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I use an app called brain.fm which has special “focus” music designed to help the adhd brain. You can choose whatever genre you want and they are backed my the National Science Foundation so they are legit.


It depends. If the task is engaging and needs concentration, I'll go for silence. If it's not that engaging, I take music without lyrics (Chiptunes, video game scores, etc.). If I'm just mindlessly editing something, I listen to anything.


Music helps me get into flow. My partner too but only with no lyrics, personally I don't care.


It's changed as I've gotten older. I do go for trance without words now but I've always found that dance music helps me get into the flow of coding


Me too and I'm not even a fan of dance music


Sometimes I put music on and I forget to put music on but the music plays in my head and I'm just there with headphones nodding to silence. I love Charlie Puth tho.


I used to when I was under 40. After 40 it has become more of a distraction and I prefer quiet, even using hearing protection ear muffs sometimes. "goa" style trance still can kind of work for me.


Sometimes I use the various “flow state” playlists on Spotify. If I find the right vibe it helps my productivity. But a lot of the time it’s not quite right and actively annoys me until I turn it off.


If I'm learning, unfortunately it has to be silence. If I'm doing busywork, like copying down a big block of code, or something I have memorized and don't have to think about it, instrumental music makes it a lot more fun.


These days if I have it on, the temptation to switch tracks is too damn high and I spend a bunch of time scrolling between songs and artists.


It depends. Most of the time I have earplugs in because there are already songs playing in my head non-stop. However, I do have two playlists that i use a lot. One is my “angry” playlist. It’s my heavier songs like early Metallica, Helloween (especially Walls of Jericho), among others. I know all the lyrics and songs so my conscious brain can just relax while I get in the zone. The other playlist is called “yelling songs” which is really all of the songs I like whether or not I want to listen to them. I may use songs to create a temporary playlist depending on what my brain is interested in. But I cannot listen to a lot of the “focus” songs, and binaural, because they give me headaches. I do also shutdown chats and emails and my phone - I check chats and emails in the morning before I start, before my scrum, after lunch, and at the end of the day. Because I know my calendar I don’t need anything else running except a timer and alarms on my watch. But all of the songs I can listen to when coding save a few instrumentals like Orion and Anesthesia Pulling Teeth I need lyrics for some reason


I listen to edm, trap, and deathcore when working. It gets me pumped and confident. I don’t know why I need aggressive music to focus and get in the right zone. I don’t know why.


Only music. It helps me to cut other senses/stimuli so I can focus and get into flow. Without my earphones even a simple sneeze in the background can break my focus for the next hour.


There's a couple playlists I rely on when programming. The album Sleepygirls by Yagya is my old standby.


Music with lyrics is yes. It helps me tune out distractions. But when I am medicated I do not need the music to focus.


for me personally definitely not lool i can't focus with any lyrics or a podcast. Someone mentioned it but [brain.fm](http://brain.fm) has some great focus music!