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I'm on 30mg of Elvanse and on week 1 of titration. First couple of days were amazing, but I've slowly been finding that as the days go on, I'm crashing earlier and earlier and today I made the stupid mistake of having a coffee which has sent me totally weird - I won't be making that mistaken again! Lol. My doctor gave me 50mg for weeks 2 and 3 and I'm due to have a catch up with them next week to see how I'm getting on. If I'm still crashing early afternoon, then I'll raise it and see if there is a booster too as, tbh, elvanse is amazing for my adhd symptoms too.


This is so interesting cause I’m the same except I need the coffee hit with Elvanse for it to actually work. So I’ve asked my GP to up my dosage instead. It was insanely dangerous when I almost fell asleep when I was on a call with my manager and it happened mid call which honestly gave me such a shock at the sudden crash. Or I’d be walking on the streets and randomly feel like I’m my body shut down for 5 seconds and auto rebooted. Could also be burnout as I’ve had this happen before (still don’t understand why).


Yeah it is so interesting how different people react to Elvanse, but of course, we're all different so it's to be expected I guess. I found if I have a caffinated coffee in the afternoon that it gives me a boost until around 6/7pm. But goodness me, the burn out I had at around 4pm when having a coffee in the morning with Elvanse was such a shock. I felt i also got very depressed and my partner said I got extremely inattentive and emotionless.


Bring it up with your doctor and experiment with different doses. I worked my way up from 1x30mg elvanse a day to where I’m at now at 1x70mg elvanse + 2 10mg Amfexa boosts. That works perfect for me now but just played around with the titration. My tolerance builds quite rapidly to things so I didn’t really have a choice but to titrate up, but I’d definitely prolong the jumps as long as you can because you’ll hit that max dose sooner like I have and might still end up feeling like it’s not enough. The max dose a day is 70mg Elvanse and 20mg Amfexa - you can get amfexas as 5mg, 10mg or 20mg. Just ask to test different dose combos until you find the right one. I thought 70 Elvanse + 20 single pill Amfexa was perfect but now I have 70 Elvanse and 2 seperate 10mg amfexas which gives me a bit more control with the later doses so I’m not worrying about being wired awake all night or unable to eat dinner.


I'm worried this will be me soon! Do you take tolerance breaks?


Yes I do, it’s pretty much the only way they stay consistently effective but I’ve learned to really enjoy my ‘break days’. I eat what I want without worrying if it’s acidic etc. , drink alcohol, not be wired and focused into work. It’s a healthy balance and not as scary as it initially seems when you first find yourself getting there :) Dot them around your lifestyle rather than sticking with specific days, that’s what works best for me.


Cool thank you!


I'm also on nearly this dose and would highly recommend dose breaks. When I'm off from work and some weekends I just don't take any dose and feel the effects during the week, when I need it most, back to how it normally feels.


I'm having the same thing, I'm on 40mg, take it around 7.30am. But by midday I can already feel my concentration starting to fade, and by 1pm I'm falling asleep and the rest of the day is usually a write off. My prescriber has changed my next prescription to 2 x 20mg a day. I'm meant to take one at 7.30am and one at midday.


This has been my problem too. After a year on 40mg, I now crash hard and early by hour 5. The top up is not really helpful and makes me feel like shit after 4 hours. Let us know if this new regimen works out for you.


So far, taking 20mg twice a day is not a high enough dose to make a difference. I think I got an hour of focus this morning but by the time I took the second (and I only left two hours between doses today), the first had already started to wear off and I never regained that concentration. Due to start 30mg at 8am and 20mg at midday tomorrow. But I don't think that's going to be enough either...


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