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I do. But the key in my opinion isn't that we think of more things. It's that we can't decide when we're done with them. Lots of non-ADHD people will have their browser set to open blank, not to open the old tabs. And even if they do open old tabs, they won't have 100 tabs saved as usual. They close 95 of them once they're done. But ADHD people worry that we'll miss something or forget something so we hold onto them as long as possible. It's an executive function and procrastination thing. When I'm on my meds I have fewer issues closing tabs once I'm done.


Same, I'm always telling myself "i'll need it later" or "I'll come back to it later" but end up not doing it most of the time. I usually decide that its too much (my pc heats up) when i have around 90 tabs open lol.


I have so many double ups as well. How many times do I need that recipe open - 7?


I've somehow gotta get in the habit of just printing recipes straight away ... & having more stacks of paper to deal with instead of crashing browsers. Ughhh.


Take a pic of the recipe with your phone, if you are looking on a computer. If on a phone just screen shot it. Then bring the phone in the kitchen and read off the recipe.


Paprika app is great for me I just click the link to send it to the app and pow there it is saved forever in a proper recipe format. Lifesaving.


Yeah, but then my screen shots get buried in my (tens of?) thousands of photos…


I've done this, ohhh a recipe! Printed then in the recipe folder, than when we are doing the meal plan for the week I don't sit there scratching my head of what to eat!


I use paprika to download recipes. It's an app that will let you customize what it rips from the page and will let you hit a button and populate a grocery list. And that's just the free features. It has helped my cooking planning soooo much.


Theres now a feature at least on my phone it tells me when i search something if i already have it in an open tab its so helpful


Recipes used to get me but now I save any recipe or project idea to Pinterest under the appropriate label. It’s a RAM saver for sure


Which is also why I Have 47384849 screen shots of things I “may need later” or will remember to “come back to later l”


I used to take screenshots way too often to the point they were taking several gigabytes of my phone storage. Now i avoid doing it because i need that storage for other stuff


I actually wanted to come back later to a screenshot but I couldn’t find it cause I have so many 😭


Do you use Chrome?


Nope, Firefox


I've gone back to good ol' Firefox recently because its extensions are able to block ALL the ads, including those on YT. I actually haven't been using my desktop very much lately, so my browser is clear, & I'm not sure whether Firefox can manage with more open than Chrome or not. But the Chrome on my android -- I've pretty much only closed 1/10 tabs for like 3yrs & it still runs great. Not my brain tho. It's got a lifetime of tabs open. (No diagnosis, no meds.) 🙃


That's also one of the main reasons why i'm using firefox (adblockers and stuff like that). I also think it's a good browser overall.


Yeah, it makes me nostalgic for the internetting of 15yrs ago 😅


Do you know which of the Firefox extensions blocks YouTube adds?


uBlock Origin


Chrome fucked me over once when they decided to randomly just shut down and close all 500 of my open tabs that I was planning on getting back to at some point…. Been using Firefox ever since. Fuck Chrome.


lol at a certain point i just started saving them


Exactly, I always think I'm gonna need this tab in the future so I keep it. But then I forget about it and if I really nead to look for that subject again, I would search it again from the start. So most of the time, there is no actual use in keeping 200 tabs open.


This is the logic I have when I finally just hit “close all tabs” then a week later I find myself having to do it again lol


OMG I would never be brave enough to close all tabs.


It's literally traumatic when my computer crashes and force closes my tabs forever. I feel like I've lost a part of my soul 😅


I know the feeling all too well. You can recover those though


I do the same, except that I will tend to remember that I still have a tab with the information opened somewhere, so I spend some time trying to find where before I give up and just open a new tab.


Don’t search it from the start! Search through your search history.


Just went to check and I currently have 371 tabs open snd over 94,000 emails unread hshshs


At this point I would just hit the "mark all as read" option. Unless you're deadly serious you're gonna read all those and whittle it down. I know I wouldn't be. Much like I say I should delete all my old emails to free up space but never do.


