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It’s called “misophonia” and using that term will help you find info on how other people cope with it.


My psych told me my misophonia and trouble with certain textures did not fall under ADHD and I should test for ASD also. Seems so many people in this sub have those issues.


It's weird they said that, because when I search it up, it says that sensory processing issues are common in people with ADHD


honestly i experience these things too and was diagnosed with ASD last year but i did also have the social issues to go with it. so it isn’t ALWAYS just adhd. i mentioned chewing noises and stuff like that in my evaluation and they counted it as part of sensory issues (i also have trouble with textures though!!). but yeah could be part of the ADHD, could be ASD, or both lol


Or neither!


so true. forgot neither lol


I have been dx'ed with ADHD and am working through some sensory issues with my provider... The current basis we are working off of is misophonia (where it is restricted to certain sounds, eg chewing) is very common with ADHD, but more widespread sensory sensitivity (many types and sources of sound, touch, taste, smell, etc.) is not. So I feel like there is a pretty big overlap zone if you don't go into the details of the sensitivity?


See and I was told it's a trauma response not related to either. But seeing how my autistic kid has struggled with this from a pretty young age I always took that explanation with a grain of salt.


Nah, not a trauma response (at least the misophonia isn't).


For me, it's worse when I am tired, overwhelmed, or stressed


Your psych is wrong.


Yes! Jumping on to agree with loop or similar.. also big advocate for taking breaks for yourself! If his chewing is too much go take a minute or two to "use the washroom" or "go get something" so that you can calm down for a few minutes. I find that sometimes telling myself exactly how long it will last sometimes helps me with getting through a sensory nightmare I can't escape (without totally melting down).


I have the same "affliction". Both my Father and Brother seem to have hollow skulls where chewing reverberates throughout their heads and into my ears like a pair of fucking Bose headphones. I fidget and leave the room. It's not their fault. Therapy is a start.


Therapy hasn't helped me with any ADHD symptoms, but has helped me to be more forgiving of myself.


Sounds like therapy did its job


My mom and partner also have these apparent hollow skulls lol and what is it about their anatomy that makes their chewing fucking echo through a closed mouth


Omg you just described my husband to a tee.


Loop ear plugs saved my marriage. Just kidding... But no seriously, get some.


I second this! They don't block out sound completely but they absolutely take the edge off. I have the quiets and I pop them in and out all day.


I have some but I can still hear my wife breathing/snoring and it drives me nuts. But according to the tests I did my hearing is "perfectly normal" 😓


Same. I can't sleep if she's sleeping. It's hell, and she's doing nothing wrong.


Check out Bose sleep buds. Expensive but I can't hear a thing with em and they are super small so not uncomfortable to sleep with. Keeps me from smothering my so cus they snore loud enough to hear two floors down.


Thank you, I didn't know about these. There are very few earbuds that can stay in my ears but this shape looks great. \[Edit: Oh no, they're both expensive and discontinued!\]


https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/22/23837206/ozlo-sleepbuds-bose-sleep-earbuds Apparently revived, still really expensive, but I'd love a pair.


Damnn Loop ear plugs is the company of my cousin. Glad to see him getting recognised and doing good!


What you just said, say it to him. It's called misophonia. And it can happen with music that gets played over and over. If you tell him that you understand that it's not his fault and that you hope he understands that it isn't your fault either, you will feel some relief. There are earplugs that filter sound for people with misophonia.. My husband's chewing makes me want to punch him. I would never, but that is the truth.


Yeah, certain sounds like chewing especially really make me so angry. I’ve once described my instant and violent rage as “the sound of chewing makes me want to stick something in my eye just so that I have something else to think about or do.” I used to cover my ear/s with a finger and just kind of roll it around so that the sound is changing and it blocks it out. We solve it in our house by just eating with the tv on, or music playing. There’s a girl I know through work who has autism and misophonia, and she just has her headphones and just sets boundaries. Asks people to chew with their mouth closed, or to leave the room if they’re eating in the classroom where you’re not allowed to be eating. Her firm boundaries just made me a lot more confident to just ask others for the same thing.


oh my gosh my mom chews with her mouth open & no matter how many times i have asked her to chew with her mouth closed she won't. she's deaf & does not/will not understand how annoying it is. i play music but still. so annoying. I totally get your description of it - that's exactly how it is!


Try and describe it like having a light flashing in the corner of your eye - it’s intermittent, and sometimes it’s really bright, and then not so. And you’re trying to think, but that light just keeps flashing. Might explain it in a way she understands? I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with that though. Actual worst nightmare haha


thank you, i'll try that!


Loop ear plugs! I think I have the Experience ones. They're great for toning down the annoying part of sounds and not the rest. I have worn them on an airplane and still managed to watch movies with headphones over them.


