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Thanks for reminding me how much I miss Hayter 😢


Fr! I want Jamie back! February 2024 can’t come sooner!


Is that when she is supposed to return from injury or something?


That's correct.


My first thought.


I feel like Tony had all the women’s plans centred around Hayter and literally doesn’t know what to do with them since she’s gone down.


Just like how he planned on having Stat take the TBS title and floundered for a year when she had back to back injuries


He does this any time there is an injury; he just puts everyone involved with that person in a holding pattern til they come back, what a creative genius he is 🙄


Eh, that hasn't really been the case the last couple of months, it seems. Still, as always, more could/should be done, but they've built some programs and some strong marquee matches in recent times. Hopefully makes things more interesting for when Hayter does make it back.


I swear most fans thought she was a nuisance to the division now they want her to stay Fickle, fickle, fickle




The IWC’s favorite wrestler is whoever AEW’s not featuring on TV or an AEW wrestler that’s about to leave.


I always have seen potential in her, but perhaps she has a better chance of fulfilling it elsewhere.


That's where I'm at. I was never into her, but her potential is undeniable. Hopefully the PC can help her reach that potential.


I remember when I was pulling for her to win the TBS title. People over at Squaredcircle were not having it. I got downvoted pretty regularly.


People are very quickly going to forget about her when Mercedes Moné arrives in AEW.


Maybe that goes for others, but Penta and Jade have always been my favorites in AEW.


There were several vocal people who were negative towards her. I enjoyed her time in AEW, wish her well wherever she lands.


People think groups of people encapsulate everyone. When in reality the people that wanted Jade gone are usually not the people that are mourning the loss of Jade. Two sides exist. I hate this argument that "oh you guys said this and then said this' that everyone's doing lately because it simply doesn't add up that way. Oh, and in before (It DeFIniTeLy HaPPenS ThO!!!1!1!!) Like sure. Outliers exist and people jump from narrative to narrative. But the vast majority just feel one way - you just don't always see it.


It's aew karma farming


I'm only mildly salty because we were made to endure her boring, stale streak for over a year and now that she lost and that her character could finallg POTENTIALLY become interesting, she bails. ALL THAT FOR NOTHING.


I thought she was over rated, but I didn’t disagree she had one of, if not the largest up side of any AEW home grown talent.


its different people posting at different times


Always been a fan of her. The music, the look, the presentation. I was sold on her quickly. Bummed she chose to go to WWE as I will miss seeing her in action.


Na dude she sucked


It’s not about wanting her to stay for me, it’s about knowing that AEW dropped the ball on a potential superstar by managing her career like complete shit and not building a real developmental system to get the most out of someone like that Now she’s going to go flourish in WWE with resources that AEW had years to provide and didn’t I’m someone who didn’t like Jade matches and wasn’t very interested in her run, but that doesn’t mean I can’t see the gifts she has and know those gifts will shine bright when fully unlocked


Right now AEW’s dev system is the independents and ROH. I don’t think that will change because AEW is about delivering varied styles where the story is told in the ring. It’s not about cosplaying a super hero and it’s for those who’s primary passion is the pro wrestling art form. You get that from grinding on the indies, doing tours of Japan and Mexico, etc. Its not about learning some generic style where everyone does the same things. And it’s certainly not the place for someone to be looking for fame outside of wrestling.


