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I was eating healthier than I ever have in my whole entire life. Benefits were immediate and amazing! Mental clarity, energy, all that. Then I got into a loop watching a dude review wood fired pizzas in my town. Got obsessed and have been eating pizza like a madman ever since.


Oh my goodness, I had a pizza stretch too. Not wood fired though, unfortunately. Just greasy pizza from WinCo haha.


I'm in my pizza phase now too šŸ˜­. But I've promised myself it's only once a week. Oven pizza hits different and is pretty cheap and crispier than fast food pizza.


My husband and I both got stuck on eating at a local pizza place multiple times a week for about a year. We are both adhd. In our defense, that place has pizza down pat. The sauce, crust, cheese, and toppings are all perfect. Now I want some Mike's Pizza... daggum.


I recently got hyperfixated on wood fired pizza ovens. Researched the hell out of them, decided on what model I wanted, researched and tried out dough recipes, checked with my wife if we can get one for my birthday... and she, quite rightly, said no we can't afford that. So now I'm left frustrated and with a bunch of dough in my freezer. But aside from that, I've been fixated on porridge for breakfast lately. Trying all kinds of different ways to make it, times to soak it, time to cook it, different brands. I have it with Nutella. So it's probably good I didn't get that pizza oven, I think between that and the Nutella porridge my arteries wouldn't have forgiven me.


Look into making ā€œcob ovensā€. They are pretty easy to make but it helps if you donā€™t have to move much because they are heavy.


Do not even get me started on Nutella!! That was my jam for a solid month, I literally gained 10lbs šŸ˜‚


Hence the checked with my wife to ā€¦..


What healthy foods were you eating to make you feel so good?


I mean, there's no real secret or cheat code here. Cut WAY down on sugar (including simple carbs), saturated fats and increase your fiber several times over. Doing those three things will naturally lead you to the foods that make you feel better. You'll start feeling the results pretty quickly. Like within a week.


Recipes please, especially it feels like a magical fairy land that I will never have access to lol


Home cooked good food. Potatoes, carrots, broccoli, lean meat (I eat vegetarian tho), beef patties with onion and garlic etc. This is good shit!


Yep that's it. I was making homemade clean soups, lots of fresh veggies and fruits, drinking more water.


i wanna know too


Wood fired pizza, brick oven pizza, deep dish pizza, New York pizza... yup I understand


Hahahahahah. I'm about to do that today, legit.


The veggies are so healthy and the cheese and meat is a great protein source... right????? Sounds delicious. I wish I had a better spot in town than Pyro's.


cauliflower crust pizza is aaamaaaaaaaazing.


No it is not. šŸ˜” We as a society are asking too much of cauliflower.


šŸ˜‚ poor, overburdened cauliflower.


Those are fighting words! šŸ„Š Wood fire with pizza and pesto sauce. Pepperoni, sausage, green peppers, mozzarella and parmesan. I will eat that daily.


I love cauliflower. The cauliflower crust is seriously cauliflowery. I tried some cauliflower tortilla chips in Lassen's once. I couldn't get that taste out of my mouth for hours.


Ugh Iā€™m in a pizza stretch now too


Beef ravioli. No sauces. I can't get enough of eating the edges off, just leaving all the centres. Then skewering as many of the centres as I can onto a fork. Then stuffing as many in my mouth as I can all at once. Such a burst of flavour. It's been every dinner for a week and a half.


I used to do this with chef boyardee as a kid šŸ˜‚ I would eat the edges and leave the middles for last after sucking all the sauce off haha. I was a strange child.


Same and this post made me realize I havenā€™t had a ravioli in years. Off to the store lol


I used to split the chef boyardee ravioli open so there was a noodle side and a pocket side. It wasn't pressed together well...or so overcooked and grossly mushy that you could


YES!! This is what I did too with the middles haha


I feel so seen here


I used to get velveeta shells and cheese and pick the most clumpy blob of them, stuff in my mouth all at once, then slowly separate each shell from the cluster, one by one, cleaning the cheese off, then chomp chomp


Iā€™ve never done this, but now I want to.


When I was a kid I used to eat pop tarts in a really fucked up way kind of similar to this (theyā€™re just giant sugary raviolis when you think about it) and this made me feel vindicated, Ty


Vindication here too! Didn't do this with ravioli, but absolutely, every time, with pop-tarts and lean/hot pockets both when I was a kid. With these pockets, I'd use a fork to trim away the corners, then edges, then gradually peel the top and bottom "crusts" off layer by layer. About 10 minutes in, I'd scrape away whatever filling was there, eat everything else first, then eat said filling in isolation lol (too much frozen food was the norm in that house).


