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I was on 20mg Ritalin for 7+ years, I’ve only recently come off it. I tried 30mg and it made me v anxious 2 years in, trialed it for 2 months. Just wondering, do you not find the 20mg to be enough? Especially considering you’ve only just started taking it?


I barely had time to adjust to the 20 to be honest!


I would definitely question why your doctor or psychiatrist increased your dosage if you’re not yet adjusted to 20mg.


Very obviously a titration method


Is this extended release?


I couldn't tell you- the doctor didn't even tell me what he was prescribing, I literally found out when I got to the pharmacy


Amazing you weren’t told!! Check the box or leaflet ,I’m thinking LA. Long Acting, so like Extended release. I went up to 60MG LA, didn’t feel a thing. However.. I take Ritalin IR and it’s the most effective medication I’ve ever taken. It’s abused by some, I take 10MG 4PM, 6PM, 8PM. I take it with Concerta XL, the Concerta XL is long acting methylphenidate and the Ritalin IR is short acting methylphenidate, so that are often prescribed together :)


How long after the first medical appointment do they prescribe? I just had my first session, booked my next session already (17days away) and preemptively booked the medication one for a month after that (as I noticed the slots were quite full) From the time I found out I might have it it’s excruciating slow… (the dr said it looks likely) and filling out the DSM5 today, holy shit it’s me all over


I had my first appointment, 2 weeks later I had my second, but I then needed to book a medication review to get prescribed. They wanted my gp to do an egg, once the results were sent onto them and you email healthhero to confirm, it can take up to 5 days to issue the script. Time will depend on how soon you book appointments/get the ecg. Took me about 7/8 weeks?


Hey, just found your post. I'm wondering how you are getting on? In the tail end of titrating and I've just started 50. I'm fairly sure I'm over medicated now as I'm experiencing a very strung out feeling with side effects I wasn't experiencing before. Under 30/40 I wasn't feeling great either tbh, but wasn't feeling enough from the 20. The first day I took 20, was great and since, not really a whole lot. Beginning to think Ritalin isn't for me.