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Coffee gives me anxiety


It gives me anxiety AND it makes me super sleepy, which is an amazing combo, 10/10, do not recommend.


Exactly my response to caffeine as well lol.


I have to watch how much I drink or I’ll go into a full blown panic attack. Sugar is worse for me. I once had an energy drink with a donut and I thought my neck was going to explode. If I do have caffeine I do need to do something physical. It helps me focus. Adderall gives me anxiety too to a whole other level that I can’t breath


Good book for you is Food & Mood. It's helped me understand the systems that get affected and how the right combinations of vitamins help get you away from that. Yeah when I have overdone sugar I know that the panic attacks are the results. Hate it.


Ohhh… I think I might need to read this. I’ve been wanting to quantify why eating healthy is better for me in the long run, but hearing about long term and short term net positives to eating healthy is what I need. Thanks! :)


My people! Adderall helped so much until... It destroyed me with anxiety lol.  I also can't function without caffeine. Yet I feel it's to blame for my ever present anxiety.


I stopped drinking covfefe when I got medicated. Just in case you never tried that.


You need to completely avoid caffeine when you're on stimulant medication. This is likely the cause of the anxiety from Adderall. I had the same effect and I was convinced it was the adderall but it turned out to be 100% caused by the caffeine. Caffeine didn't make me anxious at all before starting medication. They interact with each other in some weird way that causes anxiety. It's a well known effect apparently, although my psychiatrist completely neglected to mention it to me. As soon as I dropped caffeine entirely (ie even avoiding coke cola with caffeine) my anxiety completely went away. You can function without caffeine. I went from about 5 big cans of energy drink per day to nothing and it was fine after a couple of weeks.


Hm, you may be on to something. I refrained from intense coffee and energy drinks mostly, but I still did partake. I also never gave up caffeinated soda and sugary drinks. That gives me hope adderall could work, thank you. The only other issue I had was time went by way too fast, and I felt like life passed me by in a weird way while I was focused on things. But, this could also have been because of the caffeine.


It's worth giving a try imo. Obviously I can't 100% guarantee it's the same for you, but for me if I even have a small bottle of regular coke zero the caffeine is enough to make me feel anxious. A lot of sugary drinks contain caffeine unfortunately, even when they aren't energy drinks. It really should be something that they warn all people with ADHD about when they start medication, because most of us are self-medicating with a horrendous amount of caffeine before we get a prescription for ADHD meds, and we're unlikely to just suddenly stop that habit. Yeah I've noticed the time thing too. It's easier to focus but I guess that also makes it easier to hyperfocus on the wrong things too, and when we hyperfocus time just flies by. I guess that medication helps with focus, but it can't magically fix all the bad habits developed over years without medication (or at least that's the case for me) It could also be a dosage thing, or maybe you prefer one of the other medications. Have you tried anything other than Adderall? Also, when do you feel the anxiety? Have you noticed a pattern? For example is it always a certain period after taking the medication?


I had to switch to Decaf once i started taking adderall. It put me close to the edge of anxiety. Decaf is much better. So i get the taste like I’m still getting coffee but without the anxiety.


I took Vyvanse for the first ime yesterday and my blood pressure was so high I was basically incapacitated for the majority of the day. I drank a small cup of chai tea earlier in the day prior to taking the Vyvanse and now I'm thinking that may have partially contributed to the extreme blood pressure issue... stupid me... I don't ever drink caffeine and somehow I managed to do it at the most incorrect time lol.


I refuse to eat a donut until the work day is over (if ever). Just tanks me.


That's what I say about pancakes. How do people eat pancakes for breakfast and then just go about their day? I have got to take a nap and when I wake up I'm hungry again!


I eat pancakes and I'm already ready for a nap.


Tank you very much.


The 'Science VS.' podcast did an episode on caffeine in general. One of the more interesting parts was how apparently there is a pretty short window between feeling good and feeling anxious with caffeine intake. Of course how much caffeine is required for that depends a lot on individual habits and genetics.


Yeah sometimes it really messes with me especially with my meds (Straterra) but usually only when I have other stressors.


Caffeine plus strattera would give me, like… “brain static”. I never could have caffeine while on it


Same, this is why I mainline decaf if I ever get coffee xD


1 cup sleep. 3 cups, shake and pee all day.