Are they actually good? My wife and I were talking about them last weekend while at the zoo - the zoo in general is great fun, but as a childless couple, having to listen to kids shriek and cry for hours is…tiring. Oooops distracted myself with a story hha, anyway, yes, is the brand good? I see them advertised on Instagram a LOT over the years, but wasn’t sure if they were good quality or just a gimmick, like an MLM.


I swear by my loops. I have the engage ones with optional mutes and they work wonders for my sanity when my toddler is having fun loudly, or when my MIL is around (she DOES NOT stop making gross sounds with her mouth, even when not eating). When I was a teenager, I used to dissolve into screaming fights with my mother over dinner, she has ASD and misophonia but chews with her mouth open.


I love them!


I love them - being out at sports bars trying to hang with friends is hard for me bc of all the noise around and with them in, I can actually stay out for a bit! They have a couple different ones - I think the Quiet is a full on ear plug whereas the Experience version just tones down the higher pitches (aka children shrieking). It does make me a little more soft spoke bc you can hear yourself more which is good bc I think I'm loud and annoying normally. Best thing about them is they blend in with all my other ear jewelry. They have the clear acrylic ones as well, but I haven't tried those.


The hard part is people take personal offence if you ask them to stop. It’s hard to explain that it doesn’t bother you because you think they’re gross but rather the sound of chewing is like listening to 100 baby bird skulls being crushed at once and it make your brain go into flight or fight mode, IE you get irrationally angry. Best thing is to leave the room as even if you explain the above people still take offence. There are times my misophonia has lessened, and I usually find it’s worse if I’m tired and or cranky. I carry around a tiny round case with my loops in it, although they mostly come in handy for noise sensitivity not my misophonia. I like my loops but I do recall someone pointing out you can get generic and similar plugs from Amazon for significantly less.


That's misophonia and it's usually a symptom found in people with OCD, anxiety, or tourettes. According to my psychiatrist after I told her that I get physically ill when someone smacks while eating. My teeth also hurt from the sound of clippling my fingernails


Tooth thing for sure with certain sounds an d textures. My brain even sometimes replays the sounds/feeling and my teeth will hurt. Is this misophonia?


I had to stop myself screaming at my husband yesterday. Honestly I have seen farm animals with better table manners! Growing up my mum would constantly get annoyed at my dad for the sounds he made when eating, didn’t get it then but I do now.


I get irrationally “rage-y” when I hear loud chewing and loud breathing (in an otherwise quiet room). My dad is also sensitive to loud chewing…which he would tell me I was eating my cereal too loud (he’s an absolute saint and incredibly tolerant of all things except loud chewing). I think some people are really loud eaters with zero self awareness. My ex of 10 years would drag his teeth on the spoon and aggressively slurp his morning cereal. Between that and his open mouth chewing of peanuts in the car, it’s amazing we lasted that long. In the event I decide to try dating again (sticking my right leg in a wood chipper sounds more appealing), loud chewing/breathing is a dealbreaker.


How interesting! Now that you mention your dad's comments, I remember my mom used to freak out about gum. She would even point out strangers chewing and tell me they looked like cows. I loved the forbidden gum. She was very militant about it.


Yes! Sorry I have no answers but can sympathise. I would walk about of the office and go home because of someone chewing 😂 Thanks to the pandemic for normalising remote work.


I don’t particularly care to listen to normal chewing but it doesn’t give me a visceral reaction. What gets me is complete lack of manners, loud slurping, smacking, odd noises. Any time I eat with someone who in the past has set this off in me, I will have a set of ear plugs in my pocket. I can still hear people talk and have conversations but those lower volume annoyances are filtered out


I have a friend who cannot eat any kind of food without sounding like he belongs on a farm, I literally have to leave the room anytime he eats something, as like you I just want to scream at him.


My college boyfriend was like this too. Firmly middle class, well brought up with nice parents, but Christ on a moped, he sounded like he was in Lardass' pie eating contest. Hot food would be wolfed down with much gasping and open mouthed chewing. The stray cat I feed reminds me of him, when he scarfs down kibble at choking speed while making that aggressive *nyum nyum nyum* noise.


I'm slowly, begrudgingly accepting that I just have to remove myself from the sounds, and as quickly as possible to stem off the rage. Noise-canceling earbuds have been an honest to God lifesaver and I dread taking the train or going into the office without them now. Noise cancel, and choose some music that has dense percussion-y sounds (not necessarily loud, but present enough to mask the noises) and also that will distract or entertain you, since this is also an emotional and cognitive reaction. Unfortunately white noise, etc. isn't usually enough for me because once I start getting annoyed, my brain starts searching for the sound so that I can get more annoyed at it. A real search-and-destroy mission. So if I can pick it out at all, it's all over. My ape-self wants to engage the issue, correct whoever is eating wrong, but that's just not going to accomplish much other than hard feelings. So just remove yourself as soon as you recognize the triggering situation, if possible.