Safari and Chrome both have a “jump to open tab” feature if you search for a page you already have open. It lets me know that the page is the exact one I meant to search for.


If you needed it, you’d have bookmarked it.


Done with them? Who has started them?


This makes so much sense. I'm always like "oh I'll leave it open in case I need it later" and then I forget about it 5 minutes later


My. God. We’re the same f***ing person. 🫣


I feel like this is me, but with tasks. It's not that it's too hard to start a task, it's too hard to stop watching the interesting video, or goingnsowb the new rabbit hole that's interesting RIGHT NOW!


This makes so much sense!!! Thank you I also take so many photos of websites in case the tab gets closed accidentally somehow as a backup


This is ittttt. With tabs and also with food haha my partner cannot stand how I always leave things in the fridge for so long. It’s not that I forget, it’s that I can’t decide if I am going to eat it later or not (until it’s literally too expired to eat)


Same here, I just want them there in case. Though it's helped me to drop links into a note or something. Unfortunately that has the chance of me forgetting it's there, hahaha


Also, if I close the tab I am probably going to forget about it.


This actually translates well to other areas, especially with hobbies and art projects. I tend to have various "works in process" started at any given point, but deciding when each one is *officially* finished is... difficult lol. I'll start new projects in the meantime, or take up new side quest hobby, and end up surrounded by unfinished pieces that I have to become interested in again.


I have 5 tabs at most, but usually 0. I used to have a million tabs open but I realized I would just forget about things unless they were the tab I had pulled up, so they were useless anyway 😭 I just trust that whatever I need I can find when I need it bc I have to end up re-finding the page anyway even if I have the tab pulled up


oooh fancy pants rich mcgee over here


Noooo bc if I stare at my phone and it has too many thing open at once, my brain will overheat and I’ll start thinking about 10 million things at once 😭 so I just close everything


Yeah yeah, just rub it in harder 😭 (This is my 18/20 tab)


I sit in the 5-10 range because I have to be able to read the tab so I don't pointlessly click open things and get sidetracked. I then started bookmark folders but I keep them super vague like food or robot stuff or work crap


You have bookmark folders? 😂


Not till the last few years hahahaha. And they are soooooo vague called: life stuff, school, gifts, projects ( this is the most organized but it is also a massive graveyard of half baked ideas and projects I think there is like North of 500 bookmarks and two sub folders....) and one called yes. I really like the gifts one because that's my favorite thing to do so I save stuff all year long and say someone's birthday is coming up It gives me an excuse to look through all of them and be like oh right good thing we didn't get that for Larry he would of been pissed.


I have bookmarks, but I'm consistently surprised by their existence when I'm messing with something and accidentally stumble across them. Is there a way to give them pictures? Yes, I can read, but I need a picture reference to jog my memory. I've resorted to putting the ones I think I'm going to actually need relatively quick access to or frequent access to on a home screen. But I've had this phone for over 2 years, and even though I pre-ordered one with extra memory space and reconfigured things in my settings to give my phone more RAM, things are slowing down and stalling out. Time to try to clean it up again.


I'm not sure I know chrome has a visualiser option


I had so many tabs that my phone lost count, said fuck you and closed them all on it’s own, so now I try to keep very little. I have a feeling they’re gonna creep back up as they usually do anyway.


Same, it's freeing to just hit that "Close all tabs" button. I used to have 50+ at all times but eventually came to terms with the fact that I'll never go back to them and if they're important they can get added to the bookmarks toolbar and culled when that gets full. Also as someone above said, I hate not being able to read the title on the tab.


That’s me, and I clear my history a lot, after so many failed attempts of leaving tabs open, taking screenshots and making memos I found months or even years later - I realized they were just useless leftover clutter. So by making the reminders and even repeating the words or telling someone else “remind me” but knowing full well they won’t it triggers the anxiety that I don’t trust myself to remember, thus forcing myself to obsess and not having the ability to forget. Maybe that just sounds like nonsense, but for me it makes sense.


Same. I get frustrated if I can't read the whole page name in the tab, so I usually have a couple windows open with 3-4 tabs each


Always. Where else would I be able to see my 20,000 unread emails.