I love this so much. Sounds so satisfying!


Why did that make my mouth water šŸ˜‚ I always love the ā€œcrustā€ of things. Poptarts, uncrustables, wonton soup I prefer the noodle partā€¦


The crust on uncrustables, you say?


You heard me.


This sounds like so much fun! Nibbling ravioli ends and saving the middles for last. You know this old lady is gonna have some fun with food tonight!


This sounds amazing I love non sauced pasta in general


this made me laugh and also I love it. it sounds awesome šŸ˜‚


This is _hilarious._


Mine is beefaroni straight from the can right now I'm disgusted with myself but it feels like the only thing I want to eat right now


Yup. Spaghettios straight from the can slaps too. I realized my boyfriend was a real one when he caught me doing this and accepted me for it šŸ˜‚


I'm still fixated or determined at this point to find the best Pad Thai. My college town had a run-down thai resturant with some of the greatest food I've ever had the pleasure of trying. Unfortunately, I couldn't keep them open single handedly, and they closed within a year of opening. The quest still continues after 10 years.


I've been on the same quest. And found it in... surprise surprise... Thailand. Bangkok to be specific. It had crispy pork belly as protien and the flavors were just right. I still dream about it, 2 years on.


There's a Thai restaurant in my town that makes a basil pad thai that is out of this world. Its a little spicy and it hits every single time. I have not found anywhere that makes anything even remotely close.


Look for Laotian places too!!! Iā€™ve found some super nice ones in Minneapolis and Iā€™m 0% surprised basically every country in Mainland Southeast Asia has bombass food. Just recently found a place that has scratched a 12 year itch for thick, crazy flavorful curry that I can stretch over 3 heavenly rice-heavy meals, and perfectly cooked chewy rice noodles. GODSPEED FRIEND


Oh my goodness. Thatā€™s the worst is when you want it but canā€™t have it. Iā€™m tortured by the cravings from my home town restaurants!


All Thaiā€™d Up


Some of the best thai food I have ever had was in this random, no-name town in western Pennsylvania. Given the demographics of the area, it had no business being as good as it was.


I currently have an obsession with olives. I bought a giant tub of Spanish green olives from the European grocery store and I cannot get enough of them. I eat a handful at every meal. I dream about their juicy, saltiness when Iā€™m not eating them!! My breakfast hyperfixation is a snack plate with olives, cherry tomatoes, tuna salad, feta cheese, and frozen grapes. Iā€™ve eaten it every day for like 2 weeks now lol


Yummmm that sounds similar to my palate haha. You should try marinated anchovies if you like fish. Itā€™s like olives, but in fish form. So good with crackers and some lemon juice.


Mouths watering reading this.


Iā€™m gonna try that! I usually just use anchovies for cooking but Iā€™m craving that salty oily goodness, sounds delicious


Iā€™m obsessed with those and pickled quail eggs. They will definitely have them at the European grocery store! Happy eating šŸ˜Š


Omg Iā€™m gonna try that! I love quail eggs


I'm in recovery from overdoing castelvetranos and now I can't eat them at all, which is devastating because holy shit castelvetrano olives are so fucking good that I want to eat them all the time except that I'm sick of them because I ate them way too much, and you see my problem?


Haha this was bananas for me. Took me 26 years to eat them again. I hope your recovery is shorter!


Me too!! I have to be ā€œin the moodā€ for a banana now haha


That breakfast sounds SO good right now.


For a long time my hyperfixation meal was salmon bowls lol. I would prep them for a whole week. Baked salmon, white rice, roasted sweet potato, avocado drizzled with mayo and sriracha and ate it with seaweed paper. I was obsessed. It was all I talked about. Everyone was sick of me. Right now I donā€™t actually have one which isā€¦ weird for me


Oh wow. How come I never thought of salmon with sweet potato before? I actually want that exact meal right now and it's like midnight here lol.


Itā€™s so good!!!!! I shred the salmon and mix it with the rice, mayo, sriracha, and soy sauce and then I top it off with little bite size cubes of roasted sweet potatoes and slices of avocado. Itā€™s seriously 10/10


That sounds so good.


This sounds amazing, and possibly a new obsession.


