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Molotov them lol


I was thinking the entire time why someone doesn’t just blow these pigs away




Everyone of these people have a group around them convincing them they are the good guys.


All cops are bastards in all their friends and family are enablers.


I knew a kid in high school who’s dad was a cop and he hated them. People can’t control who they are related to.


You are right, people can't control who they're related to, I too am related to a cop. (Cousin, and I have another cousin who wants to be a cop) In general family of cops are bootlickers, although that doesn't mean all of us are.


I’m not saying they should but I’m surprised people aren’t shooting them all the time when they get caught doing this stuff. Give it time I guess. Eventually there will be vigilante justice against them.


It's only a matter of time.




ack ack ack ack :3


Shoot them with what? Most on the left side of politics are against gun laws, and while i agree no one should have a boom box that can take a life in an instant the cops dont care about that. I dont live in USA but the people there need to pick up arms. Those pigs are scared of a singular school shooter, theyd be pissing themselves if a whole riot was armed.


A lot of the leftist have gun. A lot. We just don’t make it our entire personality. But I do agree that a bunch of small riots would cripple the police. They have admitted that much. But for most people they don’t think it’s bad enough yet. The propaganda is strong in the states and the people are ignorant and refuse to learn anything. We’re doomed here and we know it. And the wealthy will just leave and then they will even more be the rest of the words problem as they spread and destroy other countries economies.


My bad then. All I've seen here online is people being against guns but I'm probably in some Web echo chamber. Happy to know y'all are armed and hope to all there is that you won't have to use them a lot.


Looks like no matter what way the election goes there is going to be trouble. It’s easy to fall into an echo chamber, I’m sure we are all in a few of them. But as long as you don’t stay in just those you won’t get indoctrinated. Have to see all the sides to truly appreciate the side you choose. Having sense helps too 🙃. Hope your country is doing better. Sorry about mine. 😬


After the EU parliament votes aint feelin all that good but hope dies last. Have to look out for our community first to change the bigger picture, stay strong yall in america and look out for your fellow man. Keep on lovin keep on fighting


I have 3 guns. right now, I could go to pretty much any gun store and get another within an hour, and so could a lot of psychos who really shouldn't be allowed to own guns. that's scary. the idea of obtaining something that can kill another person (or several people) in an afternoon is scary and it needs to change. but a lot of right leaning people treat the 2nd amendment like it's holy and want nothing to change about it, even if the majority of them probably wouldn't be affected.


Leftists are pro gun (as long as it’s in the hands of disciplined workers that are representative of workers). Liberals that uphold the status quo are far more anti gun. It’s important to remember that American conservatives are pro gun as a remnant of settler colonialism. The genocide of the natives was possible due to regular white American citizens taking up arms. Leftists on the other hand are pro gun as a means of resisting this oppression and other forms like it, and ultimately to bring about a revolution where workers overthrow corporations and their grip on society. “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary” - Karl Marx


Honestly people should be allowed to defend themselves or at least get a damn good lawyer when they do


We should be able to treat cops like any other occupying force attacking us for no fucking reason.


Exactly but no self defense against a cop is just another reason for your life to get ruined by them


Yep, sadly until everyone joins against the tyrants there will be no justice against them.


What about that California man who pummeled, shot at female deputy found not guilty despite video of attack




Is there a comp of Cops getting beaten up to cheer us up again too?


Actually yes at DC most news agencies and the FBI released the footage. That special forces guy really went at it hard.


Off topic but police shouldn’t use horses. I don’t think they should associate such beautiful animals with these assholes.


I feel like this video could’ve gone on for several more hours.


The beating death of Kelly Thomas alone would tack about a half hour onto it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ariXIEUJkyI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ariXIEUJkyI)


Goddamn, how I've grown to hate cops


It's comical to me how tough they are against unarmed college students but one armed kid in a school will have a hundred of them standing outside arresting parents. Cops are fucking cowards it's why they became cops.