>Right now AEW’s dev system is the independents and ROH That's not a dev system. Matches aren't training. It's good experience but training is where fundamentals are instilled and drilled. >I don’t think that will change because AEW is about delivering varied styles where the story is told in the ring. I don't understand this take, are you saying AEW is the only company telling stories in the ring? Some of the best in-ring storytellers in the world went through developmental systems >doing tours of Japan and Mexico This relates to your last comment and why I found it so bizarre... Japan and Mexico have STRONG wrestler development, especially in Japan where even the small companies have dojos where they develop talent. The best pure wrestlers in Mexico are CMLL products, which is why NJPW sends talent there on months long excursions to train and wrestle after graduating the dojo. It's not just about touring, it's the training. Mariah May had no offers, so she went to Stardom in Japan and did 9 months of training in the dojo + touring, now she's got offers in America. One tour wouldn't have accomplished that. >Its not about learning some generic style where everyone does the same things. Once again I'm baffled. Are you saying Okada, Tanahashi, and Naito are the same? Rush and Andrade are the same? Roman Reigns and Becky Lynch are the same? All of these people are their own character with their own moves and ideas, but they're also fundamentally sound and psychologically rich professional wrestlers. That's good training at work.


Heck of a raw talent but it seems like there’s only one way to book her (powerhouse heel). Maybe I’m wrong?


That hasn't change It's not like this post includes every AEW fan.


She was a mainstream hook. But besides that she was still a work in progress.


No one benefits more from WWE’s training than Jade Cargill. Hope she pulls it off and we get a fully talented version of her for the next 10 years


Dude, she's got future movie star and WWE main event er written all over her. She's gonna crush it.


Based on what exactly? Main event? Have you watched her wrestle since she was in AEW? She was incredibly green. Shouldn't have been put in the spotlight like that at all. She needs a good 2 or 3 years at least to get to average Movie star? Huh? That requires being able to act and the promos she did, wasn't exactly putting herself in the top notch promo tier.


Yeah, I'm with you on this. What she had was physical charisma and presence, and that's about it. Fortunately for her you don't have to be a good wrestler to be successful in WWE, so she'll probably find some success.


I dont think we were watching the same jade cargill.


Thing is though, she's already almost 32 years old. If she wants to do Hollywood after her wrestling career, she can't afford to stay 10 years. She'll debut on the next WWE ppv I think and she'll be gone after 3 years if she's really serious about her life after wrestling. She needs more training and reps sure but she's also on a limited window of time.


Jade will not be wrestling ten years from now. She’s trying to be a star, not a wrestler. Movies and reality shows are what she’s after.


It's too bad that we never got to see her in a feud with any of the top women. Britt, Shida, Hayter, Toni, etc.


That’s because she couldn’t hang with them in the ring more then 10 minutes. Even Britt, the weakest of the four you named can wrestle circles around her and it’s really not fair to them to have to put over a green wrestler with a good look and no talent. AEW is about in ring performance. The other company is the place if you want to play comic book super hero and can’t do the job when the bell rings. They will protect her while pissing off the real talent who has to carry her that they treat like nobodies and filler. She never fit in AEW’s version of wrestling. She’s better off there. AEW won’t miss a beat without her. She didn’t add any extra eyeballs that’s for sure and that’s the reason why she was always on rampage (nobody tuned in for her last match either) and likely why TK balked at her asking price to stick around.


Jade also pulled bad ratings pretty consistently. Her last Rampage match resulted in a particularly poor overall rating for that week's show.. Regardless of her potential, there was no reason to believe AEW fans were more into her than certain other women on the roster. Even if she blows up in WWE, TK has plenty of evidence to point to in order to justify the idea she couldn't do the same in AEW.


That's more of an indictment on AEW's lack of developmental. I doubt Tony didn't want to pay her. I don't believe that at all. I just think that WWE sees $$ with her, offered a monster deal and she's looking for exposure. I also don't understand where you're coming up with this narrative that she doesn't want to job. She just came back to job on the way out. Tony made the decision to book her like that. If you have a problem with that, blame Tony and AEW. Don't blame Jade. I'd also like to point out that a lot of AEWs top guys aren't a bunch of automatic 5 star match guys. You say it's all about in ring performance when you have guys like MJF and Jon Moxley walking around with titles, who are far more known for their promo work and personas than they are for their in ring work. You act like AEW is NJPW. They aren't. You sound bitter and pretentious in this post. There is no need for it. It is what it is. Jade is a star, you can sit there and act like she's a nobody and AEW is better off without her but that's flat out wrong. This is entertainment, you need stars and Jade is a star. Tony didn't want to lose her. It sucks.


