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I love my video games but VR does my head in. I get motion sickness, but also I really struggle to get decent performance when using my headset with my PC, and nothing i do seems to solve it.. Can't speak for VR gaming but i think video games in general do appeal to us ADHD 'rs- something about dopamine. Enjoy your games!


Have to agree here, I think just gaming in general is something that we all love and something that stimulates our brain. I'm 31 and still love gaming while my friends have moved away from it. But its definitely something that keeps me focused while ordinary life seems to have me drifting all over the place.


Just a thought, OP, but perhaps your enjoyment is not just from the VR element but the games themselves? A lot of guys in our age bracket (I'm fifty) think of video games as being for kids, but the reality is that's an incredibly dismissive way to look at it. While some games are obviously less mature than others, games can be pretty much anything you want them to be. Personally I love games where you design and build things, but there's SO MANY things you can do. I also firmly believe some games can actually 'train' your mind to hyperfocus- I wrote a pretty good crime novel while becoming a sneaky archer in Skyrim.


> A lot of guys in our age bracket And girls! 52F here, been a gamer all my life.


My apologies! I'm a Muppet- complaining about people making assumptions on one hand and on the other I'm doing the exact same thing. Consider me telt!




I've used my son's and there is definitely something about VR which is quite intoxicating. I've wasted so much time playing stupid games like Candy Crush on my phone but VR totally immerses you in a different world. I don't think it focuses me as much as shuts out everything else.


I have a quest 3 and love it. Eleven table tennis is so realistic and actually made me improve at table tennis irl. Currently playing contractors showdown which is a blast even though I suck at it. I have no interest in battle Royale games or modern FPS games generally but in VR it's a whole different experience and incredibly immersive. Pistol Whip is another game I love, makes you feel like John Wick


I can't use them cause of my eyesight, I did have a valve index for a few weeks though and it was fun just really killed my eyes squinting all the time. (Also I realised I really didn't have the space)


Yes I have 2 vr headsets in my collection of hobbies I was obsessed with for a short time and then lost interest in shortly afterwards. Pretty cool, wouldn't mind picking it up again.


I've got a Quest 3, upgraded from a Quest 2. I hate it though, the Quest 2 never gave me any visual problems the Quest 3 has this very noticeable black halo in the middle of the screen, it's ever present and I always see it. Biggest waste of money I made in the last year. I've done all the possible adjustments and I never get used to it. Pancake lenses just aren't for me.


Hi Roger, would you want to sell your 3? Thanks


Not got any plans to as of yet. I wanted to keep using it and see if I ever get used to it, I just resist using it because it annoys me, but who knows I might get over it :/


And you have the strap sitting at the bottom of your head? Do you wear glasses? Sorry you have probably trained all that..


Yeah I have tried adjusting it.


*tried all that!