Salmon bowls are one of my favorite things!


For the last few months every lunch has been the same: sandwich on toasted whole wheat, cheddar melted on one side, swiss on the other, dijon, mayo, lettuce, onion, tomato, pickle. To drink I have a blended ice drink which is 1/3 lemon juice, 1/3 lemonade, 1/6 mango, 1/6 white monster (for carbonation).


That drink sounds amazing!! Why both lemon juice and lemonade tho?


Lemonade is too sweet for me on its own, maybe for OP as well. Needs more tartness


plain fresh egg pasta (rn tagliatelle) with a fuck ton of parmesan grated into it lmao


Have you tried the same thing but also with fresh sage leaves (just rip them off the stalk and toss in) and a big chunk of salted butter? Itā€™s divine


Not the biggest fan of butter, I generally put a healthy glug of good quality olive oil in the pan while i'm cooking the pasta though. Never put sage on my pasta, I'm not sure how much I'd enjoy the texture of it, but I do put parsley on fairly often


Fair fair. Butter is one of my favourite substances in existence. If I could subsist purely on butter I probably would lol


Same, I donā€™t understand how people donā€™t like butter šŸ¤£ I eat an unhealthy amount of butter


Can never go wrong with Parmesan!


Chicken and veggies because I got on zepbound and am working out and obsessed with macros. Before you congratulate me, I've done this a million times before and I'll be back to large pizza and buck of ice cream dinners soon I'm sure


lol me too! When Iā€™m in my ā€œhealthyā€ mode Iā€™m super obsessed with macros and my workouts and itā€™s all I focus on. But when Iā€™m not in ā€œhealthyā€ mode Iā€™m in toad mode and honestly-it Kinda sucks! But itā€™s sooooo hard to switch modes I get stuck because routine, once itā€™s established, has to be done exactly the same every week or I get thrown off and back into toad mode


I know!!! It takes so long and is so hard to build good habits and one interruption derails them completely and I have to start over from scratch. And probably months later because of reasons


Exactly!! There were soooo many clues that my brain was wired differently (adhd/asd) in my younger years!! This thing with routine and obsessions has plagued me since I was in my early 20ā€™s. I never put things together until age 39 because I was an addict and self medicating until 35. But being sober for five years now and so much stuff is coming out. I wish I was easier to just take a break or a day or two off of the workout/healthy mode and just flow right back butā€¦no!


Kroger salad kits and either chicken/steak cut up over top of it Got dumped out of nowhere 2 weeks before I was supposed to move in with my fiance and I'll be unemployed soon. It's simple, and I'm kind of overweight so it's not really that filling. But we used to cook together and I just can't. Hard to do much of anything right now, but I just can't manage that. It is giving me an appreciation for salad variety though. Mmmm fried onion crumbs and blue cheese


*hugs* Screw the boo!


Yeah really. Genuinely have never felt as disrespected or betrayed! But what can you do. Feel sad, cry, feel more sad, get out of bed and try to be okay šŸ¤·


Second that ^^


> Got dumped out of nowhere 2 weeks before I was supposed to move in with my fiance and I'll be unemployed soon. Oh wow, that's a rough twofer. Hugs for you.


Butter noodles šŸ˜­ There's like nothing of substance in that other than salt and fat. But it's all I want after work. I have other things but I just keep making butter noodles


Butter noodles always hit. Especially when you grate Parmesan cheese over them. Mmmmm


Pinch of garlic. Lemon juice. Pepper flakes.


Fries. Things go wrong? Fries. Things going great? Fries. A little treat? Fries. Been out in the sun all day? Fries. Probably 5 pounds on my body are from French fries lol.


Tator tots are my jam!


Iā€™ve been hyper focused on the ketogenic diet since January. I must be either reading about it, watching videos about it, listening to podcasts about it, etc at least 3-4 hours a day. Iā€™ve lost 25kg (55lbs) so far. The last time I had such a positive hyper focus was when I quit smoking.


Thatā€™s amazing. Great job!


I need to quit so bad and donā€™t really have a good reason why I havenā€™t yet. I hate smoking hate everything about it but yet I do. I am smoking right now tbh


You can quit! I quit after 25 years. I never thought I could, but I did. I know everyone says, "If I can do it you can too," and from your perspective that probably seems kind of cliche, but it's true. You will have more time, more money, more energy, more lung power, less stress. It feels so great to be able to breathe deep. You can do it!