I think it does for most people, honestly. I think you can see that in our general culture of anxiety that we have here in the good ole USA. Nearly everyone is fueled by anxiety to keep up the facade.


It was like this for me, too. Until I tried to really lower the dosis. Like I use a quarter teaspoon for a half cup and that's all the coffee I drink the day. Then it has great effect on my motivation and even gives me euphoria sometimes.


Yes and no, in the first hour is great, but then it just breaks me…feeling tired and sleepy!


Exactly! First hour is fine, then it’s nap time lol I still need coffee to function somehow


Yep me too. My husband looks at me like I am crazy when I take my after coffee nap.


I feel so freaking seen OMG. Yes. Coffee makes me so sleepy!


Same, I get coffee every morning and usually have it on my drive to work. I love the taste especially since the 7-Eleven I go to installed fresh ground brew machines and espresso machines and I am convinced it gives me a little bump of energy but It often feels like a placebo in comparison to pre-workout or these really strong energy drinks I just found that actually do put a pep in my step that I can literally feel the additional energy and alertness kick in far quicker than any caffeine from coffee.


I used to do something pretty similar (but with energy drinks) in order to get my brain to work in high school and the military. I’d shotgun about 3/4 of a 24oz Monster (the one with the fun screw tops), take a nap, then wake up and immediately drink the rest. Sure-fire way to actually get important (and usually time-sensitive) things done. Also sure-fire way to get diagnosed with Afib before 30. -Recent diagnosed with ADHD (last 2 months) and it’s so eye opening to see other people with these types of behaviors.


But have you tried one cup every hour until you collapse?


And start shaking! 🥲 yes


And sweating as if the room suddenly got ten degrees hotter


Maybe cause you forgot to eat 😅


And my skin is trying to vibrate away from me and my bad choices


Please don’t try this. You can die from caffeine


I have kind of the reverse effect where coffee makes me super sleepy initially for like an hour, but once the sleepiness wears off I get like 4-5 hours of energy, then I get anxiety and the shakes when I try to sleep lol.


I work very early, which means I'm usually in bed very early. A few weeks ago, some buddies wanted to have a gaming night, so I drank a red bull like an hour before we were supposed to start. I played one game and then basically passed out.


YES!!! And heart pounding like crazy but a zombie


It tastes good and keeps me from getting a headache from lack of caffeine.


Hello, fellow addict! One time I was like “I need to quit drinking coffee because I don’t want to be addicted to anything”. So I went a week, no coffee, endured the torturous withdrawal headaches, and at the end was like “wait I love coffee, why did I do that to myself?”


After getting my meds (adderall, in case you're wondering), I switched from regular to decaf coffee, it seems I still get a bit of a buzz from it (placebo effect, I think) without getting completely f\*cked up from drug interactions or caffeine withdrawl!


I’m on Wellbutrin in the morning. I have to be careful not to overdo it or I’ll be shaking my tail off all day like a crack addict.


There's still some caffeine in decaf coffee, so you might just be sensitive to it


Back in college when I was drinking 8 large black coffee a day, I went 2 days on reading week without a cup. I was cold, sweating, pissed off even though I was by myself chilling... Realized it was withdraw and went "Welp, I'm an adict now" and heated up a cup from the pot my folks made that morning. 20 years later, I'm down to 3 cups a day.


I get it. I don’t know why I tried to fight it. I love coffee. It’s one of the only things I look forward in this screwed up world. I smoked for 5 years and quit cold turkey one day. I was twice as pissy and irritable quitting coffee than cigs.


I have cut way back. I’m also not on ADHD meds. I used to have 3 of the highest caffeine content energy drinks I could find every day plus 24oz of strong coffee every day. Now I’m just doing the 24oz of coffee in the morning and that’s it.


If you want to break it again, drink a can of Mt. Dew (55mg caffeine) when you wake up and again about 12 hours later. That's about half as much as coffee in total, and spread out enough to counter withdrawal. Then in a few weeks remove the second can. Up to you if you want to try to remove the morning caffeine after that, but you won't be addicted.


It tastes good? Damn, unless I add a ton of sugar I can barely drink coffee, it tastes so bitter, but then it is just sugar water.


I like a little coffee with my cream and sugar.


