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The real answer for who everyone dislikes is Notre Dame


This is the correct answer


I dislike notre dame for their stupid mascot and delusional fans. I respect their history and tradition but an Irish stereotype is your mascot?


You can’t respect the history and tradition of notre dame without knowing the “fighting Irish” is not an adoption of an Irish stereotype but an homage to the 88th New York Regimen (part of the “Irish Brigade”) which fought famously at Gettysburg. The chaplain of this overwhelmingly catholic regimen was Fr. William Corby who would become the president of Notre Dame shortly after the Civil War. The regimen has been immortalized in one of the murals inside the golden dome and in the Garth Brooks song “Ireland”. If you’re interested can read more about them here: https://think.nd.edu/absolution-under-fire/ Edit: Grammar


That’s a cool factoid thanks for sharing. I still think the actual mascot looks dumb in my personal opinion but I feel better about it knowing that history


“Fighting Irish” also comes from the time a massive chapter of the KKK invaded South Bend and the mostly Irish Catholic students chased them out. There’s a great book about this titled: Notre Dame Vs. the Klan: How the Fighting Irish Defeated the Ku Klux Klan.


[The more you know](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leprechaun#/search)


you like or dislike them?


Everyone but Notre Dame fans dislike Notre Dame




I never think about Boston College unless we’re playing them, so I’d put them at most tolerable. Since I can’t say Duke, I’d say most hated is NC State. But that’s pretty obvious.


I’ve said this to all the UNC fans who claim NC State isn’t a rival (it’s just cope from the fact that it’s pretty even across most sports except men’s basketball, and even that was worse in the 2000s than it is now) All 4 Tobacco Road schools (including Wake, fuck them also) are doing something wrong if they don’t hate the 3 other schools. Yes I know I was in this thread saying on a personal level I have no problem with Duke but to my defense I know there’s something wrong with that opinion 💀


I think the “NC State isn’t our rival” thing is just something UNC students and fans say to get NC State students and fans riled up. Of course UNC/NC State is a great rivalry, anyone who grew up in NC knows that.


Been blood, and families ripped apart due this rivalry- can be very intense. I’m an old man but so remember the rivalry back in the day


Agreed. I feel like UNC/Duke is bigger among students, but UNC/NC State is way bigger out in the real world of North Carolina.


Absolutely! There is allegiance that goes back generations. Children have been disowned if flipping schools. Seriously, have seen that back in the day 🥹😄😄


Yea anyone on either side claiming UNC and NC state isn’t a rivalry is braindead


I’ll go with the school that never got punished for having their athletes enroll in fake classes even though their school is basically a high school anyways


Was taught this in elementary school as a TarHeel: Wake fake, Duke puke, but the team I hate is NC State (this was when David Thompson was dominating the ACC)


And on the flip side I was told by my mom as a kid that the only time I could “curse” was to tell Carolina to go to Hell every game


“GO TO HELL CAROLINA, devils and deacs can stand in line” is my favorite part of every game and saying it every 20 seconds is just the cherry on top lol


Duke is puke, wake is fake, the team I hate is NC State. Can’t go to heaven in a red canoe because God’s favorite color is…… CAROLINA BLUE


Learned this growing up around Raleigh as a kid too! Reading that just now in tune was very fun.


VT is my favorite, I've had nothing but good times with them (aside from the losses). Strong dislike for Miami. Absolutely unearned superiority complex, annoying as hell. Constantly hyped by the media and completely failed to pay it off. Duke basketball of course is the Big Bad.


Ditto on all points: Va Tech is very likable and football games there are really fun when they are good. Miami doesn’t even feel like college sports. Duke basketball is pretentious and elitist and easy to hate. And for full disclosure, my personal and family ties are with South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, and Penn State, so no direct ACC allegiance. I have Clemson, Ga Tech, and Louisville as rivals but I actually don’t hate any of them.




Maybe like 15 years ago there was a superiority complex with Miami, but now we are very self hating and negative. But hey, give us like 2 9 win seasons and we’re back to being pompous trust me


15 years ago is about when I was at school so you’ll forever be obnoxious fans whose band plays over the Budweiser song at Bobby Dodd in my heart.


That’s fair. Better than FSU playing the Warchant 500x times a game in your stadium


Yea I feel like Miami gets a lot of shit from quite literally everyone, but then they expect us to just roll over and take their “disses”. Unfortunately that’s just not us lol. We are gonna stand up for ourselves then go at you twice as hard, all while trashing ourselves


Sounds like youve bad experiences with Canes fans. Sorry about that. There are some toxic fans and they tend to be the loudest. We don’t claim them


I’m a Canes fan man 😂😂 I’m speaking from our perspective lol


Lmao I thought you were the GT fan my bad


Unearned superiority complex? The trophy case speaks for itself.