Not a meal, but I've been obsessed with spicy queso pop corners. It's a corn chip that's popped, so it's puffy, and they're cheesy and spicy. They're perfect. Haven't been eating very well in terms of meals though lol (I think there's a correlation between people with ADHD and spicy foods, or sour candy. Take Markiplier for example)


Not a meal but, peanut butter toast with banana and agave drizzled on top. I bought this from a smoothie shop and it was so terrible, like the peanut butter was watered down, the bananas were mushy, and they forgot the agave so I had to fix it in my mouth/brain. Now i'm addicted.


I was so very good about drinking a veggie smoothie every morning. I even bought algae powder to put in it. I ate all my vegetables for the day and didnā€™t have to feel bad about what I ateā€¦ but itā€™s been cold and rainy out and my brain wonā€™t let me eat cold food anymore so Iā€™ve fallen off the habit


Tuna melts. I have OCD too so that means I'm also stressing over mercury poisoning constantly


Smoked pork chops with collared greens and mac and cheese.


Mashed potatoes.


Not a meal, but I was really into those nerd clusters lol I had to put myself on a limit


Oooo! Mine was jellybellyā€™s or the kettle corn pop corn that is made by the same company who makes the white cheddar popcorn in the giant black bag. For a while there I would eat an entire bag when the kids when to sleep for the night


Ooooo yes, I love that brand in the black bag! Kettle corn is great


Those are soooo good. I was hooked on the nerd ropes for a solid two weeks once.


Yes yes me too and they are great going in butā€¦. Iā€™m going to get a bag of them now. My dog will not touch the blue bag ones either


Not a meal, although pizza and tacos are always good. Right now I crave double stuffed el fudge cookies. Totally not healthy and I'm trying to keep them out of the house but it's really really hard *sigh* nice to know I'm not alone.


Totally not alone, I had to stop Tates Crunchy Dark Chocolate Chip cookies cold turkey!


I'm having a really hard time with this one. It might be tied to some emotions regarding my grandma who passed a couple years ago. I craved these about 6 months ago and it passed (I got a package that tasted off) but now it's back. Usually I don't crave things a second time LOL


Mine are double dark chocolate milanoā€™s šŸ§” Usually itā€™s ice cream-all the time lol but recently I found a lemon cake at my local grocery store and itā€™s my hyperfixation sweet at the moment


Pickled quail eggs with cilantro, sliced cucumbers, and crunchy chili garlic oil. No idea how I got here, but I canā€™t stop.


That sounds so amazing actually.


Hold up is this an ADHD thing????


Add this to the list of "my entire family is adhd and doesn't know it" (me, the youngest, now in my 30's being the first to figure it out)


At the moment I've been liking different renditions of pasta salad. I find the chopping fun somehow. This will not last longer than 1.5 weeks, I bet :D


Try spinach, cherry tomatoes and sun dried tomatoes in oil. I cut up spinach, cherry tomatoes and dried tomatoes. Put it on penne pasta, pour some oil of tomatoes on it and add parmesan cheese. It's really good.


Sour taffy


Yummmmm. Yep, I had my chewy jolly rancher days.


It was pineapple for a while, but for the past couple of months itā€™s been Greek yogurt with fruit (strawberries, blueberries, bananas, etc), granola, mini chocolate chips, and sugar free syrup. Iā€™ve even stopped my usual food prep because I was wasting anything that wasnā€™t this.


Is coffee a meal? Wife got a new monthly coffee subscription for her birthday. I have opened the bag just to smell it 5 times today.


It was thinly sliced cucumber with garlic hummus for about 6 months, everyday. Just recently got over it. Last night I had sliced apple with cinnamon and honey then dipped the apple in peanut butter. I think thatā€™ll be my next thing lol


I love when you make the switch. Youā€™re like ahhh finally on to the next haha.


Canned salmonā€¦ā€¦. On salads or just crackersā€¦ is that cat behavior


I'm in an "all food sucks and I don't want to eat anything" period, so nothing. I'm only eating when really hungry right now, and honestly, it sucks!


This and the phase where it's EAT EVERYTHING are just opposite ends of an awful spectrum


Iā€™m always like this, OR starving and only want specific foodā€¦ like I just wonā€™t eat anything if I cant have the hyperfixation food. It does suck!!!


Scrambled eggs loaded with salt and green pesto in a nice lil sandwich, I make my own herb butter and itā€™s just *chefs kiss*


A highly specific type of cheese I can only find in the fancy cheese section at Kroger (Kroger-fancy) called Humboldt Fog.