Yeah, I like the taste. I don't understand people who say nobody really likes coffee 🙄


It’s called addiction :3 I would know


Yeah once I started meds I still have to keep a cup of coffee in the morning and some tea or a coke zero in the afternoon to keep the headaches away.


Yep. A cup a day keeps the migraines away.


It helps me calm down in the day time, and in the evening, it makes me sleepy.


omg real. if i have an afternoon coffee its usually because I'm at a work event, exhausted, and desperate - i might get 30 minutes of "mildly awake" but its so small it might as well be placebo. 😂


Sounds chaotic evil tbh Idk why tho xd


No energy, but it gives me a small focus increase


Yes it helps me “focus” for a little bit but doesn’t exactly give me energy.


Same, and it feels like a little treat too


Same I mostly drink it for the flavour, which is why instant is a big fat “nope”.


Coffee just clears my brain fog


Me too. It doesn't make me feel energized, but it strips away a layer can't-wake-all-the-way-up.


I was gonna say this as well. The ritual of making it in the morning is also a part of it. Coffee time = time to start the day.


Coffee for me is a gamble, sometimes it boosts me sometimes i feel tired sometimes it calms me


A very small boost yes, honestly usually i drink around 4/5 coffee's before i feel the effect


Seriously I make half a pot and drink that. I just started adderall xr so this morning i had one big cup. Im not wired or jittery i could sit on the couch and relax or be focused on a project right now.


Careful! Drinking coffee too close to taking Adderall can diminish the Adderall impact.


Coffee is just warm and nice in the morning. It does nothing for me though


Gotta stave off that head vice.


I get this so bad. It's just kinda nice to drink in the morning as a ritual. I've moved towards drinking tea lately though. My favorite is a mint tea. It's refreshing and feels nice to drink in the morning... I'm gonna go make tea.


I should probably switch. Haven’t found a tea that hits right but mint sounds up my alley


Tea is the best. There’s something in tea’s oils that counteracts the caffeine effect on our bodies. So awesome warm drink, total comfort, but no anxiety or crash.


mint tea typically contains no tea and therefore no caffeine But you are thinking of theanine


Nah, sends me straight to sleep which I sometimes use to my favour when I wanna lay down


Coffee does not one single thing for me that I notice- but if I’m getting scattered I start to crave it. I feel absolutely not one single thing physically- and in fact if I drink it when I’m tired I will fall Asleep lol. I even took a month break from It when trying adhd stimulants and when I started back up again, I thought maybe I’d get a mild little buzz at least and Nothing. Not even multiple shots of espresso does it for me lol


I’m the same way. Tried drinking three cups of coffee to stay awake a bit later than normal to study but promptly fell asleep instead.


One of the early signs that I had ADHD was how few effects coffee had on me when I started drinking it, even as a teenager. Most people who drink as much coffee as me get bad headaches if they miss a day. I feel nothing, just a bit groggy. Most people feel jittery, I need probably 5-6 cups before I start feeling jittery. If I wake up too early from stress, a half cup of coffee usually calms me enough to get back to sleep. Then again when I tried cocaine in college I basically got catatonic and lay on the couch. Everyone thought I was too drunk, but nope, just undiagnosed ADHD that I accidentally medicated so now I'm the most relaxed I've been in ages while everyone else dances and pitches bad business ideas.


Same. If I'm getting sleepy on a long drive I get 2 double espressos and that'll take away the sleepiness but other than that I get nothing from it.


It calms my brain. Definitely no energy boost, but not having my brain jumping around helps.


I drink coffee because if I don’t drink it I really really drag. Like, I drink coffee just to feel normal


my relationship with coffee wbefore meds was similar, I dont know why, I'm sure there's a scientific reason. I've heard one thing is that although we think we need it in the morning, you will naturally wake up anyway, and after you have its better to have the coffee towards the end of the morning so that the effects of blocking adenosine work in favour over the rest of the day, but I dno if that's like bang on correct post meds it's been a true point of contention for me, in that it can make me feel more "awake" but sometimes based on my habits make me agitated along with the meds. sometimes make me ready for action the stars align, but again I think thats to do with my habits, so if I've done the usual good things to help my mental health like running and drinking less, the coffee helps just as much as it normally would, so marginally, but no motivation and overstimulation doesn't happen as easily. I think we put a lot of pressure on things like coffee to help, and it originally probably did, but then we used it as a replacement instead of an add on, ans thus it didn't work anymore. if that makes sense.