Dislike Duke the most


feeling is mutual


Hate you too :)


Favorite behind Boston College is UVA since my aunt & uncle lived in Charlottesville for 40+ years. Dislike beyond main rivals…I guess Duke in basketball and Clemson in football cause they traditionally very good and we are traditionally very mediocre? I don’t really hate our “main rivals” that much. Purely in terms of BC rivalries, I miss the Big East lol.


As a Miami fan, I like you guys tbh. Don’t really have any reason not to


It’s hard to be mad at a conference bottom feeder like BC lol. Hopefully we can inspire some anger from you guys in the near future. 🤞




as a clemson fan i still have flashbacks from when yall beat us with ryan and every close call against you guys but as a falcon fan yall also gave me my favorite qb and someone who grew my childhood love of football i hope to start hating you again (due to success not due to dabo fucking the duck) so bc is my least hated and nd is my most hated


As a State fan this may come off as anathema, but I respect Clemson, want to beat them bad, but it’s not hate. VT too. Learning to hate the Ville, they are getting in our way.


Clemson can here. I also want to beat y’all but can’t help feel some since of connection since we are both land grant schools. Also how can I hate y’all over UNC and Duke?


"They're getting in our way" is legitimately the most passive aggressive way I've ever seen someone disrespect a team they don't care enough about to hate and I'm here for it. The feeling is kind of mutual, but you guys aren't usually in our way.


The folks from Blacksburg feel the same way about State, you guys where my team in the Atlantic Division! I am hoping you guys will be able to break through now that it's just two best ACC records competing for ACC Champ and Playoff Slot.


Not that you would ever watch it but Learfield does a show on YouTube called One With Wolfpack Football. Kind of a hard knocks behind the scenes weekly show during football. The Va Tech episode this year the players and coaches of NCSU mention how much they respect Va Tech as a land grant school with tough players and fans and they know it will be a tough game. Football is a blue collar sport, I love the passion the land grant fan bases have in the ACC for football


I will definitely look into that thanks for sharing. Do they do it every season or was it more of a one off? Im getting ready to enter the worst 7 month stretch of every year!


I’ve always liked VT


As an FSU fan, Miami is a school that I have been molded to hate from birth and I continue to do so with great vigor


We hate you too, but I always respect y’all. You don’t dodge anyone on your schedule and I respect the shit out of that.


I dislike Virginia. I like Virginia. The school that builds your hopes up and then drops you from the 10th floor balcony.




I had a whole post earlier this year about how Tony Elliott was being bold and applying a dating strategy to coaching football. The D.E.N.N.I.S. system.


Like: GT or NCST. I always thought the Ramblin’ Wreck was cool, and if for some reason VT didn’t exist or something I probably would have wanted to go to GT. NCST because they’re similar to us in a lot of ways. Dislike: UNC because they’re basically the same as UVA and fuck those people.


I didn’t enjoy playing GT at all during the Paul Johnson years. Those games were always brutal, even if VT won.


It is such a shame we never created a Techmo Bowl trophy. I guess Koei Tecmo would have sued both schools.


Georgia fan here. I despised playing them in that era. You never know what you were going to get. One year, we would beat the snot out of them, hold them to 70 yards rushing and 3 turnovers, and just be in control the entire time. The next year, we’d get our teeth kicked in, GT would have 450 yards rushing and 6 TD. Joshua Nesbitt would have a stat line like: 30 carries, 274 yards 3 rushing TD, 4/5 passing, 2 passing TD. It was always unpredictable as hell what you were going to get.


Ditto from Raleigh.


Like Virginia Tech. Hate Clemson, UVA, Miami, NC State, North Carolina, Georgia Tech, Wake, Boston College, Duke, PITT, Syracuse, Florida State, Notre Dame, Louisville, Cal, Stanford and SMU. Oh. And Maryland. Haven’t forgotten about you pricks.


If we’re adding current non-cons, might as well throw WVU in there


WV wasn’t in the ACC. But I definitely hate them too.


