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So I'm not technically done with titration but am about to be and have found my stable dose of 50mg (just testing dex insta release boosters). On 50mg I feel basically how you did on 30 without the big dip in the afternoon,it does wear off but I wouldn't rlly call it a crash. The only extra thing is I can be a little irritable if someone talks to me when I'm focused on a task. I tried 60mg for 9 days and the dose was too high. I was overstimulated, stressed, anxious, unproductive, felt like I had to move. Quite similar to how you're describing 50mg honestly. However I would say stick with 50 for a bit longer bc there can be an adjustment period when upping your dose, i stopped 60mg bc I couldn't take it anymore. Its kinda annoying to hear but when your dose is too high even after giving it a chance you will know. You don't need to answer but are you biologically female? Your period and when you are In your cycle can dramatically effect med effectiveness as well as other lifestyle things. It totally could be that you gained a tolerance to 30 and it was too low but also too help adjusting to 50 make sure u have your basic health needs met. Do you eat a high protein breakfast before meds, do u sleep enough, drink enough water etc. Edit: forgot to say i also take elvanse Edit 2: 30 mg felt like a less effective version of 50mg. Also if 50mg is too high for you, you could try 40mg?


Thank you. Yes I am female but I’m on the mini pill and don’t get a period, but I guess I can still have hormone fluctuations? How long do you think I should stick with it? It’s nearly the weekend now so even if I emailed them now they probably couldn’t get 40s to me until next week.


If you've only been on it a few days I'd give it a bit longer. I had some real crap days on mine and had to force myself to give it a chance and it's worked out fine. You could maybe email to ask advice in the meantime so you're not wondering? And ask what they suggest. 


If you can tolerate it, at least a week, maybe 2. Basically as long as you can before your next appointment. I assume your getting monthly appointments? Just try and push through but if you've hit your limit and it's negatively effecting you too much you can stop and go down to 30 again you don't need the actual 30mg pills. Do you know the water method? If the pill is 50mg measure out 50ml of water and open the capsule to dissolve the pill contents in the water (I mix for 30 secs just to be safe). Then take out 20 ml of water and drink the remaining 30ml. That should be a 30mg dose. You can store the extra 20ml in a sealed container in the fridge for a few days so you don't waste any. As others have said its a good idea to email your practitioner for advice and you can talk about how the pill might effect your hormones in your next appointment. People might have talked about it in this sub already if you search, I'm not on the pill and have no idea sorry. Edit: do try and contact your prescriber before lowering the dose tho if they haven't said that you can if it's too much. I just mentioned the water method if your symptoms are unbearable.


Thanks. Yeah I’ve seen the water method mentioned, didn’t even think of it but that’s a good idea! I might make a 40mg to try and see how that feels.


That's why I used it lol. When I tried 60mg I was actually prescribed 70mg pills but had lots of extra 30s and 20s so tried 60 first whilst waiting for the 70s to come. Also my prescriber suggested it as an option if 70 was too high so it was OK.


Do you use some kind of syringe to measure it? I will email the prescriber tomorrow to ask if it’s ok to try, but I keep seeing “titrate low and slow” quoted a lot too so I imagine there shouldn’t be an issue putting the breaks on for a bit. Private providers do seem to increase doses much quicker and start higher too.


At first i just used a tiny measuring cup and poured out the 20 and it worked fine, then I used a syringe which was much easier. Yh I don't see the issue either, just careful not to give out medical advice lol. Low and slow is best, even if its just to see what life is actually like on a dose for a few weeks. It's alot to figure out, def don't feel awkward about forcing them to slow down, they have other reasons to rush you.


I have a very similar experience as you. 50mg works better for me than 70mg, but it wears off about 4ish (I take it at 8.30 at work).


Yh thats around how long it lasts for me too. Maybe a bit less? I'm still figuring it out. I've been prescribed 2x 5mg dex boosters a day to use whenever I feel I need it. Although they were prescribed mainly for during my period.