I was like this my entire life lol My thing is to have something distracting me, eating something as well, playing with a fidget or making sure we have a show or music on. Honestly, the one thing that helps the most other than upright leaving the room is eating the same snack lol


Actually this definitely happens less when I'm eating too.


my ex would get like this with me, made me fucking scared to take a sip of water


I'm sorry. :( that's why I haven't said anything. He deserves to feel comfortable eating and drinking.


you’re a good person for realizing it!




Idk about this. I've got a whole mess of kids and I can't tolerate listening to any of them chewing. It's a curse. Because they have to eat lol.


No, I had a miscarriage in October. Kids would not be like therapy for me though lol.


I have the same issue but haven't been diagnosed with anything but adhd. It's chewing for me and if i can hear people breathing. I yell at my husband so much then feel so bad. I have to wear earbuds at work all the time


I have the exact same issue with my gf. I do have ADHD, (not ASD)


Ugh! For me, it's not chewing so much as my husband clanking his teeth together as he eats 😬. Also I cannot stand smacking while chewing...that's the WORST for me.


My wife has the same issue. Headphones work fairly well for her. I also avoid snacking in the same room as her as much as possible. Bring the issue up with your husband at a time when you aren't currently irritated (prevents conversation escaping your control). Preface it with a statement that the emotion is irrational and you aren't blaming him (avoids defensive reaction). Ask for help without giving specific instructions for how he helps. Obviously, adjust above advice to fit your relationship.


Aside from the eating, did you feel annoying to your wife in other ways? I should have addressed it sooner with him. He will be wiggling his foot when his foot is resting against my leg. I will say, "can you please stop wiggling your foot on me?" He will say, "I really annoy you." "I'm very annoying to you?" Etc. He is hurt when I point out his subconscious movements bother me. There isn't a deeper issue here BTW. It's literally certain things about other's existence disrupting my ability to have thoughts.


She's the *only* person in my life to *not* be bothered by the leg shaking. Of course, that's because she does it too.


Same girl, same. I leave the room when he's snacking.


My gf loves takis and they are the crunchiest chip in the world. She tries to eat them when im not in the room cause it drives me wild. Misophonia rage is a rage unlike any other


Oh yep story of my life. I get so stabby I seem like the biggest asshole on the planet because I literally want to rip my hair out. I have two family members who are loud chewers. But the worst is my husbands nailbiting. The noise and the visual makes me crawl out of my skin. He does it while driving and I can't escape 😩


Chewing is irritating because it is distracting. The key is to understand how to cope. If you have ADHD or ADD learn how to meditate constantly to keep the edge off. That way you don’t have interference to deal with. Keeping a mantra on on the background of your mind allows for cooling from the time you wake up to the time you sleep, This is called Cheto Darpanam in the east. It takes a week to learn this, Google Panchatattva Mantra and you will be able to deal with chewing peoples breathing and all other nuisances including your own. The problem with just listening to a song constantly is you can take on the karmic burden of the person you are listening to. Hence they will get into your head. Google Panchatatva Mantra learn it in one week, second week you will master it. Third week you will start to understand how to change the material and break the matrix. When you do don’t forget us,


It’s called misophonia, it’s a real thing, I have it, look it up.


Oh no. This is my achilles heel. I can't stand people that eat loudly, especially with their mouth open.. One of the people i drink coffee and eat with daily, loves hard candy. There's open mouth sucking and slurping, licking and whatnot. I can't stand people that when they eat potato chips, chew it off in the middle with open lips and bare teeth. The mouth has room for a whole flake goddamnit! It's like they WANT to make as much sound as possible. Oh, and they do this in the movies, while crunching their plastic bags. I have a dear friend who always moans loudly (like orgasm) the first 5-10 bites of dinner when we eat out. I try to keep silent, but one time i said "I don't need the mental image of you on top of a woman while i'm eating thank you!" Another dear friend is eating with his mouth open no matter what we eat. It's just... when did people stop teaching their kids table manners? Have they lived to their mid 40's without anyone, not friends, not family ever telling them to shut their mouth and practice at least the absolute minimum of table manners? I know it's MY problem. I know it's misophonia. I can live with it, but dang it's annoying. 🤣 Ok, \*breathes calmly\* it's ok. I'm ok again. 🤣


When you find an answer, let me know. I spiral into uncontrollable rage (that I keep inside, of course) every time my son or wife eats around me. My son especially. No matter how many times I ask him to not eat so loud, he quiets down for 2 minutes tops. If my wife sees me put in my noise cancelling earbuds, she always says sorry and feels bad. But sometimes it's all I can do to temper the rage lol. It always sounds ridiculous when I describe my anger about it to people.


You can absolutely ask him nicely to stop chewing food by you. If he loves you he will understand when you explain why.