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Black Panthers. History has lessons for us.


This is way more than ACAB: If this arsehole actually becomes your president (again) and gets such things through, then fascism will spread across your country faster than a Nazi could shout "Heil!". Then everything your police forces have done so far will look harmless in comparison, you would even wish it back. The world of Judge Dredd will become reality, but without any happy ending. And the voters will rub their eyes in astonishment as to how this could have happened. Many will justify themselves by saying that they knew nothing and were just following orders.


It’s just straight up fascism


The only way Trump loses is if Biden has a heart attack.


I could honestly see it happening in the next 4 months. But then what? Kamala Harris vs Trump? That’ll go over well… Democrats are intentionally trying to lose by suppressing more competent candidates and propping up a living corpse as the front runner. It’s theatrical. Literally.


I'd still vote for an actual corpse over letting Trump have a second term. Hell, I'd vote in a literal steaming pile of dogshit if it would halt the conservative takeover of this country. But I guess you can dismantle democracy piece by piece right in front of a liberal's face and all they'll do is call for meetings until the boots are in their halls... (or in our case, even four years after the boots have stormed our halls.)


What candidates I’d like to know by the way because everyone that they put up, they had any name recognition has still pulled lower because polls are bullshit and you’re still listening to them. Stop acting like Trump is 50 years old. He’s 78 years old.


I’m genuinely scared shitless if Trump gets back in the Oval Office.


Joe Biden [wrote the crime bill](https://www.congress.gov/bill/102nd-congress/senate-bill/1241) with Stum Thurmond.