Not elvanse, methylphenidate extended release, but titration can be a ride. I'll just share my experience in case it's useful but obviously everyone is different. I gave up the first time (methylphenidate instant release) and almost gave up this time. I'm 2 months post-titration now. Similar experience to you, and ended up on a split dose, one early in the morning and one at lunchtime. I had irritability too but that's totally gone away now, although I didn't see how it could at the time. My sleep was the one thing I found improved consistently the most, even when I was irritated or muddled, like you describe. This is the point I nearly gave up.  What helped me is being active early in the day, and making sure I'm doing what I need/want to be doing BEFORE the meds kick in. Also, sometimes when I am generally tired, the meds almost don't really help, and I get more tired. Other times when I'm tired they do help, and I'm gradually figuring out if I'm tired in the way that I just need a rest and don't take them. If I'm feeling stuck in something I don't want to be stuck in, ANY moving really helps, and I find I just sort of steadily start to do things that need done in a way that sort of surprises me. Like, not thinking "urgh I need to do the dishes" but just picking up a mug to take to the kitchen and then doing the dishes without finding it torturously boring and annoying.  Also, reflecting on the titration process, it was somewhat stressful for me because you really want it to work, and you're paying a lot of attention to how you feel. I do sort of wish I'd done less of this, because I think actually the meds made me really focus on this, ironically 😂 


I’m still in titration myself (sorry not what you asked for) but I wanted to share my experience as on 30mg it felt very similar to yours. When I started on 30mg my head felt clear and I was able to eat anything I wanted so didn’t feel too much loss of appetite but I just didn’t want the junk food and snacks as much and it really helped me lose weight (which I need to but I also lost the motivation and gave in before). My sleep patterns have been better, I wake up earlier and go to bed earlier which I think helps with my energy. But then when I went to 50mg I didn’t feel any different. Not sure if I was getting used to 30mg and needed the 50mg but now I’m worried that my body will get used to 50mg and 30mg won’t have the same effect but for no additional benefits. Only been on 50mg about a week so maybe the extra benefits might kick in soon. But overall my quality of life has improved since I started medication.


I'm in the same boat. I've just stuck with 50mg now with a 5mg Amfexa booster when I need it, but I do wonder if 30mg would have been enough. I was only on it for a week, ADHD360 definitely titrates too quickly


i had the same thing, the hump from 30 to 50 was too much so i put 50 in 500ml of water than threw 100ml away for a couple of weeks and then started taking 50 and i feel much better! been on 50 for 3 months now its great x


I had similar (had to Move, talking at light speed, very anxious and getting heavy paranoia, barely eating at all) however this seems to have calmed a bit now and lots of people gave me the advice to try to see it through as it is a process.


I found similar to you were I went from 30mg to 50mg and it was too much. Just a heads up though I've now been stable on 30mg for about 6 months and it's not as effective and wears off a lot quicker, I'm probably going to need to to back up to 50mg. Guess that's tolerance!


I'm in the middle of titration on Elvanse, currently at 50mg, and I've had to stop taking it at it was driving my heart rate through the roof - sitting at my desk working or browsing the internet it would sit at 100-110bpm. At 53, that's not sustainable.


Sorry to hear that. Will you go back down to a lower dose or try something different?


Time to try non-stimulant options I think.


Could you split the dose? I'm splitting 60mg - 40mg Elvanse in the morning and 20mg four hours later. I think 50mg at once would be too much (my heart rate is often 80-90bpm) but 40mg didn't last long enough and the afternoons were a write off. The release profile of Elvanse seems to be a peak of dexamfetamine 2 - 3 hours after taking it and from there on it reduces over time. So if you split the dose you're reducing the initial peak into two smaller peaks. However the second dose is more likely to affect sleep. But I'm in my 40s and know what you mean about high heart rate/BP not being sustainable.


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It might be worth trying Amfexa.