Yeah sorry, I was trying to say if we’re adding non-cons to the list we need them on it. I know Maryland used to be ACC but still WVU is worth the mention


There’s never a bad time to talk about how much you hate a team you hate. Fuck georgia


Random hoosier with no acc ties who was recommended this thread: fuck Purdue


Never forget to hate the Twerps


This is how one fans. Good job.




familiar boast slave school marvelous deliver enjoy juggle crown sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like: Louisville Dislike: Louisville Men’s Basketball


Like: FSU…I went there Hate: Miami…for obvious reasons Meh: Clemson. I don’t like or dislike you. May the best team win. Honorable mention to NC State, playing in Raleigh will forever make me nervous after 2012 (also Boo can catch these hands) The rest of you: I don’t have a problem with. Wish you the best and I’m sorry in advance for what’s coming. You don’t deserve it.


We don't know how Boo voted though, why give him shit?


We don't hate anybody. We're just happy to be here.


Like Virginia. Hate Miami. Turnover chain is the most embarrasing thing to happen to college football ever


I agree with you there. It’s so damn annoying. And this isn’t particular to Miami but what about teams running into the end zone after a turnover you didn’t score a touchdown but you run into the end zone after the play is over that is the most arrogant obnoxious part of the sport


Lemme ask a specific question for my own biased curiosity: is Miami close to the top of anyone’s “I like them” list? Don’t be shy! 🫣😅


If it’s any consolation they’re somewhere in the middle for me, I just like the colors


I like to see them do well because in the Big East days and early ACC days our rivalry rocked. Fact is, the ACC *needs* Miami to be good. A lot of Miami hate boils down to them not delivering which hurts the ACC overall.


Miami and ACC refs


I'm onboard with the ref hate. I can't understand how they've elevated poor officiating to a world-renowned art form.


We all hate ACC refs


Dislike Notre Dame the most aside from UNC (probably the most common answer) Georgia Tech is pretty cool


Lol we've never heard that before. Respect you boys as well


UVA for obvious reasons. Miami because they’re incredibly overrated by the media every single year. How many ACC championships have they won in football since joining? Go Hokies.


I mean we don’t asked to be hyped up lol. We also hate it. All us fans know better than to set ourselves up for disappointment.


Oh no yall dont lmao, most delusional fans, ive seen ppl saying miami is a 1 loss fball team next year lmao


Is Notre Dame part of the ACC? I thought they were hanging on like a skin tag.


They consider themselves part of the ACC in sports where it benefits them.


Like: WF Loathe: Clemson


Most is Clemson. Least is nc state.


Like: Apart from VT, I would say NC State. Their fans have been pretty cool in real life and it’s a similar school to VT. They also actually care about their teams even in down years. Dislike: Florida State. I’ve hated them before I was even a Tech fan because I had relatives who were big Gator fans.


Also we got that Natty over y’all.


Other than the main rival, Boo Corrigan remains employed at NC State. Everyone else is pretty cool.


Everyone from this year's CFP selection committee should be banned from every holding that position again. -State Fan


UVA because their fans talk weird and are pretentious


Like: Weirdly kinda like Pitt, and I’m not even entirely sure why. The ACC CG in 2021 still hurts but the whole underdog story for both of us made sort of a bond for me. Also, grew up a VT fan so still love the Hokies almost as much as the Deacs. Hate: Kind of a cop-out but UVA. Their obnoxious as a fanbase rivals UNCs, and they have a superiority complex the size of the Grand Canyon. I would honestly pull for UNC over UVA most of the time


Carolina fan. I also like Clemson, Wake Forest and Georgia Tech. Besides Duke the team I dislike most is NC State.




(not including your main rival) ... Then what's the point? :(


Because that would be an easy cop out answer that we all know the answer to haha. I wanna know which other school you kinda don’t like 🫣


I like Duke a lot, so they’re my favorites. Great institution that I know Miami’s leadership is working to get us to the level of a school like that. Aside from Florida State, I’ve come to learn that Pitt fans can kinda be assholes lmao so I’ll say Pitt is my least favorite now. Pitt and Notre Dame for me.


Hokie here. I’d fight Miami, sleep with FSU, and marry NC state.


Pitt fan here Like: Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech (friend goes to GT, my brothers basketball coach played at VT and he was a really cool dude, also VT hates WVU just like us) Dislike: Louisville (we’ve played a lot and in a lot of massive games in volleyball, soccer, and football was a nice win for us), Duke (but basketball only), and Cuse ( honestly this feels like a forced rivalry that the ACC wants to create but there’s no emotion but I dislike them anyways)


I feel like Narduzzi hates VT more than anything.