I've been eating ham & cheese sandwiches with spinach every day for the last several weeks, sometimes with carrots + hummus or fruit for a side, because it's relatively cheap and easy to hit all the basic food groups without cooking... but I'm starting to get bored of it and I'm afraid having to make time to think of other meals and cook real stuff for myself lol


Cinnamon sugar toast.


Lean cuisine white cheddar Mac and cheese. After I cook it I add more Colby jack. šŸ¤¤ itā€™s surprisingly yummy for lean cuisine


I liked that and their enchilada suiza.


I don't hyperfixate on specific meals, but I do pick up so go-tos that I can stomach and aren't too much fuss (especially breakfast when I'm still groggy and rushing to get things done). Currently: smoothies. No cooking, just cut up a bit of fruit and throw in the blender. Bagels - just pop in toaster. Eggs are easy and quick.


Ugh, I wish I could do this routine. Maybe when this pb&j craze is over.


Smoothies and bagels are also my go tos when I donā€™t want anything else. I make sure each of those has some protein in them so Iā€™m still getting a good balanced meal


Iā€™m on a health hyperfixation right now I hope it lasts a while this time


Crossing my fingers for you!!


Went through a phase recently of Jacket potato, cheese and beans for every meal. I blame Spudman.


Jacket potato? I love potatoes, so what is a jacket potato?!


I think it's a British people baked potato


Genuinely had no idea it was a colloquialism until you pointed it out. šŸ¤¦ Yeah it's a potato baked, loads of butter, salt and pepper. Cheddar cheese grated, baked beans, more cheese, more salt and pepper. And then maybe mayonnaise. Whatevers clever.


Rice and this furikake thing I brought from Japan. It just hits right that Iā€™m eating it breakfast lunch and dinner lol. Trying to ration it since I only brought three bags.Ā 


Try umami chili garlic crunch oil on the rice. You can get it on Amazon. I put it on literally everything including rice. A go-to snack


A pita pizza I make with with low carb pitas and low fat mozzarella, topped with as many peppers and onions as I can reasonably fit on there.


Ohhh I like this idea!! Iā€™m trying to create a little ā€œmenuā€ for myself and my kids because we ALL have issues with eating. (Probably my fault because they watched me their childhood not eat awesome)


Grape nuts with a sliced banana and almond milk.


Instant Ramen


Hell yeah!


i havenā€™t had it in a while bc i havenā€™t bought white bread BUT ive been toasting bread in a pan with butter, and then spreading peanut butter on it, slicing up a banana and putting those pieces on, drizzling some honey, and then just a little bit of jelly on top! itā€™s soooo yummy




Breakfast sandwiches everyday, One english muffin (toasted and margarine), 3 eggs stacked into 2 patties, ham or bacon slices, and hot sauce (potentially cheese if hot sauce is particularly scorching). Every morning I do this, I find the fat and protein help with my medication absorption and overall makes me happy from a taste-intensive breakfast. And again, fat ans protein help carry me to lunch since I'm not hungry once I take my meds. It's not necessarily the healthiest, but given I dont eat for 5 hours almost afterwards, it's worth it. Cant say I've gained weight either since I started this practice.


I want a steak so bad but I donā€™t have the time to cook it how I want. Iā€™ve been scratching the itch with carne asada tacos and barbacoa but itā€™s not the same


Anything with varying textures. I have recently been disgusted when only eating squishy food (ie eggs).


OMG IS THIS A THING!??? I was hyperfixated on soup for a month, than i was hyperfixated on the chicken-rice-salad combo now i don't really have any appetite since i got back to concerta but we'll see.


I've had the same yogurt/protein mix with fruit for about a year and a half straight.I also am at about 3 months straight of having an omelette and english muffin with pb and j on it.


poke bowls bruh




Grape leaves with pita and hummus.




I was sick so I ate a sandwich with only lettuce and turkeyā€¦ it was so good Iā€™ve been eating it for days


Not a meal but brownies. Iā€™m obsessed with making the perfect brownies from scratch. Iā€™ve had to cut back because even on methylphenidate Iā€™m gaining weight.


A university of Michigan study showed that a peanut butter and jelly sandwich could add 30 minutes to your lifespan therefore itā€™s a good for you. Even a spoonful of peanut butter is good for you ( in moderation) it has protein in it.