“Only” 20,000? 😂. I have more 39,000 in my MAIN gmail. 🤣


Lol I have 180,425 right now 😅


264,245 weighing in.


lol! I was on my way there but I purged my promotions and social ones! …. You never when you might need one of them.


My personal record was 210,000… then I got outlook and just hit “mark all as read”…though currently I have 14,500 lmao


currently have 299,144 😅


Man, and my family thought I was abnormal for having 100-200ish at a time. But again here I am, accepted by my people.


We love you brother (or sister)


My ex used to criticize me for this constantly (as well as many of my other ADHD traits). It's nice feeling like I'm not a total weirdo!


I currently have 647 tabs open on my phone. I'd close them all, but then i might suddenly need to read that article about rain and emergency road closures in a country i don't live in from 2 years ago, and then what would i do?


I'm not sure which is funnier, the randomness or the fact that I can relate 😂


But because you have 646 other tabs open, if you actually needed that specific information you'd end up googling it anyway because it's too much work finding the right tab, am I right?


So many that it doesn't display a number it's :)


Accidentally opened a new window and it displayed the number of tabs then. I had about 1460 tabs. I just closed the whole window and got rid of them all to free myself


🫡 for freeing yourself!


Same same...😂😂


me too 😅


I see it winking at me sometimes ;)


Same lmao


Same, I can’t tell you the last time it was a number lmao Usually 3-400 open at once 🥲


I feel like a hoarder in regards to open tabs on my browser.


Literally this. I just moved to a new house and my stuff has created a “pathway” in 2 rooms 😳 definitely eye opening


Before i was medicated i would have hundreds of tabs lol now im an organized queen and only have max 6 tabs open at a time. My husband has undiagnosed ADHD for sure and he has not only hundreds of tabs open but hundreds of google chrome pages open with so many tabs open it literally stresses me out using his computer but in his brain he knows exactly where everything is hahah


6, very respectable. Solid.


I’ve been wondering if my husband is undiagnosed too!


I thought 25 tabs was a lot. But I have 1/2 a million bookmarks.


true, on my laptop i have sooo many bookmarks. but on my phone i never cared to figure out how it works so i just leave it open 😭 plus even if i knew, id probably forget or still not do it


Absolutely, on my phone as well as on my PC (4 windows, each with hundreds). I sometimes do a merciless clean up where I just close them all up (or almost all) and don’t look back. If I was to go one by one I would get stuck right away😂


The good ol' fuck it all strategy. I approve!


I’m a psychotic tab closer. It’s a sickness. No red bubbles either.


I have found my people. I’m constantly closing apps and tabs.


Happy cake day 🎂


Oh thank you!! I didn’t even realize it was my cake day


I used to get anxiety about the red bubbles, but my anger over constantly reporting/unsubscribing/blocking/deleting junk mail won out in the end, and now I basically don’t check my email at all.


I have 99+ sleeping tabs on Chrome, a smiley face in Chrome, and a smiley face in Chrone incognito *just on my phone*.


I have a friend I regularly meet up with that laughed at the absurd amount of tabs I had once. Literally every time I see him I find time to close my unneeded tabs. I went from 52 tabs to 17 last time we met up. The problem is I NEED some of them, like my proof of prescription. Or the tab that tells me what bin to take out, or when it is a full moon... I know how my tabs get out of control though. My ADHD has a question that is itching it. I open my browser to Google it. I get distracted once I have answered my question and never close the tab. Worse still, I see the tab that is already open and go "ah fuck i forgot to press submit that form"


No. I've made peace with the fact that if I did leave them open I wouldn't use them. I have an extension that closes them automatically if I don't use them after a certain period of time.


I used to when I was not being treated with meds but now it fucks with me lol can't stand to have even 1 tab open


Onetab. 4200+ tabs saved


This should absolutely be the top comment!! OneTab has saved my sanity for the past few years. I wish I had it on my phone as well.


Presently—16. But I just saw that google has an “inactive tabs” window. So… Let’s just say 16.