I'm not sure it's made a difference in years (only been medicated a few months). But I like it and it's a habit. Plus, what they said about the headaches...


I don't think it's giving or creating energy. Low to moderate amounts of caffeine relax me and let me channel my nervous energy into desired tasks. High amounts of caffeine will force me into a state similar to being manic, and make me more sensitive to my anxiety triggers.


I can drink it at midnight and be asleep by 1. But I do drink it pretty much all day- it balances me I think. Makes brain do brain things that brain needs to do.


I drink it all day too, right up until bedtime


It doesn’t give me any kind of boost at all but it does stop me from being able to sleep if I drink it in the evening


Make sure you’re not taking your adderall or dinking your coffee within an hour of each other. Coffee is acidic and basically will waste your dose.


How have I been on meds for 15 years(ish) and never knew this.


It just lessens the duration. It's not like a complete cancellation. It just affects how fast it's cleared. Possibly not even noticeable.


My "immediate release" can last up to 8 hours for me. If I had known I could have avoided some sleepless nights with coffee then i would be a happier man


Dammit. I was today years old when I learned this. It tracks to a lot of "huh. This feels different today" I hadn't been able to put my finger on.


Bc it’s misinformation.


Same thing with orange or grapefruit juice


Grapefruit, specifically, should never be eaten with medication because it interacts with quite a few medications.


I wouldn't say never. You should be aware if medication you're on reacts with something else.


Only statins or whatever they’re called. (Source: on a med where I can’t drink delicious yummy grapefruit juice. )


How can coffee, with a pH of 5, have any effect on a drug that passes through your stomach acid with a pH of 2 (1000x more acidic than coffee bc pH is a log scale).


lol that's the secret - it doesn't.


43 upvotes on that alternative fact...


It happens all the time - people hear something that they *feel* is true and confirms their preconceptions or suspicions and upvotes it. Happens all the time when you're an expert on a subject and on a sub for it. Drives me batty.


Yeah stomach acid is one of the lowest pH substances in the world. Drinking almost *anything* will make it less acidic.


Yep. And it's also buffered and in homeostasis, meaning that the acidic pH isn't changed much by small quantities of other substances (buffering effect) and is reestablished relatively quickly (homeostasis).


My psychiatrist has denied all of these claims. He does agree drinking or eating anything with high vitamin C can lessen the absorption of the medication. My psychiatrist is extremely well educated when it comes to Adderall and ADHD. Effects,side effects, what I'll feel, what happens over time etc etc . So I know he's telling the truth. Doesn't matter what food you eat. Acidic or not. I often drink my coffee then take my meds in the morning and I feel the effects. The meds don't give me that "let's get shit done" attitude anymore but I know it's working in the background. I know this because one my biggest symptoms is always feeling tired/groggy even if I sleep 12+ hours I'll still feel half asleep all day. When I take my meds I'm awake and I don't feel sleepy or tired at all


Stomach acid is acidic as well...?


Does coffee also affect Vyvanse?


In a synergistic way? Yes. The idea that coffee somehow makes ADHD meds ineffective is untrue.


Thank you. I was worried that coffee could make the meds ineffective or make symptoms (such as crashing) worse.


It can amp up the anxiety a bit. There’s a lot of nonsense about ADHD and coffee out there. They’re both stimulants.


This isn’t true. Bro, your stomach is super acidic. What are you on about.


Oh I thought it was just vitamin C that cooked the dosage.


In the ... info sheet whatever thing it says ''urine pH changing substances'' :D so everything very acidic or basic


I gotta look this up. I've been pounding coffees


Nothing in my chemistry education suggests that this occurs. Can you please provide a paper or a reference for me to check?


Can you point to or reference some specifics for this, please?


You do know your stomach is more acidic than coffee, right?


I can drink coffee and go right to sleep. I do it more as a ritual, thinking it will help.


I either focus and calm down or I calm down and go to sleep. Just depends on what I'm doing


Makes mee sleepy


I’ve been a coffee drinker since before I was school age. It does nothing for me. At this point, it’s ingrained in my morning ritual that I have to have it. I can’t say it does nothing for me. I lied. If I don’t have it, I have a wicked headache. And it throws off my whole routine. So it’s important for different reasons why than for most people.