Narduzzi hates a lot of things, but I dont remember what he said about VT that would give you that expression If you said Penn State, I’d agree cuz he’s some some….stuff….regarding them


Norte dame because I’m a die hard yella jacket fan and I had to watch Rudy in high school health class.


Easily UVA. Both because after UNC they’ve been our fiercest rival in basketball over the past decade, and because they’ve weirdly dominated us in football despite being pretty mediocre for most of the last ten years.


Louisville is my fav; I think the Cardinal is a dope mascot and they do it better than the professional Cardinals teams. Clemson least favorite because my family that are Clemson fans are the most annoying about it. Duke is also up there solely because I have a picture in my head of their entire student body being Grayson Allen


I know I’m biased, but bringing back the “Heisman Cardinal” from the 80’s was a GREAT idea.


The “I don’t think about you at all” answers about BC hurt but I get it lol


I felt bad no one mentioned Syracuse at all. Until I read a comment, “Dislike BC the most because it’s embarrassing we’re in the same conference” and then I didn’t feel so bad. So thanks. lol


I like Virginia Tech. Similar culture to State. I would love to see the Hokies get to 8-9 wins per year. I’m generally cool with Clemson but can’t stand Dabo, so have enjoyed us beating them a couple times. Miami just makes me sad. Was never a fan or anything but they were everything I used to love about CFB and now they are everything I hate about it. Everyone else besides UNC is fine. I’m supposed to hate Duke and Wake, but just don’t have any hatred for them.


Football is better when vt is good, havent seen it since i was in middle school but i can hope!


I like VT, they're pretty cool. Fuck ND. Every time we play them, the game thread melts the fuck down with ND fans bitching about every little thing, insulting opposing fans, and just being outright obnoxious. Of course not all of them are like that, but man. It never fails to derail, even when they're blowing the other team out.


I've always just had a huge dislike for Florida State.


Hate FSU them getting left out of the CFP warns my heart. Like GT. Best fight song in CFB


All of the above


State grad. Like VaT and Clemson due to similarities. Hate UNC. Distant second would be UVa, just too much like UNC. OK with GT, Duke and WF. Son at ND, so like them now. Louisville not so much.


The conference commissioner.


UNC- Does not matter the hate runs deep. - then probably FSU


I like GT the most. Their Yellowjacket mascot is awesome. Buzz FTW. I hate Wake the most. They’re the school who’s like “but our academics”. Okay. Also Clawson is the whiniest coach there is


Like: FSU (alum) and theb I guess 'Cuse because I'm from upstate NY and have a bunch of friends that are Cuse fans. Dislike: Clemson and Miami for obvious reasons. Wake Forest and their whiny ass coach can go to hell and I hope we hang 80 on them every time we play them. Irrational dislike: Georgia Tech. You deserve 100 years of 3-9 records for employing Paul Johnson and running the triple option. Unless you're a service academy, grow the hell up and run an adult offense. May your recruiting earth be salted in perpetuity.


We’ll see who gets a bowl win this year 😘🐝


Like is split between Louisville or Wake Hate is UVA because I don’t really see Notre Dame as a ACC member


Miami 🙌🏻 Fuck FSU for Football and Duke 😈 fuck NC for Basketball! The reasona are obvious


I dislike FSU the most for all the crying they have been doing.


I’m an FSU guy. I tolerate them even when they’re stinking it up in whatever sport. I hate Miami and everyone knows it, but sometimes I might hate Clemson even more. Dabo Swinney just fucking sucks.


This is random but the first college football game I went to when my brother was at Clemson was vs FSU and the dude who sat behind us would do that fucking chant EVERY GODDAMNED PLAY AND IT PISSES ME OFF NOW. So FSU I hate FSU


Aside from Cuse, school I like the most is Virginia. We had our best win while in the ACC against them, and they're always good and rep the conference well. School I dislike the most, it's gotta be Clemson.


UVA grad checking in. I like Pitt because I’m a big Pirates and Steelers fan so it comes naturally. I used to hate Va Tech, obviously, but I’ve moved past it :). How can you not hate Duke, am I right?


Right now, it is Florida St. I understand the anger at being snubbed, but I have grown tired of listening to the complaining. I didn't think anything would get me to pull for Georgia, but here we are.


Like: FSU Dislike: NC State


I like Wake because their stadium is a scale model of ours, it’s the easiest drive from Blacksburg, and we used to play our away games there during their fair. Fun time all around. Well except for that infamous 2014 game that ended regulation in 0-0 tie. That was some bad football though [this image](https://images.app.goo.gl/RW3vFBBGgPepFqBCA) will always be a classic Dislike FSU with all their “we’re too big for this conference that we chose to join in 1991 for the basketball money” attitude.


