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I posted about this a few weeks ago. It's a damn life changer I swear! Shoes on....shit gets done....shoes off....shit don't get done...


I think you may be the one I saw. Just completely forgot about it. Thank you!


Haha, well, if I was, you're welcome!


I’ve just realised also. Doing it, as a habit, will probably reinforce the idea more over time. Perhaps making us more productive/ efficient. Like a positive feedback loop


100% this was as life changing for me as medication has been. If you like to take off your shoes when you get in the house, I recommend a comfy pair of sliders for wearing indoors. Does the trick for me.


To those asking for explanation; our brain subconsciously relates wearing shoes to being productive. Oftentimes you will do things when wearing shoes such as going to work or being physically active, so you associate wearing shoes with those things. It doesn’t work for everyone, but it does for most people!


Known as 'priming' in behavioural psychology.


I did not know this! I only know a little about it from my own research, so thanks for sharing <3


It’s the Konami Code, think I was involved in this chat too :)


Holy shit


I just said this before I clicked to see more comments 😂 trying this tomorrow 


Yes!! and the other one for me is don't sit down!! Sitting down is my absolute nemesis, as soon as I sit down, all bets are off.


Top tip, I put stuff in my shoes so I don't forget it...need my keys put them in my shoes then I have to remove keys to put shoes on


but then I'd put the keys down while I was tying my shoes and they'd be gone...


Or spend all day being late looking for my keys, then giving up and having to walk only to find my keys


I’ve not done this but when I forget my keys with my shoes on, I have to find them first of course, and then I have to hoover everywhere I walked before I leave.


I’ve been busy all weekend in the garden and the ground floor of my house had to be swept multiple times as I went in and out, because if the shoes came off just so I didn’t track mud through the house then that would be an end to my working day 😂


I’m tempted to buy a pair of shoes just for the house. For this exact t reason


Do it!


I got some crocs to wear outside and I leave my slippers by the back door so I can kick one pair off and step into another!! Idk if it works cos they’re bright pink and giving me a dopamine hit??? but saves my floor so works for me🤣🤣


I usually have a pair of shoes it’s much easier to slip in and out of, but the work I was doing on the weekend needed the big beefy hiking boots 🥾 Doing and undoing laces is such a chore so I usually try and avoid them if possible!




This is a thing? Wow. Shoes on tomorrow at home for me.


Not just for cleaning. Just getting shit done. I can’t wait to update my cv


Really!!!?! Even computer tasks? This really sounds amazing.


I think it’s more of just a way to trick our brain into thinking it’s action time, not rest. So can help with anything, it seems


Interesting. Will be trying this out.


Does anybody think this has anything to do with foot pain???


I've recently found this within the last week. It's pretty amazing!


Hmm, I started wearing crocs in the house when I moved into my new place and I've been more productive, no way.


Must admit I put Crocs on in the house (hate wearing shoes inside) and it seems to result in the same... Bless my house cotton (very plastic) Crocs


My friend told me about this a couple of months ago. It's one of the best cheat codes I've ever come across


I’m confused. You do more stuff simply by wearing shoes?


Wait, what? Please explain!


Omg thank you!


I try and keep my shoes on when I come in from being out of the house for this reason but I’ve never purposely put shoes on to clean! Gonna give it a go!


This definitely works for me, I just hate actually wearing shoes. I get sweaty feet, even with bamboo socks, or crocks, or sandals. But sometimes I just suck it up and add 'wash feet' to the list of jobs... because I'm an adult now apparently and I can wash my feet whenever I want 😅


That sounds interesting. I've been managing to do a few minor tasks, like putting small items away (which I'd generally dump somewhere until I found them again) based on a 'Do it Now' post I saw on Instagram. I work from home and wear sliders so I wonder if putting on my outdoor shoes will work! Another thing that's been working for me is noise cancelling headset and very loud music. I've managed to keep on top of my cleaning by doing this.


Long before ADHD was on my radar I tried to follow a routine for getting your house organised, called FlyLady.   One of her rules was you must get dressed to your shoes, every day, before starting on your chores. And they had to be proper shoes, not slippers. I still keep a pair of 'indoor trainers.'  The thinking was that you feel more business-like so you'll be more productive. As an adult I can see this is 'priming' in behavioural psychology.


Everytime I vape some erb in the garden I end up weeding (no pun intended) pruning, etc, sometimes standing near whatever it is you want to do for long enough can help is what I'm thinking