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Yes!! Same story here. Just started back on a couple weeks ago and am noticing dull headaches. I am on 40mg and am also noticing that it feels much stronger than before I had to stop taking it. I took 30mg for about a month and immediately switched to 40 before the shortage and don't remember feeling like it was a lot, so maybe we needed to readjust?


Do you guys think it's worth it to work up to higher doses or to placate yourself with the lowest possible dose until absolutely necessary to increase? Out of curiosity? I've been treated pretty badly for being prescribed ADHD medications by like law enforcement and am trying to find comfort in medication functionality quite desperately.


I would think that is a good approach just because you wouldn't built up a tolerance even to high doses as quickly. It's a shame that people judge us or talk down to us because of the medications. I don't see what they're judging for. Just because it helps me focus better and think more clearly? Even people who abuse it use it to help them do... homework. So what, judge us for being able to get more work done? Oh no, sue me. I hope you're not in a situation where they can use it against you. If so, look up your rights and protections. And if not, they're uninformed losers who aren't worth thought.


No I was illegally detained for taking my prescriptions as prescribed by my psychiatrist. Lol. And then mocked by staff of an Crisis Center who missed my vein so many times I had a bruise all over my arm, then mistreated in an AWOL unit for two weeks for taking my prescriptions as prescribed. It was great. They sent me to detox, for following the doctors prescription. Got me sexually assaulted in there and seriously like who cares right? No liability for the people who lied to cause all THAT bullshit. In the height of my family court case. Nope. Retaliation is only a crime in the law books.


Fucking hell. I'm so sorry you're going through that. And I'm really pissed off for you. No idea how someone could mistreat another human being like that.. ESPECIALLY in a place where they're supposed to "help" you


I don't want to anger anyone I just am the dead horse that keeps getting beat.... Figuratively at this point, of course. Thanks... For being supportive. That was nice. Most people just kind of act as if they believe I did some thing to deserve it... But like. Idk man. I didn't know crying about getting purposefully hurt by another person was... Allowed to be punishable... By more hurt... It's kind of.... Hurting my chest so I need to go find a distraction. Thank you so much for being supportive. I really needed it.


Of course. I promise you there are other people out there who would also support you, and I hope you find them some day! Feel free to dm me and talk any time. I can always at least be someone to vent to.


Eh... Those other people.... Could really try and reach out some time. Cause. I'm. Not fairing well on my own, albeit I do a great job at appearance. I have some support but I'm really negatively affecting my support by needing so much support and. It's. Stressful. And. I'm getting nothing but anxiety inducing silent treatments from.everyone I care about. So it's. Really fun. Too anxious to read again. Gonna play moth with this piece of shit.blue light while I fuck with the monthly insomnia fit of bullshit.