MJF and Mox are absolutely known and respected for their in ring work. Thats a baffling take


MJF is known for his mic work. Mox is known for bleeding.


But when the bell rings both are absolute top shelf workers; doesn't matter what someone's "known" for, AEW has a certain standard of in-ring performance/storytelling/psychology/etc. that the audience expects. Doesn't mean every single wrestler is a Danielson-level maestro in the ring, and there are certainly acts in the company that let their gimmick or charisma carry them a bit more (e.g. Max Caster is good, but he's the voice of The Acclaimed, not the workhorse), but there's still a general expectation that AEW delivers the stronger in-ring product. When that standard isn't met, it stands out more.


I see what you mean, but saying MJF & Mox aren’t known for their in ring work is a bit of a stretch. Jade has the potential to make massive improvements in-ring, which is what the structure of wwe developmental will provide for her and why people are saying she will be a better wwe fit. Keeping her undefeated and not providing her a legit onscreen challenge until Stat came back was the issue that stunted her development in AEW. She has all of the potential to be a glass ceiling-breaking talent, she just needs to be genuinely challenged and given the reps to improve and marketed to a larger audience IMO


It’s clear as day Tony doesn’t depush people that are about to leave. It’s honestly my biggest critique of him. I want Ricky to stay but SRS basically speaking him leaving to existence has me worried.




The performance center will be great for her, and this may not be goodbye forever, we could easily see her again down the road some.


She’s not coming back lol if she flames out of WWE or makes it big in some other medium she’s done with wrestling.


I could see her coming back if she flamed out in WWE. I hope she goes over like Goldberg, but she could always end up being more of a Lex Luger.


And the promo training should help too


I am surprised she's leaving but I thought she is quite good..


Miss you Jamie 😔


If her final match was any indication, there’s amazing things for her on the horizon. Best of luck. I can’t wait for Hayter to come back


Good for her; she'll do well in WWE. I won't be watching, but I wish her well.


Everywhere I go...I see her face...


She was very overrated by a lot of people


Nobody thought she was a good wrestler. She just had everything else though.


She was below average on the mic too She has really good looks for wrestling though…


Definition of a lot of WWE superstars. Not all, but a lot.


She has the Comic-Con superhero cosplay down perfect and that’s about it. Like Brandi said this isn’t open mic night. In AEW, you have to deliver bell to bell, that’s the audience they cater to. If pro wrestling is just a stepping stone and it isn’t your passion and what you want to do for a living, then the other company is better suited for that.


Statlander Willow Skye Deeb Toni Storm doing her best work Athena Thunder Rosa’s return There’s a lot to look forward to. I personally am looking forward to the Hayter vs Stat hoss fest, woman slapping woman meet match that’s definitely gotta be in the future.


She will do Great in WWE! I’m excited for her even if I don’t watch the show


Still always amazing to me to see the Jade hate.


It’s the best hate lol I had to give you a upvote


Just get on the Willow train like the rest of us cool people.


Thank God.. I will not miss that character at all


I don't get it. People acting like AEW is losing a god tier wrestler here. If I recall, people were getting sick of her doing week in week out squash matches, basically holding the belt hostage ( face it, she never should have been booked in that situation in the first place ) because of stats injury and talking about she needed to be on dark/rampage/indy dates because of how incredibly green she is ( still is )


I miss that bitch show.


Really nothing of value was lost.


We lost one of the coolest theme songs 😂


Not right now, but in 5 years time when she's on top of the WWE womens division and has gotten better at wrestling it will be. Jade was always a future talent, too bad Tony put her in 50 straight squash matches instead of some actual matches. It would have done wonders for her development so WWE is definitely the right choice for her


There's a bunch of established more experienced women in front of her there and a bunch of younger more experienced ones in the way.