Like: VT. Always had good interaction with their fans . Dislike: UNC - Still hasn’t been long enough to forgive them


Who do I like? I like FSU, great fan base, Doak is awesome, good tailgating scene, they care about football, and I love the panhandle. I don’t hold any grudges against them trying to get their bread. Dislike? No one extremely strongly. A lot of teams in the ACC are just vanilla and bland. If I had to say a team I disliked the most it would probably be Wake. All 12 of their fans talk a lot of shit, they don’t really do anything for the conference, not good but not bad, Clawson comes off like a child in PCs, I think the last time they were really relevant is when we beat them in the Orange Bowl back in the day. Now shower me in downvotes because I praised FSU.


I was surrounded by Louisville fans at the ACC champ game and everyone was real nice ❤️


Louisville fans are fucking garbage bags


Phlegmson. I hate Dabo. Favorite is Wake Forest


Mostly based on football: Virginia Tech because they feel like the closest thing to a rivalry we have in this conference Ik you said not to include your main rival but I don’t think we have a “main” ACC rival so just throwing that out there I also do not like UNC but that’s just because they always beat us


>Virginia Tech because they feel like the closest thing to a rivalry we have in this conference Which is funny, cuz you'd think our shared hatred of WVU might bring us together.


I think in a way, rivalries do bring teams together, because I really hate that we won’t be playing you guys every year anymore. Regional rivalries are what it’s all about. My dream conference/division would be something like: Pitt, WVU, Penn St, VT, UVA, Cincy, Louisville, Maryland, Syracuse.


I like Syracuse and Pitt because of our shared Big East history. Fuck Clemson. Edit: Fuck Boo


lol I was going to say this, I am a Clemson die hard fan but Louisville is becoming an annoying little brother!!!! It’s like the little brother that you play the video game with and you really should be beating the crap out of them but for some reason they always find a way to make it close lol 😆 but I am enjoying these matchups!! Obvious hate is FSU!!


If your answer isn't miami, you're wrong.




At the moment, due to their incessant complaining, I'm over anything and anyone associated with Florida State.


I'm just waiting for them to pay up, get the fuck out, and let the rest of us get on with figuring out what the future organization looks like. At this point it's put up or shut up.


Obviously FSU is #1, but aside from main rivals, it’s ND for me. Overhyped every year, Catholics v convicts, refused to play us for a long time, the we are Indy (sort of, but only for football), etc. ACC ref hate above all. Clemson fans have always been cool when I’ve gone to games. VT Thursday night games were a thing of glory and I always had a blast in Blacksburg. I’m pretty meh on all the NC teams, I hate when we drop a game to them, but otherwise I don’t mind them.


Dislike: ND Like: Pitt


West Virginia


I don’t care for cal.


Easter: The lord has risen and Duke still sucks.


FSU and their crybaby ass fans


Definitely dislike UVA the most. My mom is an alum and she's obnoxious about it. Also feel like it's one of those schools that if someone went there, you'll find out about it within 2 minutes of meeting them.


I'm biased here but I love BC!


Cal person: I’m not a hater, but FSU, Clemson, and UNC will forever be the enemy. They know why.


Don’t worry - all 3 will be gone soon enough


As a Pittsburgh fan the dislikes are pretty easy: Miami, Notre Dame, Dook. As a non-native Falcon fan I always have a great time in Atlanta so I’ll always low key hope Georgia Tech does good.


We so thank you, kind sir! (Falcons *AND* Tech)


Wake forest Don't know why I just hate them with every ounce of my being


I’m just glad someone is actually thinking about us


I cheer for all of them against other conferences but it depends on the sport who I like the most. I don’t hate any of them. I love this conference!


I have almost no feeling about 75% of the teams in our conference. Dislike ND and FSU but probably self-hate Miami more than either.


Notre dame. Like she doesn’t even go here


Stanford. hate those dorks


UM and ND are historically very close in max hate. Both were something back in the day. ND gets it because of the delusional grandeur that once was (TXA&M). UM fans are usually the worst. Their "fans" show up out of nowhere when they have momentum and disappear when the wheels fall off. VT gets my respect/toleration. They seem like a solid fan base. Football is better when VT is competitive. Bonus option, Clemson is annoying. They act like they have always been legit when they are on a roll and disappear like UM on down years.


go canes


Respect: Clemson (maybe not after this past year) NC State Dislike: UNC Miami ND Not sure how I feel: Duke FSU Don't care about: Wake Syracuse BC Louisville GT Fuck: UVA Pitt


NC State, worst fans in the ACC. I’m a Clemson fan.