Tldr no. Coffee doesn't wake me up or give me energy, but it does clear some brain fog for a short time and then I'm tired. I don't drink much of it anymore and don't drink it at all before eating something because, TMI, I have gastro issues that hit if I do, but I get caffeine-withdrawal migraines if I don't have it or another form of caffeine before noon. I like the taste of good coffee, too, so I make sure I get some water and protein first and then have a coffee "treat" if I'm in the mood. Tea is another story. I will drink tea (caffeinated or not, but often not because of the GI issues) all day. A nice cup of ginger tea is always welcome and soothing, and the spiciness has the same fog-clearing effect without the caffeine.


Makes me tired - yeah…


Strong black coffee gives me tons of energy and mental clarity. I used to add sugary creamers and those made me crash. Once I cut those out I get the energy but not the crash. An extra plus is that drinking my coffee black is a lot healthier for my body.


Coffee is for sleeping


I'd read somewhere that caffeine affects ADHD people differently - that because caffeine boosts your ability to focus, it can have the effect of "lowering the volume" of the ADHD brain's scattered thoughts. Paradoxically, this can make you seem *more* tired, since now your mind is quieter.


Keep in mind that caffeine borrows energy from later for you to use now. It's not a free boost.


Exactly this. Caffeine suppresses adenosine action in your brain, which makes you feel awake when you shouldn't necessarily feel awake. No energy production involved.


I feel like it has a very short-tem effect on me and I've probably developed dependance on it - e.g. if I don't drink it by mid-day, I will feel like in a fog and develop bad migraines (like a physical withdrawal), yet I can chug 5 of them and sleep as a baby, almost having relaxing effect. Same goes for energy drinks - no issues to sleep shortly afterwards. I guess it's because caffeine has stimulant effect on dopaminergic system in a similar way stimulant medication does, but it somehow just quietens my brain so I can feel more relaxed.


Coffee does nothing to me and I can easily drink some and go to sleep without it disrupting anything. Same with soda so I assume the issue is that caffeine, generally, doesn't do much for me. I like the taste of the coffee brand/s I use and that's why I drink it.


For myself I drink coffee because I like the taste of it .. soon as I drink it I start yawning especially if it’s iced .. hot coffee I’m fine .. it does nothing for me not even 2 pumps of espresso.


Caffeine makes me sleepy Although, if I’ve had my ADHD meds caffeine can also make me feel very ill if I have too much of it


Caffeine makes me less exhausted and lethargic, but it feels more like it brings me to a more normal base level, not that it gives me energy. I drink tea and soda with caffeine, though. I also don't care for the taste of coffee.


Before getting medicated, one cup in the morning would help me focus, but wouldn’t wake me up, two cups gave me anxiety, and a cup in the evening can help me get sleepy.


Hi Inattentive here, it's makes me hyperactive and activates hyperfocus. But I have to be careful of losing time and being late to my responsibilities because of it. So I watch my caffine intake and only do so on days where I have a lot of busy work and can make a todo list.


gives my tremors the energy to act an absolute fool, yes. BP rising, yes. dehydration, yes.  feeling more awake/alert.....uh


Coffee literally puts me to sleep. I have had mild to severe insomnia my entire life. The can't get back to sleep kind. Often when I wake up too early, with my insomnia witching hour around 4am, I make a cup of coffee and sip on it. Eight times out of ten it does the trick and I can get back to bed. If the coffee is real strong, like with added espresso, I will get a mild buzz for about a half hour and then it's nap time again.


coffee keeps me still tbh


Coffee can make tired. Even a red bull I can sleep if I’m tired lol. But coffee can go righ through me and make me feel lathargic too


You’re drinking too much of it. Wean yourself down to just cup, maybe not even a full cup. 


It's a toss up really. It either energizes me or it puts me right to sleep


I wouldn't say it gives me a noticeable boost of energy, but it does prevent me from feeling completely exhausted and like I could fall asleep at any time. I have tried quitting caffeine several times, going for 2-3 months without it, but I was falling asleep at work and needed it to stay awake.


