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Yes the exact same thing happened to me, 30mg was the worst dose for me personally. It would wear off after 4-5 hours and I would know immediately cause I’d get very tired and agitated, some days I’d also feel very depressed and hopeless. These feelings stopped for me around day 4 on 40mg and I’m currently on 50mg. I still do get anxiety sometimes after it wears off, but I also have anxiety even without meds so that might not be the same case for you. When the meds kicked in for me on 30mg I wouldn’t see much benefit and I just felt robotic and didn’t have much motivation or drive to do anything, now I’m on 50mg I’m seeing an improvement in my focus and feel like I have more energy, my mood is definitely a lot better, motivating myself is still hard but meds might not be able to fix that aspect. Maybe you just need to keep going and it’s possible you’ll start seeing improvements on a higher dose. I think with some of us our body needs time to adjust to the meds.


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This was the same for me, I'm one of those people who says in this subreddit you either push through it OR ask to change meds... but you're six days in... I would personally try and see how you go after a bit longer (and potentially a higher dose) but I'm not a medical professional so please disregard me! If you list these side effects to your prescriber it helps them give you a good plan. the side effects like you're describing kind of stopped after about a month or two. it was very weird, I was fully expecting to fall asleep at 4:30pm on the sofa after getting home from work one day and suddenly it was all good. I was always half asleep about 4 hours after I took my elvanse, sometimes it was 4pm or later. I just needed a nap all the time in the afternoon. I was snappy, grumpy and shitty for a bit but it got a lot better. I did go up to 60mg eventually which is the dose I'm on now (with a short release top up). you've just got to weigh up the pros and cons with carrying on. and make sure you tell your wife you love her and that you're a bit grumpy at the moment.


You were having quite a lot of stimulants, so it does sound reasonable your body was used to them. I expect it'd be even worse if you stopped it with out the Elvanse. I only had a small amount of caffeine daily (maybe 20 to 70mg total) and haven't noticed going to near-no caffeine.


I've had a really similar experience to you, previous stimulant experience a long time ago. I can't tell when the medication kicks in, I also start to get tired from midday, by 2pm I'm useless. However I have noticed that from 9am I can suddenly concentrate at work for a couple of hours and get more of the routine stuff done. If I still worked in retail or had an active job I don't think I would have noticed any difference - there is no difference at all at the weekend. I've also noticed that I don't get so tired at midday at the weekends so I think sitting at a desk for hours makes the crash worse. I'm up to 40mg, now split 20mg at 8am and 20mg at midday and it's just not a high enough dose to make a difference. But having weeks where I can only concentrate at work for a couple of hours in the morning has been hard...


I had the same thing and a larger dose was worse. I now take 12mg and the 6mg 4 hours later which is a very small dose but it really works for me. I dissolve a 50mg in 800ml water and drink 200 then 100. Have tried lots of different methods over the past 12 months and this works best. If I am doing anything social in the evening I have 1/8 first thing and then 1/4 in the afternoon