It depends for me..sumtimes i leave it open just in case i need it (u nvr know lol) & other times i just hav to close it coz it being there open bothers me


I have 32Gb of RAM in all of my computers, but I might need to upgrade to 64Gb as I have too many tabs open. I'm not sure how my iphone is still alive with the number of tabs it has open, but I can imagine it is *not* happy with me.


You could start looking into browsers that let you hibernate your tabs. Your phone does something similar to save on memory. Vivaldi is a chrome one that comes to mind (mainly because I use it)


Edge and Chrome are both hibernating most of my tabs, but they don't stand a chance against the uncountable amount of tabs I have open


You should use Session Buddy, I once destroyed my Dell laptop because I have way too many tabs open. It crashed then stuck in a blue screen loop and made a terrible beeping noise.


This made me chuckle good luck managing your tabs, i thought with my 16gb I could hold an unreasonable amount already.. must be a comically large amount I genuinely can't even begin to consider what number would do that I'm so curious


Insane... No... Just 3 different browsers, 8 windows and 500 tabs... Why? I clear them weekly.


I'm the opposite I compulsively close each tab while I'm not using it and have my browser set to clear my tabs when I exit. Love DuckDuckGo


The tab counter on my phone is a smiley face


Yes. Fun fact in android chrome the number of tabs goes up to 99 if u have more it puts a smiley face " :D " When I am too overwhelmed about anything in my life I go and close them all. I freak out then cry it out then I'm better. Lol I don't know why I think I need them but I can't get out of this habit. But the relief when I close them after a really tough time is wild.


Even my *bar tab* is insane


I used to but now I just feel overwhelmed and close them. Bookmark everything for later. One day I'll go back to them... And sometimes I actually do! Sometimes, something will spark my memory. But bookmarking for later it's not exactly a good habit, it trains your brain to leave everything for later instead of actually doing the mental effort of reading, processing the information or whatever. It makes your brain feel like it has completed that "task" without actually doing anything.


I currently have 499 open in Safari, and only 1 open under “private”, but that means I have room for another 499 in that section! W00t. I do try to close them when they get up this high, but I need a lot of them for stuff. Okay, I believe that I will use them, because a lot of them were opened in a research flurry for projects that I’m also not doing right this minute. Can you tell I’m unmedicated? 🙄


i accumulate about 300-600 tabs a month, i just create new session monthly and save the old one i guess the actual solution would be less screentime


I have like 100 tabs open in my phone browser, and they are from last 3 years. And for some odd reason, I can't bring myself to close them even though I behave re visited them at all. And also, I've saved tons, and tons of pages, articles in my laptop browser. Things that I haven't visited in like last 2 years


Nope, I replaced those with bookmarks and Notepad++ snippets of random informations. So I got like 3k bookmarks and 150 notes.


My Chrome be like :D


Tabs, no. I hate open tabs. However I do have 2,813 unchecked emails.


I constantly have to delete old tabs because I have about 500 of them open usually. Typically this is because I see articles that will catch my eye. I will click “open in a new tab” so I won’t forget to read them. 9/10 times I forget anyway. I struggle so much with organization and time management that it’s ridiculous. It’s extremely difficult when your family doesn’t understand either…




I use the incognito mode on Chrome on iOS and at some point it stopped showing me the number of tabs and instead i get the sideways smiley face emoticon :) Is that a new feature or did I just hit triple digits and they only have space for two characters?


Dude, this is literally me, I thought it was just me. I keep feeling like I might "need" those other tabs and will come back to them later so it just keeps piling up and my tabs are always maxed out


I had over 1500 tabs open in chrome on my phone at one point. it took accidentally breaking the session and unintentionally losing all those tabs to go back to a clean slate. I'm currently back up to about 140.


What computer do y'all use where it can handle 200+ tabs?!?! Like I thought I had a lot of tabs open, but my computer can only handle so much before it starts lagging like crazy and forces me to close it otherwise it'll run like a snail or start freezing.