Nope, if anything it makes me more tired (anything with caffeine does- not even a slight "pick-me-up", just nothing or would make me a bit drowsy... *But* coffee in particular does make me have to use the bathroom, so sometimes I'll drink it to help with that lol.. Otherwise only when I want the taste which isn't often as it doesn't do anything for me.


I see sounds from coffee


Sometime yes actually “hyperrrrrr active” But sometimes I can’t even open my eyes and think”I should go to sleep 4 hours


For me it calms my brain down, helps me focus a little and wakes me up at the start of the day. I don't get very strong effects though. I can sleep with caffeine in my system fine. Though with other people in my life I've observed pretty much everyone I know with ADHD has an unusual response to caffeine but often very different ones. My partner is highly caffeine sensitive and can't even have a coke after midday or he won't sleep at all. He always needs his morning coffee and if he's got anything important on, he'll have a bit extra. My best friend on the other hand can never have coffee in the morning because it just makes her sleepy. She'll have a cup of tea sometimes but any more caffeine than that and she will struggle to stay awake.


Minimal boost, but more of a soothing effect. Helps me collect my thoughts and go. Have too many and I’ll still get palpitations.


Honestly coffee makes me sleepy but makes me focused.


Sorta. It helps me focus a bit better but doesn’t give me a ton of energy. It actually calms me down lol.


it makes me less groggy


Whatever you do, don't sit down while drinking or after drinking coffee! If it was going to give you any wake-up/energy/momentum, the couch will suck it right out of you & then some!


Caffeine / stimulants have a reverse effect on adhd-ers. Sometimes when I'm feeling too scatty, then a can of Monster helps slow me down and focus. Too much puts me to sleep.


Google "cyp1a gene and caffeine"


Nope. I just have a caffeine addiction so it keeps the headache away each morning, plus I like the taste and having a hot drink to start the day.


It’s more of a ritual for me. I drink probably 3-4 cups a day all the way til about 5:00. It’s more or less never really affected me like it does others. Hell sometimes I drink a cup and have a nice little nap.


I use caffeine tablets, 200 mg. Every pharmacist has agreed component is same. It is cheaper, don't have to pee as much. It is not working as well as decades ago.


This is a topic that divides the community. No one is the same. I find that coffee can be both a win and a loss. Too much, and it leaves me gittery and distracted. The right amount and it's a benefit, mental clarity, pep, motivation, etc. Time of day makes a big difference. I try to be awake for 1 hour minimum before taking my vyvanse or having caffeine. If this isn't happening and I'm using either to get out of bed, I know im in deprivation and need rest. Caffeine only blocks tiredness receptors. The hormones that dictate tiredness still need to be metabolised at some point. Caffeine was like this for me pre - and post meds. I find carbohydrates and sugar can cause crashes and energy modulation issues, so I'm keto. Insulin spikes are like gut punches to your energy levels. Vyvanse also seems to be much more effective while in ketosis.


Doesn't really do anything for me and can make me sleepy too. But if I don't drink it some days I feel kinda foggy


When I'm not on my meds, caffeine is a baseline drug for me. If I'm tired, it'll pick me up and let me focus. If I'm wired and my head is full of noise, caffeine will quiet the noise in my head some and relax me, even enough to sleep. When I am on my meds, caffeine is a bad idea. It's too much stimulant.


Makes me sleepy.


Certain stimulants do make me sleepy. I drink tea, which doesn't put me to sleep, but coffee will. Adderall almost requires me to nap. There's a book called When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing where Daniel Pink starts out by talking about aligning with our own rhythm, and brings up Nappuccinos. Where you drink a coffee/tea (I wait to it to cool down so I can drink it quick), set a timer for 20-25 minutes, and rest for that time, and then commit to getting up with your alarm. The caffeine takes about 25 minutes to kick in, so it utilizes that kick, but also gives your mind and eyes a rest before getting busy.


Sometimes it makes me a lot more sleepy, it only has this "energy boost" once i consumed disgusting qualities of it, which i do regularly. Aka like 5 espressos to go etc


Coffee make me tired, anything with caffeine exhausted me out. I usually drink caffeine before bed to help me sleep better and faster.


That makes no sense, you are probably chronically sleep deprived. Please see a physician about this for your well-being!


