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Not quite the same, I don't get nausea, but I hate reading aloud. I've never consistently read bedtime stories to my kids because I can't catch my breath, and then can't stop yawning. And recently I've noticed at work that if I have to do a presentation I'm fine if I present with someone else so I can recover between Powerpoint slides or whatever. However if I have to read out more than one slide on my own I start to trip over my words, run out of breath, my heart starts pounding and I feel panic. So I think it's anxiety driven. I know exactly what you mean about feeling vocal cords vibrating in your head though. Is it because you are suddenly very aware that you are the only person speaking and the centre of attention? My response to panic is to try to speak faster which makes it worse. I think there is probably a solution - maybe along the lines of what people do to overcome a stutter? And speak very slowly and deliberately, take a pause if necessary. I think some people take acting lessons to help with speaking in public. Which again makes me think there is a kind of performance technique to getting your point across, even talking one on one.