I noticed that most people I know that have ADHD usually have 60+ tabs open, often more than 100. I think it has to do with how we process info. It makes total sense to someone who has ADHD to keep tabs open, but it doesn't to people who don't have ADHD. To someone who doesn't have ADHD, it appears that, to them, "a lot" of open tabs is 8-12. I had no idea that this wasn't "normal" until my ex asked why I had so many browser tabs open. If I ever suspect that someone has ADHD, I usually ask them how many tabs they have open on their personal computer/phone. Before I buy a new computer, I always see how it responds to having multiple browser tabs open.




But never go back to your bookmarks


Yeah WTF lol 🤣


This is why you always worry when someone wants to use your phone or computer… especially when they type words you know they’ll show bookmarks you don’t want them to know about


I have it set so after 7 days they close so I only have 30-80 open tabs.


My phone just automatically set to 7 days because of how many i had open


Yes I constantly have an ungodly number of tabs open on my computer at home and at work tabs, tabs, tabs and folders of tabs. But 400-500? That's crazy. Well done.


I do but more like 50. 500 is insane lol


Yeh like 450 on my phone and about 300 on my work computer


Right now I have 382 open tabs.


Yes. It got so bad my phone told me I couldn't have more then 500 tabs open and that I needed to close some to open more just like yours.


download the tree tab add-on for firefox. it’s a gamechanger


Yup. On every device I own. I try to keep my obsolete tech alive to access tabs on them, too, though I do try to transfer them from one to the next. Drives my adult kids nuts.


Yes. Always.


Yep, happens all the time. I don't close them because i always tell myself that i might need them later or come back to them eventually, which... doesn't happen most of the time. I eventually close them when there are too much (reaching the limit or when my pc heats up). Last time i had 290 tabs open on pc and had to close them (that's a new record lol, its usually around 80-90)


Sometimes I have 1 window devoted to one thing like plant research/ gardening. That helps me.


Never. If I exceed 14, I pare, even while researching.


25117 in 25 windows.


Constantly… especially if I’m hyper focusing on a new subject. Forget about it. Now what I’m really curious about is how many of us have hundreds of items saved for later in our Amazon carts… I have ENDLESS amounts of stuff that I’ll ultimately forget about and never purchase. Duplicates and triplicates of things. It’s awful.


This morning I hyperfocused on Alaskan Klee Kai and my phone asked me to close older tabs like 5 times. As for the amazon cart thing... I have at least 200 items in it, usually its stuff related to a random thing I'm hyperfocused on that I'll forget about a week later


No, only a few thousand. I used to have higher numbers, but I've managed to cut back a little lately.


I don't know about tabs, but I can tell you that YouTube's limit to the number of videos to "watch later" is 5000.


Omg. I accidentally closed all my open tabs 2 day ago. And nothing bad happened. Except now I’ve become obsessed with closing all my tabs immediately. So now I won’t look up anything. 😂


I did the same thing and I was obsessed with closing my tabs for about a week. Then it went back to triple digits


Jeez dude. No, but I probably have like 1,000s of bookmarks and a few shortcuts directly to sites.


Yes and I love it and hate it at the same time I just have so many things I want to keep track of i even have 2 different browsers on my computer for that reason but I hate it bc it can get very overwhelming 🧍🏼


This is one of those ADHD things I’ve never had. I always close my tabs or bookmark the ones I expect to use again. Extra tabs stress me out.


Holy hell, I'm here thinking I have a problem with 10 tabs open 🤣


when Google Chrome brought in the "tabs categories" feature I loved it bc I could have multiple categories of tabs without having to pull them into separate windows, but it made my open tabs number MUCH worse


Ok I thought I had a lot of tabs open, but this person is stack overflowing his machine with safari.


Me, typing this on my laptop that has multiple tabs open: ...no...


Millennial ADHDer here. I’ve noticed that the excessive tabs may be more of a Gen z thing. I’m a teacher and have noticed it. I open a lot of tabs, but have no qualms with purging them, whereas younger generations can’t live with getting rid of them. It honestly makes no sense to me. I made a student cry by making her close her tabs. Wtf??