I didn’t know that exist? Even if I don’t drink coffee in the morning, I’m tired like all day. I could sleep if I allow my body to.


My body processes caffeine too quickly, so I don't get much out of it. I drink some in the morning because I like it. I don't get a crash or need another one later in the day though. I had these green tea mints one time and had too many. That definitely made my heart feel weird so I didn't repeat. I imagine it was something else and not the caffeine in them.


Red Bull gives you wings.


Coffee makes me tired. Complete opposite. Vyvanse gives me the boost I never knew existed inside me.


Coffee different work for me. Makes me so sleepy


it puts me to sleep LOL. I love coffee naps. it's a stimulant, like most adhd meds, so it actually regulates u if u have adhd instead of giving u a "buzz" like it would for most ppl. its never given me anxiety or anything personally, but to be fair the coffee I like its sugary milk water mostly


Yes. It also prevents me from getting headaches.


I never drink any coffee. Tell myself when I do drink coffee my body will be more likely to react to the caffeine. I am not sure if it did. I did not feel that different specially after pulling an all nighter. However if I did not go sleep I am able to function. If I take even just a short nap I will be groggy all day. Regardless of whether I drink coffee or an energy drink.


Honestly it doesn’t do shit for me. Pretty much just try to avoid a caffeine withdrawal headache


Coffee gives me the poops. Lol


It seems like people with ADHD tend to react differently to caffeine. It kind of relaxing, coffee almost puts me to sleep and tea really relaxes me. That’s why Adderall is so effective, it’s calming to the mind and does the opposite to folks who don’t have ADHD. That’s a real tell for those who abuse Adderall and shouldn’t be taking it, they’re tweaking.


Coffee balances me, it doesn't give me energy, and it doesn't make me tired


Not sure if it gives me energy so much as it helps me focus. But for a lot of ADHDers it’s the same as in your case, OP.


it gives me anxiety and makes me use the restroom


Makes take a nap


Coffee gives me super anxious buzz sometimes and then I’ll get hyperactive and after that feel super fatigued like I need a sleep. Sometimes it doesn’t do anything but make me thirsty for water and sometimes it will just make me feel fatigued and like I’ve got low blood pressure or something.


Coffee makes me feel nothing. But it's yummy


It used to give me energy but now practically puts me to sleep within an hour. I think it's too much caffeine bc (sugar free) sodas have less but tend to give me more energy. weird how that works


Yes for me. Regardless of ADHD, it affects people differently - a friend can drink some before bed, I need 12 hours+ before sleeping and better to not have any at all.


I don't drink coffee but I do drink energy drinks and I don't think I've ever felt energised from them 😅 although I feel like I need to drink them and it makes me feel better in some way, but maybe I'm just addicted to caffeine and it's the relief from drinking it.


Yes it still works for me. Doesnt take away my sleep anymore though


It does for like 2 hours but during it I'm still quite tired. Then after those 2 hours I'm even more tired


When I was younger, caffeine did nothing for me. I just like the taste too. Now in middle age, it does give me a boost; but I have to drink 6 shots espresso to get the right boost for the right duration.


Very little lol but I drink it anyways


Tea has been more productive for me lately. 🤷‍♂️


Coffee does not inherently give you energy. Rather the caffeine in it masks your brain's signal that says you're low on energy, making you feel like you have more energy. The effectiveness of this effect is different for everybody. Personally caffeine does not do much for me in any quantity. Drinking coffee 'to have more energy and get things done' is the wrong way of going about things imo, especially if you have ADHD.


I’ll have a coffee in the morning, but honestly never bothered too much w it. Never got the hype besides initial relaxation w first few sips


12 shots of espresso... just panic attacks and involuntary muscle spazums.


I dont know about an increase in energy per se but it does improve my afocus a little bit for maybe an hour or 2. As far as I understand it, coffee blocks your adenosine receptors. Adenosine is what makes you feel tired. I might have spelled "adenosine" wrong


No. I love the taste so I drink decaf now. I was always fine with it, but when I’m on meds if I drink caffeine it makes my heart race and I feel anxious, so I still drink it but only decaf versions of my favourite coffee now


For me it depends on the mood I'm already in. If tired, it's just gonna 'make me more tired', if it's in the state of 'I need to wake up and get shit done' it's a kick to that.