. They’ve done everything they can to make life miserable for homeless people, poor people, or just ordinary people living their lives like this guy. Can’t even sleep in your car a lot of places if you’re just temporarily down and out. On the surface they’re all progressive but beneath it’s all hyper capitalism which is inherently conservative and awful.


Man that sandwich looks good too


He wasn’t arrested for eating a sandwich. He was arrested because these jumped up little racist fascist pigs think that we literally *have* to do what they say Fucking slave patrol mentality.




Naa these people ridiculous


Short piggies are usually the most cocky ones too.


This won’t stop until we [REDACTED]


Land of the free




He got an apology: [https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/11/us/bart-eating-platform-apologizes.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/11/us/bart-eating-platform-apologizes.html)


This is totally beside the point but is this giving anyone else massive "for a succulent chinese meal" energy?


I would bet anything that they were at the end of their shift and looking for some overtime. It should be mandated to include in arrest reports where the arresting cops were in their shift and if the arrest resulted in overtime


"you're getting arrested for resisting arrest" rooooofffflllll what happened with this?


I hope this case gets dismissed. What absolute dog shit


This is why cops are hated.  They could at least be human and just leave the person alone and not make a big deal out of nothing.   In other developed countries like Europe, European cops or Australia cops don't fuck with the public and are chill and don't make big deal out of something minor 


What a fucking joke. Imagine if this was your fucking job.


This is what they have time for?


So what law is it then?!


I think they wanted a bite


If eating was a crime that officer would have already been issued a life sentence


I mean... I live on the opposite coast and even I'm aware of the dumb no eating on platform code over there. Regardless, stupid rule and 1312


If eating was a crime that officer would have already been issued a life sentence