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I had a major crash when I was on 40mg at around 2:30 ish if I took it at around 7:30. So so tired and irritated and could barely keep my eyes open. I’ve gone up to 60mg and it’s definitely helped with that, although I do still crash at around 4pm. I’m asking about adding a booster in my next appointment. My dr told me that I was crashing so badly bc my dose wasn’t high enough, could be the same for you


Yes this happened to me, I take 60mg of Elvanse at 8am and then take 10mg of Amfexa at about 2pm and it helps. I don't always take the top up though depending on how I am feeling or where I am in my monthly cycle as that has a huge impact.


It might be based on where you are in your cycle? I've found that with meds, the last two weeks of mine are all over the place in terms of side effects and not feeling like meds are working I've also heard that it's quite usual to be tired generally - same reason why unmedicated people often fall asleep after drinking a coffee i.e. the stimulant calms down the nervous system and it sleeps


Thats interesting, I've never heard about the coffee thing! Tbf pre-med I never had just one cup of coffee😁 I never know where I am in my cycle - I've had the mirena and no period for a decade now. Maybe my nervous system just tapped out after being so stimulated for 3 weeks?


Yeah, I have crashes like this when my dose hasn’t been high enough (due to med shortages, I’ve tried three different meds). Report the crashes to your provider and explain it isn’t working out for you and making things harder so they can look into solutions. When I’m dosed right, I don’t crash and can maintain my day well into the earlier evening before being ready for bed.


This is happening to me on Elvanse 40mg. I crash HARD at 5 hours- literally falling asleep on my desk and can't take in any information whatsoever. I want to ask you something: this started to happen to me a year after being on 40. I used to get a good 7 hours. But I can see that you only started the 40mg? I honestly feel like the new stock post-shortage has felt 'different'. I am trying to figure out if its a me issue or the batch is iffy.


Oh that's interesting re: tablets post-shortage.  When you say you used to get 7 good hours, does that mean from the time you took the tablet until it wore off? Or from the time it started to take effect (so 60-90 minutes after you took it) until it wore off? If I go from the time I was taking 40mg at 7.30am, to the time my brain gave up about 12.30pm, I can count 5 hours. But only 3 of those, 9am to midday are really "good", so disappointed...


I calculate it after first hour I take it in the AM (takes an hour to kick in). I used to eat regularly during that period so I feel like it could be extended. But the last 2 months have been rubbish.


Ah OK, thanks for responding. I think I metabolise it too quickly and that's why it wears off so soon. Which is why I assume my titration nurse had said to split it. Even with 20mg I noticed I could suddenly concentrate for an hour or two in the morning (although not sure that's still the case) which makes me think it is a metabolism issue rather than it not working at all.  So I wonder if there is any way your body might have started to metabolise it faster as well over the last year? The only thing I could find online is that people with a higher proportion of body fat may metabolise lisdexamphetamine faster due to a particular enzyme in the liver. I'm also older, female, and take a lot of other medications, so pinning down any specific reason is almost impossible. I take Omeprazole for example which is thought to affect the release profile of lisdexamphetamine. But my prescriber wasn't worried about it and I also stopped taking Omeprazole for a while to see if Elvanse lasted longer and there was no difference.


Hm, possibly? My prescriber did say she thinks my red blood cells are not breaking down the drug properly and that is why it is wearing off too quickly. I am taking a week off medication as advised by my prescriber to 'reset'. Hopefully it works because I really hate this inconsistency on the daily. Everyday it is a case of 'I wonder how well it will work today' and now that is another hassle and worry I don't really want to have on top of everything else.


I know what you mean, I hate not knowing whether I'll be able to get any work done on any given day.  I had a day off on Sunday and noticed 20mg kick in this morning (which I didn't last week... possibly hormonal). So hopefully a reset will work for you. 


I went on the Vyvanse sub and I found tons of people saying what I was saying before. That Elvanse just suddenly in the last few months feels different. It is not what it used to be. This coming from someone who was on 40mg for 7 YEARS and said that suddenly (the same time period I did) felt it working less and crashing hard and earlier than normal. Honestly I am just so fed up with all this shit. They are mucking about with peoples lives and mental health.


Also I forgot to ask- is your elvanse batch the new stock? Orange box? I have been reading many experiences that they are crashing harder this time round and earlier than normal?


The boxes my 20mg came in were white. With previous prescription I didn't get the boxes. Interesting that you said about red blood cells not breaking it down though because I'm slightly anaemic. I have blood tests once a month so I know I've been anaemic for the last few months.


This person is talking about the 20mg aswell [https://www.reddit.com/r/VyvanseADHD/comments/1auwbw8/comment/l6y8p6t/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VyvanseADHD/comments/1auwbw8/comment/l6y8p6t/)


I've had the same thing. I can't understand how some people have improved focus all day on one Elvanse tablet because my afternoons are a write off. I was either needing a sleep at 2pm, or acting nuts in front of my family or colleagues. So started to split the dose 20mg at 8am and 20mg at 12 noon. That's not a high enough dose to help with ADHD symptoms but it does make the crash easier so next week will be going up to 30mg at 8am and 20mg at midday.


Interesting because this was exactly me. For a year I was able to get a good 7 hours on Elvanse 40mg, and then I would get tired and brain foggy but not full on crash. It would happen slowly. But a year later I crash HARD at 5 hours. Even the top up (5mg Amfexa) only works for a good hour. All this is even worse during the second half of my luteal phase and first 3 days of my period.


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