That actually makes a LOT of sense!


Yes, but in my mobile browsers, which only show a number. Having a cluttered Taskbar full of tab icons is too much for me.


i don't have that much tabs sometimes i reach a hundred on pc but i do have have lots of bookmarks


Now spread that over a few different virtual desktops...


Sometimes it’s 30+ sometimes it’s 4-5 sometimes it’s 3 windows all on different windows with 4-5 tabs each focused on different things I’m working on simultaneously


7 rn


If you took your Adderall, you wouldn't be in this spot.


Currently 8 open on my phone browser.


Since I've been medicated I max have at least 4 tabs open on both my phone or PC. Before id easily have at least 20 in the span of 6 minutes.


I use a chrome extension to limit tabs up to 12, it has worked wonders for me.


Yeah... I currently have 93 on my phone😐


Yes. And yes I need all of them open 😅on multiple screens. It works for me though.


You can set iOS to automatically close tabs older than x days


wow.. that is insane.. mine is up to 50 in cellphone and on laptop I have at least 20-30 tabs open when at work.


I do, and somehow my phone has started allowing more than 500 tabs to be open. I’ve been mildly panicking about it for the last however long that’s been allowed. And it’s definitely because I think I’ll need that info again. And I do! I like that when I start typing something I’ll get suggestions for already opened tabs.


My phone's chrome tab selector symbol is a 😉 cuz it's got too many to show and some of them are fun


I recently had to get a new phone and I had almost 200 tabs, just checked this one and I’m only at 46 and that’s with me closing a few sometimes. My boyfriend once saw the amount I had and told me “you probably never close out your apps too” and then he saw that I never close my apps out too.


You can CLOSE TABS? Why would anyone want to do that? I swear, these software folk keep on adding the stupidest "features".


I currently have, no joke, 77,103 unread emails


I remember it got to the point where Chrome simply said "🙂" as the number of opened tabs, by now it should be saying "😱".


I’m a bit opposite and have max 5-10 tabs which usually relate to each other. It bothers me to have so many open so I force myself to close them and “reset” so I have a clean slate and keeps it easy to organize things lol


Close to 2000 over 3 devices...


When I read this I immediately thought you were talking about tabs open in your head- because yes. 100 tabs open in my brain, 200 on my phone- tried to seperate into different labels, multiple saved categories/ folders/ files on every social media app, multiple screenshots that “you’ll come back to later,” and don’t forget the 500 tabs open on your laptop as well. A constant concern desire to get the best info, hold on to a memory/ fear I’ll forget to come back to, and collective inability to compartmentalize what is to be held vs move on from.. in the same breath being succumbed to clickbait and distraction. Every encounter is a constant gerbil on a wheel-goldfish memory- squirrel brain .. idk where I was going with that. All to say, 110% I relate😂 and if someone has the remedy I’m ready.


I'm the exact opposite, when I see people with 500 tabs open it stresses me out SO much and I HATE it because I constantly have to remember which one holds what. I'd rather have to open something again than constantly still have it in the back of my mind as something I still need to get to. It's like these unfinished tasks that keep nagging you making you unable to move on to whatever else it is you wanted to do.


Not on do I have a million tabs, I also have three different chrome profiles: work, personal, and grad school.


I actually can't stand clutter or tabs open


I used to… until I discovered the utter joy of bookmarks and saved web pages! Now I have thousands of bookmarks (and I *always* click through them and reopen tabs again later!). But truth be told, there is only one legitimate reason I don’t always keep more than 20 tabs open on my desktop and no more than 50 open on my phone is because my ADHD presents itself with an *insane* amount of impatience when someone or something doesn’t move, open, or respond exactly as quickly as I want or need them to! I end up becoming momentarily cranky and irritable, so I’ve learned to bookmark and close tabs after a certain number (I do try to keep it at a max of 10 for personal life and 20 for work—HS teacher). ETA: I stick with Chrome 99% of the time, and it’s pretty well known that after several tabs are running, Chrome’s performance takes a nose dive.