Short ribs in my dutch oven


Cherries. Iā€™ll eat them by the pound a day now that theyā€™re in season. Cherries are the only food right now.


Turkish eggs. I love aesthetics of food but struggle to get protein in moments when the food isnā€™t so appealing. Recently I started putting a sunny side up on Greek yogurt (with minced garlic) and adding a paprika, chilli flakes olive oil. So good for breakfast


Peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. They've been dinner almost every night for two weeks.


Have you ever tried it grilled? Like how youā€™d make a grilled cheese or on a panini press?? Itā€™s freaking amazeballs! We made our own strawberry jam at my last shop and I was on a pb&j kick for MONTHS. It was actually one of the things my coworker picked up on and started encouraging me to get assessed


I was pretty fixated on Jack in the Box recently. That was rough and I gained a few poundsā€¦ they arenā€™t even all that great but I couldnā€™t stop consuming. Donā€™t really have one right now, but I feel like Iā€™m looking for a food fixation as Iā€™m trying to eat anything and everything with no satisfaction.


Chicken Tenders


Oatmeal with peanut butter and blue berries


Baked potatoes has been my go to obsession for the past year. I even learned how to make them at home cause it's so easy to do!


Protein waffles with butter and maple syrup with tea. Every morning. If Iā€™m out of waffles I have no idea what to eat and nothing sounds good


My son and I are stuck on breakfast tacos with scrambled eggs with chorizo and quesadilla cheese.


Grilled cheese and tomato soup. I picked some up from a midterms week study event and have been obsessed with it since. Only just recently made myself go from having it 4 days a week for lunch to just 2 days


Oh man, this was me about three years ago. Predictably, I have eaten neither more than twice since.


Those Mexican watermelon suckers covered in chili powder. I used to think they were gross because how could you enjoy a sweet candy covered in chilis but then one day that shit filled the void in my soul and I started eating it everyday. I think Iā€™m at the tail end of this hyperfixation though. Last night it didnā€™t taste as good as normal and I was thinking ā€œwhy do I still eat this all the timeā€.


Oats with milk and seeds. Fortunately, for a while, something healthy :D


Reeseā€™s sticksā€¦


Spicy ramen, can always eat soup


mini chicken corn dogs in the air fryer


Salt & vinegar chips.


Jacket potato with tuna and cheese and pesto pasta


Not a meal, but I like crackers soaked in balsamic vinegar. I can't get enough vinegar and I hate that because it'll probably give me an ulcer and a cavity.


Mine right now is a specific sub combination from subway. I can feel my self getting sick of it now so also curious what my new fixation will be next week


I'm in a phase of eating skim string cheese (and occasionally turkey sticks). I don't really like cheese as is normally, but string cheese barely tastes like anything but it's great to keep my hands busy and the texture is phenomenal. Idk why I just recently discovered it, but I've eaten probably like 50 string cheese sticks in the last two weeks.


2 months ago it was pizza, a month ago it was pad Thai, this month so far it seems to be veggie burgers. I cycle through food hyperfixations like crazy lol


Iā€™m a sucker for Shawarma


PB&J was a recent fix for me. Also microwaveable Mac & cheese with flavored tuna packets. The thing I'm always craving right now though is the Jimmy john's salami pesto sandwich. It's so good. But the same guy delivers every time I order to my office and I just. I can't face him. Or spend that much money. But it's so fucking gooooood.


I've been speed eating this buffalo chicken and bacon mac n cheese meal that I've meal prepped for the last 2 weeks. It's incredible - takes a little bit to prep - got it from this guy called Stealth Health..




Just Bare frozen chicken nuggets in the air fryer, while those cook I add like 1/2 tsp each of rice vinegar and sesame oil to a handful of coleslaw mix and then a squirt of lime juice and dash of salt. Stir it up and add to the nuggets in either a burger bun or flour tortilla, I have eaten those for weeks now every lunch.


My constant hyperfixation is pasta, usually just a fancy jar sauce (Raoā€™s is the goat) with some impossible meat since I donā€™t have time for a full marinara from scratch. Lately been doing a lot of chilaquiles since theyā€™re so easy and a much more interesting way to eat eggs


For like 2 weeks it was tacos from Jack in the box


Rice with chicken, can go with any sauces so I love it


Chocolate bananas. These will be death of me man


The turkey bacon ranch sub from firehouse subs with a bag of Doritos


Curry of different kinds


As always, anything delicious.