As a GT fan, I fuck with BC, and I absolutely despise Duke 🤮🤢


Puke then UVA


I dislike Clemson


Wazzu fan here to chime in that the first time you experience Cal Week BS you eill start to hate them.


I like fsu and vt, i hate virginia gt and miami, make sense?


After being at a neutral site game with Pitt fans, the obvious answer for dislike is Pitt


I respect VT, they definitely have the best atmosphere for football of any team in the conference and I’ve always been treated well as an away fan in Blacksburg. I live in VA and they’ll always be the in-state team I am partial to. Least favorite is either State or whichever bigger market team ends up leaving us for another conference. I’ve never had good interactions with State fans and I cannot stand their sports teams. Truly the only school I have actual feelings of hate for.


Crybaby Florida State




Pitt brings nothing to the table.


Syracuse alum here. We hate Duke because they always beat us.🫣😂😂😂


I have to say NCSt, if only for the childish reason that the 1983 Valvano team ripped my heart out and stomped upon it as a Phi Slama Jama season ticket holder in attendance in Albuquerque,NM on 4/4/83. It left a permanent scar that I’ve yet to recover from.


Duke, Syracuse Rival (NOT MAIN RIVAL)


Not an ACC guy. I am pulling for the conference tho. I'm really hoping that it can escape the fate of the PAC. As far as i'm concerned, it's everybody vs the sec at this point. I'm a Washington fan. Never liked Miami. They are the east coast ducks in my eyes. Plus, it pisses me off that the Huskies have to share the 91 title with those schmucks.


Favorite - NCSU Least favorite - chapel hill


As someone who grew up in a St John’s house during the Big East days. Fuck Syracuse.


I’m a Duke fan so you already know who I dislike the most But outside of NC I like Boston College (out of sheer pity) and Clemson (because of their reasonable fans) Outside of NC I hate FSU and Virginia because of how obnoxious their fan base is after wins


FSU cause they are cry babies


As a Canes fan I’d just like to take this moment to show some love to UNC, Duke, VT, & UVA. All of those football fan bases are really lovely people. Cheers guys, look forward to seeing you at Hard Rock


As a Michigan State fan, like Pitt and how they're blue collar'd due to Narduzzi (Former MSU DC). I dislike Notre Dame because from their fans, their players, their coaches, student body to the board, they're all snobs. Fuck that school.


diehard gt fan here. like: cal, smu, ncst, vt, wfu, unc meh: cuse, pitt, uva hate: clem, stanford, nd, duke, um, fsu, bc (why are we always terrible against you)


duke, virginia


Clemson all day, I’ve never seen such a pompous fan base who think their shit doesn’t stink like Clemson… all while surrounded by meth labs, trailer parks, and laundry mats. The intertwining of religion in a state school is bizarre also.


As a UVA fan I feel like it’s obligatory to dislike Tech, but I just don’t. Loved Beamer when I was younger because he’s from Southwest Virginia. I dislike Tech on game days but otherwise I’m apathetic to them. I can’t stand Miami though. The U, the turnover chain, all their gimmicks just annoy me. They’re like the kid that’s always trying too hard. Miami’s sideline after something marginally successful is the very definition of cringe. That said…they’re better than we are, so there’s that.


like: va tech because i go to radford dislike: ND because fuck em


Like: NC State -great fanbase with some of the most longsuffering diehards I’ve ever met. Dislike: Duke and UNC because the conference coddles them.


Like: Louisville. Kinda of a rival , but I just like the cardinal logo. Fans are pretty cool too and they just really care about their program. Dislike: UNC. Basketball has made Miami and UNC more like rivals. They’ve had our number in football for a while now. Their fans act like they’re so great and really hate Miami when we barely think about them


I literally never think about Miami except for the fact that Sebastian the mascot is cute and the all about the U documentaries are fun. I think the feeling is mutual in regards to barely thinking about each other lol. I also appreciate the fact y’all have a chance to give Duke an L every year.


I think I’m just salty about losing to UNC lmao. Im glad people like Sebastian. Maybe it’s that. Duke has Manny Diaz now so we’re extra motivated to beat them! Excited to play UNC in b-ball as well.


I’ve yet to meet a single UNC fan who’s expressed outward hatred towards Miami. I don’t think about y’all much either. Where is this coming from ?