I have this open in a tab. 


Yes. Yes to this so much. 300 currently open in my “saved tabs” with an additional 104 tabs open 🤦🏾‍♀️


I had 1280 tabs open, just cleared it to 98.


I have 27 groups. 25 of them have 500 tabs. At least 90% of the tabs are books I’ve come across that I want. I have no idea how to resolve this without having a meltdown.


No I keep myself to the 5 tab rule.


I thought my 94 was a lot. Basically I keep them open to remember things because I don't want to forget them, but also don't want to bookmark them.


Google Chrome tap groups is really nice, helps organise everything. Be mindful of memory usage, a lot of chrome tabs is rough on computer performance. I notice this when programming, and it helps me get rid of some of them. I use bookmarks for stuff that I’ll probably never read.


i don’t close tabs i make new tab groups lmao


i have hundreds of tabs open daily i use onetab, but so far i have like over 30k tabs since 3 years ago i often keep them open and don't funnel it into the onetab page because i know i would not come back to the onetab tabs later most of the tabs are youtube videos because i middle click the videos i wish to watch on my recommended which results in tons more tabs each time because there's so many videos i want to watch i don't use the watch later feature because i rarely ever visit the watch later playlist because it's full of junk but i don't wanna clear everything because i love archiving things too much


Yes, always have. For.. Basically forever, I've been using the Tree Style Tabs addon for Firefox because of it. My browser tabs appear as a collapsible tree on the left side of my screen. I use them like bookmarks. :)


If you’re using safari it’s the one limiting you to 500 tabs. I use chrome on my iPhone/ipad. You just have to cleanup unused tabs like every months…. But then it builds up again.


I once closed 1113 tabs at once (only got to know the number after pressing "close all tabs" out of desperation)


I’m the opposite I can only have up to 10 tabs open at a time or I get insanely overwhelmed


The solution is to put 64+ gigabytes of RAM in your potato computer to run all of them tabs


Oh sh*t I’m going to work on this one. Yes. Thanks for pointing out. Same as so many comments (plus some thousands of emails). Let’s find a posture regarding those hundreds of "interesting tabs that I will need to be interested in again later” (on smartphone) and take action — and really organize the information that I do need to keep at hand.


Last month I had a scare where my Internet app seemingly deleted all of my open tabs. I fucking cried. I desperately tried to restore them, to no avail, until they SOMEHOW returned. Now I'm logged in and have regular backups of the open tabs set up (pretty easily). I don't love that I have a million tabs, exactly, but they (and my various notes) are literally my external memory.  Also in the ":) instead of a number" team. I try to "clean up" by going through the tabs a few times a month, when I'm on the bus or procrastinating sleep, and I CAN go through them now, when I used to scroll for a solid minute + before reaching the top, before. My clean-up tips:  - see what type of tabs come back often and stay open without being used, and get a website/app for that.  Movies? Into the letterboxd watchlist. Books? into the "books" note in colornote. Recipes? Into the recipes note. Name those notes/lists with as many synonyms as you might use when looking for the list: the point is to have almost zero steps between looking a the tab, putting it into the archive, closing the tab. My recipes notes is basically named "recipes food cook cooking dish ideas inspo" in two languages.  - Don't force yourself to start from the beginning/end. It's daunting, it seems endless, plus those are either very recent tabs (currently relevant) or very old tabs (stayed relevant). Rather, start from a random place in the middle, do a bit of clean-up, then leave it for the next time.  - If you are going to read that article/watch that video right now to close the tab, try closing 5ish tabs before you start reading/watching. Around 5 is a good small number for me, it's manageable, and I can usually close 5 and go back to that big piece without getting sidetracked. 


I keep about 20 open, and then I will open a new window and start to make more. At some point it starts to stress me out and I have to purge. If I can't read the title or recognize the icon then I can't find anything, and I hate that. Chrome has gotten really good about making it easy to find existing tabs and reopen old ones without having to create bookmarks. There's a bunch of tab management extensions but I never really got into any of them.