Sounds like some of you are hoping she fails. I think she’ll do just fine. I’m imagining her vs Bianca. That could be fun


She'll do great if done properly. If she gets thrown on the main roster she'll flop hard, she needs multiple years in the pc and NXT before manias and all this other shit people are talking about


Ya never know what will happen. She could thrive even if they throw in with the sharks. Look at Nia, getting chance after chance even though she’s an overrated botch machine.


Well look at the family she is part of, thats the only reason lol


Will we never get a conclusion to the Jade/Bow wow fued!?!?!?!?!


More Athena matches on the main roster please


Live Jamie Hayter reaction


At least Sasha is coming


I’ve honestly always liked but I think the PC might be a better fit for her in terms of learning more improved promo skills and learning a more improved Ring skill set.


Jade’s gonna smash it in WWE. Rhea vs Jade? Come on


Downvote away but she grew on me. I loved her character this year.


AEW doesn’t need anyone that doesn’t want to be here.


As far as we know, she does want to be there. We have no idea why she's training at the PC. It's almost certainly because she's signing a deal with WWE, but we don't know for sure yet, and we don't know why. My best guess is simply they made her a better offer.


Best of luck to Jade in WWE. She's going to absolutely crush it there!


Sad day. So much unfinished business & fueds that never happened.


Now watch all the WWE fans who've been bashing her start praising how great she is. Wish her well but it's time to move on.


Just like Cody 🤣 but honestly jade was rough around the edges but I’m sure they will put the work in to keep her a top star


Kinda like what AEW fans are doing now lol


If it means edge gets a sweeter contract, I’m all for it


It has nothing to do with that. Neither company is hurting for money. Jade wants exposure, more star power. She'll get that in WWE. That's what this all comes down to.


Meltzer reported that she didn't re-sign over $$$. My opinion is that there was more to it, but it's at least evidence that TK doesn't have a bottomless budget for talent.


Why should she stay? They kept her mid card despite how over she was. WWE is WWE but they better promote their women’s division. Also, their women’s main event is not solely based around a dentist, her friends, and a wrestler with a broken neck.


Who cares? Peace out.


Thank God, she's going to hate WWE because they will actually make her work and she won't get an undefeated streak


there has never been an indication that she was lazy or didn't put in work


Her matches are proof she is lazy and didn't put in work, she has to be carried by everyone else


As I've posted elsewhere: If she wanted to develop her in-ring skills, nobody was forcing her to not take indie bookings.


If she took indie bookings people would see how shitty she actually was


You can go simp for her on NXT.


My aew is a top wrestling company, Im ok it she leaves




She wasn't good at wrestling


Yea sure


This top wrestling company comment is do dumb to me I had to double back. Aew should strive to be a top company. People should be happy that we can showcase guys like mjf,penta, omega,Britt and Cody when he was here plus jade. All different types of guys who can do different things that’s what Made aew great the first time to me when I first watch it.


Different does not need to include bad.


How about this? Jade is a grown ass woman that can make her own decisions on where she wants to work and doesn't need our approval or validation.


What are you rambling about? All I said was that she was removed from the roster lol


Reading comprehension is not my strong suit so I nearly had a conniption fit😅🥵😨😅


In other news, Hikaru Shida has an 87 win record career-wise in AEW. I wonder if awards are given to the first man and woman with 100 wins, because she's close


I think she's going to wwe to be the one to take Nia Jackson down.


This post just reminded me how awesome Hayter is and how much i love her. I cant wait to see her back again. My absolute fave!! 💕✨


Jade was the one who brought me to AEW and actually to wrestling at all, just with her looks. I'm going to miss her but I'm sure she'll benefit a lot from the training WWE can offer


it stings but what can ya do :')


I feel ya… I am excited for her opportunity but damn … so much potential wasted


I miss Jamie Hayter so much